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Everything posted by SikherOfTheNaam

  1. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! Hello "Newtosikhi", I hope your ok Although I myself do not live in Canada and can't answer your question exactly, I just wanted to say that I too am not punjabi - but gora, and if you ever feel you want to chat or ask any questions; sikhi based or not, feel free to message me :lol: Take Care Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  2. SikherOfTheNaam


    Vaaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! As a biology enthusiast I felt the need to post... I would just like to point out that science can never say that something is 100% fact as that is both unwise and the wrong thing to do. What can be done however, is to come up with a hypothesis that undergoes constant tests and expriments until there is no other evidence to suggest anything else otherwise. For example we can say that we are pretty sure that fairies and trolls don't exist, but we can't be 100% positive. If we have no general interest in science that is fine, but we shouldn't be wary of afraid of it. Look at its wonders! Anyways, ill get over my fascination of it for a minute lol and state my view on this subject... There is a MAJOR MISCONCEPTION when it comes to the "theory" of evolution and what it actually states. Many in today's society, particularly devout theists/believers who know very little on the subject of evolution, see this theory as one that is heretical and that it was just made up by some old man with a beard in which "evil" God hating scientists have hijacked to to their advantage, to win the "war" on religion and God. However, if you were to actually study it for yourself and get rid of any premeditated or biased beliefs, you will see that it isn't so much as a theory, but more of a FACT with plenty of evidence and that the theory actually supports Sikhi and to a greater degree, God. Evolution by the process of Natural Selection refers to the changes that occur within a population over time. The changes that occur specifically relate to a genetic level. As our cells are constantly dividing for either growth or repair, there will a time (whether hundreds or thousands of years) when eventually the genetic code will be altered - and a "mutation" will have arisen within an organism. Not all mutations are beneficial, in many cases it can lead to the death of the organism and thus it isn't passed on to its offspring. However, when "beneficial" mutations arise in the gene pool they like any other, will affect how a gene is expressed and thus affect is most likely to affect an organisms "phenotype" - or, its physical appearance. For example, if one bird in the population was to have a mutation in its DNA that led it to developing larger wings that consequently made it easier to catch prey, allowing it to get more food and because of this, it is more likely to survive and pass on its genes and with this, the gene for larger wings. Over time the population will be predominately large winged birds. Thus, evolution has occured and the organism has "evolved". When people say how can evolution be true, because if we evolved from apes; why are there still apes? The answer is that all life ultimately existed from ONE SINGLE CELL, thus making us all related in one way or another. There is evidence that we share over 500 of our genes with bacteria and over 90% with a banana!! Over time, when organisms evolve and new species emerge, they begin to branch off or "diverge". Early homo sapiens would begin to evolve in one direction and because apes are perfectly adapted to living in their habitat, they have continued to exist. People may then ask why we ourselves haven't continued to evolve. The answer to this is that in today's world we control pretty much of our environment. We have food that is readily available in the supermarket, that doesn't require us to go hunting for it, we have warm comfortable homes that we don't have to compete for - thus, we are not exposed to these selection pressures. When then relating this to God, you can clearly see that... not once does it disprove his existence. The Sri Guru Granth Sahib talks about that befoe the universe came into being, God was in primal meditation and from this, by his will, he created it via the big bang. God is the one that created the elements, the atoms (his building blocks) and it is God that fashioned these in such a way that he allowed the first cell to form in the primordial soup that once covered the earth. From here, many molecules we know today e.g. DNA - the first stable self replicating molecule and amino acids for protein synthesis were formed and from this, the abundance of life we have today came into existence. You will see however, that fundamental christians and the like, particularly in America will say that this theory is satanical, and that it has no proof etc. because it does disprove the 7 day creation theory. However, by our understanding of genetics, carrying out series of experiements and not forgetting the countless fossil records, along with it standing the test of time (without it being disproved for over 150 years after it was first written)...im pretty sure that it is actual fact, and that is something we are all going to have to accept.... I hope I haven't offended anyone, as this wasn't my intention. I hope I have helped in some way. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh
  3. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh A few days ago as I was browsing on "MrSikhNet" and I came across this trailer titled 'Ocean of Pearls' This is the first professional western film that has a Sikh playing the main role. In short, the story is about living life as a Sikh in a Western country and about standing out in society. It tells the story of a Sikh doctor (Amrit Singh) who struggles with his own identity and feels the pressure of having to change his physical appearance in order to pursue his career and become more successful. He then decides to hide his decision from both his family and his girlfriend, but then begins to face further problems. When he witnesses the death of a patient, he begins to re-examine his beliefs and values which he once turned his back on. I've got to say that the film looks absoulutely amazing! and is not only enjoyable to watch but is full of lessons we can each relate to. I hope you enjoy it. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh
  4. I think it is time to remind ourselves of the definition of a Sikh... Sikh : 'Student' Hence, as I stated in my previous post, I fail to understand why when someone asks a question about a more modern topic in todays society such as relationships, there are those that instantly dismiss it and see that it is a "wrong" thing to even contemplate, let alone talk about. Just because this young lady asks us a question that somewhat differs to that of a more conventional and popular one we are used to seeing on this forum. She has every entitlement to ask for help, and then, this can provide the opportunity for those who want to give answers or guidance; to do so. After all, by us helping her (or anyone else for that matter) we may provide long term benefits. All the best. Take Care. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! P.S - This post was just a general comment. Sorry if I have offended anyone, this was not my intention so please forgive me.
