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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. Converts to non-Abrahamic religions tend to feel they're bringing something hitherto lacking to their new belief system just by their very existence. White converts are especially egregious in this attitude. They adopt the visual vestments, the language, etc, but they set up their parallel spheres to the "brown" mainstream of the religion. If that's not white privilege, I don't know what is. ? You don't get that 5hit with converts to something like Islam, which by its nature ensures conformity (at least in the early days). The new addition has to "prove" themselves to the mass mainstream. They don't get the luxury of adopting the belief system AND looking down their nose at the pre-existing brown adherents. I don't know enough about black converts to Sikhi to comment whether they behave in the same manner due to their Western upbringing, or whether they have a little more desire to mix with the rest of us.
  2. They drain you of your passion, your vital energy, elements of your soul that drives the need for competitiveness, etc. These are vital aspects of us that we should be channelling into making ourselves better people. Things that you should transfer into your family and your home are wasted on the narratives of multi-millionaire sports-people, celebrities, and billion-dollar corporations. It's actually obscene when you've stepped away from that scene for a while.
  3. How many years do you folks think we have until Western Sikh organisations try to gaslight us into believing that any Sikh who's against the kind of activities described above (basically child abuse stemming from a pathological desire to conform to specific socio-political ideologies) is anti-Sikh and evil? I give it 12 months. ? Btw, when she says her SON wants his WILLY cut off and wants a VAG constructed out of his COLON but it smells like a colon, that "smells like colon" she's alluding to means, "The "colon-vag" smells of literal 5hit. Tatti." Let that sink in.
  4. Westernised "Sikh" girls and the Manas Ki Jaat crew on suicide watch. ? Their black "allies" confirmed more Sikh buddhe need their heads kicked in. Apne of a particular bent will probably justify it as white supremacists in black-face trying to defame the kangs. Anything but accept the truth that blacks despise beardy-weirdy turbanators. Accept reality. Let it strengthen you. Don't persist under delusions.
  5. Try harder. It's a waste of time and emotional effort. Learn a practical skill that you normally pay another person to do (home repair / maintenance, etc) or a martial art to aid fitness. Or just read something. I was a little more than an average gamer but not quite hardcore. I was in my late 20s, mindlessly bashing buttons one day. Opposite from where I was sitting was a mirror. I saw myself, a grown man, playing a video game, and it hit me like a ton of bricks; a tide of overwhelming shame washed over me. "You soft b*****d" I said to myself. Next day I sold my consoles and all my games. One of the best things I ever did. I feel the same about spectator sports such as football. I was heavily into football. I was a proper statistician. I could've told you the teams and squads up to the reserve team of every club in the domestic European leagues. That's hundreds of players! Knocked that 5hit on the head in my early 20s, too. Bread and circuses bukwaas. They get you to invest your heart and soul into this 5hit so that you ignore or neglect the actual important stuff you need to be aware of. Moderation isn't the issue at all. It's all corporate cr4p that chips away at your aatma.
  6. Your experiences aren't indicative of the mainstream. Neither are mine but I'm not emotionally invested in proving myself correct whereas you seem to be taking this very personally, which suggests your assertions are difficult to take at face value. When Canadian, American, and UK Sikhs are telling you there's a problem in black attitudes towards Sikhs in those THREE countries, your attempts at subversion are simply not working. There's nothing more to be said.
  7. Muslims of all ethnicities are taught to bide their time and gently flatter - or at least remain on cordial terms - with the dominant group in whichever place they exist for the sake of preservation when they don't have the overwhelming numbers to pose a threat. Give it another 20 years. When they've bred themselves into the ascendancy and Canuck Sikhs have hit their decline, something tells me these Somalians won't be as forthcoming with you guys.
  8. Doesn't matter whether they're a docile little sepoy who's bowing and scraping before the British Empire and the East India Company's agents, or whether they're devious brown-skinned acolytes of Marx, obeying the commands of powerful American Jews and white Liberals. The fact is they're selling out their own. A tale as old as time.
  9. You know the argument / criteria the Leftist cultural and media establishment use to placate Indians from this obvious barring from certain visible "sectors" and industries? Indian academic and economic achievement is used to argue that we don't need representation in these "soft power" cultural industries; that blacks and Muslims need this representation because they're the most oppressed and underachieving. F**k off with that nonsense, lmao. It's damaging for us, because our youngsters see blacks and others represented in all the "cool" stuff, and naturally they wonder why their own aren't there. As you said, girls / young women are even more impressionable from a biological evolution perspective, and when they see blacks and others in leading and heroic roles, they're going to be swayed by that. There's no two ways about it. These "soft power" industries of TV, film, music, and sport are ALL in the hands of white Leftists and ideological white Marxists and their loyal minority lackeys. These aren't upper-class toffs pulling the strings. It's late-Boomers and early Millennials who are incharge, and they're making it policy to exclude groups such as ours.
