We have been told to avoid human contact. However we are still finding ourselves in super market queues - the perfect spreading ground for the virus.
The message which should have been sent out to us should have been clear and concise. It's not time to stock up what you don't have. Save lives by staying at home. Only go to the shop if completely necessary. If there are more than 5 people around you, you are better leaving the shop.
People have not given the advice any deeper thought. Being caught in a queue is the worst thing. It should be viewed as waiting in the line of getting infected sooner.
Queues are not being spaced out either. Are shops helping with the spread? How important is stocking up now?
If shopping was equated to spreading, and the possibility of landing in the ICU, maybe people would take it more seriously.
Warning Posters should be designed and shopkeepers should play a part in preventing queues while there is still time to do so.
More so we should each take more responsibility and just stay at home despite all the temptations our brains are presenting to us.