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Everything posted by dallysingh101

  1. I think you're missing my point. Certain blacks had centuries of constant disruption to stable family norms through slavery. The laws and socially acceptable violence meant that a black man trying to protect his wife/daughter from rape and abuse was usually strung up/mutilated or physically punished. The whole plantation was a hotbed of grooming too, with white men being able to bring anyone they found attractive into the house (house-slave) specifically for grooming purposes - if they so desired. So if your wife/daughter was selected, brought in the house and groomed, and then sprung out an obviously mixed-race child - you couldn't do anything about it. For centuries! How the hell would any culture develop a stable family culture with marriage and fidelity in all of that? You seriously can't see that? Saying all that, you can go to places like Atlanta and see black people thriving on a middle class level, unlike the usual stereotype. So it's not all a simple story. And how much of the way certain urban black neighbourhoods have developed is down to discreetly disadvantageous policies placed upon them? I mean look at the drugged up state of Panjab these days if you think that such things don't happen. Because it's happening to us as we speak.
  2. I think that caricature died out a long time ago - other than in the minds of people of a particular ilk.
  3. Not at all. Gengis Khan (for example) is considered to be a great warrior - he was exceptionally cruel. A lot of Vikings too. There are plenty of other examples. I don't know where you are getting your definition from? Maybe you've mixed up the idea of sant-sipahi with the definition of a warrior?
  4. It's like we are waking up to a big con job done on us. lol
  5. I think the seeds for this emerged much earlier - during slavery itself. You have to read accounts written by former slaves (like Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave - a eye-opening read I'd recommend to everyone). In such accounts they tell of how the slavery system often separated children from their parents as a matter of policy. They'd sell them or exchange them with other plantation owners and often keep any information about parentage secret from the children. I presume this was to keep people confused and rootless to make controlling them better? I've mentioned before, it's like whites were developing and implementing some crude, unspoken of social theories in this period. Given that, is it any surprise that the idea of a family unit was negatively impacted upon within that society? Here's a little taste of what life was like: Birth/Childhood (p. 1 to p. 5)[edit] The narrative begins with a description of Henson's life growing up. He was born June 15, 1789 in Charles County, Maryland, on a farm belonging to Mr. Francis N. He was the youngest of six children. His mother was the property of Dr. Josiah McP., but was hired routinely to Mr. N, who owned his father. His earliest known memory was of his father bloody and beaten. Henson eventually found out that his father had been beaten because he had beaten a white man for assaulting Henson's mother, which was punishable by Maryland law. His father's right ear was cut off and he had received a hundred lashes as punishment. His father, from that point afterward became a "different man" and the Mr. N. eventually sold him. Dr. McP stopped hiring out his mother afterward, but Josiah went to live with her for two or three years. He expresses that his time on Dr. McP's plantation was some of his happiest. During this time he learned about God from his mother, who frequently recited the Lord's prayer. Not long after, Dr. McP died after falling from a horse and drowning. As a consequence, the doctor's property, which included Henson and his family, was divided throughout the country. On the day this was happening after watching her other five children get sold off, his mother was bought by Mr. R. (Isaac Riley). At seeing that Henson would not be bought also, she went to Mr. R and begged at his feet. He kicked her away and ignored her. Henson was then sold to another master, but after seeing that Henson had falling sick, he was sold to Mr. Riley. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Life_of_Josiah_Henson,_Formerly_a_Slave,_Now_an_Inhabitant_of_Canada,_as_Narrated_by_Himself
  6. Here, here!! But then like you ain't got your own issues in this department bahmnunha.
  7. It's scary dude. You don't know when someone in your own fam might end up in this situation. I don't think this guy's got the gonads for what you are saying, but he obviously has no qualms with psychologically abusing his missus - and I think women get messed up over this as bad as physical abuse (not that one is better than the other). Like I said - scary.
  8. And like I've said previously, meet me yourself and show me how much of a 'Jut soorma' you are. Remember how you were blindly singing the sifthaan of the very people you are now openly condemning. Explain that. You thought these people where the greatest thing since sliced bread only a couple of years ago, now you've done a 180 u-turn. Explain what happened to change your views so dramatically. Please. What made you finally wake up to stark reality? Maybe some other 1diots could also benefit from your experiences?
  9. I'm glad you're getting woke brother. Some of our own ancestors (sadly) played a big part in entrenching and emboldening these people by supporting them in their wars, which played a major part in establishing white supremacist dominion over non white people on a global scale. If apnay never did this, I don't think certain people would have been in the position they are in now. I hope you realise this now, and the implications of this for the future. Notice how brits seized an oil tanker around Iran, and then are now crying about Iranians dong the same to them. Who is messing around in waters thousands of miles away from them.... I thank Waheguru that even simple Juts have gained enough intelligence to realise that fighting for such causes is not a smart move.
  10. I'm sure you love the power you're wielding over the women. I'm just wondering how warped you're going to get with it?
  11. Plus, he has threatened to boycott and permanently leave the forum umpteen times before. He won't do it, because he's got that super-gay need to be centre of attraction. If he goes to a LGCT forum, he'd just be another one of many. I imagine that such a forum would consist of a number of such people who would be metaphorically pirouetting and doing high kicks in the most wide eyed, attention hungry, exaggerated fashion, all trying to outdo each other.....