  5. Fateh Phenjee, I hope your good Firstly, I would just like to say that I am glad that you have taken the courage to ask us a question based upon what seems to be a "fragile" topic at the moment... 'Relationships' We see too much nowadays that if you are a Sikh or even a religious believer for that matter, if you ask others a question which involves relationships and even "worse" the physical aspects of it, you are given a somewhat abrupt and immediate answer, with some deeming it to be "wrong altogether. In my response, I can hope to help you, by sharing my viewpoint alone unto what I personally believe, whilst also trying to see what you’re experiencing; through your own eyes. I believe that my answer to your question will be different to what you may expect and there is no doubt my opinion will differ to the someone else’s, but what you eventually decide to do, is your choice alone as that is what you have taken from the answers given to you I think that to answer your question, the first thing is to actually comment upon the concept of “Love” and how this may have led you to asking us this question in the first place. To me personally; there are many stages and branches to the concept of “love”... from the love that you bear for yourself, to that of God and the Guru, that which you bear for your family, friends, along with your partner. So you could ask yourself... is love that typical Hollywood film sketch, where a particular person means everything to us, they forever play on our mind, life seems impossible without them, he/she are most beautiful thing to walk the planet and that we dream of spending the rest of our lives together? Initially you may look at this as being both lustful and involving attachment. I agree that to a degree indeed it does involve lust and attachment, as you are attracted to worldly things. However, I do believe that the above example I have given is pretty extreme and that, it is important for us to realise that there is in actual fact a fine line between lust these two evils stated above, and actually caring for somebody. Throughout life from childhood to adulthood, our companions and friendship circles change. As a teenager, girls have close friendship circles which consist mainly of girls, and boys have a majority of male friends as that is who we mostly relate to and who we share our interests with. However, the whole reason why there are even things such as relationships is that your soul becomes ready for that next stage of life of having that special kind of companionship which differs from your teenage years and that is between a male to female and vice verse, and this is when you experience a different feeling towards that person. It is important for us to realise whilst in many cases this can be the fact that we care for them in a different way to say e.g. a friend, we are actually often deluded by lust. When we get involved in a relationship it is important to ask ourselves why we are doing this and is it for the right reasons? Some people may get involved in them for the sake of copying their friends or trying to fit into society and that it is seen as “cool”. Others get involved in relationships because they do not truly love themselves (with loving yourself for who you are, being the first stage to this whole concept) This is not a bad thing and shouldn’t be shunned upon, it is just that an individual lacks a level of self confidence and thus, seek this affection from others in the form of boyfriends and girlfriends etc. for them to tell them they are loved. So with this, I wanted to pose this rhetorical question to you... Why is it that you want to have a physical relationship with your partner? Is it because before you consider the lifelong commitment of marriage (whenever ever that maybe) you want to cover all the aspects of ensuring that you love one another and believe that is the next step? If so, it doesn’t have to involve the physical aspects of premarital sex as this won’t provide any benefits such as signifying they can support you through life etc. which is what you look for in a person. The only benefits gained from such actions will be temporary and will provide you with nothing in the long term. Because we have each been blessed with this special human life in where we able to remember God and serve humanity, it is important in the short time we have left, for us not to waste our time pursuing worldly pleasures. It is only once a person is married and can provide such support to their spouse that they may decide to then start a family, where the physical side can then be carried out, which will then serve a purpose... of procreation. So to conclude jee; my opinions on premarital sex isn’t that it is really wrong and no one should have sex until they are married. I just see it as a thing that isn’t of a big concern when in a relationship as it doesn’t benefit us as it is not only lustful in most instances but also provides us with nothing onto whether we “love” that person. Moreover, as this precious human life is so short, we ideally should be spending all the time made available to us serving Vaaheguroo and humanity. I hope that this has provided you with a sort of an answer and that you may take from it whatever you wish, whether you choose to agree or disagree as at the end of the day, you are you and I and no one else has the right to judge you for your actions, but can only provide guidance from my own beliefs. Sorry for the long response! Sorry if I have offended anyone, this wasn't my intention. Take Care. All the best. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa, Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  6. May I hasten to add that not all us goreh are Nazi or BNP supporters, just like not all muslims are terrorists, it is just a selected few! This whole messed up ideology really aggravates me. There are plenty of goreh in the UK who are not racist, xenophobic or fascist etc. and do actually welcome those of other nationalities, ethnicities and religions and see them for who they are - simply as human beings, and don't place stupid judgements, such as judging someone based solely on the colour of their flippin skin! There are millions of goreh in the UK who despise the BNP or any other racist and fascist party - hence why there no where near getting into power and they are voting for far better parties e.g. The Green Party etc. I believe that white individual had his right to do what he did and for that, he is not a Nazi! Free Speech is what makes this country great. I am guessing that thoundands of Sikhs would be in uproar if the streets were filled with posters and banners saying Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jee was actually a Hindu or something equally as offensive and disrespectful. Its the same thing for that man, he felt he had to defend his beliefs. This was not targeted at anyone in particular, I just felt I had to share my views. May I also apologise if I have offended anyone as this wasn't my intention. