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We are all shocked to hear and read about the sickening terror attacks on Isreal by mindless, crazed religious fanatics of Hamas that are supported by Iran and others. I am not saying isreal are angels but theres no justification for they did to children, elderly and women. What Hamas did was what many have faced in times gone by when sword of islam wiped out whole religions and peoples as they were considered a "non believer" with devestating consquences. We witneseed babies throats being slit, children shot, beheadings and cruelty the world has never seen at the hands of these low life scum of the earth. But what happened in isreal only a few days ago was not just an attack on Jews or Isreal. This was an attack on the whole of Humanity. But most importantly and significantly this was not just an attack on the Jewish community alone, but on the whole non muslim world. Yes you and me were attacked only a few days ago. The way the world is at the moment is that it is split in 2 distinct enties and peoples. There are two distinct and very different kinds of people on earth. A non muslim and a Muslim. A clear divide has emerged and it is time people decided which side of the fence they are sitting on. Any attack on a non muslim by muslims is an attack on us all. The whole world needs to unite to eradicate the extremist element of islam. Its going to take unity from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs and even people that dont have a faith to unite against these evil doers. Non of us can single handedly take on the extremist. When a Buddhist is attacked it is an attack on us. Thats how we should see it. The muslims have unity yet we non muslims are un unified and that is whats is making us weak. Anywhere in the world when the sword of islam strikes on a non muslim all non muslims need to get together and fight these people. Or other wise we are just going to be the next target down the line. Its time we set up a non muslim global defense league or combat force to stand togther in times when minorities are attacked by these fanatics All over the world. Currently muslims are trying to take over countries and enforcing sharia and their religion on others. While us non muslims sit back and watch it happen. Its time for actions. But what lacking is unity. We non muslims dont have its time all non muslims looked at each other and see our common beliefs that we share and try and become more unified and strong. Otherwise prepare for a an islamic world in every country.
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- non muslim
- sikh
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I think we have all come across this quote from Guru Nanak Ji. " If your a Hindu be a good Hindu. if your a Muslim be a good Muslim". But what is the true meaning of this quote? I've heard some say that this means Guru Nanak is saying all religions are good and lead to the same one God for all. Hence there is no need to convert to any religion . Just stay in your own one. But I have also heard alternative meanings for the quote. Some say it means Guru Ji is only saying be the best Hindu and Muslim you can be. Ie. follow your own religion correctly and not the first meaning I gave. So which is it?
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- guru nanak
- hindu
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Conservative Punjabi Hindu....what more can you say exciting times ahead for Sikhs Just imagine how Hindus will be rejoicing esp rw, and modi fans.. I expect more India-UK trade deals at the cost of 'Sikh terrorism.' Tackling Khalistanis etc...
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- rishisunak
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Thoughts on him.... I thought he was reasonable unlike Patels but hindus will be hindus... his wife is Brahmin Hindu voted against law to promote human rights and equality @dallysingh101 @proactive @proudkaur21
Why do many Sikhs wear Hindu Threads around their wrists? I have seen so many. They also wear the kara at the same time. At many a time I have thought about giving one of these confused people a good hard thapar for their foolishness. But not sure what its all about. Are these people copying Hindus?
so my massi has a photo of Krishna at her house idk why she does is this acceptable for Sikhs to do this? I avoid visiting her and her family because I don't want to be associated with these type of people.They have 0 ounce of SIkhi in their life and are like wanna be westernised am i in the wrong for wanting to break contact with them?
They are acting like the rest of india is some industrial utopia smh. Read the replies.
funny how they trying to get us involved but never speak about grooming, or even the kashmir case where the Sikh lady was being groomed since she was 12
Beware of Muslims ! Sikh brothers awake and be very cautious. The Muslims to whom you say our brothers and u say they are very close to us . You say they are better than Hindus ; you must watch this video .from this you can understand what is a Muslim thought psychology . Must see this video where Muslims say they will not take even food langar from Gurdwara because it it is HARAAM. They will not allow any Gurbani Kirtan in their masjid mosque. You must acknowledge this bitterroot that Muslims do not bow to our Siri guru Granth sahib ji even if they come to our Gurdwara. Most of them consider us as Kafir. They are from a totally different civilization which can not match anywhere, anytime with the Sikh thoughts.
Firstly I want everyone to share their opinion on this. This is not a debate this is just to share opinions. I believe that these hindu gods kinda exist. By that I mean I belive they are legandary and I believe Gurbani says the same. Legendary meaning people like them existed but the storys are likely embellish or false. One point people bring up to show that the Guru supports their existence and all the events associated with them is chobis avtar. This path was wrriten by Guru Gobind Singh no denying that but what style of writing/genre is it. I belive firstly it a translation the Guru gave to the people with his katha. I also belive that much of this is just literature. By that I mean the guru doesn't inted for us to take this literally. It is wrriten to teach a moral/lesson or to motivate us. My opinion looks at Gurbani but also looks at historical evidence. In this part I will only talk about the 2 main epics. So from a historical perspective the Mahabharata like the Iliad is a story about likely a true war (Seems to be more evidence for the trojan war) which has been extremely embellished to make an epic. So it is probably history combined with myth making legend. I couldn't really find much on the Ramayan other than Ravana having a kingdom on Sri Lanka doesn't match the archeological evidence. At the end of the day all these hindu texts were wrriten by poets not historians. They are here to tell a story NOT HISTORY.
