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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. The phone book? I'll extend you the same opportunity that I offered Jagsaw: let's approach the mods and ask them to provide us records of who visits the site, at what times, and for how long. It's not rocket science. They'll be able to dispel this baffling myth that my detractors seem to enjoy peddling, probably because it's the go-to shaming tactic on this forum when there's nothing of substance to use as criticism.
  2. Lol, you can't even complete a sentence without a typo. Have some pride in the means you use to express yourself. You breaking out the multi-syllable words is hilarious. What's your dictionary of choice: Oxford or Collins? Or the ones available from Poundland? Might want to use a real bookmark once in a while instead of the virtual ones you constantly use on PornHub. Get married, you filthy scrote. Harmless skin conditions shouldn't be a deal breaker in this day and age. I see you, BT, I see you! ?
  3. Balle, balle, shera! Where's this come from? ? Very little I say originates from the television or the newspapers because I like to think for myself. Regurgitating second hand tidbits so they actually become third hand tidbits is your area of expertise, such as the belief that Brexit -- a severing of ties (kinda) with the European mainland in a political sense will halt migration from Africa and the Middle East. Did you read that in the Daily Mail, you cretin? An intelligent person would realise this, but then I am interacting with you, so that rules that out. Envy is an unattractive quality. Either improve yourself or have enough shame to keep your mouth shut and remove all doubt as to your so-called capabilities.
  4. It's not changing a thing aside from surface issues. The rot has set deep, and it will require more than Brexit to sort it out. What it has achieved is sown the seeds for a class war that I think will come to fruition in the next 40 or so years.
  5. Define "clued on." My instinct says this will make their children and successive generations more susceptible - and at a greater speed -- to the issues that took decades to creep into the mentality of those who were born and raised in the UK from the 50s to the 80s. From my experience, the new arrivals in the UK who have settled here via places like Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, etc., are certainly as you've described them, and in a way I admire their fearlessness to a certain degree, because they've hit the ground running in a society that has very little of the social issues that our elders had to contend with when they arrived on these shores. But because of the relative ease with which they've adapted to these western countries, there also comes complacency. And that complacency will manifest itself in the attitudes and the conduct of their children in the coming years and decades. What needs to be noted is the original culture and the land from which they've arrived. The Punjab of today, as you mentioned, is virtually unrecognisable in terms of the values and principles it indirectly imparts to its people. Today's Punjabis are craven materialists; globalists and unfettered consumers in spirit and conduct before they've set foot on foreign soil. Those values are not being reassessed or analysed as potential problems down the road because nobody is awake to the idea that such potential pitfalls are in existence.
  6. Awesome post in general but this is bang on. Even the most nakhama (feckless) Punjabi won't remain single. The family and the community won't allow it, lol. God knows what these guys would do if they had to fend for themselves, and attract a mate based on ingenuity, talent, charm, etc. But in the future as the decades go by and our western-based communities become even more westernised, do you foresee those future generations succumbing to the same cultural issues that the whites of these nations are currently struggling with?
  7. I've had more spiritually nourishing and uplifting conversations with what the media would label as white nationalist pagans, than people of my own culture and faith. That's so frigged up it beggars belief, lol. I wish I was joking.
  8. We are susceptible to materialism in some of the most grossest and obvious ways, and although this definitely isn't unique to us, it somehow seems a lot more egregious when it manifests itself in our people in a graphic manner because it seems to contradict the religious underpinning of our culture that directs us to be wary of these desires. Our conversations are limited to where we work, how much we earn, where we live, what we own, and similar considerations. When was the last time you met a fellow Sikh who genuinely and sincerely enquired as to your well-being? Even those who profess to be spiritually minded are not exempt from this mentality. In fact, in this topsy turvy modern world, these are the people who have the greatest appetites for such trivialities while presenting an image of the absolute opposite.