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  7. I think my views on this have been misinterpreted quite badly. I do openly apologise to HSD*, I did seem to jump to the gun, but may I justify myself by saying I didn't once state or have the intent of saying his views were intentionally bad, but its just not nice when people refer to all white people under one category, just like I don't class indians under the 'asian' banner. We are all individual and should be proud of the fact. May I ask some of you openly please, as a matter of interest, and without any form of bias...what your views are on intergration? Are you against diversity and think its good for people to "stick to their own" - which is a phrase I have heard on a common basis. I believe that from some of the posts, that just as I, race/ ethnicity/customers/ religion etc. doesn't play a part at all, and it is the personality of an individual that is the most important factor. I am not saying we should compromise sikhi at all, no way!.. God I don't! Not for the sacrifices made and its beauty and truth! As the path itself is to me the most beautiful out of all of the world religions, and its sikhs are some of the most amazing people I have ever met - pre and post encountering sikhi. So please do not state falsely that my my views are simply because im not of indian/punjabi origin and that im somehow biased or ignorant. Take Care. God Bless the sangat. VJKK VJKF
  8. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh, I think I am going to have to agree with 'Kizarny' on this and say that the way the whole 'gorai' statement did seem to me a little bit derogatory. Not all white people are the same, just like not black people are the same or that all muslims are terrorists. Everyone is an individual and can't be grouped to all be the same, simply because of their physical appearance etc. Its stupid stereotyping. I don't really understand why in today's multicultural society why a selected few whether they are punjabi, white or black prefer to hang around with their "own people", and do not have multi-ethnic friends, yet to them, others who dont have multi-ethnic friends are considered to be ignorant or racist. A key strength and great thing about Britain today :lol: is its rich cultural and ethnic diversity, with people from all over the world, whether it is India, Bangladesh, Greece, Thailand, China, America, Germany etc. I think its fantastic!! I am glad I live in such a generation. However, I am also a supporter that people should live by the mainstream "culture" shall I say, in the country in which they live. I am not saying that all people are expected to go to pub on a sunday afternoon for a "pint with the lads", or go on Saint George parades cladded in the white and red flag - but that a countries beliefs which it is what has made it great, and attracted people from all over the world, should be respected and followed. I hope I didn't offend anyone as this wasn't my intention. MULTICULTURALISM - FTW! TC. GOD BLESS. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa, Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  9. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! May I personally thank 'Naujawanidot.com' 'Hardeep Singh Jee; and 'Mathleen' along with many other posters for their kind words and support against this insult that has been given. Dear Original Poster however, I have taken your words as a racial insult, as I myself am gora and would consider myself both 'English' and 'British' - clearly showing anyone can be racist not just a particular group! It does anger me sometimes that even in today's society in the 21st Century that there is still war, famine and the problems of facism along with racism, and that some people think that every country that is predominately white etc. HAS to be racist and that all of the people in the area apprarently racist, for this is not so! Why do you let a selected few represent so many? Just as people say all gora are racist, facist and ignorant is like saying all muslims are extremists and terrorists, for they are not. It is only a few. You must also understand jee that the needs of all citizens within a country regardless of gender, race or religion have to be accomodated for, thus for there to be equality. However, you must also understand that a country still has its own principles and beliefs that have been present for decades e.g. Britains views on democracy, fair courts etc. and with this we must abide by it, and not bend the law to suit our needs. There are exceptions however, but these must only be in important neccessary instances e.g. requirement of a kirpaan. I hope I haven't offended anyone as this was my intention. I love my global brothers and sisters dearly, yet there are a few sikhs who "let us down". Take Care Sangat Jee. God Bless. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  10. I was a rock in the bottom of a fish tank :D Haha.
  11. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh. Dear Veerjee (OP), Before I post can I say that from our recent clash of personalities I have learnt many things and would like to offer my sincerest apologise. For I am no true sikh of the guroo and still play in the shadows. It was foolish of me to retaliate to your unkind words but I am simply a student who still suffers at the hands of mata and kaljug. With that being said, I would now like to focus upon the topic of this post. I don't understand exactly what is meant by 'Sikhism being attacked' whether this relates mainly to the attack by others in relation to its ideologies and beliefs, whether it is the sikhs themselves who are being attacked or whether it is a combination of both. Irrespective of its meaning, I do not believe that this stems from us not having our own state of Khalistan. Although Khalistan would be a true blessing from God, the answer for our problems does not lie within a geographical place, a new government regime etc. but simply with the unity between the Khalsa - the students of God and the army of Sri Guru Gobindh Singh Jee Maharaj. Just as we have witnessed for many years, new spiritual paths that are lay down by God inspired individuals such as Abraham, Jesus and Mohammed (PUBH)become tarnished throughout the ages, where personal interpretations, culture, the vices and politics etc. become interwined within its message. Christianity, Judaism and Islam were all as a result of those who were God inspired, who had a connection with God and thus brought his message to humanity. However, over time when the religion became more established and its scriptures written by others - personal interpretations were added and the original messages became distorted. I can't really believe Vaaheguroo, our wonderous lord, would condemn the stoning and murder of adulterers or homosexuals - for he is without hate and created these individuals with an intention. It is those people that occured after this; that distorted the religion. In relation to this, it is the lack of unity between