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Everything posted by Ranjeet01

  1. Men and women are different. Women want the highest value man that they can find. Even when they are 'past it', they still think they are entitled to the high value men. Men want the hottest woman they can find. This is all evolutionary biology. Your cousin brother's wife had to 'settle'. What this means is that she was not able to find the partner she wanted and she realised that she is not attractive as she was (like in her early 20's), so they have to lower their expectations. There is a phrase that is used with women when they reach a particular age and they realise they are not as attractive as they once were. It is called 'hitting the wall'
  2. Your mother's friend daughter wants someone who earns 100k and above. The more money a woman makes, the less available suitors will be for her. This is called hypergamy. Women marry up.
  3. The implant of English and Scottish settlers was definitely part of that. As well as some of the Dublin elite.
  4. One of the things about the IRA is that they are seen as freedom fighters to some and terrorists to others. However, I knew quite a few Irish (from the Republic and they are Catholics as well) and they hated the IRA because they are seen as gangsters. They are involved in drug dealing, extortion, gambling etc. The Unionist paramilitaries were just as bad, if not worse.
  5. In the old days you could afford to live on one income with 5-6 kids. You cannot do that now, you need 2 incomes.
  6. What I find with our people is that small children are predominantly looked after by the grandparents. Go to the gates during school run and a lot of times it is the grandparents picking up the kids. The young parents are usually at work. If they don't have their parents to look after them, the children are taken to private nurseries or some kind of childcare. This can explain why some people get married and have kids later. Because they have enough money to be able to afford kids, so that one spouse can take more time out or work part-time.
  7. It goes back centuries. Ireland was a colony of the Brits. (William of Orange) Potato famine in the 19th century forced Irish to move to the Americas. Massacre in Dublin I think in the early 1900s. Read up about Michael Collins (Ireland's Bhagat Singh) Formation of Irish Republic except Northern Ireland which was Protestant majority (made up English and Scottish settlers during the time of William of Orange) This is kind of my summary understanding.
  8. What defines a Jew is not necessarily about the Jewish faith. It is a tribe and an ethnicity. What this means is that you can be an atheist and still be a Jew. In their eyes, a Jew can convert to Sikhi, take Amrit and still be a Jew.
  9. People have high expectations. Everybody seems to be educated these days and that makes them more picky.
  10. I think main worry is that we marry late and have kids late. However, in the old days it was common to have lots of kids. So it was common for there to be a huge age gap between the oldest child and the youngest child (by 20 odd years) by the point that a couple's eldest grandchild can be the same age (or even older) than their youngest child. My dad had 2 mama's that were younger than him. My mum's bhuas son was the same age as her dad.
  11. By our cultural norms it is yes, marrying in your thirties is deemed as late. But in a gora culture, marrying at that age is normal. Imagine being an apna getting married at 25 and having a kid at 26. A gora would say "Wow! Married and being a parent by 26" There is a multi-layered answer to this.
  12. The problem you are going to have to start a fresh place for Sikhs is that once it becomes successful, the Hindus and Pakistanis will flock there. This is because once Sikhs move there in droves, you get liberal sjw types that will encourage migration of Hindus and Pakistanis. Wherever we go, these groups will follow.
  13. Are you not single and in your mid 30s. Since you are in this demographic, why do you think this is the case?
  14. There are certain things I have noticed regarding the muslims in the west. If you live in a high muslim populated area (particularly in the UK). Since 911, muslims have been on the back foot. They are being pushed to liberalise and become less closed off, they are being pushed to integrate and their women are now working and mixing with Kafirs. Have you noticed how many hijab women work? There are definitely changes taking place but it is under the radar. The elites I think want westernise Islam and export it back to the muslim countries
  15. Please explain how I am a hypocrite? Have you ever donated for homeless in Punjab? Have you ever donated Sikh widows in 1984, I have. Have you donated to Pingalwara, I have. I have even helped with opening of Sikh schools, I have. At least you know it helps the people directly and you can see the benefits. It benefits my kaum. The more you write the more you seem to be a plant for some organisation. So please tell me who are you working for and what kind of data are you trying to gather?