  9. We have a hard-working mentality and possess an uncanny ability to weather some rather unpalatable times without much complaint, although this quality is diminishing in line with whichever foreign culture we're exposed to in our day-to-day lives. At our best and our most positive, our passion and our never-say-die attitude would be an asset to any proud race on the face of this planet. We have a rather mischievous sense of humour and that's pretty endearing especially when he see the silver lining in even the most darkest of situations. It's unfortunate our intellectual development as a unique group has stalled, because the greater the development of a particular group's understanding of itself, the world, and its place in that world, the more likely that community is to thrive on its own terms. Sadly, we seem to graze on the scraps of other cultures while neglecting our own ways, which we've been convinced are inferior. That all ties into not having a positive "base" to which we can return and rejuvenate in ways that speak and are relevant to the majority and not just a small minority.
  10. Major weakness: a willingness to prioritise other faiths, doctrines, and people above Sikhi via a warped and purposefully skewed interpretation of their own religion. The reasons for doing so are multiple: sometimes it's a result of genuine ignorance; other times it's total cowardice veiled as saintliness stemming from being unable or unwilling to assert Sikh interests as a priority, choosing to use the egalitarian aspects of Sikh teachings to demote ourselves and the collective for the sake of outsiders, viewing the act as a spiritually noble deed that will be rewarded. Another weakness: we have no home of our own. We are scattered around the world, and even our so-called homeland is not in our hands. We're at the mercy of other cultures and religions and people, and that is incredibly damaging for any distinct group of people. Weakness: we are superficial and suffer from short-term-ism. This is unfortunately ingrained in us on a deep level. We don't think ahead but tend to react after the fact when it's too late to affect change. We never learn from the experiences of others, but tend to stubbornly plough ahead and would rather suffer than swallow one's pride and heed the warnings. We also have a Feast or Famine mentality, where people swing from being hard-drinking, drug-abusing fiends one moment, and then a few years later are trying to present an image of unparalleled holiness that's susceptible to collapse at the first sign of trouble. There's an uncomfortable truth that we are only capable of behaving ourselves when we have the sword of Damocles looming over our heads, otherwise we exist for excess and extremes. There's a reason certain sections of our people continue to wish for the return of a powerful Sikh figure to rally the masses, because we cannot police ourselves in times of so-called peace and prosperity. We enjoy being lead and controlled and dominated. Means we don't have to think for ourselves. Last one for today: we ain't loyal.
  11. Get a job, you f*****n cripple. Man's knocking on 50, and still refuses to grow up. Gtfo with your subversive antics.
  12. Their fear of black people -- subconscious or otherwise -- also plays a part in what you're describing. Salman Rushdie wrote an article about this aspect of race in the West (he describes how white racists assume South Asians are easier targets than blacks because of the assumption Indians and other South Asians are weaker), a few years ago before the intense scrutiny of identity politics was a feature in social commentary. He got blasted for it back then. I can only imagine what the reaction would be if he wrote something similar in the current era.
