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Everything posted by Shaheed4life

  1. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh Like what one of the sangat mentioned doing Chaupai Sahib will help you get rid of your fear.As for low confidence,honestly this used to be an issue for me,and I don't know what bani to read but I would suggest something that helped me get rid of this.Always remember that as long as you have God with you and you remember God,God will always be there for you.He WILL protect you and he will make sure that nothing can harm you so dont fear anything as long as you know you are following Gods teachings.And dont think about the world,think about God.As long as you are following his teachings,no power in the world can stop you.I saw this from somewhere,"When you kneel down to God,He will stand up for you and when He stands up for you,no one cam stand against you."So dont worry have faith in God.? Bhul Chuk Maf ?
  2. Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa Vaheguru ji ki Fateh. That's great.Well I don't think it can be at 2 different places at the same time.So maybe if it's still bothering her it could either be that the same spirit is going back and forth ? or it could be that she had 2 spirits of which 1 came to u and 1 stayed with her Bhul Chuk Maf ?
  3. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh Thank you so much for your reply veerji.I was really confused about this especially from the line about those who call themselves God will go to hell.Whenever I typed this line on google all the meanings I saw was that whoever's called Guru ji as God will go to hell.That was what caused me the confusion.I really thank all the Sangat for helping me get rid of this confusion.This is a great forum.Its really nice that we are all helping each other here. Bhul Chuk Maf ?
  4. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh. Noooooo.Thats not what I meant I mean no beadbi to any of the Gurus please dont misunderstand me. What my question was is if Guru Nanak Dev ji is God or a part of God as I was really confused I always thought Guru Nanak Dev ji was like an avatar of God.Thankfully Koi cleared my misunderstanding.I did not mean to imply that our Gurus were lying by saying that Guru Nanak Dev ji is Vaheguru.I really did not know about the Bani in which our Gurus told us about this.I am really sorry if I seemed like I was insulting our Gurus. Bhul Chuk Maf ?
  5. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh Thank you so much for your reply veerji you really cleared things up thanks for correcting my understanding?.?
  6. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh Hmmm,interesting.So does your mother in law still have the thing on her?If she doesn't it's possible that it came to you through that incident.So before she came did you have any encounters of such things in your house bhenji?Anyway dont worry about this spirit.Let me share to the sangat what had happened to me.So basically everything was fine then suddenly I started hearing knocking sounds to my house doors and footsteps.Thats when I did 2 Chaupai Sahib for only 1 day.The next day I also heard 1 Chandi Di Vaar.After that for about a week the sound still continued but the bani gave me so much strength that the door would knock right next to me and I would just carry on doing my things without fear.Then these sounds stopped and I did not encounter any more disturbances.Thats why I'm telling you not to worry.Have faith in Maharaj, he is our protector. Bhul Chuk Maf ?
  7. Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa Vaheguru ji ki Fateh. Veerji I disagree with you.Guru Nanak Dev ji was not Vaheguru.He was a part of Vaheguru.Let me give you the example.Remember the sakhi where Guru Nanak Dev ji went missing for 3 days.He had darshan of Akal Purakh.But if he himself was Akal Purakh ji why would he need darshan of himself?.Second evidence is that all 10 Gurus have the same jot right.So that means Guru Nanak Dev ji is Guru Gobind Singh ji right.Then why did Guru Gobind Singh ji say that he is not God and that whoever's calls him God will go to hell? Veerji dont get me wrong I am not here to do beadbi to Maharaj or anything like that but this is really a genuine question from me because this is what I always thought was true.Please correct this das if I'm wrong. Bhul Chuk Maf ?
  8. Nope the cow is not given a special value in sikhi.For example in Hinduism they believe that the cow is sacred thus they dont eat it,but in sikhism we believe that all animals are souls like us and that we should not eat them as we would get the animals karma.Anyway back to your question although respecting the cow is something done by Indians,sikhs do not believe that cows must be given a special place or that it is higher than another animal.
  9. Nah it's fine dont worry you asked for the answer so I just gave you the answer.What you say is true though,many times some bachans can be corrupted but based on my experience I feel that this bachan is true. Bhul Chuk Maf
  10. Veerji if I'm not wrong it is not written.It was a bachan Guru Gobind Singh ji gave verbally.Bhai Rama Singh ji confirms this in his autobiography so maybe you might want to check his book out.It is a really good book Bhul Chuk Maf ?
  11. Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa Vaheguru ji ki Fateh Very true veerji.Almost all the shaheeds are back.We are just waiting for Maharaj Hukam?
  12. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh Bhenji I was not talking about khalistan.I was talking about the border between india and Pakistan.I heard a mahapurakh bachan that in 2021 the border will be broken.When that happens of course Punjab will become 1 again.But I'm not talking about Punjab being a independent country.Hope I cleared it up. Bhul Chuk Maf ?
  13. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh. I can only reveal a little now.Lets just say Punjab will be 1 again.?
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