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Everything posted by dallysingh101

  1. Better to aim for something than just be hopeless and normalise conformity. Did you ever think our lot would be kicking out the pigs from our Gurdwaras - a Singh Sabha one (with all its colonial baggage) at that. I don't know how you live with such hopelessness. And I don't buy your 'it's just reality' argument myself. At least don't discount possibilities, and push for change. It may not happen overnight, but still worth pursuing.
  2. Same mentality that had so-called 'high caste' Sikhs looking down on Mazhbhis. Our lot are no better in this respect.
  3. I agree with this. Even if you forget capitalising anything else, at least capitalise Sikhi. Shows respect (as well as evidence of enough intelligence that you can understand basic grammar - which I know is frequently a big struggle for our canuck brothers and sisters.....) lol
  4. Sister, don't you think that we should focus on amplifying our own voice and narrative instead of giving these people oxygen? I think most clued up people know where they stand by now.
  5. It was always there in my lifetime, even before 84. You can't throw anti-Sikh sentiments on all hindus, some of the ones from say the south have been away and distant from it, it's more pronounced in the north, and if south people are doing it now, it's the northern one's recent influence on them.
  6. I think, if done right, instead of the usual contemptuous behaviour our people exhibit, we should be able to convert a lot of these. We're doing it with hindu jaats right now (who were raping and killing Sikhs within my lifetime!), why not these people?
  7. No one is saying Russia is Batman, but the reality is that if the west is embroiled in dealing with them, it gives other developing nations breathing space from the neo-colonialism they pursue there, and might be good chance to come from under it. This is how politics is played. Plus a west on the defensive gives leverage to others they would otherwise openly treat with contempt as a lesser species. Are these simple rajniti things that complicated for some of you to grasp?
  8. One thing that is potentially likely to work in our favour in this respect is a relative degree of financial freedom from intergenerational wealth (within diasporas), that will free minds and resources to develop in these other areas.
  9. I don't agree. I think many people actually like biharis being there as cheap labour because it frees them from having work themselves. I can't remember if it was you, or another sister who said, many believe they are above working their lands themselves and believe that these biharis etc. should be doing it whilst they pursue the dream of life in the diaspora. Plus given anglo Sikh history and how they f**ked our sovereignty up and robbed our wealth for a century, we aren't in the same position as others. Whether they acknowledge it or not. Plus I imagine that the future involves reminding them of their past with us, outside of stupid, deferential pro-colonial era pandering to a sepoy identity, which has been going on thus far.
  10. It's just something all diaspora communities have to deal with and combat. Our lot projecting themselves as barn dancing clowns doesn't help. Our lot being focused on the shallow things we routinely focus on doesn't help. I don't know where you are, but I do see at least some ground level reflection and activities challenging the assimilation and establishment going on the england. Just think of the recent kicking out of the police from Gurdwaras here as an example. A trend towards self assertion and reflection that can potentially grow.
  11. Well the focus then needs to be on changing our communities mind sets. This'll be easier in the diaspora than the 'motherland' where there is no other example to follow, the foolishness being so normalised.
  12. I think you're one of that generation that grew up in the post 90s period of stability. You're not seeing what's under your nose. You might see events of a few decades ago as some past gone era, but history shows us that these things seem to come and go in cycles. Those racist people of recent times never disappeared or all changed their worldview, they just went underground, and many are in relative positions of power at ground level. They also made sure they indoctrinated a lot of their younger people (i.e. their families and work colleagues) with their views, and taught them to be covert about it. I agree that the top down influence of 'Corporations, lobbies, billionaires' are largely influential but bear in mind that ground level (mostly working class) voting brought about Brexit, despite most corporations etc. wanting to keep the existing arrangement (mainly down to cheap skilled and unskilled labour). Notice the rejection of 'multiculturalism' and pervasive anti-immigrant feeling throughout a lot of the western world. This is indicative of a deeper current through society. As someone from a Sikh background who's descended from a ground level movement yourself, I'm surprised at how you don't realise how influential these things can be. It's no coincidence that whenever Boris is in some form of trouble he dresses up like this: No one is saying that the (for now) quiet, covert racists will definitely get their way, but their intent is clear. And they can and do (obviously!) have an influence on society and politics (bottom upwards). You sound like someone deluded to all this, which is understandable because of when you grew up. But you have to remember, the old school still have a lot of sway here. Other communities aren't as dishevelled and fragmented as much as our lot. Plus, you're very ignorantly ignoring what your own people with experience have to say about the matter. Remember who were around last time the neo-nazis got clamped down on. The way you talk is like their knowledge and experiences amount to nothing. That's ignorant to the extreme. They aren't all outdated people who don't know the world around them, on the contrary they have infinitely more world experience than the closeted millennial generation. Be careful of detaching the world you see around you now and what you grew up in, from what immediately preceded it. That's foolish.
  13. Some of working class ones I've worked with over the years are clued up. They know conflict is impending. They know it'll be about race. They've made their government bend to them somewhat hence all the anti-immigration/pro-racism vibes coming from therein. They are just biding their time.
  14. I think in large parts of the diaspora we do have a strong identity, the problem is that it's just a shallow one, based on crap 'modren' jut cultural markers like dancing, false machismo, and prancing around like a bander on speed.
  15. I've got an older relative with this condition. They didn't understand it much back then (not sure if they do now?) Stress plays a big part. Simran plays its part in reducing this, so keep that up. Lower that heart rate and let go of everything to help your body promote healing. You want to go for anti-inflammatory compounds such as huldhee milk (always with some fat and black pepper), cannabinoids can potentially help too with their anti-inflammatory effects. Are you still on the probiotic stuff, kefir and kombucha? I think these things need to be tackled with a multi-pronged approached. Watch out for exercises that put too much strain on your lower body for a while perhaps? What was happening in the run up to diagnosis? Did it only manifest in the run up to the wedding?
  16. I'm talking about the editor of Des Pardes, who was publishing smuggled pictures of executed kharkus and probably people set up to look like them. Remember we were living in a time without mobile cameras being able to take digital pictures. So people had to physically get film to other locations instead of electronically sending them. http://www.unsolved-murders.co.uk/murder-content.php?key=1797&termRef=Tarsem Singh Purewal
  17. We can see Mann doing this now with his hijab/ukrainian comments........
  18. It our lot that are childlike and emotional babies like this. A lot of other races are more based and clued up. In terms of the narrative. I don't think you know how lucky you are right now. We're finally in a position where the hegemony on narratives by the west is as weak as it's ever been in centuries. Tech allows people to communicate and challenge the establishment narratives like never before.
  19. It's got mad potential therapeutic values. Some of the compounds work on a lot of interesting receptors in the body. But of course you have to be careful as abuse can turn you into:
  20. You should read up on it. Plus, lets keep it real. Nihangs who were taking cannabis basically kept the farmers from getting killed in their protest - so it can't be all bad! lol There are a lot of interesting compounds in cannabis that aren't psychotropic and have very good anti-inflammatory properties. Don't be a complete ignoramus.
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