  16. Keep on trolling It has been explained by many other posters here. I have actually met Ravi Singh several times as well some of the volunteers. I even know some of them. I have actually donated monies to KA and actual stuff like for example wet wipes, soap, nappies etc directly in the Recreation Centre next to the Ramgharia Gurdwara in Slough when they did the Nepal Earthquake Appeal. But after a while, you start to question where the charity monies and donations go to. When you work on stalls in melas where you see other charities like SOPW that actually do things directly for Sikhs, it makes you question things even more. It's like that old saying "Charity begins at home" If you have not understand anything after all this time then there is not much we can do for you.
  17. Your passive aggressive tendencies coming out again troll. He is not Khalsa Aid and doing it as a Sikh charity, he is doing it as an individual. There are many Sikh people working in the NHS as well as Sikh patients so Sikhs will benefit as well.
  18. There are probably answers to this but it wouldn't be politically correct.
  19. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/familyhealth/meet-the-73-year-old-skipping-sikh-making-daily-exercise-videos-to-raise-money-for-the-nhs/ar-BB12M9SC?li=AAJt1k3&ocid=mailsignout Hope I have scooped this before BJ Singh. I have also purchased a jump rope :) A 73-year-old raising money for the NHS by posting inspiring daily workouts online is gaining a following on social media as the 'Skipping Sikh'. Rajinder Singh, from Slough in Berkshire, says many Sikhs are suffering in isolation following the closure of the Gurdwaras due to the virus outbreak. To help alleviate loneliness and keep the Sikh community connected, Mr Singh is making exercise videos for those missing their daily exercise, food and prayer. At the same time, Mr Singh, originally from Punjab, India, is raising money for the NHS. Skipping at a standard most boxers would envy and sprinting laps of his allotment, his uplifting videos have been shared widely online. Mr Singh said his father, who was in the army, taught him how to skip. © Provided by Evening Standard Mr Singh's daughter has been helping him upload his videos to YouTube (Rajinder Singh) He told the Evening Standard: "I want people to join my lockdown challenge and get their daily exercise in and donate towards this great cause. "Health is wealth and if we stay home and stay healthy, we are actually helping the NHS not just to save lives because of Covid-19 but also from helping ourselves from getting potentially any other illness especially in the Asian community where we suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol. "I want to do my bit to help and as a 73-year-old man, I feel so humbled and blessed from the support people are giving me not just in my community from all over the world." © Provided by Evening Standard The 73-year-old hopes his fitness videos will life people's spirits (Rajinder Singh) Mr Singh is used to getting exercise while working at his allotment, but he's branching out with skipping sessions and weights in the form of watering cans and tyres. He says staying at home is a bit of a "culture shock" for the Sikh community, and hopes his videos will lift people's spirits. See Skipping Sikh's other Tweets He added: "My exercise videos have inspired and motivated everyone, not just elders. "I want us to do everything we can to support the NHS and lets stay safe, stay home and stay healthy." https://cdn.jwplayer.com/players/rxdAhYrr-hKY5LbS1.html A Message From Prince Charles To Sikhs In The UK On Vaisakhi Mr Singh's daughter Minreet Kaur is helping him upload his daily videos to YouTube, asking everyone to join with his fitness challenges. She said: "My dad started this fundraiser as the NHS are doing such a brilliant job at saving lives, they are our heroes and they work so hard. "Whilst people would walk away from this pandemic, they are at the frontline doing an absolutely fantastic job." © Provided by Evening Standard Mr Singh is fundraising for NHS workers on the frontline of the pandemic (Rajinder Singh) Mr Singh said the reaction to his videos has been "heartwarming" and said people have been getting in touch from around the world. "It has inspired people to start skipping, some are ordering skipping ropes, others are looking for their skipping ropes and some are just joining in to do exercise," he said. "My story has made people smile and this is so nice to hear."
  20. Because they are insecure and feel the need to find a way to put other religions down so they can feel better about themselves.
  21. Yes, but they follow in the footsteps of Sikhs over other non Punjabi Hindus.
  22. Never understood how council rates are affordable for halal shops and pound shops but not for other stores.
  23. Punjabi films have overtaken Bollywood films outside of India in terms of popularity. You see the Hindu Punjabi Bollywood actors suddenly discover their Punjabi roots.
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