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Everything posted by proudkaur21

  1. i kinda agree its just laziness and also some kind of exploitation at play since most of these people cannot find work so they agree to work for very little money and then people exploit these people as they are just so many people willing to do any work just to fill their stomach in that country so the people know thy can be easily replaced. Its the duty of an individual to pay them good but seeing the morals and greed of people back home we all know that is not going to happen. But some old members of my family cannot cook and clean back home so they keep these helpers and pay them good and also give them many essential items all the time. Thats why minimum wage and the concept of unions is so important as people can band together to demand more benefits.
  2. Our family back home also keeps people for cooking and cleaning but they pay them well, give them clothes and food all the time and even their kid sometime study in the free schools near gurudwaras atleast that was the case for our workers. I mean most of them are uneducated so i dont know what else can they do? They are nepalis as well. I dont see anything wrong with it as long as the people are paid well and it can ensure a normal upbringing for their kids? But i have heard of cases where people mistreat them, keep young kids and do bad things to their workers which i believe cannot happen in the west since there are strict laws in place but back home if you are poor and die no one cares. The problem with india is too much inequality. If you are poor your life is worth nothing. There is just too many people so the value of each life just diminishes.
  3. I think part of the reason is our people suffer from inferiority complex and want to feel better about themselves through gaining other's approval since we are a minority. Like they feel excluded and then try to add themselves into everything, trying to be some type of superhero. Others laugh at our gullibility,use us and then backstab us and then we cry. I mean when the hindu muslim riots happened in 2020 in delhi why did our lot get involved? Same with CAA like not every fight is our fight none of these people will fight for you without a motive behind it.Again trying to be some type of superhero and saving the world. Cant save our own but we will save others lol.Too gullible.
  4. True that. i also dont trust these punjabi hindus at all no matter what. They act like punjab is their theka but we know who fought the most against muslims in 1947. Honestly we are short sighted and put others on pedestal which is why are in this state. Instead of only caring about sikhs they want to take the theka of the entire world. Doesnt matter if sikhs are dying. We did all the work during 1947 and died for india's independence and look all these people after using us they backstabbed us.
  5. There is one more thing to note, hindutvis have the backing of the state. They can literally kill people from other religions and no one will put them in jail. They act like lions only because they have the backing of the state with no fear of repercussions. You think sikhs can easily do what these hindutvis do?
  6. we also need to find out why our women are so gullible? Parents are weak and dont tell their daughters to set boundaries? i have been always close with my mom and always tell her about everything. Could it be these kids are not close to their parents and cannot discuss things freely with them and are scared of repercussions.
  7. I hate how our lot have to always act like superman in everything. What are they trying to prove to the world? Sab da theka litta hoya hai? I cringe anytime i see news about langar now. Even i feel they have turned it to pr stunt.
  8. facts i dont understand why sikhs think love jihad is only with muslims? Ive seen sikh females married to these hindu men since im from the city area and none of the kids ended up as sikhs. But its funny how they cry about love jihad while doing the same with sikh women. I mean there are 500 million hindu females why not just marry them? Even in punjab you will see them going after sikh females instead of their own.
  9. I know but because of proximity to hindus and living amongst them, they dont like talking about khalistan or sant ji and follow very anti sikh practices. My own family talks about sant ji in negative light and i have straight up told them that you cant change my views no matter what and i will always support a pro sikh person even over them lol.
  10. its better there are less khatri sikhs. khatris are very weak in sikhi and i think if majority of sikhs were khatri we would all be assimilated in india by today. Although we find faults with jatts, they have always been at the forefront of sikhi and i cannot ignore that.
  11. yes thats true and they are very assimilationist types too. I dont consider myself khatri lol. You are right about intermarriages. I think most sikhs who intermarry with hindus are khatris only. When i used to read about kharkus and the khalistan movement i was always surprised by the shraddha they had for sikhi and i never saw that type of spirit in the city sikhs. I guess its because most city sikhs are non jatts. Most of the shaheeds were jatts too i think.
  12. yes my khatri family would teach me nonsense superstitions like kanjkaan and then not eating meat on tuesday and Ive had a sour relationship with my dad because i wouldnt believe in this nonsense stuff. He would think that I'm an animal because i eat meat on tuesday! Some weird stuff. I said I'm proud to be a janwar and will eat meat whenever i like. There is no difference between any of the days. Its just superstitious nonsense.
  13. I am sikh khatri from doaba and city sikh khatris are definitely different to rural sikhs as in they have more hindu influence from my opinion. I have known some saini and rajpoot city sikhs too and they are similar to city sikh khatris so imo the city sikhs whichever caste they belong to are different to rural sikhs in the sense that they have more india/hindu influence like anytime u see talks of khalistan from india it might be mostly rural sikhs. City sikhs are just wannabees who just use the sikh identity but have more indian/hindu influence from my own observation. Maybe others have different experience. Also these city sikhs see rural sikhs as backwards mostly because rural sikhs have more punjabi influence.
  14. when two muslim countries were created why werent all these people sent there? So we should be secular while they can create islamic territories for themselves.
  15. Why do these organizations have so much love for muslims? What about all the nonmuslims slaughtered by them? They create terror for others and then we have to feel sympathy for them.
  16. india is going to have a civil war in the future for sure. people live their lives comfortably as if nothing is gonna happen anymore and we are all gonna live with peace. They have forgotten so many wars happened less than a century ago.
  17. honestly i see so many apne cozying up to these people on twitter just because they are against india since the india thing is a recent one and the 1947 thing is being forgotten. If things go bad these liberals should be sent to the front line to die first since they love humanity so much.Maybe they can sacrifice themselves as part of their one love one humanity campaign.
  18. you should see the changing demographics of the inner areas of jalandhar city. They even caught some of these people from there who were plotting something a few years ago.Remember that muslim dgp guy from that alam sena group and and what they did to many sikh men? I hate sikh liberals they will bring our destruction.
  19. Gurmukhi is the script though the language is (purattan) punjabi with influnce from a few other languages.
  20. But they have preserved hebrew since ancient times. Im not talking about just using it as language of communication. It was the language that was used for their religion just like how ours is written in punjabi.
  21. Its also funny how muslims cry about hindutvis while their own islamists have been doing horrible things to non muslims since 1947 in pakistan and bangladesh and other islamic countries. They only care when its their people being affected. I dont like hindus but i dont give a damn about what is happening to these muslims anymore. Im just worried about muslims from the cow belt moving to punjab jammu himachal area specifically punjab since our liberal lot will happily welcome them to fill our lands smh. Liberalism is cancer and promotes destruction of communities.
  22. i dont understand why our lot want unity with these other communities instead of having unity amongst oursleves?
  23. jews preserved their language through centuries of persecution and these white wannabee punjabis give it up to gain proximity to whiteness and then they wonder why people think they have inferiority complex. And then comparing yourself to jews? This has to be a joke.
  24. who cares what others think? we have to marry people from our religion and raise good sikh kids. To hell with what these people from other religion think.
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