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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. The "right" person doesn't play games. They don't make life difficult for the other person regardless of the situation. They work WITH you, not against you; no 5hit-tests, etc. These are self-perpetuating issues we've been conditioned to accept by our cultural overlords, because apparently "that's how things are meant to be." It's taking cues from popular culture / entertainment and other nonsense of that nature, and passing it off as real-life. For some reason society has been convinced that unless our partners are consistently not in even a mild form of conflict, etc., then there's something wrong with the relationship. Others foolishly wear these labels with pride without comprehending the damage that's being inflicted: "My missus keeps me in check" / "I'd be nothing without her".
  2. I know where you're coming from and I'd agree with you, but there's also an element of cunning that comes from wider life experience / intelligence regarding this particular issue; dare I say one needs to have suffered or even observed at close quarters certain behaviour that makes an impression on the individual in question. Whilst it would seem a gay guy would be more in tune with acting upon certain feminine wiles that are alien to the average male mentality from a psychological perspective, I think there's also something to be said for general sense of foresight and, as I said, cunning. Men, despite what many would have us believe, play things, more often than not, honestly and straight down the middle when it comes to dealing with females. Yes, there's the boorishness and perhaps brashness of male behaviour, but when it comes to truly and dispassionately understanding women, most men go their entire lifetimes without truly perceiving the nature of woman. You also have cultural, racial, and maybe geographic elements come into play, etc., whereby a man from a volatile and less prosperous part of the world is more likely to be clued in to the harsh realities of life compared to a pampered and relatively sheltered guy in a first world existence who hasn't really encountered anything that would lead him to question his worldview and comprehension of the world and the people around him.
  3. Ironic that it takes a gay Punjabi to instigate this "play" let alone recognise these micro power games exist in our culture, but the masses of straight Sikh guys in the world are absolutely clueless to the point of foolishness when they fall victim to the machinations of the women in their lives, lol.
  4. Sorry, I meant Jagmeet Singh, the Basics of Sikhi sevadaar.
  5. Not in reference to OP but just a general point: must be very careful such channels aren't disinformation posing as innocuous sources of enlightenment. I wouldn't put it past certain parties to transfer real-life Black Cat tactics and transpose them to the virtual world, especially now that the late Jagtar Singh has proven that there's a viable audience for Sikh parchaar on the internet.
  6. I was taken aback at something similar when I attended a religious ceremony in Birmingham a few months ago. I've seen more coherent parking in Phagwara. Birmingham really does bring my mood down whenever I'm passing through, lol.
  7. It certainly is very good, but if you're mobile and able it shouldn't be the maximum extent to which you're active.
  8. If Gagan was indeed born in 1995, he's a darn sight more socially and politically aware than other western Sikhs his age, who are mostly brainwashed slaves of whatever currently happens to be the most popular and overriding sentiment in society. At least he's trying to figure things out.
  9. I agree with all of the above to varying degrees. There's quite a few significant realisations that have dawned on me in the past year that cover some of what you've discussed. Honestly, I would hesitate to discuss most of these thoughts on this forum. Some of it is really quite stark and unpalatable for people with a certain mindset. I guess God grants us insight only when we're most capable of tolerating and processing it, and even then one has to retain a sense of perspective. Hence why i keep it light hearted and tongue in cheek. There's no need to get people down, lol.
  10. Yeah, I don't know why some Sikhs are getting triggered at the thought of Islamic hegemony in western nations. Don't some of the khattar among us crave a return to a time of a patriarchal religious autocracy, lol?
  11. Things getting a bit uncomfortable for you Canadians, is it? Your beloved Trudeau has brought the gandh and strife to your country and your streets, and now you remember there's children to be saved? Too late. It's true that saying about prideful people not heeding warnings from friends and benefactors in peace time. Some fools only learn when the trouble reaches their own door, but by then nothing can be done. So, to all the wannabe revolutionaries on this forum: what will you PERSONALLY do every day of your existence to prevent the malign affects of Islamic encroachment into your lives and your communities? Any concrete plans of action or just the usual keyboard warrior tactics?
  12. Sugar-free is artificial sweeteners that are, in many cases, as detrimental to health as the real thing when consumed regularly to excess, which is what causes these issues. Don't fall for the "Sugar-free / Diet" scam. It's just marketing speak.