  13. Having departed from the forum at the end of June 2019 because I needed to enter a new field of work and had to re-train to learn some essential skills, I only returned to the Internet in general just prior to the New Year, so on that front I'm afraid you're completely off-target. Shall we ask the mods to post records of who's logged in when and for how long? I'm sure the logs will absolve me of the very thing you're accusing me of. I have nothing to hide. You never agree to this whenever I suggest we do this. Why is that? Unlike you, who wrote one of your usual self-aggrandising posts decrying the people on this forum for not huffing your farts to the extent that you'd like before departing for the umpteenth time in that feminine and overly dramatic way you feel compelled to behave, vowing never to return, what do I see when I return to this forum in December 2019? JAGSAW NEVER LEFT, lmao. You lonely little scrote. You even stated before you turned tail -- and I paraphrase -- "if someone posts using my screen-name, then it isn't me." So, who am I talking to now, Jagsaw? Is it one of your clones? Unlike you, my life doesn't revolve around the Internet. It's okay if your benefits don't cover your expenditure, and you need to spend your life trolling on internet forums for various organisations (Hope Not Hate? Socialist Worker? One of the U.N. affiliated organisations? Nah, too upmarket for you. I suppose you'd be lucky to have an active WordPress blog, lol), spreading disinformation and discord. I hear it's a well-paid profession for the dedicated. And it's funny how you always seem to manufacture this fantasy scenario that I'm disabled. That, inadvertently, does reveal a lot about you. Psychologists call it "projection". I'm guessing you're disabled, hence why you've spent your entire life on this forum, and even when you've gone off in a huff, you haven't really gone anywhere, have you? You still lurk on here like the little undesirable spastic that you are, hour after hour, day after day, week after week... you get the picture. So what is it, Jagsaw? What disability have you got? Physical or mildly psychological (aside from being a raging Trotsky devotee)? Is that how you managed to ensnare an '84 orphan? There were no takers in the UK I suppose. You thought she'd be grateful; she'd forever worship the ground on which you trod. You assumed because you "saved" her from such a horrible past, that she'd grovel and thank you every day for being her saviour, her knight in tutti-stained armour. But that's not how it turned out, is it? She doesn't appreciate you at all; your untapped "genius" and all those quirks and foibles that make you what you are, completely undervalued and ignored. And whose fault is that? It's yours. You just wanted to virtue signal what a wonderful human being you are. You assumed you'd be able to laud it over her; to keep her in check. You wanted to be congratulated everywhere you went, but that's not how it worked out, is it, you mongoloid. You're just a meal-ticket; a vessel through which she obtained a plane ticket and a visa to the West. I bet that money she's been sending home all these decades (either with your knowledge or behind your back) is something you resent, too. Ultimately, that's all you are to her. Currency. If I were you, I too would spend my entire life on the Internet trying to escape the galling feeling of an empty existence devoid of any real connection and meaning. Remember, I didn't marry an '84 orphan. I'm busy trying to make something of myself before committing to marriage. I'm also not disabled. So, there's no point in resorting to deflecting what I've said to you onto me like you usually do when you feel things are hitting a little too close to home. The above is all you, and you know it. I don't need you to admit any of it. The Force is strong with me, I can sense it, lmao. Never change, Jagsaw. You're good entertainment if nothing else.
  14. Yet, they despised the working class women of the country, or at least viewed them with an icy indifference, arguably the one group who most needed uplifting and support. That mentality has echoed, to a certain degree, up to this day. A bunch of well-to-do middle class women of leisure poncing around trying to kill time.
  15. The problem is that the clamour for change isn't some organic, grassroots movement that's gained support and popularity on the ground among the common people before breaking into the mainstream consciousness. It originated as the brainchild of a particular demographic's upper-middle class academics - known for subversion throughout their entire history - which was eventually co-opted by corporations, organisations, and governments run by these same people or at least those sympathetic to their doctrine. What exactly is so radical and brave about a cause when the entire system of the Western machinery is behind it? At best, you're parroting and promoting philosophy that has done untold damage to the fabric of society on a deeper level than the superficial victories it's gained. Granted, it was a society that wasn't perfect by any means, but those leading the charge aren't interested in affecting positive change and building bridges; they want supremacy and vengeance for past grievances to be visited upon the vast majority who have never transgressed against womankind in even the vaguest way. Where do you see that ending? With Big Daddy State flexing his muscles in defense of his harem of agitators. Will it still be considered a victory fought for by women and lead by women when it'll be achieved through the overwhelming threat and power of the State looming ominously in the background?
  16. Late for us because our lifespans are limited, and every passing day brings us closer to the end of our lives. But there's still time. Not much but we have our fate in our hands. Whether we squander those opportunities is yet to be seen. Console yourself with the idea that those who are blessed, regardless of their current external saroop, will find the path and adjust their own frame of mind, understanding, and beliefs to faithfully accommodate the knowledge they've been seeking. Alternatively, those with no interest in transforming their being, and are instead looking for someone to endorse, justify, and perpetuate their current lifestyles will waste this precious lifetime on such silliness. It may seem like a soul lost to deception, but the soul itself must desire change.
