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Everything posted by chatanga

  1. these "goddesses" are 7 forms of one shakti. Durga is not the original name of Shakti. She only recieved this name after killing Durgam-asur. likewise she recieved the name chandi, after the killing of chandika-asur. whatever demons she killed, she received their names in short form, from her bhagats , or whoever she saved from tyhe demons, usually the gods such as Indar Dev etc, or the rishes who the dmons plagued. the forms of shatki are Chandi/durga Kali Parvati Gauran Sati Brahmacharini Skander Mata i think....
  2. and the english translation i have is very different. im refering to Dasam Guru Granth Sahib transaltion by Drs Jodh Singh and Dharam Singh.
  3. right, ive consulted my Dasam Guru Granth englisdh translation and Guru Ji is talking about Akal Parmeshwar. I will look it up panjabi meaning as well later.
  4. if youread whats before and after it , it will become a lot clearer. taking just one stanza will not give you a total picture.
  5. the best beach in england that i know is Carla Beach. But if you are going to visit dont take your family. :D
  6. It would be good to see these Committees also take the responsiblity of this, particularly if this is within a Gurdwara itself. to quote sarbloh.... I know of committee members that are radha swami's who are on managing comiitees. what action do you expect them to take against other radha swami's. admittedly there are very few comiittees as such, but ideqally there should be none.
  7. my photo ( which i actually nicked off someone else :D , keeps getting deleted.
  8. written it is " HARI Mandir Sahib" said it is "HARMandir Sahib". this is probably down to panjabi langwij and just as we shorten 2 words in english to make one word the the 3 sylables here have been shortened to 2. 1. Ha 2. Ri 3 . Mandir as opposed to 1. Har 2. Mandir eg Sat Sri akal , usually most people just say sas ri kal when they greet someone. only when doing jaikare have i heard people say it properly.
  9. in my ancestral village in Jalandhar, there is a christian school where all the church going christian kids get free eduaction, but all the sikhs have to pay. so in my village there are a few sikh families that have started to go to church so so theie kids can get free education. the state school in the village is rubbish, and no-one wants theie kids to go there. This aint new.
  10. chatanga


    i met 2 sikhs from afghan and they speak panjabi perfectly well, but i couldnt understand them completely cos of their accent. even panjabis from pakistan speak wiv an accent/twang that makes you think they are saying something else, when actualy they are using the same words . even in haryana where panjabi used to be spoken, they speak , what some of my relatives have described as " jaangli" .
  11. yeh sort of made me want to go out and slice the head of the Muslims living on the road behind us :wub: , no but seriously he did make the programe entertaining lol, his swear word was hardcore i was like :WW: , then him praising his sword and his detail about how he beheaded every Muslim that came in his way, at one point i wanted him to be my great grandad but decided that morally saving Muslims was the right thing than killing them in revenge But lol man he is a legend! lol oh and when the gora talking about the Sikhs at Amritsar station waiting for the Muslims on train that part was shocking typical indian hypocrite. if a khalistani said that after hearing the accounts of operation blue star he wanted to behead a hindu living on the road behind his house, all the great bharat mata nuts would go crazy with posts. this above post shows how brainwashed everyone in india is. partition is never and will never be forgotten. but if anything about 1984 gets written, they yell it should be forgotten and we should move on. this "singhalicious" person's comments shoudl be remembered for future posts on the khalistani issue. so we can all know his moral position on killing innocent people based on their religion. this is a common position by all the bharat mata anti-khalistanis. they talk about not hating anyone, peace, and living together. yet the above post shows how true these people are to their words. just like the fathers of their nation, gandhi and nehru, they say all the right things yet practice something completely opposite. peace. you're absolutely right. the bhoot mata suporters look at the liberation movement of their country with respect and pride , but 50 years later when it is us who want our freedom from them they want to wipe us off the earth. All that has hapned is that the shoe has moved to the other foot. once they were wearing that "shoe" and getting beaten by the britsish, now we are wearing that "shoe" and gettting killed by the bhoot mata peopel.
  12. india perhaps? or do what a frind of mine did, and bouught one of a visiting jatha.