sikhs which is seeing the original beauty and purity of this path following with that of its predecessors, as stated by Sri Guru Gobindh Singh - that the guroos original message will be lost. It is the creation of new sects within sikhi such as that of AKJ, Nirankari, Naamdhaari, Nihang etc. that cause resentment between sikhs, debating with what our guroos taught us in terms of beliefs, what our rehit maryada really is etc. If Sri Guru Gobindh Singh Jee was to now return to earth - we would truly be ashamed at the shambles of our unity. We see muslims particulalrly sticking together in times of bliss as well as tribulation - that they have such a close unity with each other. We must see sangat jee, that we are all students of the one lord; whether we are Sikh, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu or even atheist. We are all subject to the same hukam, we are all equal and we will all (at one point in our lives) experience the same sort of situations e.g. death, illness, marriage - irrespective of who we are. We are taught to love humanity and we are taught to carry out sevaa, but if we can't even manage this with our fellow brothers and sisters; we have no hope with humanity - and even if we can serve humanity - why not each other?! Thus, the problems of sikhi being attacked is not by us not having Khalistan, but due to our lack of respect, love and unity for each other. For corrupt individuals whether they are "monahs", part of the Gurdwara comittees or even "amrithdhaaris" will always be present within the sangat for years to come, who as with other religions, will try and place their own beliefs into the religions teachings. It is our duty as sikhs however, to live up to the exemplar life of our guroos, to have only ONE Khaalsaa just as there is only ONE God, to be inspired and follow the life of our shaheeds who died for a religion they loved so much - which is now somewhat dimming in its beauty. Sikhi is the greatest gift I have ever been blessed with, and is the greatest gift given to humanity. It is our duty as sikhs to ensure that this true message of God is present for future generations, so that this amazing blessing that we have recieved is there for us, the souls who will incarnate that of our children, our childrens children and their own children for many more years to come. For in the Guroos' time there was total unity amongst sikhs regardless of caste, creed or colour etc. as we are all students of life and students of God and it was this unity - that led from one great victory to another. For sikhi is the tree of love and for it to spread its branches world wide - it needs a solid foundation in which to do so. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  12. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh :pray: Fateh Sangat Jee. I hope you are all well. It was on one cold autumn morning in September 2003; that my life was to truly change forever...for it was this day that after 8.4 million incarnations my soul eventually gave up its blinded duality and tuned into the shabad guroo. After countless incarnations of seperation, Vaaheguroo had answered my deepest desires, fulfilled my meaningful prayers and blessed me, a typical adolescent, with the jewel of his glorious name - "Vaaheguroo..." :pray: For it was this day my precious human life would be forever indebted to Akaal Purakh. Before this time, I had never really encountered a sikh or had any sikh friends; thus when I was to make a friendship which still remains the strongest to this day with a particular singh, I was to take my first foot on the path to the long and arduous journey home. For many years in my life; I was bound to the will of maya and played in the shadows; having no understanding as a child; of the true meaning of God or even the meaning of life. I believe my beliefs at that tender age were typical of many westerners, of where God is portrayed to be an external entity of a grey haired and bearded man; dressed in white; who lives in the 'heavens' where at the end of my time on earth; would ultimately go to meet my family. Religion had never been significant in my life before the best day in my life, thus I had no knowledge on what a sikh was or what it stood for. Ofcourse I had a variety of burning questions that my soul and inquisitive mind wanted answering; such as what were Sikhism's beliefs and ideologies? What are its views on the afterlife? What does it mean to be a sikh? and Why do sikhs wear distinct articles such as the dastaar, kara, kirpaa?etc. However, my life was about to change once more, that by his will alone, God had inscribed my own destiny upon the forehead of my brother who has carried out the greatest sevaa... was my inspiration to follow such a beautiful path...Vaaheguroo. I would like to say I 'repaid' him lol, but at first my mind and I were very stubborn to give up my old ways, which was shown through the relentless questions in which at the time; I didn't have answers for e.g. Why does a God without hate kill innocent people and young babies? Why is there war and famine? Why go through reincarnation? etc. Over time however, my eyes soon realised the essence of truth and that Sikhism wasn't like other religions and spiritual paths; which were trying to keep with the times, it was ahead of its time! For sikhism not only preached boundless love within ithe pages of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, but it had a more personal approach. Its teachings seemed to agree with my own beliefs and for the first time in my life - the attributes of an entity so superior was described in the mool mantras as the most beautiful being in the universe Vaaheguroo! Words can't describe how I felt then and it seemed as if my soul had eventually clasped the hem of God's robe. I feel sangat jee that over the few years that I have participated in this forum that I have grown, not just physically, mentally and emotionally but also spiritually. Over time, the demographic of this forum has changed and with it I have been able to speak to many great Sikhs of our generation who I have been able to share chapters of my journey with as well as many personal stories. My posts have been somewhat controversial at times but I have enjoyed the feedback given and by his grace - have learnt from my many mistakes. As I am leaving I do believe it is the right time to congratulate the user EkOngKar’ -who will be glad of my departure. You see Sangat jee, that we as Sikhs are taught to not only be the lion and saint soldier within; but to follow the lives of the Guroo’s and the attributes (if I may call them that) of God; in which to love humanity; regardless of an individual’s skin colour, caste, creed or religion – that we are to see the God in all – as outlined many times in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib and for us to be the best student possible - free from the 5 evils and free from judging others. I would like to profess (with years of evidence to back me up) that never have I ever