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Everything posted by eduardo

  1. Yeah it maybe shows that Sikhs have more intelligence in the voting spectrum than some posters have alluded to. As a community you don't just vote because the candidate is a Sikh, you sit down and have a long hard think about it before casting. Maybe I'm living in a fantasy world but it would be nice if this were true.
  2. Why would they do that? Is it total incompetence or something more sinister? I also think the Singh culture, the lion culture makes Sikhs more likely to be individuals in their voting patterns rather than block vote follow the herd mentality. Another familiar story doing the rounds in this part of the world: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-32627013
  3. Nicely put. Drinking it not banned as evidenced by communion and drinking wine. I think the big drinking culture in the UK is a result of culture and history. I mean the UK has always been famous for beers, ciders and whisky going way back. Big p1ssups and a good sing song are part of the historical fabric of anglo saxon culture.
  4. The fallout from the results of the General Election has had one surprising effect: every major political party in the UK, except the Conservatives, is now led by a woman. Harriet Harman (Labour), Nicola Sturgeon (SNP), Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru), Natalie Bennett (Green), Suzanne Evans (Ukip) and Sal Brinton (Liberal Democrats) are presently leading their respective parties. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/every-major-british-political-party--except-the-conservatives--currently-led-by-a-woman-10238390.html We need a good Kaur warrior.
  5. The owner of a small garden centre in East Sussex whose anti-Tory blackboard went viral on social media says he has no regrets, despite admitting it could put him out of business. The sign proposes a “Tory tax” of 10% on any customer who voted Conservative as one of the “‘tough’ decisions I need to make to ‘balance the books’ under your preferred government”. The sign also says Ukip voters should “shop elsewhere”. Woodruff said he was surprised and pleased to see his blackboard go viral, but said he was surprised that the Sun had sent a reporter to his home within hours. “I initially said I didn’t want to speak to them but they convinced me and I told them what I thought,” he said. “I’ll probably be portrayed as a ‘looney-left gardener gone bonkers’ but I don’t care, I won’t read it anyway.” http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/may/10/garden-centre-owners-10-tax-for-tory-voters-sign-goes-viral My type of guy.
  6. I'd like to know as a community how many Sikhs/Punjabi's voted. Maybe you don't take part in politics and prefer to leave it to somebody else. Maybe you feel as if you don't belong to the UK political class at all and prefer to live your lives separate from politics altogether. Run your own businesses and live separate, a parallel life not participating in the political game at all just your own business and family. Completely segregated with your minds more on India than the UK. I mean am I way off the mark here, do Sikhs vote?
  7. It is shocking you have no politicians though. It's almost as if subconciously you have decided it's a bad thing to stand together as a union. But then when I eat at a langar and see the unity of the women it shows me that unity is still real in your community. If only this would translate into modern day politics, but then I guess the left wing is kind of dead in politics these days. It's almost become a dirty word to use.
  8. The second link is not posted by a bloke like me, the site is the council of ex muslims, in fact judging by the name the poster may well be a female apostate and not a bloke at all. Nearly everyone on that site was a Muslim and is now an apostate. They were once enveloped in the religion and have now risked life and limb by leaving. They risk violence and complete disownment from their families for making this decision, in the UK in 2015 for God's sake. As ex muslims they give an insiders view as to what belonging to that religion is really like and it is ex muslims who are discussing the research. So you can't really say some bloke down the pub can you as they probably don't go down the pub or maybe some do now. The point I am making is that it is ex muslims who agree with this research. You should try reading more of that website and some of the threads that are started by ex muslims regarding the religion they have left, it's really quite shocking in places. But I guess it's only really politically correct to criticise Islam if you were once a muslim yourself.