  17. Yet, these women in these countries consider the Western path as something to aspire to; the light at the end of the tunnel, the solution to their problems, whereas those of us living in the West realise it may begin with noble intentions and a desire to right genuine wrongs, but it doesn't end with minimising inequality and arriving at the eventual parity of the sexes. The intelligentsia, in order to perpetuate and justify their existence, begin to manufacture solutions to non-existent problems such as sexist air-conditioning, shaming men for opening their legs on trains and buses, and other stupidity that are markers of a morally and psychologically moribund society ruled by cretins. For me, I'm forced to call into question the judgement and foresight of such women who keep tight-lipped over such incredibly damaging discourse, yet continue amplifying the voices of these same people.
  18. I didn't realise it for a while, but the actual spiritually attuned and future shining lights are gupt at this moment. What we have now are low IQ charlatans and celebrity-type figures and frauds preying on the ignorance of the masses to build a following and make a quick buck before they're rumbled. These son's of whores will have their "burning mahants" moment soon.
  19. What you folk need to understand about the intentions and desired affect behind the broader, "There is no Hindu, there is no Muslim" narrative pushed by certain contemporary ideologues is that by embracing and pushing this belief, it also endorses -- by omission -- the idea that there is also no Sikh. It is a sentiment of erasure; our erasure. The original sentiment espoused by Guru Sahib was a unifying idea steeped in an admirable sense of spirituality whereby they wanted to promote the idea that our differences are superficial, and ultimately we are more than the labels that we cling to. This was during a period where Hindus and Muslims were numbered in the millions. For someone to come along at the time and propose a so-called third way in the midst of social and religious strife, was a radical act, because at the time the adherents to that third way numbered a handful of individuals with no real presence. Some might argue, therefore, that Guru Sahib never planned for us to become the very thing they were rallying against, which I don't believe is true, because it would mean subsequent Guru Sahibs were spinning the wheels of rebellion and organisation without an end goal in mind, which I believe is false. Now that we've grown beyond that relatively short number YET are still nowhere near the billions of the other two factions, for us to promote and celebrate this "One Religion" idea in the modern world -- especially after everything we've seen and experienced in the subsequent centuries -- is damaging to our survival as a distinct group. You can either choose to belong to the human race and pretend as if differences and divisions don't exist, or you exist with some form of preference and affection for the unique cultural and religious heritage of your ancestors. Celebrating the distinctness of others while simultaneously undermining your own uniqueness and doctrine is what traitors do. And a group comprised of traitors -- whether they be well-meaning yet misguided or of the calculating variety -- is a group that is destined for destruction.
  20. He's got called out on this in a major way in the past few days even by the kind of people he was trying to appeal to. He's issued a kind-of apology to Sikhs for his ignorance pertaining to this part of history.
  21. I'm my defense, with you being on Quality Control your posts do appear on a delay, so it's difficult to time a reply to something on that basis. I'll forgo the quip about embarrassment. You can delude yourself into believing it; whatever provides you with the succour to cope with your deficiencies, comrade.
  22. I vaguely remember reading something about how the individual's experience and perception of the afterlife is determined by his beliefs or experiences at the time. My theory is what people see during these near death experiences are a Khand or lower level of s higher (than Earth) existence of some sort (a harsh person might argue it's just the mind manufacturing scenarios as a coping strategy), whereby their visions are limited to what they know or what their consciousness perceives to be true according to its limited understanding. As someone who wants to realise the objective truth and not a subjective interpretation of it, experiencing an afterlife that's populated exclusively by the kind of people who believe only in what you believe, kind of diminishes the majesty of the Almighty's creation. It leads to many unanswered questions in my opinion.
  23. Giani Sant Singh Maskin. I forget the name, but the gentleman who opened the hospital for the poor and needy in Amritsar. Old, bespectacled man.
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