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Everything posted by dharamyudh

  1. Those goreh are 100% laughing at them. They dgaf.
  2. Yeah there was def no doubts. I believe the issues was making Sri Charitropakhyan Ji its own granth and separating it from Dasam just because of the themes.
  3. Same here to be honest! I think I was watching a William Shatner documentary and he popped up. Weren't there some Yogis, Siddhas, and Sadhus that lived off the air or extended their lives during the times of the Guru?
  4. Not to mention he was in India during the times of Sri Guru Har Rai Sahib Ji Maharaj and Sri Guru Harkrishan Sahib Ji Maharaj.
  5. Was looking around the internet and came a Swami who apparently lived for 280 years. Wiki says he was born in the year 1607. This means he was around, or atleast a child during the times of Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji and was in India during Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib Ji Maharaj's shaheedi, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj establishment of the Khalsa and their battles, rise of Banda Singh Bahadur, the ghallugharas/misl era, the Sikh raj, and the British Raj. How crazy is that?
  6. Not sure brother. I know some Singhs that were there and that's what they told me. I don't think they brought the Nishan Sahibs inside.
  7. Have a respect for a Sikh who has done immense amounts of Bhagti and Seva and so on, but when we enter to the territory of worship then it gets murky. Only worship and adore the Guru.
  8. Remember there was a bachan given out by Sant Thakur Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale, a gursikh whom I have the upmost deep respect for. This bachan stated that Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale was alive and in chardikala and many Kharku Singhs believed this. It is only recently, in a recent space I heard with people who were close with them that he admitted it wasn't true on his death bed. I believe the reason he did this was to protect some naaujaawn from getting killed or something like that. This bachan caused many people to put down their arms because they believed Sant Ji was returning, but as we all know he became shaheed during Operation BlueStar.
  9. 1984 was hukam. Nothing is beyond hukam, japji sahib says this.
  10. Nirankaris are still around bro. I actually seen their dera here in Canada oddly enough.
  11. Let me fix this actually, because I don't know what every single person of Panjab was thinking. From my personal experience, from speaking with elders, they had no idea what was going on until after the attack and until years later. These are regular, Sikh village folks who lived their day to day lives. I can only go off of what people have told me. However, this notion that Panjab all had this uniform thinking about what was going on isn't the whole truth. This is a better way to phrase it.
  12. That's your opinion man. You're entitled to it. I personally think the decision made at the 1986 Sarbat Khalsa, who had the likes of famous Kharkus and Sants, alongside plenty of gadaars who made the decision to destroy Sri Akal Takht Sahib from foundations and throw their bricks into the river Satlej was pretty unforgivable as well. But this was dubbed a chardikala moment in Sikh history unfortunately by the dominant voice of Sikhs today. However, like you mentioned earlier you also didn't agree with the desecration of the Takht. But, we can apply your thinking to the currently modern day Taksal and how the destruction of Akal Takht has caused the state that they are in today, which isn't looking so great at the moment and is currently facing the same outside influences. It's a silly argument veerji. As mentioned earlier, only thing we can do is agree to disagree because of how polarization our beliefs are. And no man, most average, working folk in the Panjab didn't even know what was going on. The people I am talking about were normal Sikh peasant farmers. I even have family members who didn't even know what the Dharam Yudh Morcha was. But we could also consider this may have been a regional thing as well as Majha was more in the middle of things during this time.
  13. Yes of course. I was kinda just tying back to what our good friend @Jassusaid. She seems to find the names of Shaheed Singhs and the Gurus Sahibzaade funny apparently.
  14. Angad was a yudha from the Ramayana.
  15. Yeah, I mean you can really see this now especially with the split in Budha Dal. Last time it really was a unified unit was under Baba Santa Singh Ji. The SGPC and Badals propagated Balbir Singh to take the jathedari. Balbir Singh and Badals. It seems like all the real ones get taken out. I mean these guys were responsible for getting Baba Surjit Singh Ji arrested where he eventually passed away because of it, and later Baba Bahadur Singh Ji who was a straight Jangi Jarnail man.
