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Everything posted by sikhni777

  1. Life on other planets exists in spirit form. Maya is just an illusion. There is life on this planet which we can't see with our eyes but we can with our inner eye. What we see is just an illusion, sort of like a computer program. Recent discoveries confirm this. We also turn into spirit form after death. That is when we meet the jam dhoots and dharam raaj. Self realisation by constant simran awakens the mind so that we have visions and believe in the unseen.Yes its hard work getting to that stage. However that is why we have Sri Guru Granth Sahib to take guidance from. There is so much out there that baffles the mind. This life has immense power and this life can decide to stay hidden or manifest itself in material form to either guide us or lead us astray. This depends on whether it is evil or good. It is only life on earth which requires water and food. Hence we have been provided by these by God. These commodities are not present on other planets. We have been there too possibly in some past life. Due to our karams or choice we have chosen or been sent to earth in human form. Performing bhagti will enable us to earn our own sustenance which we will eat in order to survive on other planets. There is a line in Gurbani which says if you dont plant the seed of naam here, what will you eat in the future? It is Naam dhi kamayi which we have come to get here so that we may be able to feed on it and survive in the future.
  2. The best article I have ever come across which explains the three gunas, which have have been referred to in gurbani as well many times. https://vedanet.com/2012/06/13/the-three-gunas-how-to-balance-your-consciousness/ Of course, reading Gurbani regularly will help us defeat these three gunas and rise up to the fourth state, chautha padh.
  3. Either increase your naam jap or increase your seva, both physical and money wise. Do ardaas for forgiveness.
  4. Since your hand washing is linked to your feeling of jhooth, mental path or listening to audio until you are stronger mentally would help. It will guve you confidence in pronunciation too. Moreover you will not need sqeeky clean hands for the above. You really need to focus your concentration on the shabad bani or mool mantra so that you beng gets saturated and other negative thoughts get weeded out. It takes time for naam to take root and then your mind will be able to focus on more positive thoughts.
  5. UTI uninary tract infection can cause considerable pain. When your body is down then you are more prone. Drinking lots of water definitely helps. At 18 your hormones are all haywire. That is why you are going through all these mixed emotions. A trip to the doctor and perhaps a urine test will get you sorted. UTI or ear infections can sometimes make you feel dizzy. I myself was a mess at 18. Believe me life gets better as those teenage years come to a gradual end. Good healthy diet and positive thoughts are vital to a healthy existence. Stop hating people too. You still got a lot to learn. Youth does not come again. The seconds you waste in hate and self pity will never come back ever again. They are lost forever. Therefore always use your time wisely.
  6. As long as no one was and is and will be killed, sit back and enjoy the publicity. That is what the sole aim of that symbol was. Hurray.... it's working. Shock !!!! This product actually works! !!!
  7. A bare gun on it's own got no meaning. A sikh has uchi mat as well. Mughals had large armies well armed with cannns too. Where did their largest cannon zam zam end up in ? In maharaja Ranjit singhs hands. Without brains and only bodies and blunt courage is not sikhi. There are other ways to overcome your enemies. Educating your youngsters on sikh history would be a more courageous action than displaying a gun during peaceful celebrations esp when maharaj dhi swari and most of Sikh sangat are out on the roads unarmed.
  8. I think we have to be very careful with the symbols and thoughts which we convey in open public. Khalistan is not every body's ideal. I even wonder if it is a Sikh idea. It is a political fight, best left to be used where people are fighting politically i.e. India. In a foreign country - we belong to a different political climate. I wonder how a gun will help us - who are not even citizens of India - get Khalistan!!!!! We are not terrorists either.
  9. Your body needs protein so get it from peanuts, cashews, walnuts, almonds, brazil buts, pista etc. Stock regular snacks like dried fruits - dried apricots, dates, etc. Increase your fruit intake too - apples, oranges, bananas etc. Try different types of fruits too. The natural progression of your path will be that you will want to take Amrit one day, after having started to do the punj baniya everyday. Then you will have to stop trimming your beard. So this would be a step to start working towards slowly. If you could come this far, this you will want to naturally keep your journey going. I mean - you will be making further steps into sikhi. What you read does influence you. If you keep reading bani and good books, then you will one day reach a stage where you will not want to be trimming your beard at all. People around you will come to accept you for what you are changing yourself into. The secret is to follow your own natural instinct. The path which is set our for every individual is different. You could be the only religious one in a community of atheists. This path is usually accessible to very few people. Gurbani says there are very few people in the world who would be able to do sass sass simran. These are the type of people whose charan dhuur we usually ask for. Gursikha ki har Dhuur dheh hum papi bhi gat paye. http://www.sikhnet.com/gurbani/audio/gursikha-ki-har-door-deh jina saas giras na visre Finally it is important to realise that this awakening is caused by Guru Ji himself because of some of your past good karam. Otherwise the world just roams around lost.
