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Singhni MiriPiri

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Everything posted by Singhni MiriPiri

  1. I'm not using sarcasm. Guru sahib still looks the most dignified and graceful to me. It's not the chunni that makes someone look that way, it's the character and qualities.
  2. It's not going to do much help if they do not represent Guru Gobind Singh Jee inwardly and outwardly. One sikh is equal to 125,000. We do not need numbers like other religions do.
  3. I have never understood why sikhs care about increasing numbers; sikhs should be more concerned about strengthening their sikhi. I've always believed that amrit should not be easily given to anyone because that is why you get people that are only sikhs by appearance. Even those "sikhs" mentioned that go around beating others are failures themselves.
  4. Guru Gobind Singh Jee looks the most dignified and graceful, and he does that without wearing a chunni. To OP, just do what you feel is right for you.
  5. As long as you are dressed modestly, wearing a chunni is not necessary. I personally have never worn a chunni, never will. A Dastar is perfect enough for me.
  6. Best way to try and make someone stop these habits is to: - make them think about their reputation and their future children's/children's reputation - be polite, don't expose them, speak to them privately - make them understand that they will regret it more and find it difficult to stop the more they continue - care about the image they are giving to Sikhi and Guru Gobind Singh jee. - try to make them understand/remember their love for Guru Sahib and Vaheguru. They should build their love and friendship for Vaheguru and Guru Sahib, not Maya. - explain to them they are being swallowed by Maya which may appear to them as sweet but is literally empty, fake, evil and deceiving. - they may not understand it but they need to trust Guru Sahib and his message. - Guru Sahib wants to save everyone. They've been gifted with sikhi but are selfishly throwing it away when they could be using it to help themselves and others.
  7. I'm surprised that person doesn't also get questioned haha
  8. I'm wondering how someone finds this kind of stuff on the internet. Lol
  9. If people regard someone like this to be rebellious, hateful or stubborn really are ungrateful and naive. Just ignore them.
  10. Singhbj, you are taking this too seriously. He is only refusing to tie a thread. Kira is a sensible guy, his parents should be understanding.
  11. I agree and that's good to know your parents do not mind. I would have suggested to just to be honest and straight-out (obviously politely).
  12. I think he did say he is a contractor, he does not have the same rights as a permanent employee. His boss can very easily terminate his contract. He needs to stay calm, do his job and not let the bullying affect him.
  13. Lol no, it's not some ridhi sidhia. There are non-sikhs that can also feel people's auras and can tell what kind of personality they have just by looking at them. Misterrsingh and dallysingh101 have explained this well.
  14. Muslims have a negative aura. I can easily see through their fakeness, likewise with anyone else that pretends to be something they're not. I do not fall for any compliments or fake personality. You don't need to worry about me.
  15. jaa ko har ra(n)g laago eis jug mehi so keheeath hai sooraa || He alone is called a warrior, who is attached to the Lord's Love in this age.
  16. Or maybe no Sikh here understands what it means to be vaheguru's warrior. Vaheguru and guru sahib are always in my heart, I don't need to be with the panth.
  17. I do not like them in that way or anyone to be honest. I admire them for their pure qualities.
  18. I don't consider those type of guys to have big hearts, whether they are weak or strong. I have met far nicer guys. Anyway, I admire japanese and koreans due to their disciplined polite personalities. And I'll always consider them as winners.
  19. When I was talking about general Koreans, I did not imply the ones in my posts, they appear that way as they are actors/singers. You literally make me sick, you have a lot of ignorance as you are very quick to judge someone's appearance. Anyway, you can stick to favouring your savage animals that are dead inside. Women are meant to be physically weaker than men but mai bhago proved that otherwise. Do a little research into south Korean military. It seems like you are clueless of other cultures.
  20. North Korea is ruthless enough! I don't believe you need to unnecessarily behave butch to be able to go up against rough communities. It's about being smart and that's what sth Koreans are.
  21. This is what I meant, to others feminine attributes equates to weakness. Korean lives revolve heavily on education and work which is why they are the most high-tech country, more than Japan. All Korean men have to join the military for two years, while it is optional for women. Their military is one of the most advanced in the world and their training is very rigorous. They are neighbour to north Korea so they would be vigilant and strong. In my opinion, south Koreans come across as perfectionists, and since they are an extremely wealthy country, they have the advantage to care about meaningless things like beauty.
  22. Not sure what this has to do with feminism. Japan has a lot of weirdness and an obsession with sex. You really need to do your research. Japan is male dominated, very far behind in feminism. It is actually male patriarchy that had caused many problems in Japan e.g. the poor economy as they enforce women to be housewives which made a massive decline of Japanese workers, and many Japanese couples avoid having children as they feel they do not earn enough. If you ask a Japanese person, they will tell you that sexism is deeply rooted in their culture but this is changing very slowly.
  23. I agree. I can't believe the paedophile in the article is asking us to accept his harmful sexual orientation. It's like someone saying 'I'm a potential criminal, please accept me'. Why not just suppress your thoughts and not proudly label yourself as a criminal.
  24. You mean feminine, it is common knowledge that they usually have feminine features. In sth Korea, they even came up with the term 'flower boy' because of how feminine some guys are. South Korea and Japan are male dominated countries. Their cultures are different. It's not unusual for men to behave or dress "girlish". Particularly sth Korea, they have different standards of beauty and are very beauty centric. It is normal for men to also wear (some) make up like women. We have conditioned and ignorant views that we have sadly developed from living in western countries. I always hear western people insulting japanese and south korean personalities and looks. The problem is them because they have a superiority complex and are extremely ignorant.
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