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Everything posted by Kira

  1. Yes take it step by step. There's no rush. Flooding your mind with everything is only going to confuse you. Learn the Alphabet and Punjabi reading first, then muharnia and then from there start from JapJi Sahib. japJi Sahib is the absolute First bani (imo) to learn as it is not too hard to master and it will form a solid base for you to expand into other Bani . Go from there. As a young child my parents would sit me down and help me read Gurbani. Japji Sahib (even though I couldnt read the Gurmukhi all too well) was taught to me bit by bit. You'll build up a familiarity with the terms and words. listen to youtube videos, and then learn it pauri by pauri.
  2. yup. I'll add that while it is no sin to make mistakes, it is a completely different story when you aware of the mistake and still do it. My advice is to seek out a student of the Damdami takhsal. Forget about the "controversy" that some sikh spread about them, their very knowledgeable on proper pronunciation and recitation if Gurbani. In my opinion if any Sikh gets a chance to learrn Santhiya they should seize that opportunity like there is no tomorrow
  3. may have been. I didn't linger around as I felt I may have walked into somewhere I wasn't welcome yes it was that lol. why did I think of Sesame Street, My mind is differently doing strange things
  4. Why are you not a leader? you ask all the right questions my friend I think it was a box of those ones you open at parties. Like Sesame street and stuff. Not gonna lie, The ones I've seen are slightly on the big side.
  5. Funny story. I was once walking around my Gurudwara searching for an associate of mine. I happen to stumble into the committee room, or where they held their meetings. There were boxes of chocolates, bottles of ketchups etc. You would think they were having a mini party going on in there rather than discussing important issues.
  6. Simran Ji. I wasn't ridiculing you, I think you're approach was logical and refined. I believe it was an entirely simple and effective approach and I agree with it completely. I'm well aware these things can cause these sorts of symptoms however I was just surprised that no one had yet mentioned them till you rightfully spoke up :D
  7. to answer OP. Their pretty standard points, The usual "we want to be treated equal as men" but when the bill appears "cant you be a gentlemen".
  8. lol Simran ji, finding the root of the problems Depends why you are feeling like this. Is there something that scares you? are you worried about something? is something causing you stress. Crying isn't bad, it's what makes us more compassionate. It's a humbling process in my opinion. So what's on your mind. Share with the Sangat if you wish.
  9. No I don't believe it's that one. I need to find it though, he has so many good videos. Though that's a really good find, I don't think I'd seen that one. Very informative.
  10. That may actually be an analogy. Gurbani states that Creation is limitless and many times countless is used instead, it could very well be a way to help the people of that time . The Species mentioned could have many,many sub-sections. scientists now categorize species differently than in ancient times. SO it would be futile to compare them both together. It would be like how some fields classify certain molecules into one section. but others subdivide them further. One is not more right than the other. The approach is just different. Countless times in bani it's mentioned about Creation being limitless. As for the logic and maths to counter that claims this Professor has made. It's pretty self explanatory. There are far too many variables for any sane Mathematician or even logistically solving it. The concept of when ensoulment occurs, what has a soul and what doesn't. Not to mention you'd need to look at creation as a whole. so unless the esteemed Proffessor can actually calculate the size, the quantity and the actual scale of the universe and all those who inhabit it. His conclusions are practically void for Sikhs. No idea about other faiths.
  11. Bhaji. I say this in total respect but all of Bani is our Guru. Maybe I was a bit too quick on the keyboard. I apologize to yourself,PakandiBaba and anyone else I may have offended with my lapse of Judgement, if i was outspoken or rude. I hope you won't take my words as an attack on yourself or anyone.
  12. Kira


    My apologizes. Once again my right intentions has lead me to the wrong pictures.
  13. I would be very,very careful about talking disrespectfully about Guru Gobind singh Ji's Bani. The Dasam Granth may not be our Guru, but it is still Gurbani and as such should be treated with the utmost respect.
  14. There was an interesting video about this very topic done by basics Of Sikhi. It's an interesting topic. Like simran said you're Karma can change. For all we know it could very well be changing at this very moment, for better or worse, waheguru's power so to speak is everflowing. Karma isn't set in stone. Only thing Set in Stone is God's Will.
  15. Kira


    cutting off your hands. That's the cure to all these problems. Cutting yourself off completely (as you pointed out it's a daily problem) is a massively ineffect way to go about it. Cut down slowly. Rather than blocking the Dam and letting it explode at one point. Let it slowly edge away. As Professor Balkaar said you need to practice control. You said it's an addiction. No addiction is beat with just hoping the problem subsides and stopping one day, it seems to me it's become almost a ritual to you. Something you need to do. Go a day or so without doing the deed. And then limit how much you do in a week and so on. By doing so you'll realize you can spend your time doing other things. Though if you're referring to past lives. Maybe you were a celibate in your past life. Who knows. I'm sure you'll beat off this problem. If you'll excuse the pun. If all else fails. Imagine this face when the urges arise.
  16. Is this a bad time to make it known I'm actually a half-reptilian Race of super mutants from a distant Binary Star system?
  17. He had his sister imprisoned too. Just wanted to throw that into the mix.
  18. I see, Thank you for clearing that up. Was just back from work and absolutely tired.
  19. This isn't a question of Science though. Science is totally about the physical realm and how things operate there. It's like if you disassemble someone at the atomic level and then rebuild them up. Will they be the same person or a copy with all the traits and physical characteristics? Who knows. The Self (or the soul) is a purely a philosophical study, not one of scientific nature.
  20. I think people generally go to watch him rant and rave for comedic effects. He's not very nice no, but he has passion for his religion. Even though it's manifested in a very negative way lmao.
  21. Bro you should listen to some of stuff Zakir Naik talks about. With all respect to him for preaching his religion his methods of justifying the scientific inaccuracies are worth a chuckle or 2.
  22. From what I know Muhammed only met Gabriel twice in person. afterwards it was what would appear in his mind, either Gabriel was whispering to him or God, one of those. Which I can't remember. The Quran was simply recited and memorized for years but it wouldn't be a stretch to assume that some devout follower of the Prophet might have written it down. The problem with the recitation theory is that it would make changes less distinguishable. However I'll give kudos to whoever complied it afterwards. That task alone doesn't sound easy.
  23. Most 13 year old I know are more interested in smashing up stuff in GTA so it's refreshing for me xD one of the best OST ever made for any planning/supernatural anime.
  24. They might not be. Guru Nanak Dev Ji took a Pir Dastagir on a voyage and he brought back Prahshad. That means their civilized and at-least (towards Guru Sahib and the Pir) very hospitable. We may find a planet that's just developing or who knows we may find some way to get along with them. Maybe aliens are watching us right now. P.S- not a conspiracy nut but who knows. Sikhs are there too. In Guru Granth Sahib Ji it's mentioned that Waheguru's Darbar holds beings of many forms. not just humans.
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