believed or claimed to be spiritually higher than any other sikh on this forum and neither have I claimed or somehow displayed that I am somehow better, because believe me, I have met some of the greatest Sikhs in my life on this forum – who just like God, I am eternally indebted to. In line with this however, I have never been afraid to address key topics in which I have believed to be of great importance, both to us all and to me, and thus, I reach the part of this post. On numerous occasions I have publically addressed my views on key topics such as what it is to be amrithdhaari, what defines one, who and what defines the rehit maryada etc. For in my short life I have encountered a handful of corrupt amrithdhaaris who although have been blessed with this ‘title’ are more evil and corrupt as the blackest sinner. For they think that with this, they are superior, have the right to judge all others and dictate right from wrong, but pray tell me, who has the highest spiritual authority on this earth?.... The Akaal Takhat and the Guru Granth Sahib surely! I’d also like to say (as I am leaving anyone), as of late, the user mentioned above has shown some hatred towards me, and claiming that due to them being amrithdhaari that they have the right to judge me and that I have no right to participate and share my views in this forum. However, just as all those who signed up to this forum – you have the freedom and right to express your views- such as I am doing now and you also. This user also stated that they think they can judge me because they have taken amrith- im sorry but I don’t ever remember Sri Guru Gobindh Singh Jee preaching this, or with it being mentioned anywhere in our eternal guroo? This user also thinks that I think myself to be superior simply as I use smiley faces in my posts and sign off with the signature - ‘Gora Singh’ – in which I replied simply lighten up and had to laugh that somehow, I must think I am superior due to the lack of melanin in my skin!! I must have also forgotten that skin colour defines how “great” a person is too... sorry. :doh: Yet to think that my entire close friendship group is of Punjabis and I sit with the sangat in the Langar hall and Darbar sahib – you’d think I couldn’t physically else show that I believe I am equal , if not lower! It is the current state of panth; just like in these instances, that will ultimately see this beautiful path follow that of its predecessors of Christianity, Islam and Hinduism, where is over taken by corrupt individuals who mix culture and ego with religion and its original message becomes distorted. I will always remember that my first post on here was asking you guys questions on how to tell my family of my spiritual desires to become a Sikh, those many years ago as a child. But as one chapter ends and I embark on another, I’d like to thank all those who have helped me over the years and have taken the time to open my eyes a little bit more to world, and my ears to the shabad guroo. I will never forget the many great individuals on here who have helped me over the years on my spiritual journey, picking me up whilst I am down, and providing me with such knowledge and compassion – for I am forever thankful. I hope you all stay in Chardi Kalaa and are forever blessed as the very rare and few (especially in this age of Kaljug) true devotees of Vaaheguroo. Take Care. God Bless. Your Gora Singh! :TH: Khalsa 123 :g: Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  13. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! I have seen many criticisms of my posts, especially in relation to this particular thread, and would now, by Gods will, provide you with a response. I would like to firstly address the comment made by KalSingh who believes that my above post is 'frightening' in relation to "Sikhs" converting to one of the Abrahamic faiths, whether it is Christianity, Islam, Judiasm etc. Veerjee, may I reply by stating that I used the word "Sikhs" - thus emphasising although they may be born into a sikh household, something has happened (whether it is immediate family, public pressures or little personal interest etc.) that has prevented them from becoming a true sikh of the khalsa - which I'll let you all individually define as I have no right to exclaiming what defines a 'true sikh' from others e.g. is it they are to be amrithdhaari etc? I'd like to say bro; that this isn't a frightening mentality. You see, as sikhs we are taught to except Gods will in pain or pleasure aren't we? That no matter how "evil", "upsetting", "confusing" etc. we interpret an event, Gods will is always good as he does things for the best. This doesn't really mean we are to just sit there and say all ofthe actions being carried out is Gods will - but we must eventually accept that all actions are indeed Gods will and a persons decision is between God and an individual alone - for we are born and die alone according to our own personal hukam. I don't really understand how people claim that (without me actually saying this myself), that I am totally against promoting sikhism to the world - this couldn't be further from the truth as I myself am a 'Convert'. The only thing I am really against is the method in which to do this; may differ from the views of others. As I wasn't born into sikhism and neither am I of a Punjabi Origin, I wasn't provided with the jewel in which many of you have been given in this particular incarnation, with this seed of your good karma planted deep within your heart (the naam), and as time has passed, your love for God, humanity and sikhi has grown. My instance was much different however, and as stated previously in another post, I was on a journey of self discovery, a soul searching mission you could say, trying to find the true meaning of 'God'. It wasn't until my middle years of being an adolescent that I had contemplated exactly what God was, that was he an external entity e.g. a man dressed in white with a long grey beard sitting on a cloud with Golden gates - which is the idea I depicted from Christianity, or was he Allah - who at the time, I interpreted as a different God to that of Christianity - that infact there were two, one of the "western" world if you like and one of the eastern. Although the main cause for discovering sikhi was through Gods sweet will and hukam - for which I am forever blessed and indebted for eternity - this jewel was obviously realised through physical means - being three close amrithdhaari friends who are my best pals to this day. As I had also stated earlier, I had little knowledge of the principles of sikhism; which gave rise to a variety of questions I haboured such as 'Why do you wear a turban?' 'How do you get baptised?' 