  10. Guru said punj kakar whether you have taken amrit ir not. Keep away from murakhs who have their own rules. Always trust and follow Guruji.
  11. http://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/10-of-india%E2%80%99s-most-priceless-historical-items-the-modi-government-must-get-back-228520.html
  12. ਸਲੋਕੁ ॥ सलोकु ॥ Salok. Shalok: ਮਾਇਆ ਡੋਲੈ ਬਹੁ ਬਿਧੀ ਮਨੁ ਲਪਟਿਓ ਤਿਹ ਸੰਗ ॥ माइआ डोलै बहु बिधी मनु लपटिओ तिह संग ॥ Mā▫i▫ā dolai baho biḏẖī man lapti▫o ṯih sang. Maya clings to the mind, and causes it to waver in so many ways. ਮਾਗਨ ਤੇ ਜਿਹ ਤੁਮ ਰਖਹੁ ਸੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਮਹਿ ਰੰਗ ॥੧॥ मागन ते जिह तुम रखहु सु नानक नामहि रंग ॥१॥ Māgan ṯe jih ṯum rakẖahu so Nānak nāmėh rang. ||1|| When You, O Lord, restrain someone from asking for wealth, then, O Nanak, he comes to love the Name. ||1|| ਪਉੜੀ ॥ पउड़ी ॥ Pa▫oṛī. Pauree: ਮਮਾ ਮਾਗਨਹਾਰ ਇਆਨਾ ॥ ममा मागनहार इआना ॥ Mamā māganhār i▫ānā. MAMMA: The beggar is so ignorant - ਦੇਨਹਾਰ ਦੇ ਰਹਿਓ ਸੁਜਾਨਾ ॥ देनहार दे रहिओ सुजाना ॥ Ḏenhār ḏe rahi▫o sujānā. the Great Giver continues to give. He is All-knowing. ਜੋ ਦੀਨੋ ਸੋ ਏਕਹਿ ਬਾਰ ॥ जो दीनो सो एकहि बार ॥ Jo ḏīno so ekėh bār. Whatever He gives, He gives once and for all. ਮਨ ਮੂਰਖ ਕਹ ਕਰਹਿ ਪੁਕਾਰ ॥ मन मूरख कह करहि पुकार ॥ Man mūrakẖ kah karahi pukār. O foolish mind, why do you complain, and cry out so loud? ਜਉ ਮਾਗਹਿ ਤਉ ਮਾਗਹਿ ਬੀਆ ॥ जउ मागहि तउ मागहि बीआ ॥ Ja▫o māgėh ṯa▫o māgėh bī▫ā. Whenever you ask for something, you ask for worldly things; ਜਾ ਤੇ ਕੁਸਲ ਨ ਕਾਹੂ ਥੀਆ ॥ जा ते कुसल न काहू थीआ ॥ Jā ṯe kusal na kāhū thī▫ā. no one has obtained happiness from these. ਮਾਗਨਿ ਮਾਗ ਤ ਏਕਹਿ ਮਾਗ ॥ मागनि माग त एकहि माग ॥ Māgan māg ṯa ekėh māg. If you must ask for a gift, then ask for the One Lord. ਨਾਨਕ ਜਾ ਤੇ ਪਰਹਿ ਪਰਾਗ ॥੪੧॥ नानक जा ते परहि पराग ॥४१॥ Nānak jā ṯe parėh parāg. ||41|| O Nanak, by Him, you shall be saved. ||41|| SGGS Ang 258
  13. I have recently been watching this series which gave me the idea of what Maharaja Ranjit was actually set out to achieve and the challenges he faced. Have not finished it. He wanted to unite all under him and his fight was against the Afghans. Lots of things have been twisted in different accounts which we read later on. However his rule was the most just which led all to turn to him for help. All Muslims and Hindus looked to him for justice. There were people from all religions in his government. He was a firm believer in God too. All the rest are shown to be quite jealous of him and many treacheries were planned against him. However he was quite lucky in defeating them all. Treaty of Lahore https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Lahore#Text_of_the_1849_Last_Treaty_of_Lahore
  14. This is the most accurate record which I may have read. http://www.tribuneindia.com/1999/99jun27/sunday/head4.htm
  15. I may be wrong, but this is what I think. It is purely the Sikhs fault that they had a part to play in the downfall of the united Punjab because of the greed an hatred they had in their hearts against Dilip Singh the son of Maharaja Ranjit Singh inheriting The Sikh Empire. We should first learn to sort out our differences and stand together before laying claim on the kohinoor, which any way is no longer in one piece anymore. The Kohinoor got into Maharaja Ranjit's hands because he earned it by going to rescue some king who had been kidnapped. His queen had promised Maharaja Ranjit singh the diamond. She reluctantly handed it over and the Maharaja had to request for it a number of times. However the British obtained it with tricks and cleverness, thanks to help from Anpe. What an ironical state is it that the maharaja's son was converted in to Christianity and all his parvaar lives in the Uk as British. I recently saw a book with all their pictures and paintings. Again - what benefit is the Kohinoor going to give us if we don't have dharam on our side? Isn't it just going to put more fights between us? Where are we going to place it? In a Museum in India where it may go missing or elsewhere - which we still have to find ? Of all of us, it was only Maharaja Ranjit singh who managed to acquire it with fair methods and keep it safely. Perhaps we should look into the qualities which made him brave enough and fair enough to establish such a successful rule. We should all try to learn some lessons from his life and teach our kids too. http://kohinoordiamond.org/history-of-kohinoor-diamond/
