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Everything posted by SikherOfTheNaam

  1. Fateh Phenji, I would be wary from over washing your hair with shampoo everyday while you have such an itchy scalp, i would use it alternatively such as shampoo one day and just water the next. Try to use something with a relatively neutral pH as it may stop the aggrivation. You want something really thats oily based that will put back the essential oils in the scalp ridding the dry flakes. Why don't you try 'T-gel' that is gentle on the scalp and removes flakes. Also i would revisit your doctor as he may provide medication if you have a fungal infection in your scalp which is common and not your fault. Hope everything works out, Take care - Khalsa 123
  2. Bruv/Sis I can honestly say it shocked and amazed me that someone in the world feels the same feelings i used to, and there was me thinking i was alone. I can sympathise with you as i can feel your pain and try to feel what your going through. Many people think its a phase or your trying to get attention, ive been there but jee honestly, don't give into these feelings. Maharaj is there for you, gives you each breath whether people believe in him or not. Stress is just a phase each of us go through, it doesn't come into the world affecting everyone. We give it the chance to invade us affecting our mind and our body. I'll do ardaas for you jee as it must be really hard, but think what would your family think if you committed suicide? They may not show all the love and attention you deserve but under all the mist there is their love for you. Try talking to your family, a close friend or even a coversation with Vaaheguroo whether it is informal or not - heres there. Life can be so tough on us and were bound to feel stressed and depressed at some point but we have to be that athlete. He stumbles at a hurdle but he gets back up to continue. 'Hurdles woud;n't be called hurdles if there wasn't a way to get over them'. It is like a game, we are playing the roles on gods stage. No matter what he throws at us we have to be the root of the tree not the leaves which blow in various directions. Also if God can control this universe he can help with your thoughts. I let stress take hold of me way to much a- im such a hippocrit and with OCD thoughts too its not nice, but i know i must try my hardest to stick it out. If you want to talk to me anytime just PM me. I really do hope you get through it and that smile and happiness will rise again. Just think - why be stressed and full of worries that it makes you sad. You've heard that expression if you smile the world smiles with you. It must be soo hard at the moment but try it - i bet you'll be surprised... Take care jee.. VJKK VJKF Khalsa123 :TH:
  3. Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Khalsaa Vaaheguroo jee Kee Fateh! Dear all, this is going to be hard to explain so please bare with me. Especially over the past month my love for God, The gurus and the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Jee has dwindled. I am finding it hard to understand the true power and excellence of the SGGS anymore, like i cant comprehend its majesty - the same for the gurus and the sacrificies and things they did. It can't sink in - i don't feel much love to it anymore like i did before. :sady: At this moment in time i see the SGGS as a guru but i dont feel anything emotional to it - i just see it as nothing really - and i hate that! I owe my whole life to Maharaj! I have no idea why this is and what to do apart from ardaas, simran and paath as much as it can without my familly knowing. Many thanks - Sorry Khalsa 123
  4. Fateh Jee. Don't worry I am in my first year at college studying to become a doctor and was in the same situation as you, i loved biology and never had never really done any chemistry - the bits i did however i hated. I am doing biology and chemistry at the moment and i love biology although theres lots to learn and am learning to cope with chemistry. I have been thrown in the deep end due to no knowledge- but im sure you'll do fine. I find it hard at times as its one of the hardest a levels but if you really want to acheieve something you will - the only obstacle in ones life is themselves. Just think we have Maharaj, the greatest teacher in the world, who will help us. Don't worry too much yet about a levels, just focus on your GCSE's - which you'll ace! :cool: If you want to know anymore dont hesitate to PM me. Take care - Gora Singh! :e: :WW: Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  5. We are gods children playing upon the world stage, everything he commands we obey. We cannot know the bounds of maharaj therefore, our minds can't grasp the whole concept for purpose why we are here. However, we are here to serve guru jee and humanity. kir ikrpw Apnw drsu dIjY jsu gwvau inis Aru Bor ] kar kirapaa apanaa dharas dheejai jas gaavo nis ar bhor || Show Mercy to me, and grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. I sing Your Praises night and day. kys sMig dws pg Jwrau iehY mnorQ mor ]1] kaes sa(n)g dhaas pag jhaaro eihai manorathh mor ||1|| With my hair, I wash the feet of Your slave; this is my life's purpose. ||1|| Twkur quJ ibnu bIAw n hor ] t(h)aakur thujh bin beeaa n hor || O Lord and Master, without You, there is no other at all. God created everything, therefore God created maya and naam. Maya being the evil trap we can fall into and the naam - the purest - the truth. Hope this helps - probably doesn't i can never explain fully my views. Many thanks - VJKK VJKF! Khalsa 123
  6. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! Dear Sangat Jee, Many thansk for all the replies, they have opened my eyes and helped me understand more. However, i am still feeling this same unemotional feeling, even when doing prayers, simran, listening to kirtan. It has no effect on me anymore, i dont feel anything. It is the worst feeling ever and i just wish i could walk hand in hand again with Maharaj feeling the love i had before. I could just cry out in pain! :sady: Sorry to post this Many thanks for being there, Khalsa 123