'How is sikhism different from other religions?' etc. - once more supporting why I beleive it should be promoted so others gain this blessing. Thus, it is through the aid of my friends, my searcing questions, and Gods hukam and kirpaa that I discovered sikhi. Thus, it is really wierd for me to understand why a proportion of you think I am against promoting sikhi to others - as without having this desire and without it being catalysed by my friends - I wouldn't have found God and been truly blessed!! The gift of finding the naam to satisfy my thirsty soul is the greatest gift I could have ever imagined - with it being an agonising 8.4 million incarnation waiting list. Due to this, I feel the luckiest man and gora alive haha and I would love to share this with others - that is why I like to see punjabi's, kaleh and goreh also clasping the hem of Vaaheguroo and as I did and still am doing, walking hand in hand with the Guroo. Thus, my main point really is no way am I against the promotion of sikhi, it is just we have to be careful of the method and reasoning behind this. As I also stated in a post if a sikh wants to convert to Islam etc. I don't see anything wrong with it. In his glorious court God doesn't see religion does he? God bless aMuslim, Jew, Hindu, Catholic etc. as they can all possess and experience Gods love the same as a Sikh does - thus this 'converting' isn't deemed as "wrong". Aslong as a person is doing this for their own personal benefit and means - God bless them. For a Sikh can feel the same love for God as a Christian does. In my instance also, I'm glad that I wasn't pressurised into following sikhi, in that I was the one with a thirsty soul and it was me who wanted to learn more, not people forcing me to beleive in such. We see evidence of this with Christian preachers especially, and this just in most cases; has the opposite effect and drives souls away. Just because say, sikhism meets our spiritual needs and makes us love Vaaheguroo, it isn't wrong or bad for say our sons or daughters to follow another religion - this is God's play. By all means we can aid and possibly participate in their decision - but ultimately it is up to them. The Khalsa is not about numbers, it is about having devout students (sikhs) and saint soldiers of the Guroo who follow the exemplar lifestyle led by our great Guroos themselves - who breathe and experience the naam 24/7. Thus, I am all for encouraging the youth of today and the general society who have little knowledge on sikhism - in relation to answering the unanswered questions of what actually sikhism "stands for", its message, its beliefs, ideologies and customs -but this isn't to be forced. Its principles can be echoed throughout the world, but it is only those who are destined to lead a sikh lifestyle and feel the true love for Vaaheguroo through this religion that will answer its call and take the required steps to walk upon this sometimes treacherous path. I think that by being careful of a promotional means, it meets the needs of the panth both ways, that it not only does the greatest sevaa to humanity for a few to obtain the jewel of the naam, but that it also aids in inspiring the message of sikhi to remain in such numbers to aid in ensuring its message to humanity is never lost. It is really hard to explain on here, but I hope I haven't offended anyone as this wasn't my intention. Take Care. God Bless. SikherOfTheNaam aka Khalsa123
  14. You may just say my name here jee. Forgive me for I am nothing, have no knowledge, wisdom or spirituality. Phenjee, it would be much more beneficial to listen to 'Naujawanidotcom' for this sikh has much more knowledge and love. Take Care. God Bless. VJKK VJKF
  15. Thanks SunnyBondSingh84 for addressing my post. If I may, I would like to respond to you comments below. I did indeed state towards the end of my post that I am actively against religious propaganda, missionary work e.g. Christian preachers in public places etc. and believe that I would rather see the Khalsa have 2 true devotees than 2 million who don't "follow" sikhi properly. It is rather strange that you said I am against new souls joining such a beautiful path to God, when indeed I am one of the luckiest Goreh alive! Haha. I am so very fortunate and wish so many thousands more realise what jewel is present in this age of Kaljug. For this ultimate blessing I can only hope to aid others into answering their searching questions, providing comfort where possible and guidance if they ask for it. In relation to myself, the past 5 years especially saw me searching for the actual meaning of the term God’asking several questions such as Why is there a "need" for a God? Why am I here? What is the purpose for my existence? What is reincarnation and karma? Etc. Is God really a grey bearded man upon a cloud in 'heaven' who goes by the name of ‘God and sent his "only son" to earth to die for our sins, is he found by meditating on Krishna, Buddha, or is an entity who goes by the name of Allah? I did indeed state in my post Veerjee, that it is only 'Inspiration' and 'True Love' that can really awaken the dormant soul to tune into the naad in which to awaken the flame of passion and thirst for God and for one to fall at his feet in humility and love which grows as day passes us by. Just as I had personally experienced, you can't gain these answers instantly and it does require a lot of time and soul searching, to discover the meaning of the universe, the will of God and to fall in loveetc. A Christian can preach for many hours to others that Jesus died for their sins and that they are blasphemous and that the world is coming to an end and thus; they are to repent. I would like you to tell me however, what use is this? How many people do you see flocking around them willing to "repent" and follow a more religious life? None and if so, only a very few. You see the Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam with millions of followers world -wide by why is this so great? For because of this there are hundreds upon hundreds of sects that have arisen- distorting the true meaning of loving God and how to serve him and humanity. Such denominations include Protestantism, Anglican, Methodist, Syro-malabar, Church of Korea, Kenya, Scotland, Pakistan, Quaker, Baptist, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Macedonian and Catholicism – just to name a few! With latest stats showing there to be over 38000! There are thousands of souls Joined to a certain religion but it is only a handful that you see who are truly spiritual and understand the true message. The love for God can only be obtained by his will, for a person has to take it upon themselves to go on this journey of self discovery and for them to feel the true love of God and aid in its development through inspiration whether this is from their Saadh Sangat through spiritually high brothers or sisters, or whether they read into the detailed history of love, compassion and bravery of many of our shaheeds whether muslim or sikh, Guroo’s etc. As time progresses so does the love for God. Each day I am truly thankful that finally after millions of incarnations; Vaaheguroo has provided me with the naam; the keys to all the doors and gates and have been blessed with a path that is so beautiful, that remains so pure, with