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Everything posted by Amit12

  1. Amit12


    Interesting. And what is that word for Facial hair, Prabh ?
  2. Haha, No. Morally, no, you're not supposed to generalize White people by things that some of them do. Also you're not supposed to judge anyway.
  3. Amit12


    It pretty much clearly says DHARAM HINDUK. Tell me how do you guys interpret it.....
  4. So what is your Opinion on this topic ? And dont paste the link of your video. COMMUNICATE.
  5. while i DO think the Panj Piyaare were Pre-Planned by Guru Sahib, But i dont agree they were Reincarnation of Bhagats, Its just saying that the sikhs at that time were not worthy enough to be Panj Piyaare... and yes DDT is influenced by every Anti-Sikh party
  6. its just my interpretation which i think really helps explaining lines like " KARMI APPO APNI, Ke NEDE KE DOOR" etc. im not saying it is RIGHT and everything else is wrong. its just mine interpretation.
  7. I prefer Translating Karam as "SOCH". it really helps me understanding Concept Better.
  8. 500 Years after the birth of Jesus, Christian population was 10-12 milliom 500 years after birth of Prophet mohammad, Muslim population was 12-13 millio3. 500 years after birth of Guru Nanak, Sikh Following is 25 million. And you say Not many people became sikh ?
  9. Why do you want increase numbers ? Everybody is on their own journey, let them be...
  10. Naah you cant say One Guru had Different Thoughts than Others, Guru Arjan Dev ji added his Bani Himself in SGGS, that doesn't create lesser humility for one and for other, more Humility.
  11. I think, comparatively, this is the best time to live as a Human.
  12. He Just Said," its Okay to Learn from History, But No One should have the Hatred towards ALL the British for what their ANCESTORS did.
  13. Yes. dont listen to the songs that makes you a BAD GUY....
  14. You've already got your answer in 10 posts that you posted here previously. I don't think you're trying to listen. You're just verifying that you will be ALRIGHT. And for the last time, Praying for a selfish reason is ATTACHMENT, it isn't "NAAM JAPNA".
  15. No answers.... Started criticizing Language now... Good game,
  16. Where is he willing to LEAVE Guru Sahib's teachings ? Show me.... After meeting her, O.P. said she is a nice woman, she is from Sikh family, does japji sahib everyday, and she has good Sikh values.... I don't see any compromise.... Maybe she'll ending up doing AMRIT SHAK in near future....
  17. Lol, On One Side, You guys are criticizing a Woman for not being an Amritdhari, and on the other Side, Criticizing a Man for being a Amritdhari. LET PEOPLE LIVE THEIR LIVES GUYS.
  18. Lol yeh that is .... Nd then they say why is sikhi declining. XD.
  19. that is soo F'd up arguement.... that is literally a BAHMANI rip-off Rehatnama. That is not a rehatnama made by sikhs i bet ya.
  20. Hahahaha XD. I feel ya XD.
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