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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. Been through worse than you could possibly imagine. But I'm not taking the bait. This isn't about me. You've been told. You can continue to embarrass yourself and consider me the enemy or you can heed my words as those of someone with your best interests at heart but not necessarily what you want to hear. The empty platitudes and enabling haven't done you any good so far, have they?
  2. Get some therapy or professional help to work through your feelings about your wife's unfortunate passing. This forum won't provide you with the help you need. We are neither scholars, doctors, nor holy men. You're beginning to verge on being offensive, and I'm sure that's not your intention. A public forum is not the place for whatever it is you require. If you continue to persist with making digs at Sikhi using a tragic event as a shield to prevent being criticized, I can only theorise that you're a troll. You've been given the benefit of the doubt for a considerable amount of time, but I can only speak for myself when I say your behaviour is ringing alarm bells. Any thinking person undergoes a crisis of faith when something unforeseen occurs in their life, especially if that person seemingly "played by the rules" and fulfilled the end of their bargain in the game of life. But that unfortunately is the haphazard, cruel reality of life. Bad things happen to good people, and there's nothing to be done about it. Justify it, seek a reason for why such a thing happened, but it doesn't erase the act itself. So, eventually one can either succumb to self-pity and wallow in grief indefinitely, or a person can decide to dust themselves off and try to make a bad situation a little better. I speak from experience. I'm not a cold, unfeeling tyrant. I, too, have gone through tragedy after tragedy in my relatively short life, but I would never share the details on here. To stop myself from going crazy, I stopped blaming religion and stopped concerning myself with my past life shenanigans, and focused on making THIS life the best that it can be. Ultimately, that's the only solution to making your remaining time bearable.
  3. Too much to go into, and I would never talk about certain things on this forum, but I think you'll be surprised what happens, how it happens, and what the aftermath will be. Not that we'll be around to see it. It'll be slightly beyond our lifetimes; not by much but those of us lucky enough to reach our late 80s / early 90s might catch the opening salvo. There'll be no Singhs riding around on horses in a post-apocalyptic Britain, lol. This is bigger than any of us. I'm at peace because it's no longer a mystery to me. I suppose in this regard I can watch the khel unfold.
  4. I'm coming around to the idea this is fantasy talk. I believed it for a fairly long time, but the more I look into how deep the rot has set, the more I'm beginning to believe the best thing to do is to step back and let the whole damn thing burn. Then rebuild. There's no saving anything, Dally. That's not defeatist. It's facing up to a grim reality without any Hollywood-esque infused dreams of good overcoming evil at the last moment. That kind rubbish doesn't happen on the ground. That's another ploy modern man has been conditioned into believing is the natural order of things. False hope. Call me black-pilled, whatever, but the sooner we face up to reality, and not some idealised, hazy dream of what we'd like to happen in a fantasy scenario, the less people will suffer when the opposition drops all pretence. The system is totally corrupt. There is no good Vs bad. There is only bad 1 Vs bad 2, the difference being bad 1 has convinced society it's actually heroic. Of course, we'll be long dead by then, but those with toddlers or yet to start a family, will need to prepare their loved ones for what's coming, that is if they can actually perceive the future.
  5. No. He's inwardly relieved we've rounded on Christians instead of focusing our ire toward the insidious Pakistani rape and murder gangs. Anything to distract from those close to his heart. Plus, most people with an ounce of self awareness would refrain from the constant, decades-long condescending, "You people are so beneath me," attitude that's ingrained in his psyche, which diminishes even his positive contributions, but Jagsaw and self- awareness are two things that are as compatible as chalk and paneer.
  6. You're overlooking an important factor in the psychological makeup of certain white people. They've been conditioned to develop a disdain for their own culture and traditions, so in an attempt to right this wrong and purposefully aggrieve those of their own race, these whites will latch onto the very thing they feel is the underdog or the "victim", i.e. those poor, put-upon Muslims who need solidarity, lol. Yeah, some whites are genuinely clueless to this extent. Their dil may be saaf to a certain degree, but they are misguided, and have no qualms about cutting off their nose to spite their face. It's this brand of stupidity and dangerous thinking that is leading me to question my place in this society. I can see where it's heading, and it's not good for the rest of us.
  7. Difficult to say. Depends on the individual. I think most will retreat further into hedonism and self gratification, their "God" being the State, global corporations, and retail therapy, while perhaps others with a pathological aversion for Christianity will turn to Islam with an "Eff you, dad!" mentality, lol, or even for reasons of restoring long lost discipline and structure to their lives that only a rigid belief system can offer.
  8. And social control, too, which isn't necessarily a negative (considering what fills its void when it's unable to exert its power) IF the institution itself doesn't fall victim to its own set of destructive forces from within.
  9. Funny you mention the above, because I recently met a fascinating guy. He's English but, as you mentioned, a follower of the old pre-Christian belief system minus any of the wiccan / overt feminine undertones to their practice. We got chatting about various things, and he said his "jatha's", for want of a better word, belief system is built on the idea of human incarnations of Odin manifesting on Earth. I was genuinely astounded at the claim, because it's a synthesis of almost two diametrically opposed systems, yet I later wondered whether it only seems a novelty to me due to the way the Semetic religions have completely steam-rolled and monopolised European faith for thousands of years.