  16. My last point, I just want to clarify. Total BS and something that can only come from someone who didn't live through those times. The only ones who viewed Santji as a terrorist were the ones who were always against him from the start such as the extremist Hindus, the Congressis, the leftists and the cultists like the Nirankaris. The common Sikhs never viewed Santji as a terrorist either before or after 1984. If your elders did then they must have some connection with the ones I listed above because no common Sikh in 1984 believed that Santji was a terrorist. This is not BS. Ask the regular joe blow in the pind after the attacks outside of those involved in the morcha. Only recently with the age of the internet that clarification has happen. Shoot I even know people. I actually know people who thought Sant Ji ran away (obviously not true). These are people who grew up and lived in Panjab at the time. Hell I even have elders who still call Kharkus atvaadi. You know I don't give a rats ar%e what Santa Singh did for his own organisation, if he wanted to be respected by the rest of the Panth then he needed to show what his contributions were to the whole of the Panth. And stop with your Budha Dal is the Panth bukwas. It might impress ignorant kids who have never actually done any research but it doesn't impress me. Budha Dal is the panth. The Nihang is the true form of Khalsa. You know it, I know it. Point blank simple. You stated in one of the other posts that the Nihangs could not openly come out with their guns because Punjab was under lockdown. You do know that hundreds if not thousands of Sikhs had started to march to the Durbar Sahib as soon as they learned that the army was attacking. These people were machine gunned from helicopters mercilessly while your Jathedar of 90 crore Khalsa with licensed firearms was sitting in his chaoni afraid to even go out because the military was in control. I don't remember saying this? Could you quote that. I was talking about Nihangs walking around with illegal firearms. It's heat. If the newspapers were misquoting him they could so easily have been exposed by him making a statement himself. The fact is he never did. The views expressed by him in the magazines were his views then, if he changed his views after then that doesn't make any difference. The fact is he was happy to be Indira Gandhi's puppet. Once again, it's the 80s, two months after the attack. If the government had Baba Nihal Singh Ji Nihang, one of Sant Jis closest companions, say what he said after the attacks I don't put it past the Indian media after two months of the attack to put whatever out. SGPC as illegitimate because it functions under govt control while Santa Singh claimed to be sovereign in his own right and yet had to follow the govt rules of firearms licences. You are either a part of the system or you are not. SGPC are illegitimate because it is based on voting and elections bakwas bro not some government bakwas. Elections are anti-Sikhi. It was the Akali Dal and Longowal which betrayed the morcha in the end. Santa Singh had been a Congressi Nihang since the early 1970s and he remained one until the end. Is SGPC not basically Akali Dal's chela? I consider the two organizations synonymous. Since the early 70s? If he was a Congressi what's this? Baba Santa Singh Ji 96k Buddha Dal talking about Indira Gandhi & the SGPC. - YouTube Again where was the clarification, whenever the newspapers misquoted Santji he always made sure that he told the Sangat what the real facts were. Newspapers such as Ajit and Akali Patrika would publish these clarifications. Santa Singh did no such thing. Either he was incredibly naive or he was playing the government's game, both don't do much for his reputation. Valid criticism. But then again this was two months after the attack. My idea kinda reinforces what I said earlier. I just don't consider this article reliable at all, especially after the time it was made and the media efforts after the attack. That's just my opinion. Like I said before, we have to agree to disagree. Aside from the insults, dope argument though, not something I expected to engage in during a conversation about Baba Sahib Singh Ji Kaladhari.
  17. What............................................................................... Develop our own beautiful names yet you are using Persian names?????