  9. I was looking at the map this morning at breakfast and what struck me most was Cornwall and those south western areas that used to be Labour strongholds all now blue. The country is really saying something and I haven't figured out what it is yet. Maybe it's because so many people own property now and their main asset is their house, the low interest rate and soaring property prices may have something to do with the Tories winning so decisively. I mean loads of people are debted up to the eyeballs with credit cards and mortgages and a few interest rate points up would probably ruin a lot of people. Perhaps the uncertainty of labours economic model and what they would do with interest rates led a lot of people to vote Tory. The other thing is immigration and a lot of people are quite rightly shocked at the shere numbers of bodies arriving on our shores each day. UKip are a wild card but the Tories have a harder stance on immigration than Labour and the Tories are an established party so most people would rather trust the Tories than Ukip. The strength of feeling in Scotland is also a bit of a shock, I can see another big push for independance coming. Wales is another shock, it was traditionally a strong labour area, not any more, I guess a lot of Welsh are now property owners or a lot of property in Wales has been sold to non Welsh people. TBH I don't know why so many people voted Tory, especially normal working people, maybe the Tory right wing press had a lot to do with it. But at the end of the day most people vote not for foreign policy or immigration but for their wallets and their own personal finances and I think the fact that property has been going up so much in this present Tory government is what clinched the deal for them to reign again. Here's a good quote: "One thing it seems to me is clear: liberalism here, as well as across Europe, is not faring well against the politics of fear. Years of remorseless economic and social hardship following the crash in 2008 and the grinding insecurities of globalisation have led people to reach for new certainties - the politics of identity, of nationalism, of us versus them, is now on the rise. "It is clear that in constituency after constituency north of the border, the beguiling appeal of Scottish nationalism has swept all before it, and south of the border a fear of what that means for the United Kingdom has strengthened English conservatism too.” http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/generalelection/election-results-triumphant-tories-leave-britains-liberal-left-in-shock-10237638.html The politics of fear.
  10. That link just took me to the generic youtube opening page, the link is not attached to any song just youtubes opening page. Could you try again please?
  11. Absolutely brilliant. Her face is superb.
  12. No mention of the persecution metered out by followers of the prophet towards Sikhs. The usual Islam is the victim narrative, no surprises there.
  13. The leftist Islamic alliance sure is a strange one. The left teaches equality of sexes, inclusion of homosexuals, equal rights for all and freedom of religion and conscience. Islam teaches women are inferior to men, death to homosexuals, Muslims to be superior above all other religions and death to apostates. A strange combination of ideas indeed. On the subject of Ukip my own thoughts are they are an ultra rich party for the ultra rich who want to cut back public spending to zero and give even more tax breaks to their rich colleagues. What they are doing is exploiting a justifiable fear namely too much of the wrong sort of immigration and too much money being shelled out to prop up a corrupt regime in Europe. Now it's easy for me to start a party that promises solutions to your fears of the future but actually coming up with a solution when in power, well that's a different kettle of fish. I'm thinking Ukip would be like the Republican party in the USA or the TEA party. Like I say, I haven't decided which bunch of no good low life liars to vote for yet.
  14. It's not Police officers who send people to prison, it is Judges so if he wants to blame anyone it should be them.
  15. http://10news.dk/?p=855 http://www.councilofexmuslims.com/index.php?topic=28037.msg818645;topicseen#new
  16. Aye. Taking care of the money supply or the supply of money, however you choose to express it. Money is something we all can agree on.
  17. Just out of curiosity, how much are the British/ English blamed for partition? Are we blamed 100% or was partition a mutual agreement by all sides?
  18. How about Saudi, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Bangladesh, Myanmar, North Korea, The north African Islamic countries, Central African replublic, China, Israel (if you are a Muslim), Pakistan, etc etc. Their list doesn't seem right to me, more like a political statement of some sort.
  19. Common ground, that's what I'm looking for.
  20. Still haven't decided yet, probably decide at the last minute.
  21. It's OK, criticism of the Bible should not be off limits. It's all good.
  22. From a white outsider who knows nothing about politics we are lead to believe the Punjabi community is a block vote and you will all vote the same. A politician probably thinks all he has to do is put on an orange head scarf, enter a temple and he wiil get all your votes in one big hit. Me, I don't think so.
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