  10. Yes, I've noticed that, too. The number of videos on YouTube featuring people who discovered Eastern meditative practices, and then suddenly began to dabble in the occult -- as if that's the natural progression -- seems very suspicious to me. Of course, all they had to do was accept Christ as their Lord and Saviour, and they were free of the supernatural, lol. I tell you, Christianity is low-key taking the fight to the Eastern faiths through modern means of communication. They aren't messing about with trying to swell their numbers. Coupled with a certain section of society who had succumbed to the post-modern atheism / humanist movement of the last couple of decades (exemplified by celebrity atheists and so-called rationalists) but are now beginning to see the results of a spiritually devoid, rudderless, and empty existence, these people are now returning, quite tentatively, to rediscovering the faith and the traditions of their ancestors, realising that the structure and discipline that a belief in something bigger than ourselves provides, is infinitely more preferable to the nihilism they'd been lead to believe was the default.
  11. The so-called Enlightenment was the beginning and the precursor to today's humanist liberalism, which is the Enlightenment on super steroids, where the individual is "God". You're correct in saying there was a mystical and rather Dharmic aspect to much of Christianity before that period, particularly where the great seats of learning were locatec from as far back as the Hellenic non-Christian period. The Church was to all intents and purposes the lingering remnants of the Roman Empire. It downsized and rebranded itself mostly out of necessity and outside pressure. The contemporary radical who lives by the doctrine of his learned comrades of previous centuries, lol, delights in the fall of the Church in the West, but what's arisen in its place? A soul-less, deviant, dead-eyed pursuit of materialism and self-gratification where the Self reigns supreme. Modern Christianity is a mockery of its previous form.
  12. Subtext: I've slept with men outside of my faith and race. You're a bigot for judging me. Here's a fake meme that I'll try to gaslight people into believing is fact in order to assuage that little voice in my head telling me I did wrong. ?? That's the inner mental landscape of the average Sikh female under the age of 25. It's not too complex.
  13. Christian Internet / YouTube preachers have devised a method of grouping and dismissing all non-Semetic Eastern faiths as religions that promote and practice the Occult. It's a lazy and quicker way of warding off potential curiosity into an alternative religious path, or even just cordial feelings on the part of those Christians who aren't perhaps as informed on the details of other faiths, and therefore more susceptible to keeping ties and friendships with the likes of us. Scare the flock into believing we sacrifice chickens in a pentagram, and conduct séances to summon demons, and most people would run a mile. It's deviously effective and eliminates the need for time consuming debate and vichaar which might inadvertently highlight deficiencies in Christian thought. Unfortunately, they have the benefit of the doubt on their side in the minds of Westerners and those influenced by Western thought.
  14. You remind me of a conversation I was having with my mum a few days ago on this very topic, and I asked her the same question as it relates to current Punjabi society. She said that if all other aspects of a person's life were as well as to be expected, then poverty is the one reason men in Punjab in particular have started to fall victim to depression. Whether that depression stems from genuine hand-to-mouth poverty or it's greed-induced desire for material items that neighbours and other family seem to be flaunting, is up for debate.
  15. I hear this regularly. In your opinion, what do you think is the root cause of this depression? Not enough support / understanding from their wives? Pressures back home? A general existential despair?
  16. Organised religion is the death of religious and spiritual devotion. Sounds paradoxical but it makes sense to me, lol. There's never any serenity to be found in a heaving, confused rabble. Those gianis need to depart their cushy, well-paid tenures at the major takhats (aside from the lucrative overseas summer tours), and begin to take the message to the people who need to hear it the most. If not, they can continue preaching to the choir, and when their time is over on this Earth, they'll realise how much more they could've done.
  17. Murdoch, Conservatives, and the like, is a very limited and outdated way of processing this issue. It runs deeper than these cursory ideological labels that are meaningless to anyone but those who still believe the world functions according to the Left and Right / Liberal and Conservative paradigm.
  18. For someone at rock bottom, even faux concern or help with vested interests doesn't seem so objectionable. To a rational, "normal" person it seems insulting, but for someone desperately seeking some understanding and kinship it's the difference between offing yourself due to loneliness or alienation, or suddenly feeling as if life is worth enduring.
  19. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-5117118 Plus, why do my posts need to be moderated before they're published? Who went crying to mods?
  20. Funny thing is it's true, yet as I've mentioned on previous occasions, it's trying to guide someone onto that path when they aren't ready to make that leap of faith. The Christian tries to bridge that gap by being personable, relatable, and sympathetic (whether it's genuine care or a ploy for the purposes of recruitment is debatable), understanding that for the vast majority of people with issues, the afflicted just want to unburden themselves and be heard before even thinking about making that next step to actively responding to the problems plaguing them. There's no to very little of this approach in our community, because we generally lack those traits in our demeanour as a people (although the younger generations are better in this respect), and this attitude seems to be even more significant in religious circles, which is madness because of all the areas where compassion and understanding should be in evidence, the spiritually floundering or just the generally forlorn and disenfranchised should be made to feel they're being listened to, not dismissed with a course of treatment that's abstract at best.
  21. Ironically, most women can see through that brand of disingenuousness and are repelled by it, whether they consciously realise it or not is another subject.
  22. There's a Pirthiya (Guru Arjan Dev Ji's dodgy brother) in every family, lol.
  23. Hopefully he does his brother's efforts justice, and doesn't try to reshape and re-assess Bhai Jagraj Singh's beliefs and legacy to promote the Globalist neo-Communist doctrine of which he's a passionate adherent. Hey, what am I saying, this is Sunny Hundal and the BBC, they can't not follow the narrative. And I'm beginning to suspect Hundal has latched onto his brother's untimely passing as currency to advance his own career and ideals. If that's actually true, then he's a terrible human being.
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