love, humility and courage entwined within its very foundations. Although my main eternal praises for this blessing is owed all to Vaaheguroo, he was able to inscribe my own destiny on the foreheads of three close friends of mine also, who acted as the voice of God(who still remain my best friends to this day) to awaken my dormant soul - for it is without them my soul would still be lost and searching wasting this precious human life. You see dear bro, that these three amrithdhaari sikhs never ever forced their beliefs onto me which is important if a person is to feel the true love of God. For it is by Gods grace and will alone did I stumble upon meeting them and maintain such a close friendship circle – that to this day, they are the three best friends alive and some of the best people I have met Vaaheguroo for in this life especially, I am partially indebted to them. You say that the Khalsa is to increase in number, which as stated above I beg to differ. If for a moment however, I was to agree with you, then this is to be through Inspiration and Love. For it was these brothers of mine that allowed me to develop my own ideas and individuality with them being present in which to provide further knowledge or guidance or even participate in active debates. For God had already planted the seed for when I took this incarnation, and through them, this seed was watered. I hope I haven't offended anyone as this wasn't my intention. Thank you Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  16. Dear Phenjee, As he commands the world plays out its drama, for by his will there will always be people (albeit silly)who slander to increase their ego, to fulfill their jealous desires and to think that they are clever. But shall I let you into a little secret sis? :BL: It is youwho has the upper-hand on this whole scenario, it is you who will ultimately win this "game" in the end and it is you who has the treasure. :TH: For you have... GOD! These people are jealous jee, whether they are jealous of your physical good looks :happy: , your intelligence :TH: , your humour :LOLz: , your pyaar for God and humanity, your likeability, your friendship circles or just that you have qualities that they do not have. No matter how they keep pestering you sis, no matter how they try and knock you down; do not break, do not let down your guard. See them as a catapult and you are the wall, that they keep trying to knock down your wall with harsh and hurtful words, with stupid and evil actions - but as a daughter of Sri Guru Gobindh Singh Jere Maharaj- you will not fail and your father will protect his loving daughter. Although I am nothing jee, maybe God is testing you, maybe he is doing this; to act as a catalyst so that you then get the inspiration to continue to visit the Gurdwara as often as you please, for you to put your trust, love and life all into Gods hands - and become more absorbed into his love. So let these slanderers continue to slander you jee, let them take your karams whilst you laugh as they remain deluded by doubt and ego. For you love God and know that Vaaheguroo will make 100000+ steps to you, if you are to make only one to him. "Victory" is only a breath away where you will ultimately laugh in their face when you are successful and they are not. All is his grace and play. Stay strong my lil sis. God Bless. Take Care. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  17. Oh Veerjee, what is the problem here may I ask? Let all these "sikhs" convert to christianity and Islam etc. for why is it wrong? Just like my soul was; these people are searching for a path that quenches their thirst for God, that really fulfills all their desires; whether this is following an Islamic lifestyle or that of a christian. For there is no right or wrong path, not one higher and not one lower - for they all love God - their main purpose (as God doesn't see "religion"). Surely, you as well as I would prefer a few devotees to sikhi who follow it properly, who live, breathe and experience the naam 24/7; loving God, the Guroos and humanity than to have thousands if not millions of followers, where only handful really follow experience its beauty. The Khalsa do not need millions of sikhs; for only a few, the true devotees are the real jewel - are the future mothers and fathers of saint soldiers who will continue to spread its love. For all this is God's play and blessing. Maybe he has future plans - in the near future - for many to give up their clever tricks and follow sikhi? Who knows? only the one who stages this wonderful play does. We do not need to carry out any missionary work or try and force the youth to follow sikhi. Let their souls experience his will and make up their "own mind" because after all, what is better than 'Inspiration' and 'True Love'? Take Care. God Bless. Your Gora Singh. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  18. Can i ask please jee why you want to live in an asian area? Both Kaleh and Goreh make nice neighbours too! But i do agree - Solihull is a lovely place! Don't live there mind. I disagree with the whole goreh vs asian areas - its all about multicultural societies sangat jee! Take Care. God Bless. VJKK VJKF
  19. HAHA! Now i've got your attention :lol: Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! I hope you are all well and guroos kirpaa is raining down upon you - with each day causing you to melt more with his love. For the past few weeks I have been listening to a series of keertan tracks; such as that of Sant Niranjan Singh Jee, Bhai Manpreet Singh etc. as well as that of one of my closest brothers - which was recorded some time last year at a rhainsbhai. I can honestly say - although it should be about the keertan and not the keertani and no way am I judging or disrepecting the professional keertani's - I just much more prefer a more raw version, of "everyday" sikhs - singing their praises to God - it evokes my emotions much more - Vaaheguroo! :WW: Due to this, I thought it'd be a good idea for all those who are willing to do so, attach some audio files of yourself doing keertan. Please don't think that this is ego, because 1) its not and 2) I have asked - so it isn't as if you are "boasting" about it lol. I would really like to hear as many as possible - and I have my IPod at the ready haha. Thanks for taking the time to read this; and thanks goes to all those who decide to upload some keertan of their own. Take Care. God Bless. :pray: Fateh! Khalsa123
  20. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh Hey Phenjee - hope your doing well. I am not of punjabi origin and neither was I born into sikhi - you got it - Im a gora haha. I first discovered sikhi when I was about baram < is that right spelling? haha. So its been around 5 years now and although I havent fully joined the path fully - due to age, family and various other excuses I shouldn't have etc. I was wondering whether I could be of any assitance with this great project? Please let me know if you don't mind. Take Care. God Bless. Fateh.