  16. How to save YouTube music to your iphone, iPad, iPod 2015 iOS 8 bluetooth pairing http://appcrawlr.com/ios-apps/best-apps-bluetooth-pairing Penji it takes time to match up things these days. It also needs you to try different apps as some dont work as well. Will later in the day, get you the name of one which works with our samsung phones so I dont know if it will work with apple as have not tried it with apple.
  17. If you save shabads and play via bluetooth then your internet allowance is not used. You download an app which will play your music directly in your car. This method works if you install a stereo in your car with bluetooth. The shabadsare then saved on your phone before hand.
  18. It has taken a while for you to put that in your mind - the guilt I mean. It's hard to help change any mental thoughts for anyone. Maybe you can try whatever works best for you as a distraction in the way of a long walk or swim and freshen up. Under constant pressure the mind wants to just escape the body. Try a meditation video, many of which are available on u tube. Exams may seem the immediate world to you at the moment but there will be much more to deal with Once you are out of school. The amount of mistakes we make are numerous and have no end according to gurbani. Therefore it is important to keep spirits high and work always to develop a positive mental attitude. Keep your thoughts in check and always tell yourself you will try your best. Imagine repeating another year - if that snaps you out of your present condition. That way you will want to give your best shot at things. Whats past is gone and will never come back. However the future is still in your hands - that is what you should worry about. Again only you know what will work for you. Don't be afraid to ask for professional help if you need it. Alternatively a self help might work faster for you as it is exam time too.
  19. Thankyou penjis and bhajis for making me see it in a different light. No one ever complained before, and we have been attending that Guradwara for now 10 years. When you are surrounded with complaints from everyone all around, it just makes you a bit angry at whoever introduced that system. I will however try to talk to more people and get their views. I definitely have a better mental attitude to the system now. Thanks.
  20. The system before used to work very well. It did not require a change. People have complained and pleas fall on deaf ears. When the committee says things are not in their hands, then there is not much you can do. It's true the youngsters do not engage in much seva. However I have seen most people get more motivated to perform seva. However the thing is the system is too slow and cannot deal with a bigger function. The sevadhaars are more effective when they stand and serve. This system was used traditionally when there were lots of people and there was space too. The huge guradwara in Birmingham uses this system, however they have huge langar halls too. It is also effective when people are coming in altogether not in 5s and 3s.. All the other guradwaras have adopted their systems to suit the present day demands of the community where langar is served all day. Not everyone goes in to perform seva. Families with more than 2 children find it difficult to wait. Everyone I personally know is not happy with the system. I was almost shocked when two days ago I just asked a lady if they were going to that guradwara for vasakhi. She told me that they have stopped going there and her husband tried to speak to the in charge who said its not in his hands to decide what the system is. When whoever started it does not care about its consequences, unless it is a deliberate attempt to reduce attendance then they should be aware of people's attitudes too.No one will keep complaining twice or thrice out of sharam. It is however an uncomfortable system we would rather do without.