  10. It's a can of worms for sure. Feem for medicinal purposes is understandable considering there wasn't a Boots chemist or an A&E nearby. Some cheeky bugger5 would say it was for recreational purposes. Others would say an avatar doesn't require medicine or similar things, therefore these claims are false. Who knows.
  11. Forgot about those Somalis. ? But, yes, the mainstream is never, ever going to broach this subject. They'd try to convince you that you're delusional and prejudiced for noticing the problem rather than acknowledge the problem exists. Follow their example = more dead or ignorant Sikhs. If somehow they do note something is awry with those particular communities, it'll always, always be framed as the fault of the oppressive host nation. We're seeing the beginning of this "blame and alienate" approach on this forum, too, with Jatts taking the place of whites in the intersectional hierarchy.
  12. We have a problem in the UK with the Afro-Caribbean community, specifically their feckless, resentful halfbreed mutts. Africans, from my experience, are really decent people. Things might be different from where you are.
  13. Doesn't take a genius to figure there's a concerted effort on this forum to equate "Jattism" within Sikhi with the equivalent "Whiteness" in the Anglosphere; therefore two groups who are solely responsible for the evils of their respective demographics, and therefore two groups to be eliminated according to this beautifully tolerant and welcoming philosophy. I've been radicalised by this forum in ways you wouldn't believe! ?
  14. The facts are the following pertaining to these particular incidents: 1. Sikh elders have been attacked by black criminals. 2. We, as a community, have a right to describe the racial and ethnic background of the attackers. We'd do it if was Muslims, Mexicans, Whites, whatever. Everything else is f****g fantasy, American-Marxist bull5hit. For "Sikh" organisations to GASLIGHT Sikhs in an insidious attempt at extreme political correctness that places us under threat of further harm is f****g EVIL. Anyone who tries to "Marxplain" and "Whatabout" their way out of confronting the reality of this problem is not a friend of Sikhs.
  15. So while they're working through their issues, shall we just bend over and take it? How many Sikhs are you willing to sacrifice in this self-effacing show of support for a group that doesn't: A. Give a 5hit about whatever or whoever we happen to be? B. Are going to default to turning to Abrahamic factions for "allyship" in a potential recovery process rather than a bunch of bearded, "Pagan" Indians? Even the black people I know would say you're making excuses for people who don't deserve it. But that happens when you see every black criminal as a junkie. Maybe they're just racist b******s looking for an easy target like some white criminals? What's with the Marxist reframing of every god-damn thought and action in terms of Oppressor Vs Victim? When did this 5hit infiltrate this forum?
  16. There's some amazing scholarship going on in America at the moment which is dismantling Islam's fraudulence. Granted, it's Christian missionaries who are taking the fight to them, but there's a few that are uncovering information that just can't be disputed. Cleverly, they aren't framing it as these Christian scholars and professors "destroying" Islam and rendering Muslims with no place to go in a spiritual perspective. They're actually presenting their case in similar terms to the "Ghar Vaapsi" program of the Hindutva, i.e. giving any Muslim who renounces the religion the opportunity to "come home" to Christianity and Jesus. From a purely sociological perspective, ripping away the "support" of their Islamic religion that we all know is fed into Muslim minds from the cradle, is too much for the average Muslim who'd probably lose his mind when he realises everything he's been brainwashed into believing is a lie. So, these Christians dismantle Islam but then provide the apparatus of Christianity as an immediate support. As I said, it's a very smart way to wean Muslims off Islam instead of the gung-ho, "your religion is a Satanic blasphemy" route.
  17. There's no way that's 2XL, the lying fat frigger. That's at least 4XL.
  18. It's not surprising that Western-based "Sikh" institutions have realised that the Progressive Stack of Minorities & Causes must prioritise non-Sikh demographics at the expense of the people they're supposed to be advocating for. Imagine Jews being attacked on the streets in New York, and in response the ADL or other Jewish advocacy organisations decide to browbeat Jews into not highlighting the racial or religious background of the perpetrators. ? Vah, that's wonderfully tolerant and progressive. They throw their own under the bus because their bogus western social ideology has convinced them the "fashionable" pet minority demographic is under "threat", while all along it's this same fashionable pet demographic that's going around smashing up the elders from their community! And yet, deep down, these "Sikhs" don't even have the courage to resent the actual demographic who did the crime, because they unashamedly wish it was white supremacists who were committing these acts against their people so they can grandstand on their soapboxes, and probably get more funding from the government! F**k me, I'm exhausted just writing about these mental gymnastics. How do the people who partake in it get through the day? ?
  19. They're living it up in Canada? Taking about living space per square feet, etc? ??
  20. The quickest way for traditions and religious norms to be forgotten is for them not to be written down.
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