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Everything posted by GuestKaur2

  1. Don't be scared of anything, when Maharaj is with you nothing evil can come anywhere near you. Before you sleep do Kirtan Sohila (or listen to it) and you won't feel scared.
  2. It was horrible lol then they used to laugh when you spat it out
  3. Well not by my own will, but my grandad put a spoon of brandy in my mouth when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I hated it and would never drink it ever again in my life.
  4. The chorus is exactly what my mum says to me lmaooo ???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE9Qzhnsbn8
  5. I would've given him a dirty look lmaooo He's a joke ????
  6. He's just one of those irrelevant people that no-one really cares about anymore. My grandad will see him on TV and starts swearing at him ????
  7. Honey Singh's songs are were so cringey they always will be Jazzy B is just a weirdo, just look at him
  8. I love that song too lol Alcohol is nasty I hate it lol
  9. I've watched my dad tie his pagh loads of times and he's never ironed it (he does starch it tho)
  10. My dad, grandad and chacha all tie their pagh's kenyan style and the point at the top is bare sharp looool My grandparents are from kenya tho so it makes sense lol
  11. Yeah there is a part where you can speak to Vaheguru Ji, Its when you say Sache Pita Vaheguru Ji Aap de Hazur...(whatever you want to say) At that time you can say what prayer you just did too. Although you don't really need to because Vaheguru Ji knows everyone's inner thoughts anyway. This is probably the worst explanation ever but hoped it helped
  12. Does it say anything about what Maharaj thought of that??
  13. Thats interesting I never knew that..
  14. Most my clothes are actually blue and pastel pink
  15. Yeah same but I don't think it classes as red I've never actually heard that before.. Interesting lol
  16. I don't really own red clothes anyway so its not a problem for me, I used to own a red cap but I don't wear it anymore either because we're not meant to wear hats etc.
  17. I think its because historically, Muslims/mughals adopted the colour green but the important colour for Hindu's is Red. I'm pretty sure the British wore red as well. However Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj selected the colour Blue. This had practical reasons too since in battle if a Singh was injured the blood would just look like sweat (Thats what I was told from a Katha) so therefore would be less targeted. I don't know much about this but this is just my guess. Bhull Chuk Maaf
  18. As humans it is near to impossible to break attachments with other people because if someone gives us happiness then we become attached to that person. When my nani passed away I was really upset (obviously) but then I realised that crying is not going to help her. So I did Bani for her. However, I only had one wish to go to her funeral since I never got to say goodbye or even see her before she passed away. But when I went to her funeral I was so glad and from that time since, I feel peaceful and my heart is at rest that now she is with Maharaj. Where we come from we have to go back. Now I live to make her proud of me and no matter what, she is still alive in my heart. This is the game of life and death. One day it will be our turn and so its best we don't waste our time hurting other people, slandering, gossiping and doing the wrong things because life is really too short to be wasted on stupid petty things. I'm sorry for all this Veerji hopefully I answered your question.
  19. No, Vaping is still bad for you. At the end of the day, smoke is smoke and its not meant to go near your lungs. Also vaping is a nasty habit too that is hard to get out of.
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