  13. Another Sikh attacked. This may have occurred earlier to the attack on the elderly gentleman: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/400522-sikh-man-attacked-told-to-go-back-to-country-while-posting-lawn
  14. The world is ill. It's not surprising there are those who feel that sickness more intensely than others. Find the best coping strategy for your needs, and make the best of a bad situation. I'm not going to pretend the problem is solely an issue of individual perception or you've somehow brought it upon yourself, because that's utter nonsense. Just get to a point where you want to move forward and live instead of ending it all.
  15. Maintain a healthy weight, in relation to your height and age, through clean eating and exercising the body. Don't listen to the sloth-ridden contrarians who cling to the statistics of outliers in order to prop up their warped worldview on health. For Sikhs with even the slightest inclination to wherever one happens to fall on the spectrum of spirituality this should be self explanatory. Moving around and eating only when necessary should be a prerequisite to a contented life.
  16. Okay, Richard Lionheart, continue the good fight, lol. Will you be creating another "How to combat Islam" topic on August Bank Holiday in a few weeks? That'll show 'em! ?
  17. I'm not the one bricking it and encouraging people to galvanise against the "Muslim peril", lol. I'm a realist. There's no defeatism, envy, or anything of the sort on my part. I see patterns and trends, and I'm able to extrapolate such phenomena and calculate the natural outcomes and ends of such behaviours based on thousands upon thousands of years of human history. There is no hysteria or despair on my part.
  18. MisterrSingh


    One step at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself by mentally cycling through the cacophony of problems in your life and making yourself feel hopelessly helpless. Firstly, tackle the short-term issues over which you can exert your full control, namely your weight AND simultaneously introduce a gentle routine of centring yourself either through a light routine of prayer or meditation. The weight gain is an unnecessary burden you've placed on yourself albeit one that is quite easy to succumb to when we're wallowing in the blues. Increase your water intake; construct a daily routine that isn't unfeasible to adhere to at first, and generally be positive. Nothing or nobody is going to take away your pain on your behalf. There is no magic spell that will heal you overnight. But through the accumulation of concerted positive acts over the course of weeks and months, the darkness will begin to subside. Honestly, get rid of the weight, bro. It's totally nonsensical to labour under such an unnecessary physical and mental burden. Once you've eliminated that particular issue, then you can focus on the deeper long-term problems. By then you'll have developed at least a vague sense of satisfaction and pride at having instigated and overcome one moderately major issue that was getting you down. Make the most of the remaining warm weather and sweat out your "demons!"
  19. Sikhs don't need to ally themselves with the EDL to stand against the Islamic threat. It's bad P.R. for us, plus I don't really trust the various white nationalist movements. One can only imagine what they truly consider us to be away from the patronising encouragement to "fight back." Anyway, the battle is all but lost on a street level. When you've got a Muslim Mayor of London, a Muslim Home Secretary, and burgeoning Muslim involvement in the highest echelons of the British political establishment, we've kind of missed our chance around 12-15 years ago. Street-level skirmishes are useless aside from the massage of individual egos. Big-picture: it's done. The battle is over before most of us even knew it had started. If you were expecting an announcement via the wireless by the reigning monarch declaring an outbreak of war, then you'll continue to be disappointed. Think Huxley not Orwell; the peaceful stupor of contentment, not the physical jackboot of oppression. You get me?
  20. Insha'Allah it will happen in my lifetime. May the Prophet - pbuh - bless his loyal soldiers with the deserved fruit of their endeavours.
  21. I hope it happens. The West needs to be administered a strong pimp hand, and Islam seems to be the only solution.
  22. This is why you don't create and disseminate online media of a person from a smaller, less influential minority obediently holding an umbrella over a member of a comparatively larger, influential, and more powerful demographic as said demographic prays to their deity during their key religious season. The reality of human nature means such an act isn't recognised as a sign of magnanimous spirituality, but one of supplicated weakness and inferiority. But, please, continue virtue signalling how much of a wonderful enlightened being you are for the sake of imaginary internet back-pats. It all feeds back into the same issue if one possesses the intelligence to detect behavioural patterns and identify potential problems.
  23. You have to ask yourself what the husband was expecting from a well-heeled white girl from a somewhat privileged background when he decided to marry her? Did he think the power of Amrit was going to turn her into an obedient Punjabi housewife overnight? More fool him for marrying her without thinking through the implications of what he was getting himself into.
  24. Aside from the rights and wrongs of her dodgy rant, the above in bold is why there's cynicism for the pious act portrayed by so many apne. Behind closed doors there's little difference between the believers and the lax. Punjabiyat rules.
  25. MisterrSingh


    Sour Truth ^^^ speaks the truth.
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