  18. It's just hilarious to me that these guys talk about the bias Indian media back in the 80s and 90s, hell even now, yet @proactiveis using an Indian media source published two months after the attack! Now they all of a sudden they can't twist anything or mistranslate but now he considers them a reliable source to question Baba Santa Singh Ji. The real question is would you use that same source, the Indian media, when they talked about the Lehar or Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale? Stop it man. Keep thinking this man will bring you Khalistan
  19. Now for people who don't know... There was a whole bunch of misinformation in 1984... Ask any of your elders, parents, or village folk. People genuinely believed that Sant Ji was a terrorist at this time, it's only recently where people have the information that they do. There are regular village people that literally called the Kharku Singhs Atwaadi. Take this as a product of its time. People like Mr. Proactive don't take this into account. Also, you lot talk about the Indian media and how they twist narratives, this guy is literally providing a news article published under a Indian newspaper agency without the real quote from the man himself ? Such a good source bro! Then why not come before the Panth and stake a claim to be the legitimate heirs of Akali Phoola Singh? Santa Singh knew he didn't have a hope in hell of convincing any Sikhs that he could fulfil the role of Akal Takht Jathedar Nihang Singhs been sidelined by organizations like the SGPC. Fauj never accepted the SGPC, and still don't. Have any of your "jathedars" of Akal Takht fulfilled their roles as Jathedar? Do you know the Seva Baba Santa Singh Ji has done for Dal Panth? Budha Dal is the PANTH. Promoting the government narrative that Sant Bhindranwale was the one desecrating the Akal Takht. A great display of being a Mahapurkh. Once again, until you provide me a real quote I can't accept anything lol. I respect Sant Ji, but he talked about Baba Santa Singh Ji way before talking about the Budha Dal marayada of kirpan amrit. Promoting a civil war among Sikhs. He didn't have the guts to oppose Sant Bhindranwale but after he was martyred this clown played at being a warrior. Sant Ji himself said he had the support of all jathas, except Baba Santa Singh Ji and Budha Dal. He's been opposing it because he knew that the SGPC would be gaadars which they were. Wow, so he opposes the SGPC for working under government dictates but his men all go to govt offices to get firearms licences or is authorised by the govt to issue licences on its behalf. Talk about hypocrisy. So you want Singhs to walk around with illegal firearms and get arrested? We're talking about the SGPC, a system that rules over gurdwaras that has no tradition in Sikhi yet you want to equate that with getting licensed firearms? There isn't a tradition of acquiring shastar. Shastar is shastar. Nihangs have licenses to acquire shastar and have Nihang blacksmith spots to ensure that they always have arms. Zail Singh being president is enough to prove that the whole Dharam Yudh morcha was a sham! So he doesn't believe in the need for Khalsa Raj or is Khalsa Raj different for a free Sikh nation? He isn't talking about the Dharam Yudh Morcha? He's talking about the Khalistani movement. It literally says The Khalistani Demand. As Baba Hari Singh Ji Nihang said in an interview "The Khalsa is doing Raj. As the Khalsa is free. We have the divine command to keep arms. We have our own food system, our own goverment, our own flag, our own scripture, we are sovereign. Yes, but soon the Khalsa will do Raj, as many will have to embrace the Shabad Guru, as the world is going through terrible (bhayanic) times. There will be many wars, famines, earth quakes, and diseases. This is because the human being has forgotten the Naam, and therefore has no Dharam. Until mankind comes into Dharam and balance with nature, nature will keep man in his place. The power of Kudrat (Gods natural power or command over nature which he is a part of) is infinite it has no end, a man has to realise that he has to follow the will of the Creator. Please read the karninama, if you do practice of this bani you will realise for yourself." From the man himself Again promoting the govt narrative that Sant Bhindranwale's men were the ones desecrating the Akal Takht. So is he saying that they were all drunkards and secret shavers? Or could the rum bottles and safety razors be from the same haram.zada army men who were protecting him? You are quoting INDIAN MEDIA, by the INDIAN AUTHOR "SHEKHAR GUPTA." Yet would you do the same when talking about the Khalistani movement? Oh then it'll be "Oooooh it's biased Singho! They twist narratives Singho!"
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