  13. they did most likely one of 2 things. 1 - they waited for the military to come and escort them to the refugee camps waiting to go to india. 2 - they siezed an opportunity to either fght their way out and make it to the camps. My uncle told me of 2 sikhs that arrived atthe camp he was in. One had Guru Granth Sahib onhis head from the village gurdwara and the other was walking behind him wiv an unsheathed sword. He said they passed through mulsim villages but left everything to fate , expecting to be killed. But they wernt even noticed. Arrived atthe camp without a scratch. This whole episode makes me really angry . we lost so much . the loss of Nankana Sahib t the Sikhs , i cannt describe how i feel. chatanga
  14. think you've missed the bigger picture and its relationship to Shingara Singh's comments. Muslims in West Punjab had started to kill Sikhs a clear 5 months before Partition the killings of sikhs in western panjab started as early as 1946, especailly in the western parts of west panjab, such as hazara, dera ghazi khan etc. here the league were using only stabbing as a method to kill sikhs, and there were many incidents of this.The usual victims were in the villages. Also one very little known fact about the Panjab POlice is that during the years 1945- 1947 when the league was the state govt, they recruited all the muslim applicants to the police overlooking sikh and hindu applicants. meaning that although the muslims in panjab were around 50 % of the population , they were in fact 77 % of the Panjab police. This was for a reason. they knew they had to protect the muslims, and what better way than to get the police to do it. also the police would bnot take action against their own. the programme told an absolute lie when it claimed that the muslims attacked rawalpindi sikhs becasue they feared sikhs were about to kill them. Muslims in rawalpindi district were almost 85 % , wth Sikhs at 6% and hinuds at 9%. The league atacked rawalpndi becasue it was a soft target and also the day before Master Tara Singh had torn down the league flag in Lahore . so the league were looking for an example which would show the others what to do. They had little success in Rawalpndi city but they completely drove the Sikhs out in the villages. Within 10 days they had achieved their objective, and the only sikhs or hindus in rawlpindi were in hiding, with thousands killed. FRom this point it became more of an objective for the league to used city wide or district wide violence to clear out minorities.
  15. and duz it hold the same significance for them as sikhs?
  16. basically they at least as bad as brits, if not worse. we should remember the loss of Nankana Sahib more than anything today. as mohan waris sang "rabba dil panjab da, pakistan vich reh geyaa nankana sahib, pakistan vich reh geyaa" this eats at me every time i think about it. How we lost Nankana Sahib.
  17. at least spell independence correctly !!! and hears a song to celebrate your "freedom" 1947, heaven,no its hell bodies in da well muslims and hindus shehri's and pindoos all trying to kill one another 1984, a number another summer can you hear the machine gunner? the views a stunner 2007, your happy and FREE as a bird , i dont know where my home is i dont know where my home is, but it certainly aint bharat!! is this patriotic enuff ?
  18. Just cos these pics were there , doesnt mean that Sikhs or Sikhi sanctioned or approved of them. in the 1800s sikh came under the powerful influnce of brahminism, and this could be becasue of that. Dasam Guru Granth talks about the warrior aspect of Sikhi, and the chaubis avtar bani is a huge part of Dasam Guru Granth. So to have these pictures, ( which arent probably even a true likeness anyway) is probably just to tell the reader of whats to come. I have Dasam Guru Granth Sahib, and there are no pics in it at all. Im glad there isnt. remember that at no time has idol worship been approved by Guru, but at the holiest shrine of sikhi, there were idols in the parikrama, at the same time these pics were created. So at one time or another SIkhs and sikhi came under the influnce of hinduism. Even some gurdwaras have murals like these on gurdwara walls. thankfully most of them have been erased. So to sum up remember that these came from a period in which Sikhs had strayed from the Guru path, so dont get too angry or sad about it. chatanga
  19. is that from Bhai Gurdas , Sikha? some nice debating going on here. too complex for a thicko like me. me gonna go and do some dot-to-dot pictures of Guru Nanak and then coloure them in, while you bigger boys argue.
  20. the basted police nab these people who dont pay them eunff and then give the drugs to thier own sellers.
  21. lets get this right for starters, topi and seli are not the same. topi holds it shape always. seli is something that has to be tied, it douesnt hold its shape. if you want to settle this , then agree to differ. i couldnt really care less whether guru ji wore a seli or turban. The fact is that somewhere along the line of sikhi, the turban became laazmi for the Sikhs. so if you believe it started wiv Guru Nanak or Guru Hargobind , then thats what you choose to beleive. Stop dissing each other over trivial issues. The main point we should be discussing is, are you should be wearing a turban now? chatanga
  22. So what if Guru Nanak wore a seli? If Guru Hargobind started the tradition of wearing a turban and ending the tradition of seli, then that is the correct traditon for us. What people are beginning to debate is whether the seli should ever be worn. There is a similiar trend with weapons wiv the gurus. I asked my "neo-sikh" cousin a similair question, and he went nuts!! dont get your blood pressure high. control yourselves!! also history has no bias, that may be true, but writers certainly do.
  23. You and your type are the encapsulation of everything that is wrong with brain dead bakwasism dw i think he woz taking the peace.
  24. man i read that darwin theory. dont beleive it. conflicts wiv my eternal snantan dharma.
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