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sikhni777 last won the day on December 7 2019

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  1. We have been told to avoid human contact. However we are still finding ourselves in super market queues - the perfect spreading ground for the virus. The message which should have been sent out to us should have been clear and concise. It's not time to stock up what you don't have. Save lives by staying at home. Only go to the shop if completely necessary. If there are more than 5 people around you, you are better leaving the shop. People have not given the advice any deeper thought. Being caught in a queue is the worst thing. It should be viewed as waiting in the line of getting infected sooner. Queues are not being spaced out either. Are shops helping with the spread? How important is stocking up now? If shopping was equated to spreading, and the possibility of landing in the ICU, maybe people would take it more seriously. Warning Posters should be designed and shopkeepers should play a part in preventing queues while there is still time to do so. More so we should each take more responsibility and just stay at home despite all the temptations our brains are presenting to us.
  2. sikhni777

    Akaal Sahai

    In one of the maharaja ranjit singh series the longer one on youtube, akaal sahai was engraved on the sword which one of his forefathers had ordered to be made specifically for fighting with the mughals.
  3. To add to this is a part heard recently in a katha. Why did the word Narayan work? It had been stored in his hirdha when he had been doing his naam jap. The sadhu whom he had gone to meet knew this and this is why he had told him to name his son Narayan. It just shows us all names of God lead to God.
  4. One of the main criteria for entry into heaven or mukti is not specifically defined as non meat eating. I think Guru ji has made this rule specifically for kalyug where the quality of meat is on a decline and the cause of major illnesses. All religions have some sort of similarity. At the end of the day survival on this planet is crutial if you are to earn your place in the darga. Vich duniya sev kamaiye ta dharge besan paiye. Only Hinduism specifically says meat is to be avoided. However a person who is closer to God would not want to hurt or destroy another animal hence adding to their lekha. This is why a Sikh who is closer to God makes a personal choice to avoid meat.
  5. I know penji. I have had this debate too in the past. Everybody has their own views. Our religion has been messed up badly. Therefore it will take some time or generations to put it back together.
  6. It's worth reading older posts made years ago rather than trying to preach sense on this website.
  7. Nice to see someone get the idea. We better get started on doing this so that when we are old we have a system set up. Else we will end up lonely and neglected. A lot of history, life styles, recipes and memories are going to be list if we don't get talking to the elderly.
  8. sikhni777


    Some homeless people have mental problems too. There was a gori who got beaten by a person she considered homeless and gave shelter to.
  9. There are enough lonely old people that youngsters can chat to in the guradwara. This can solve 2 problems. Loneliness and pass on the language. It can also help develop social skills. Guradwara should try to promote this mix somehow. This will ensure our younger generation will be able to handle the guradwara in the future too.
  10. I heard a sakhi about how Baba Bhuda ji prepared to leave the world. He got permission from Guru ji first. Then he asked Guru ji to give him blessings so that he may never be parted from the true Guru. He then went and lay down and passed away. This however is how a great Gursikh... the one who has actually anointed 5 of the guru jis.. would pass away. He had a lot of nimarta and being chosen to actually put the tilak on the Gurus did not affect his mind. He still was in total submission to Guru ji. There was once that Guru Har Gobind ji carried the palki which Baba Budha ji was being transported in. Baba Budha ji realised instantly that Guru ji was carrying the palki and he protested. After Baba Budha ji left his earthly body Guru Har Gobind ji offered to carry the arthi on which his body was transported.
  11. I picked up a number of their free books yesterday from the gurdwara.
  12. sikhni777


    Youngsters really need to read a good psychology book on relationships to understand what is involved in a successful relationship. Getting ideas from films which portray loose characters who jump from partner to partner in a split second are showing emotional immaturity. You have to work on your owm communication problems in order to tell your partner what your needs are and be a little more enduring. It takes a lot of effort and deeper understanding to keep a relationship going. Financial stability personality and morality are the pillars that lead to a successful marriage. It's hard work which I suppose youngsters just take for granted thus engaging in a physical relationship to make up for their shortcomings in other areas.
  13. So let us take the pangti juga jugantar khayi khaye from japji sahib. It means that we have been eating what God has given us from any jug that ever existed. So we have been around since a long time ago. Jug can also refer to just time. Aadh saach jugaadh Sach. God was around even before the jugs came into being. If we take the pangti jug jug peere Chale satgur dhi and look at the whole shabad in context I think it is recited from the view of Bibi Bhani ji when she was going to get married. It talks about daaj.. And what she valued in her daaj - naam japna. It talks about naam japna in her fathers house (which is this world) so that she can be beautifully adorned in the next world. The shabad is also a praise of the living God whose name is saach. Thus he will always be around. Satgur ji refers to the True Guru. A Guru who is pura and who will lead his followers and join them to the truth i. e. Parmatma.
  14. sikhni777

    My story

    An old man might have looked for a youngster and told his story. However whoever wrote it has a message to pass on about critism. Criticising without thinking over the situation is very common in Sikhs and generally among the more elderly. Lack of education may have led to this. Do we ever pause to think about the effects our latest words may have had on our children. Do we ever spend some time sharing something positive with our children instead of just voicing what we think they should have done, be doing or should do. His mum being able to work out exactly how much percent of alcohol is present in certain drinks is a truly remarkable gift for a lady who would now be 100 plus if still alive. We're these amounts calculated and put on bottles at that time. Did our women think of offering alcohol to their sons in those days?
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