  21. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! It is quite clear to see that the individual who feels like cutting his/her hair; isn't as strong spiritually as they maybe felt before and thus, for this short time, has lost the love that he/she originally may have possessed for God. This individual must realise that growing kesh, although is important - isn't as important as gaining that solid foundation of loving God, so that he/she lives, breathes and feels Vaaheguroo 24/7 - so that they melt in his love. You can compare this, to that of a tree - in which if there isn't a solid foundation (the trunk) to build upon - how can you expect to grow branches? (With each branch symbolising something as a result of this love for God e.g. one branch signifying keeping kesh, the other kara, the other being amrithdhaari etc. I'd also like to address the point on which 'StarSingh' made and ask him -"What gives you the right to judge?" Im sure that he is no gursikh himself - yet he freely expresses that he would prefer the company of a "True christian or Hindu". Tell me bro, at what level of spirituality do you have to be, and who has the power to dictate whether a person is religious or not? and that they love God and follow the path correctly? Me? You? The answer is: No one, but God alone. There are people that are saying do not be this individuals friend simply because they are going through a 'rough patch' which you yourself may have been through or no doubt - will go through - if it is his will. Although Vaaheguroo is our ultimate friend and guide - we should not simply abandon a troubled and confused individual-, but offer support. For what if it was you who was lost and confused - should we leave you to your own devices? The answer is: No. If anything, the person is in dire need of the guidance and wisdom of his Khalsa brothers and sisters. For simply leaving them - this is not only being selfish and only taking care for yourself - but isn't it going against the concept of 'Sevaa?'. I agree we should focus upon our own spirituality as this is our main concern - but it shouldn't lead to us abandoning our brothers and sisters -for we are all droplets in Gods ocean. Another upsetting post and one that clearly shows the current problems facing the panth. I hope I haven't offended anyone or said anything out of turn - for this wasn't my intention - my values just needed to be expressed. Take Care. God Bless. VJKK VJKF!
  22. I'd like to firstly say as a general comment... 'What a load of nonsense!' It comes to something doesn't it when a person can't sing the keertan of Vaaheguroo which is supposedly open to all, which is not constricted by religion, race, gender, or whether a person is amrithdhaari or not - just to a person who has the love for God; implanted deeply into their heart. If this was the case, you might as well not allow non-amrithdhaaris to do Sevaa, or to read the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee to the Sangat- this is heartbreaking! As we can see from past experiences, just like that of other religions e.g. that of the abrahamic faiths - that like once more, the purity of a path fades over time; and the original message is lost - when individuals decide to force their own opinion on sikhi or change certain elements - thus giving rise to mini-sects e.g. Naamdhari, AKJ etc. A person who feels the love for Vaaheguroo should be able to sing the keertan of the lord and profess it; infront of the sangat whilst on a stage. This is deeply upsetting that this is even having to be discussed. Sorry if I have offended anyone or appeared to be angry - this wasn't my intention. God Bless. Take Care. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! :pray:
  23. Hey, In my opinion I don't think it is right to judge those that celebrate Valentines for example, whether it is christians, sikhs, theists or atheists. We are all subject to our own karma and thus we should really focus upon our own destiny - yet advise others on what we think is the right decision - and thus up to the individual to follow it. Let a person play with their own karma, let a person celebrate valentines - it isn't directly affecting us, it makes them happy for an instant and might make them realise the world is false, along with it being Gods will - as everything is. They have the right to do as they wish, express their love for a dear one, just as we have the right to maybe see it as attahchment- who knows? There is no rush for us to go to Sachkhand - cus this itself, prevents us from doing so. Sikhs are forutnate that we can spend this day to focus it upon possessing love for Vaaheguroo - but also love for the family. Who says Valentines is all about lust and the like? It is a day that makes us remember the good things about life, that Vaaheguroo has blessed us with a wonderful spouse and family - in which we are to cherish, LOVE and care for in this life. Not all love is centralised around lust or lustful desires. Moreover, not all love means that you are attached to the person - you just simply care. I don't believe it is good to criticise the "Western World" or their lifestyle. As a gora westerner I am not disappointed in my heritage, my families values customs or culture. To me however, I just interpret them differently and it aids me ensuring that certain things do contradict sikhi and this can be beneficial in aiding me to avoid them e.g. social drinking etc. - doesn't mean its wrong and all people shouldn't drink for example - its their choice, their values and customs, just like we all have our own - just we decide not to do it - but let those get on with it. :TH: Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  24. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh :pray: Thanks for you kind comments Phenjee (TejiKaur) :happy: but that isn't simply true, hence others have disproven my points made. In my post I was trying to clarify that there simply isn't a sikh as we are all students of God. A christian can feel the same love for God as a Sikh feels for God - by saying they cannot - we are limiting what God can do - this is ultimately his universe. Understanding about sikhism is the best gift my soul has ever been blessed with but that is what christians must feel for christianity and hindus for hinduism. I have always percieved the 'Naam' to be a sound current, to be the vibrations of the universe that are at particular frequency that awakens the soul into loving its creator. However, couldn't we percieve the naam to be obtained by all those? irrespective of their '"religion"? as they still feel the love for God as a sikh feels. Also to respond to the comment received when I stated that what defines a sikh? Is it an amrithdhaari or an individual who although doesn't believe in God does good deeds etc. Although they may not be a 'Sikh of the Guroo' they are still a student of God's play, hukam - following his command and have a good heart. I hope I haven't offended anymore or seem even more corrupt. :sleep: Your Gora brother :lol: Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh
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