  12. Best idea of all put out on the topic. Makes you scared of having a gay son in your own family. I'd just accept it I reckon. Better than having someone live a full on lie their whole life because of keeping up appearances, and dragging umpteen others in the web of lies. Gays in our society were better off in the traditional system of turning a blind eye I reckon. Now, they can inflict their excessive emotions on us with no restraint. Like we don't have women to do that anyway......
  13. Great video. Everyone should watch it. Answers the OP's question quite thoroughly. You should maybe make a new thread and repost the video - so more people will watch it.
  14. They've basically had a lot of help by outside forces that view them as geopolitically important. I think a lot of our lot can't seem to step above rural farmer mentalities into global realities. It's like many of them are a stuck in a mental timewarp? Or maybe they are just biologically unsophisticated through inbreeding?
  15. This is one suspicious looking flag, which firstly, is in no way as old as M. Ranjit Singh's time. You can tell just by looking at the condition of it. And if it is a replica of an older one, where is the original? We have other standards from that time available, none of them look like this.
  16. I'd say the same to you actually. I tell you what the big problem is. People like you are (to put it kindly) 'risk-averse'. The advantage of people who aren't (who usually get into trouble when young because of this characteristic and not really understanding it) is that they don't suffer from the cowardly paralysis that inflicts people like yourself. And some of us who haven't been hiding under their mother's skirts all their lives, know exactly what type of people originally stepped up to the grooming/conversion issue. It was giddarhs singing the tired old song that you are singing right now that actually caused the groomers to get more and more emboldened. So emasculated people like yourself, with your fear driven lifestyles, are actually a BIG part of the problem itself. The enemy within. You do more to help groomers than people within who try and address this. So why don't you take responsibility for your own cowardly, unmanly, unSinghlike characteristics first, and admit how inactive people like yourself are exactly what paedo-groomers rely on, to operate with relative impunity. If SIkhs can't protect their own community (partly because of obfuscating cowards like yourself), what do you expect them to do about other communities also on the receiving end? This is even more of an issue, when the whites who've jumped on the issue are riddled with far-right, blatantly neo-nazi opportunists. The white community brought this one on themselves to a degree too, because it's their own police force, social services and successive governments and media that turned a blind eye to it all. Now we know how rampant paedophilia has been in the higher echelons of their society - it's probably a long standing, unspoken of, open secret type of cultural issue going on. That explains why these grooming nonces have been given such a free ride for so long. The whitey in power way of hiding this truth is to pretend this was all because poor old whites were too scared to be openly called racist by calling it out - which is the biggest bunch of BS ever - because if that was true, Sikhs highlighting and trying to combat this issue gave them the perfect opportunity to deal with this without this so called 'stigma'. But no, they consciously made the decision to protect the groomers for decades, again and again and again. PS - Theoretically if someone on any forum did do anything about this, they'd be pretty much deranged to post it all over the web (where we know whitey and their apparatus monitors) and incriminate themselves. Are you that clueless as well as cowardly? Thankfully many people in our community have seen through the pusillanimous 'arguments' of people like yourself and know what the score is out there. You should try and catch up. If the coward cap fits, wear it. Own it. Are you even a Sikh btw??? Or some sneaky whitey?? Try answering please.
  17. You know what though. Raw talk: Some of you guys out there. Just imagine that you had some decent daughter/niece that was married and then you heard the bloke was going on like this. That could cause serious problems. I'm surprised no one's come around to slap this gay guy around for how he's behaving??
  18. So basically, you don't really know what you are talking about and have a habit of making sweeping statements that have more holes in them than swiss cheese......
  19. It's obvious to me. After annexation, goray introduced a lot of things to try and break Sikhs from their past/roots. The new insignia was probably part of it. Simples.
  20. I don't know who sounds more emotionally erratic, you or your missus? She's got an excuse because she is pregnant - you haven't. You have to be strong minded and stoic - push those masculine qualities. Because if you and your missus are both behaving this way, the kid is not going to get the balance of male and female energy required for balance.
  21. Don't try, just throw yourself in and work on building it up. Have the most basic workout plan to start with. You don't need equipment. Do basics like push ups, squats, lunges, get yourself a cheap doorway pull up bar. The chemicals that get released in your body when you train can help your mind feel better BIG TIME! I had an injury a short while ago that meant that I couldn't train, and boy did I feel this on my mental state! As for simran. Just go for 5 minutes to start with. You have to gradually recondition your mind (munh) and body (tunh).
  22. I hear you. But doesn't this then boil down to our own parchaar and the reach of this? If this is done inadequately, then what we have is a vacuum. It's this vacuum that becomes fertile ground for these other beliefs to germinate, and thus take a hold of minds. We can't just keep 'preaching to the converted' - and how we are preaching can't be oblivious to these other 'matts' (if you can call them that), because that's how they get a foothold. Yes, what you are saying IS an issue, but let's not overblow it either. Hard rightward thinking is also as destructive, in that it essentially subordinates minds to white supremacy. We've already been dealing with this since the 'annexation'.
  23. Slowly and gradually bring in simran and physical training into your life. It will help big time. Not training has a dual effect of actually making us feel less energetic. You have to take steps yourself, no one but you can make you do it.
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