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Everything posted by GABROO KHALISTAN DAH

  1. lolol at rochak hey but veer khalsa 007, i'm totally facinated by bodybuilding, less so then by bb as compared 2 sikhi but i wanna go professional just once. But i doubt that wil happen but eithe rway i will be keeping it up thru my life, then buff singh one day ishall be ( both buff and singh both to come, coming in the near future that is :D but yahh i love it
  2. veer ji son of guru gobind singh ji, if we started thinking like that, then whats the difference between us and taliban, what i'm trying to say, and i'm shaking in my pants when i say this icause i know its gonna bring alott of heat, and i understand ur point to, and my points most possibly farse but ne ways it goes as is... that if everyhthing that is non-sikhi related is maan-maath then where does "fanatasism" at? and more over this religion is very moderate not as in tables and chairs or as in a non-amrithdari is a sikh but as in non-sikhi realted activities, and not only bhangra.. but that quote u said can be takin antoher way if u want go ahead do bhangra, do as u want, but dont' take it to heavily
  3. ok ok ppl i'm sorry u can't ever be done from sikhi tha's my mistake but juss what ifff scenrio? how many of u actualy do not participate
  4. Here's what Kala Afghana writes about Sarovar in Harimandir Sahib in his new book ''Gurbilas P6...'' At page 91 - ''Water in Amritsar tanks is obtained from river through canal. The water contains all the possible dirt and garbage. When canal water passes through villages, there it is polluted with the passing of urine and feces into it, many birds and animals also add filth - how this water in Amrit Sarover can be taken as Nectar and also in other tanks. How singing and reading of Baani from Guru Granth can turn into Amrit - Nectar?'' i got this post of another board, by a member JJJ.
  5. SAY UR AT A PARTY, OR JUSS CHILLIN WITH FREINDS, done ur sikhi for the day i mean phaat and stuff, kirtan, and now just have spare time, or say wanna join a team how many of u would refuse 2 pa bhangre? lets not go of course, lets be honest, kinda like a pole i'm juss a moorakh as we alll now, so obvoiusly i would juss break it down
  6. mannnn tha's sooooooo true and rithgous, how many other relgious men wanted their followers 2 look like them?? none how many of them wanted all their followeres to be kiings and queens none none but our 11 guru sahibs
  7. so when i shaak amrit, it will be all good to take creatine and protien as long as the srouce is alrite?? thnx learner paji
  8. i gotta c dis movie, i know it does have a tilt towards the sarkaar (obviously, its india the "republic")
  9. what does sikhi have 2 say bout bodybuilding directly and in-directly. i mean subsituting with safe products such as protien creatine gluatamine. and then hormone percursors ie. 1ad 4ad or steroids......all can be done with no side effects an dill effect... but what does sikhi have 2 say abut the over all picture? waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ke fateh
  10. aaaaaaaaahahahhahhaha ahhhhhhhhhhhhhaahhah soo true oh dont' forget the part of the boat sinking would be directly ripped outta titantic the white version
  11. congrutu-<admin-profanity filter activated>'ing-lations u 2, i'm sure it was a blast, wish i could've attneded
  12. where i live we also have a youth group, its called DM: dasmesh mission back in october we did an anti-drug banquet, which wuz a really coolproject, and nowa days (i'm kinda out of it now because of toher activiteis) they do langar every 1st friday of the month, which is also really cool.
  13. what sense???? veer i dont' c ne proof of it being shaheedi deg, the same process is used to make paneer
  14. the thing with nanaksaar is that they where a great institution untill the departure of baba ishar singh ji, after that nanaksaar every1 became a sant etc. and they don't accept hukumn of akaal takht sahib ne more nirankaris are staight up tankyas
  15. Learner Singh, Where on the site does it state that is shaheedi deg?
  16. if shaheedi deg is what i';m thinking it is (bhung) then that picture is not of shaheedi deg, if they are real nihungs, as all nihung dals have banned bhung and all intoxicants.....regards learner singh its quit a honest question why would u post suc a controverial pic, its not nihung tradition, its the tradition of the deprived...... read the nihung maryada of a different site other then those agent sites yah obviously we can visit ne nihung singh and ask them but we knwo the answer and its ano shaheedi deg is nto part of it but ur statement would be valid if it said visit ne nang and ask them
  17. hahah to khalsa ji, in that case it would definatly be the teens, as the mahapursh has already recieved "salvation". And the teens may still stand chance at it. ms154 u made a very good statement lol
  18. nanaksaar is nto exactly a cult yet, but they way they treat their Baba's is nto 2 far from that either naamdharis i'm totaly confused on
  19. u got a point khalsa 007, but then i think we can't keep the king of the universe in a degraded place, dhun siri guru granth sahib ji deserves the best
  20. logic would show that some1 who has no chance of living deserves a to be able to end their life (if in pain) buyt i'm not sure how sikhi would feel about this , ithink sikhi follows logic soo..
  21. wow i'm really blind to the actualaties thnx for the info bros and sis
  22. waheguroo ji ka khalsa waheguroo ji ke fateh is bhai nand lal ji the hindu kirtani with the really sweeet voice my mom loves his kirtan, he is face looks in bliss when he sings ???
  23. sue is the rite thing 2 do, why can't smart or some toher sikh org sue the <admin-cut> for her panties
  24. hein mera ki congratlutions bai ji
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