  21. Whilst you are both right not all people can do that. There are times I have sat there and done my simran while waiting. However with every single person you meet complaining about it and actually not going into the guradwara should be ringing alarm bells. Believe me the system has been in place for an year now. People have tried to cope and given up. 20 mins in langar does not seem too good. After langar you come home and families need to cook because someone missed some item and just did not sat well. There are pros and cons too. People with children cannot do seva much as they may want to. Someone passing by you asking if you will have some tea 3 times does break your simran too. If you have an appointment to attend to then you have to opt to miss kirtan and spenx 20 mins in langar. Yes people enjoy langar and go for the dhaal anx sabzi. I am not speaking for myself alone. 9 close people have just admitted this to me. It pains me that others are opting to go elsewhere. People who were going to have their programs at this guradwara went ahead and cancelled them. These were 4 parwars. The reason was the langar system. This system requires a huge space which the guradwara does not have. You have your langar while others are standing waiting and you sit there waiting with your empty plate. Anyone who needs to make a hasty exit has no chance to have a quick langar. Langar as we know has been created for a purpose. Imagine elderly people standing waiting - are you going to enjoy your simran leave alone your langar?
  22. In this busy life, people go into the Guradwara and want a speedy langar service. There are usually sevadaars and you get your own plate and choose what you want, sit down have your langar and you are able to leave. However our Guradwara had decided to adopt a new system whereby you sit down and wait and wait and then you are brought a plate. Then comes the phulka, when you spent some minutes wondering when the sevadhaar will reach you. Finally dhaal or sabji comes and this may have taken ten minutes of waiting and your patience is by now wearing out. The people serving sometimes are quite elderly and you feel guilty to have the sevadhaars running all over to get some one water, or something else. Then the same sevadhaar gets some plates. Now this may have been the traditional way langar is served, but also it was done in batches. This system leaves people without having received either dhaal or sabji which gets served afterwards. This system wastes time and just makes the sangat wonder what is happening. Perhaps they want us to be put off from their Guradwara. After having received complaints from several people, this means all their regulars, programs are now being cancelled in the Guradwara, but they adamantly choose to stick to their langar system. This is the sister Guradwara to the Birmingham one on Soho road under Guru Nanak Nishkam sevak jatha. This Guradwara in situated in Hounslow, on Martindale Road. I just wonder what the sangat have done in order to receive such treatment from the committee members who are so adamant in changing their langar system which no one seems happy with!!!!!!!!!! Each and every regular goer to this Guradwara whom I met over this vasakhi has opted out of the langar and attended just the program and gone for langar else where or just started going to another Guradwara altogether.