  7. Dear Sangat Jee, Im sorry to bother you again i don't know what it is at the moment but i cant' seem to stay in CK. I have taken a cyber-hukamnama and it was one of the best ever, meant so much to me it brought a tear to my eye. I am sick of being pressurised into maya and my parents keep expecting me to behave like a gora teen should. I am pressurised into relationships, go out partying with friends and just enjoy myself more. I don't want that, i just want the saadh sangat and my guru. Being mid way through my teens its increasingly difficult to balance this double life. I love my family don't get me wrong but since being banned from gurdwara for over a year etc etc im at my witts end as i am not getting the full advantage of this precious life. I know if i break out of this shell im going to be shunned as discussed previously. Please may you help me, Your slave forever, Khalsa 123
  8. Dear Sangat Jee, Especially over the past month my faith in guru jee has faded and now it is in decline. When i do amritvela and do paat etc i no longer feel anything, no love, no warm feeling in my stomach, no smile plays across my lips - i have no faith at all. I am really upset and feel i have been cut from Vaaheguroo and don't know what to do. I want to feel the feelings i had before, i want the faith i had before. Whether it is because maya has had a stronger influence or what i really don't know. Please may you bless this sinner with some knowledge as i would be truly greatful. Forever your servant, :WW: Khalsa123 - Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  9. I watched this film and found it very interesting, i would just like to know your opinion on it although its not sikhi related. I don't want it to slander God or religion as i know this is wrong and not my purpose. It would just be interesting for you to post your views. Take care, Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5216975979627863972
  10. Dear Sangat jee, I am sorry for causing such commotion with my post on how the unvierse began, i didn't intend to post my views and to cause some sort of creative discussion, i stated my views on what i had heard and researched after all im learning to join the path one day. Clearly my points are wrong and i apologise for this. I would like to stress i haven't made those points up myself and i feel im being attacked because of it. I'm sorry if i have offended anyone, as this wasn't my purpose. Thanks, Khalsa 123
  11. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee kee Fateh! Hey :lol: As far as i know the creation story for sikhi is that Maharaj was meditating before the beginning of time and then in an instant he created the world - in the form of the big bang. He added maya to the world and allowed evolution of humankind over the years and we are where we are today. I also do not believe in the story of genesis however, God gave christians that story to believe in and we have ours :T: Hope this helps, Khalsa 123
  12. This type of crime really annoys me! :lol: I will do ardaas for these two men - its such a shame I hope Vaaheguroo restores their health and puts the attackers onto the correct path, although their is no excuse for what they have done. As much as it angers me and makes me sick to the back teeth i am totally lower than them. My thougths are with the two singhs. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  13. Dear Sangat Jee, I am very proud to announce that my parents are allowing me to become vegetarian - something i've wanted to be for a long time. I was just wondering what foods are out there for me to eat, such as lentils etc. Prefarably not large indian dishes as my mother wouldn't cook those just for me to eat daily. I am not a huge fan of loads of vegetables and i know its not all just about that. Please may you share any ideas on what i can eat daily for a balanced diet. Many thanks, Your gora sikh :TH: Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! :TH:
  14. Dear Sangat Jee, I think i have made a landing on the career i would like to pursue in two years time - a doctor. This gives me the chance to not only undergo something i enjoy (medical science) but also gives me the satisfaciton that i am helping someones life. There is just one problem with this. As many of you know im a gora teen and eventually i want to be able to be part of the sikh religion. However, Medical school and other studies take up a lot of time as it is constantly stated by professionals and websites. It will either make or break you. Therefore, there will be really a small time for me to actually be a sikh with all the academic written and physical work. I think 18 would be a good age for me to go against parentals wishes and undergo the spiritual change but the work will leave me no time or limited time to focus on my sikhi. My question is what shall i do? Many thanks, take care, Khalsa 123
  15. Dear all, I am not sticking up for homosexuals here or anyone for that matter. My point is maybe it is a bit of fun that the two singhs put a kiss at the end of their text but that is up to them. Who are we to judge them, no one but God can judge them. Even if it was because one was gay which i very doubt we should still see God in them, if we don't see him in anyone we don't see him at all. Finally, why are we worrying about other peoples issues such as these, we should be thinking about God only. - I don't mean to attack anyone and i should be listening to my own input! I didn't mean to cause any offence in this post, and sorry if i sound boring etc. if i have done so i am truly sorry. Your slave of slaves, Khalsa 123 :WW:
  16. Heres my results... 11 A*'s and A's (mixed) 4 B's. Just thought i'd like to congratulate everyone who sat their GCSE's and even if you didn't get what you wanted etc your all still brilliant! Well done, Take Care, Khalsa123
  17. I was thinking today about the 5 evils we all have suffer from and try and overcome them. I then began to put them in order of which 1's were the hardest for me and then put them in corresponding order. If you wouldn't mind i would like to know which one is the hardest for you going down to the still damn right hard ones! lol. I mean no offence to anyone on this post. I would be most grateful if you could input. Many thanks - Khalsa 123. Template - Name: My order is... (hardest first) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