Even if one reasons he did something wrong to deserve a beating, I don't see a justification to remove his turban and drag by Kes. But I see its increasingly becoming common in arguments, that sikh guy's turban is removed from head, which honestly as we all turbaned men can agree is akin to stripping someone naked.
I am a sikh girl from punjab. My age is 25. I fallen in love with a hindu guy originally from UP but now settled in punjaab. He is really handsom and I love him a lot. But my family is sikh sardar. My boyfriends mother is saying the child will be raised as hindu and all hindu ceremonies will be performed on future son like mundan, ear peircing, janeu. I told my parents. Their parents met my parents and my parents are ok with it. my father and mother is amritdhari still they are allowing me to marry a hindu boy and future son will be hindu without turban. I am ok with it. But my local gurudwara granthi telling me its not good. and some aunties also telling same. I am confused . Please tell what I should do. My other 2 sikh friends have also married good looking hindu boys but I dont know if I am doing right thing although i like him.
It's clear that Sikhi is very different from Islam. However, same cannot be argued for Hinduism. Sikhi shares a lot with it; reincarnation, concept of Guru-student, mukti etc. Given that Hinduism encompasses various differing traditions, Sikhi can be accepted as a tradition within the wider Hindu dharma. It technically is and has been, until the British-funded Singh Sabha
Hi I remember reading a topic where someone extensively explained why hindus were worse than tarkhaan n stuff and at one point said they were beggers because of clothes they wear. That’s all I can remember but can’t remember exactly what was said and was trying to find it but can’t. No i don’t hate hindus(or any one else) so don’t start bashing me ?. Just trying to find it again. thanks
Namdhari sikh head Thakur Dalip singh had made a point with no artefacts from gurbani held at World Hindu Congress Summit Chicago to Oblige Hindu Community. If it is just a question of pleasing Hindus and RSS then Dalip singh wouldn’t have made a valid argument on stage that “Why the conference is not been conducted using just Hindi Language ?” Secondly, Dalip Singh Thakur requested with a question in front of RSS leader Mohan Bhagwat to suppress Hindutva and bring bhartiyatav. For making such a bold statements one need to be brave heart like Dalip Singh who earlier too made a reasonable point that Sikhs have independent identity and that should remain independent. It is only Dalip singh Thakur who speaks straightforward in front of Hindu community and brought reasonable statement to think about. Do we have someone and has guts to speak against any orthodox thinking ?
Hi guys, I have some questions about diaspora relations. In Canada in general do Tamils and Hindus in general get on with Sikhs or is it neutral or is it a negative relation. Secondally and finally , in the UK do Hindus get on with Sikhs /neutral/negative. Also is there rivalry between Hindus , Sikhs or Muslims and if so are Hindus and Sikhs on the same side or are they separate. Thanks
Hinduism is decreasing day by day in India. RSS and Shiv Sena are going crazy. More and more Dalits are leaving Hinduism (many have become Muslims). Only our great Guru Tegh Bahadur saved Dharma and Sanskrit in Hindustan.
In Afghanistan there used to be prominent Sikh and Hindu communities living along side the Muslim majority. As time went on things got worse. Taliban took over and Hindus and Sikhs were forced to wear yellow arm bands to identify themselves, similar to Jews in Germany! Me and my Hindu and Sikh relatives now live in Southall. Here we have a Afghan Gurdwara and Mandir. Our history shouldn’t be forgotten and you will find this interesting.
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Hindu Sikh relations in 2017 How are the relations between these two communities
Is conversion to Sikhi welcome ? I wasn't born in India (we only go there once every three years to meet relatives) so I can't really read the Gurmukhi script or any proper punjabi script....... My parents took me to a gurudwara regularly as the closest temple was too far, and my hindi was weak so I didn't want to go there anyway. I'm aged 16 - 20 if that matters.
Though Mahatma Gandhi start quit India movement in 1942, he was not pioneer for starting quit India Movement. Pioneer was Baba Ram Singh kuka Namdhari, who started social boycott and all types of boycott of foreign products and services. Baba Ram Singh started nonviolent as well as armed struggle by making relations with Russia, Nepal. He openly all of the, namdharis said Quit India for that purpose there was a slogan sung in Punjabi “Goreyo desh shad deyo raj khalse karna” “Chavni kardeyo khali Khalse ne Bhang beejni”. Unfortunately Baba Ram Singh’s decedents and other followers were not Prime Minister like Nehru and they were not well educated. Therefore, Baba Ram singh have not been promoted in media as promoted was Mahatma Gandhi. Actually there was no media in 19th century, like in 20th century to promote this freedom cause of Namdhari Baba Ram Singh.
Is there any limit to how low the hinduists can fall while inflated by their own fake ego over nothing. In this another article I stumbled upon, they shamelessly deny that Guru Teg Bahadur sacrificed his head for the sake of dharam in general and protection of kashmiri pandits. Rather they say Guru was protecting his own "tilak" and dharma . That guru was hindu himself. Then they twisted the line "tilak janju raakha prabh taa ka" (from dasam granth) to suggest that Guru Gobind Singh ji was referring to tilak of Guru Teg Bahadur ji and not hindus. Check the article itself. BTW, this is not the first time I am reading this kind of comment by RSS and other hinduists on shaheedi of Guru Teg Bahadur.