  23. Sometimes parents are not able to explain in detail some important parts of religion. Therefore you should research yourself and find out the importance of religion and the meaning of why we do what we do. Yesterday in the Guradwara the Giani Ji had a beautiful katha in which he explained to us that Guru Gobind singh Ji has given the Sikh his saroop. In the katha he talked about an uneducated person having approached a sangat where there were bhagats of shiv and Vishnu and the other Hindu gods or devas whom they worship. The sangat there was all honouring their bhagats in sanskrit saloks. This Sikh person who was short in height and sort of illiterate compared to the rest, went ahead and kept requesting some time to say what he wanted. Everyone was sort of sneering and wondering what he would say. They finally gave in and gave him 3 minutes to express himself. He then woke up and addressed the whole lot and asked them if they had the saroops of whom they worship? Does the Shiv bhagat have snakes around his head and other signs - of whom they actually worship? The Sikh then told them that Guru Ji has given the Sikh his own saroop. Not only that - but Guru Ji himself knelt before the panj peyare and requested for Amrit from the same bhata which he had given them. This made the Guru the disciple and the disciple the Guru. This is the vadheyai which Guru Gobind Singh Ji has given to the Sikh. Ape Gur chela.... Up to this day, when we honour any 5 sikhs in our home - We have honoured Guru Gobind Singh Ji. There is no eleventh Guru. The dastar is the roop which Guru Gobind singh Ji has given to each sikh. A Sikh person is supposed to stand out in front of all the others. People looked onto a person with a dastar as a saviour in the olden days. These sikhs were the ones who were armed and who were brave. They were the ones who saved the Indian continent from being taken over by the Afghans many a time. Sikh history is the only history is the world which is filled with the largest amount of sahdhis. Even Guru Gobind Singh Jis sons the shote sahibzadhe gave their lives but did not depart from the Sikh saroop. They did not go for worldly things like raaj, money and lots of izaat maan which they were being bribed with. How were these people able to achieve all that? The greatest secret of all was Naam, They were doing lots of Naam jap and they were being guided on the right path with Naam. If you dont Naam jap, then you will not understand your religion. You will slowly kill your own soul and fall victim to mental diseases and physical illness. Therefore OP for your own good, let us hope that you decide to make the basic steps of starting some Naam jap. This is the greatest medicine for all types of diseases. Obviously results do not show up straight away. You have to patiently keep taking this medicine to manage to make your way to peace and prosperity. The path you seem to be treading on at the moment does not seem to be a very good one as you may greatly upset your parents. Any religious questions you may have I am sure will kindly be answered by sangat on religious sites. However you have to make the first steps towards Naam jap yourself. When Guru Teg Bahagur Ji, the father of Guru Gobind singh Ji had sacrificed his life for the Kashmiri pandits, then his pavitar body lay there and no one had the guts to approach and take it up in the open to perform the sanskaar. This is when one devoted sikh Bhai Lakhi Shah, had managed to creep and get the body to cremate it in his house so that no one would know about it. Everyone was afraid of Auranzeb who was on the lookout for sikhs in order to persecute them. When Guru Gobind Singh Ji heard about this, he decided to create the Khalsa so that his Sikhs can be made distinct and stand out from the rest. http://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Lakhi_Shah_Vanjara Lakhi Shah Vanjara Bhai Lakhi Shah Vanjara was a devout Sikh who lived during the time of the ninth Sikh Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur. He hailed from the Lobana community of Sikhs, who played an important role during the times of the Sikh Gurus. He was a trader and a contractor and supplier for the Mughal Army and supplied them with saddles, bridles(rakabs) and reins. He also traded in cotton, lime powder(chuna). He lived in Raisina village with his family. He had three sons, Hema, Nagahiya and Harhi and a daughter named Seeto bai. Bhai Lakhi Shah was present in Delhi on 1675 when Guru Tegh Bahadur was executed at the orders of Aurangzeb. A dust storm had hit Delhi at that time and the Mughal soldiers ran for cover. Bhai Ude and Bhai Lakhi Shah had devised a plan to recover Guru Ji's body and he planned to bring several bullock carts loaded with cotton through Chandni Chowk at that time. The carts travelling at considerable speed blew more dust into the air, which added to the dust from the storm, adding to the chaos and further reducing visibility. At the risk of his own life, under the cover of darkness and in the dust storm, Bhai Lakhi Shah was able to remove the headless body of the fallen Martyr, with the help of his son Nagahiya, in a cart which was loaded with cotton, and carry it to his humble home. As it was too dangerous to openly cremate the body (the Mughals had planned to desecrate the Guru's remains and put them on public display) he did so by setting fire to his home, concealing the cremation of the Guru's body. At the same time, Bhai Jaita was on his to Anandpur Sahib with Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib's head. Afterwards Lakhi Shah, accompanied by his companions, traveled to Anandpur to pay homage to Guru Gobind Singh and let him know that his father's body had been given the final rights. Several key incidents in time of the ninth and tenth Gurus are attributed to the Lobana Sikh community. Baba Makhan Shah was a devout Sikh who was responsible for finding the ninthSikh Guru, (Guru Tegh Bahadur). The Lobanas fought in many battles with Guru Gobind Singh and Baba Banda Singh Bahadur. Gurudwara Rakab Ganj Sahib in Delhi marks the site where once stood the house of this dedicated Sikh.
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