  18. Dear Sangat Jee, Sorry for doing so many negative posts, you probably hate me. I am stuck in a rutt at the moment, so many problems are occuring. I have commited so many sins lately i am surely paying for them. To add to my family problems already four elders in my family are extremely unwell. I try to do simran for them but recently i cant do it properly, even doing the thing in the early hours of the day - not saying because of ego. I just feel unemotional and stone like, almost as it i've been cut off from Vaaheguroo. I am surely paying for my sins. My nan yesterday had a fall outside her home- shes in her 70's but honestly looks like 50 and acts like it. She fell on her ankle yesterday, breaking her arm, foot and her glasses smashed causing her eye to be bruised - biggest ive ever seen her eye is closed and she even has stitches in her head. To add to this my other nan is ill now, her brother (my beloved great uncle) is in hospital with serious heart problems and knee problems after being run over by a lorry. So he is really ill and my nan is visiting him all the while, trying to pack for our holiday next week as well as cleaning her own house after decorators and my uncles house. My nan has had one heart attack already at my house and im scared shell have another - just a matter of time. Her husband my grandfather never stressees, hes so laid back and he too for the first time since my nans heart attack is worrying so much. I know this is all my fault - my punishment but i love them so dearly trying to do simran for them, my neighbour with terminal cancer, my family and for myself but i feel nothing. All this is guru jees punishment to me and im so sad and alone. Please sangat jee may you help, im rushing here there and everywhere while my family is at work to go and see my ill relatives - stickinjg to a schedule - its so harsh. I know i am meant to see guru jees will sweet no matter how harsh my mortal eyes may see it - i have accepted that but nevertheless its still saddening. Many thanks, Khalsa123
  19. I admit i'm the biggest sinner alive!
  20. Your an inspiration phenji :TH: Congratulations! :awesome Vaaheguroo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Fateh jee to all, I have just returned from a long weekend in Waels before i go on my initial holiday, i felt it a really relaxing experience and as i predicted my parents were ever more ferocious with their noose. I was asked if i wanted a small shandy - i declined. I declined to eat meat one night and i was given the benefit of the doubt. Vaaheguroo even blessed me with a calm discussion with my dad while we were driving in the sunset back to meet my mother and sister. We discussed many topics such as British politics etc and we got to religion and i explained a few things about sikhi although my father was ready to debate, i then ended the conversation and blessed him - although it was very hard. Anyways, just wanted to release my burden as it were. Take care all of you, best wishes and god bless, Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! :WW:
  22. Fateh jee to all, I have just returned from a long weekend in Waels before i go on my initial holiday, i felt it a really relaxing experience and as i predicted my parents were ever more ferocious with their noose. I was asked if i wanted a small shandy - i declined. I declined to eat meat one night and i was given the benefit of the doubt. Vaaheguroo even blessed me with a calm discussion with my dad while we were driving in the sunset back to meet my mother and sister. We discussed many topics such as British politics etc and we got to religion and i explained a few things about sikhi although my father was ready to debate, i then ended the conversation and blessed him - although it was very hard. Anyways, just wanted to release my burden as it were. Take care all of you, best wishes and god bless, Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! :WW:
  23. Dear Sangat Ji, i would like to take this opportunity for all the advice offered give to me, i really appreciate it. I am sorry to hear that many other people are going through such traumas as i know how hard it is. I try and do ardaas but trying to learn it while having to close the internet screen due to parents keep walking in and out makes it harder. I feel like a balloon just wanting to burst and practise sikhi to its full extent, however, this is gurus sweet will. I have been told that if i lead the sikhi way of life secretly my parents will know this, i beg to differ, no offence to anyone but they more than likely would just recognise my behaviour changing for the better but no where near relate it to towards sikhi. Also no way would i ever, whether i found out about sikhi or not, i will never drink or smoke etc etc. My parents can push me all they wont to have a little shandy but im not budging! lol. I find the meat issue as well as hair cutting hard, i am going off meat to much of my delight through vaaheguroos blessing, i am not allowed to stop as my parents know its sikhi related but i want to stop for sikhi, for animal cruetly to cease and because its becoming fouler. If i was then allowed to be vege which i would never be alowed to be in the presence of my family i would have to force feed down many vegetables which are so unsatisfactory to my tastebuds. However, sorry for drifting away i am just fed up of being this fake person and fed up of trying to please everyone and me sinning and suffering and nearly crying everytime i shave, eat meat etc as i know it is wrong. Take care, Khalsa 123
  24. Dear Sangat Ji, Thanks for the replies, im 16 now and i love learning about sikhi allbeit secretly, however it is harder to cover up my tracks, such as using this forum and sikhi websites and im becoming more against my families own values and beliefs. Many thanks Khalsa 123
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