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justasking last won the day on May 12 2022

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  1. yea its true but since its biggest population they will be different groups, sure we have the white washed coconuts here in canada but there r more proper apneh here
  2. not worried about grooming we are already aware of it and has taken place here already media highlighted it next door in alberta its occuring in lethbridge and calgary. What im talking about is SIkhs become fully assimilated having no fight in them and become tanned white ppl
  3. these r our brothers and sisters but the majority of black ppl are not sikhs so we have nothing for them no brotherhood or sister hood if they r not sikh
  4. this is sikh website not leftist liberal website ok, if blacks attack our elders we will defend ourselves wether u like it or not look at twitter and look at the black response they r coming against us
  5. canada is for everyone bro we know what will happen if sikhs follow white culture look no further than uk community,
  6. i have had better expericnes with the somalis then i have with jamaican blacks
  7. thse blacks are becoming a pain, turst me even in toronto they attacked a baba but next day they got it bad and these jamaican yardies were teasing woman and punjabis beat them bad there r videos online of these and 10 punjabis jumping 1 kala in brampton, these kaley need it like tht again. and the media representation who cares we dont even need to mix with these ppl or there media make bank of them they r lowest of the low white western culture is scum fake i see right throught it. as for whites attacking us in my highschool days it was different we would go around and sometimes slap up random goreh for fun i know its wrong now but this is wat happened back in the day wen big group of apney would chill around even kaley sometimes would get chased around but there rnt many kaley here as there r in toronto
  8. i think these muslims who come to punjabi view us as the muslims view europeans, brits etc our women are fair game for them, they dont think twice about doing crimes in our Punjab and attacking our youth, basicaly they will behave with us how they behave with all host nations they are in.
  9. i think these muslims who come to punjabi view us as the muslims view europeans, brits etc our women are fair game for them, they dont think twice about doing crimes in our Punjab and attacking our youth, basicaly they will behave with us how they behave with all host nations they are in
  10. were they attacked just for being Sikhs or was there other things involved?
  11. who cares these suls were threatning the Sikh women and who cares about there minority commissions do to them what they do to ours in pakistan
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