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Everything posted by GABROO KHALISTAN DAH

  1. I understand where sarpanch is comming from, but we should not bad mouth some1 elses religion, no matter what. that said, This thread feels like something created by rss, look the Sikhs are intrusted in Shiva ji.
  2. Singh-Khalsa will have 530 posts when he calls me lazy. lol.
  3. agred with justme. <admin-profanity filter activated> like this is pointless. some1 wants to get married in a gurdwara instead of appreciating their faith in guru ji you must condemn them. retarted
  4. <admin-profanity filter activated> if punajb is the best, the rest of india must really be falling apart
  5. holly <admin-profanity filter activated>...he's b'n in punjabi folk lore for centuries before you or I were even conceived, just because you feel he is'nt (or he is'nt punjabi) does not make their story non-punjabi. its part of Punjabi FOLK LORE.
  6. well then you mus'nt be punjabi. what r u then? besides Sikh. cause thats the obvious answer. what diffreence is there between some muslims from punjab..who say they are not punjabi and a sikh who claims the same then?? what language do u speak?? where do ur parents hail from?
  7. one of the most ignorant topics i have read by far. this is still our culture, and background. It is what we are, like it or not. Ignoring history is ignoring your self. And on top of that in gurbani it does make reference to heer and ranjha (right)? because their relation was of the soul. But still it our culture, you cannot discard that. My point is that it isn't "our" culture but someone elses that has been passed off as ours. What possessed Jatts to steal a story from Baghdad and make out it is their own is puzzling in itself. its called folk lore brotha...check out the term
  8. ^^^ I'm not with penji penji, its ez you can ban it without being a mod, just stop visiting other sections. I have noticed you do.
  9. one of the most ignorant topics i have read by far. this is still our culture, and background. It is what we are, like it or not. Ignoring history is ignoring your self. And on top of that in gurbani it does make reference to heer and ranjha (right)? because their relation was of the soul. But still it our culture, you cannot discard that.
  10. thats my point exactly...the head of the gurdwara should be some1 who keeps kesh, refrains from alcohol, vegi, and a married man.
  11. sitting on the floor is humility and humbleness infront of guru ji. sitting on chairs negates the humility and humbleness. for petes sake, just grab a chair if your so damn insistent and sit on it. dood u must have like a billion chairs in your house us eem to be inlove w/ them
  12. I'm pretty sure Kala Afghna was invited to Akaal Takht Sahib to debate, but declined. he was given due process. But agree with the threats, unless he's truley insulting guru sahib.
  13. my familly had links. plus there is no true taksaal left. EOD on that. aarti is false, theres no other way 2 put it.....Guru Nanak Dev ji did not start the panth so that we can hinge on sh1t like fires, and metal plates giong in a circular motion. but blah. K i'll stop posting here, i'm jsut beating my head, as is every1 else about their pionts.
  14. Sant ji did say many a time, i am no sant or baba, call me bhai sahib. Sant ji wnet to sant samaj meetings, not as a member but as a outside dignitory persay. but kam ur right, and I can't argue with your veyr valid points. Same with Nanaksaar valle sants. i'm truley confused.
  15. not bashing, just a random comparison came to my mind of Sant Jarnail Singh ji, and Sant Samaj. I'd just like to understand. Your logic would mean that everything is a waste of time.
  16. Wow got some die hard aarti performers here eh. chalo, fire is the course to salvation.
  17. Quick question, is Sant Samaj an organization of Sants? If it is, are'nt these Sants saying they are Sants? If thats true, are they Sants wtih out humility and humbleness? If the above is true, then they are not Sants? Just confuses the crap out of me.
  18. thats just pathetic, an 18million pound investment being treated like that. Shows that apne are incapable of anything.
  19. he is our jathedar because SGPC says so, SGPC says so because Badal and SAD(Badal) demand so. He has done good, ie. raised the turban issue with france.
  20. just like to add a clause to that, right or wrong, legit or illegit, he is still jathedar and should be respected at all times.
  21. ask him if his jathedari is legitimate since he is not elected by Siri Sarbat Khalsa!?
  22. its ridiculous..... Minimal standard should be some1 who is not a "bujjer kureti"
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