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Everything posted by Ranjeet01

  1. You know and I know this, but what is wrong with these people in our quam who go over and beyond what they ought to be doing.
  2. It comes from the need to acommodate and be all inclusive. Our people feel the need to deprecate our needs and prioritise others over ourselves. There are elements of gora society that does this and we follow suit.
  3. Quite ironic as the Jews in Hollywood never allowed their women to act. They preferred the "Shiksa " (Yiddish term for non-Jewish women) But they allowed Jewish women to act in Bollywood. I wonder if it has to do with the type of Jew they are. Hollywood Jews were Ashkenazi but Bollywood Jews were not.
  4. This guy has just come across into my feed. Interesting content. Have you guys heard of this Singh? Could be the next YouTube star! He mentions Sikhi principles and applies into financial discipline.
  5. I don't like that propaganda line either, it makes me cringe. Some of our Sikhs live off past glories and a past reputation.
  6. Shasters is not only about taking out your kirpans. Shasters come in different forms, sometimes it is legal, sometimes it is political, other times it is financial. You need to take out the right kind of shaster as per the situation. Sometimes warfare is bloodless.
  7. Simple <banned word filter activated> for tat. Turn the abandoned mosques into gurdwaras. Disband the waqf board in Punjab. As per usual, the muslims have shown us the right way to do things. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
  8. I cannot tell whether she is doing gymnastics or breakdancing
  9. Pak Punjab seems to be on the extremes as in they are extremely religiously pious or extremely sexual/sinful . Maybe the extremities causes this peversion. It seems that they are not a particularly healthy society. If you suppress something extremely it then causes some weird letting off steam elsewhere. I am not sure what kind of interaction there is between males and females there. The peversion seem to be more apparent when there is a lot of segregation.
  10. When you see those videos, I know there are these types in our side of Punjab as well but not to the same extent. There are elements of Punjabi culture that us post-partition Punjabis are not familiar with because we are not exposed to the muslim part of Punjabi culture which would have been familiar to our grandparents. I think we have an image of Punjab being a clean and wholesome compared to the "decadent" west but clearly there is a lot of decadence in Punjabi culture. This is non-western decadence. I imagine pre-partition (in grandparents generation or even great-grandparents generation) where a bunch of lads from Jalandhar get on a train to go to Lahore to check out Heera Mandi like some boys would go to Soho for the peep shows. I remember my mum telling me once that someone gave her family a calendar with a courtesan dancer on it and her grandmother got rid of it because in those days courtesans were seen as prostitutes and quite smutty. It seems that the muslim part of Punjabi culture is filthier and seedier than the Sikh or even Hindu part of Punjabi culture.
  11. The jawline and the adam's apple give it away.
  12. The problem with what our Sikhs will have with Hagia Sophia was that it was a church first and then turned into a mosque. It isn't any old church, it is a very significant church that represents the heart of Orthodox Christianity. We do not like iconoclasm no matter what religion does it. It just so happens Muslims generally love to take over other religions places of worship and call it conquest. Even though Evangelicals are trying to convert Punjab to Christianity we have a sense of fair play that maybe those empire building Abrahamics don't have. I am sure if there was a mosque that was built on a site that had no other structure on it before nor any any place of worship that was taken over and there was a new Abrahamic religion to come out of the middle east which began taking over this mosque, we as Sikhs would object to it.
  13. Those Central Asian republics are where the Iranian world meets the Mongolian/Turkic world so you see the mix between the two races. They look similar to when white people marry oriental people and have mixed raced kids.
  14. There are a lot of ethnic Russians in the Central Asian republics. This is due to the Soviet era. Though if you have stopped over in Tashkent on the way to Punjab, their women are very attractive. Poverty +hunger for money after communism + being very attractive = lethal combination for prostitution.
  15. The sale of alcohol has some particular rules. If a particular state distils alcohol, it cannot be sold in that state. The southern states of India are big producers of alcohol. Also be aware that just because alcohol may have low consumption in some states, the population may consume other kinds of nasha.
  16. The trick is to give but not expect anything back. Be outcome independent.
  17. People in India are stubborn. Their belief systems are fluid. They can worship a devta in a mandir and then go to gurdwara to matha tek. They will turn Christ worship into the same thing. If they think they can make an Indian solely believe in Christ, they are in for a big surprise. Indians have a habit of indianising foreign influences, they absorb and turn it into something else.
  18. Very surprising since Sikhs have been living in Singapore for more than a century. It's not as if the Chinese, Malays and Tamils aren't familiar with Sikhs. Though Singapore has had a massive influx of migrants (blue collar and white collar) and what has happened the old mix,what I mean here are the established communities(Chinese,Malay,Tamil, Sikh) are being priced out and pushed out.
  19. They don't do langar in churches. I bet some of these "Christian" Punjabis pick and choose. They like to have their cake and eat it.
  20. Dual mating strategy is part of hypergamy. Ideally women want a highly financial successful man with high social status who is also over 6 foot tall and is athletically built with broad shoulders and V taper and narrow waist. That is not always possible. Evolutionary speaking, you have more female ancestors than male because women historically chose the top men. 80 per cent of men never had any children. Biologically (animal instinct) women would share an alpha with other man than be with a faithful loyal beta loser. If you are top level male and you had other women, your current spouse will not necessarily leave you because being desired by other women means that you higher market value in a lot of their eyes.
  21. What you have is quite right but I can reply to certain things on this topic which may not give a full picture. Women have dual mating strategy which can be quite difficult to achieve. Women want the tall buff guy which they would like children with and also have the strong provider to help out with raising the children. There is generally a compromise. Women have something called hypergamy and this traditionally has been controlled in society. That is why we never see the full extent of female nature. However with feminism and the sexual revolution for the last 50 years, there is unfettered hypergamy and in society we are beginning to parts of female nature publicly exposed and there are women beginning to say things publicly which is make this abundantly clear. Here is a quote from Sheryl Sandberg: my advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them. The things that make the bad boys sexy do not make them good husbands. When it comes time to settle down, find someone who wants an equal partner. Someone who thinks women should be smart, opinionated and ambitious. Someone who values fairness and expects or, even better, wants to do his share in the home. These men exist and, trust me, over time, nothing is sexier. There are good reasons as to why are society has been structured. Some may it is patriarchal etc but the more you see where society is headed the more you realise why certain things were controlled in the first place.
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