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  1. What is up with American Sikhs?!
  2. f############################## india I HATE THAT COUNTRY SO MUCH I HATE THEM
  3. This has got me intrigued. What are your thoughts?!
  4. LS1Ga011JGwhbUVzcGkwbmFnZS0tQ291bnRsZXNzIGNhc2VzIG9mIHNleHVhbCBncm9vbWluZyBvZiBTaWtoIGdpcmxzIGhhdmUgb2Nj dXJyZWQgaW4gdGhlIFVLIHdoZXJlIHRoZSB0d28gY29tbXVuaXRpZXMgbGl2ZSBzaWRlIGJ5IHNp ZGUgZWFjaCBvdGhlci4gVGhlIHByb2JsZW0gd2FzIGZpcnN0IHN0YXJ0ZWQgZGVjYWRlcyBhZ28g YW5kIG9ubHkgYWZ0ZXIgcmVjZW50IFRWIGRvY3VtZW50YXJpZXMgYW5kIHZpY3RpbXMgY29taW5n IGZvcndhcmQgaGFzIHRoZSBpc3N1ZSBiZWVuIGhpZ2hsaWdodGVkIGluIHRoZSBTaWtoIGNvbW11 bml0eS4gUHJpZGUgYXBwZWFycyB0byBiZSB0aGUgYmlnZ2VzdCByZWFzb25zIFNpa2ggZmFtaWxp ZXMgZGlkIG5vdCBjb21lIGZvcndhcmQgYW5kIHdhcm4gb3RoZXJzIHRvIGJlIHZpZ2lsYW50IGFi b3V0IHRoZSBQYWtpc3RhbmkgZ3Jvb21pbmcgZ2FuZ3MuDQoNCkluIGEgcmVjZW50IGludGVydmll dyBvZiBhIFBha2lzdGFuaSBncm9vbWVyLCBoZSBzdGF0ZWQsIOKAnFNpa2ggZ2lybHMgYXJlIGVh c3kgdG8gZ3Jvb20gZm9yIHNleCwgdGhleSBmYWxsIGZvciB1cyBlYXNpbHkuIFdlIHdlYXIga2Fy YXMgc28gdGhleSB0aGluayB3ZSBhcmUgU2lraCBhbmQgc2luY2UgdGhleSBkb27igJl0IGtub3cg bXVjaCBhYm91dCBTaWtoaXNtLCB0aGV5IGRvbuKAmXQgYXNrIHVzIGFueSBxdWVzdGlvbnMu4oCd 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  5. Dear Fellow Members, I want to discuss the growing matter of casteism in Sikhism, As far as I am aware when our Guru ji created/started panth khalsa. He abolished all the evil roots of casteism in Sikh culture and he created a guideline that a sikh should be identified and known as a sikh . And there should be no place of caste system in SIkh culture. But look at us today, we are so lost in casteism itself that we are known as Jat sikhs or Khatri sikhs or ramgharia and so on (No offense to anyone) Even though we have dedicated gurudwaras to the different community here. I dont mean to harm anyone emotions here. Please pardon me if I have. But what do you all think as a sikh. Is it correct to give uprise to casteism itself in our culture which guru ji abolished. Please give me your views. And Another thing is that this issue is being promoted in regards to the marriages as well. I am a Sikh for all I know, But where ever I or my parents speak about the matrimony. The first question which is being asked is what caste do you belong to. I mean how does it matters ? If I am a jat or khatri or ramgharia, we all are sikhs and thats what should be imp. But for about 80% it matters a lot. I dont know what difference does it makes but Jatts only wanna marry in their same caste and so as ramgharias. How does it matters that if a person is a wierdo and do all sort of crazy stuff like drugs and do all kind of thngs but while marrying their daughter to him wont be an issue, only bcoz he is of their same caste. And on the other hand there is a guy like me who is educated, decent, religious person but nope, they wont marry their daughter with him only bcoz I do not belong to their caste. I have had enough of this caste system. And then there is another issue which is only because I wear a turban and don't trim my beard, most of the girls wont go for a guy like me bcoz of this reason. Its such a shamefull thing to say that people who are taking care of our Gurudwara have started registering for matrimonial alliance and they have put an option where a girl has to opt that does she needs a turbaned sikh or a clean shaven. If the gurudwara will support these actions then who is gonna stand with the gursikhs ? I mean this is the limits where these people can go. What kind of Sikh is a Clean shaven, A clean shaven person is not a sikh. He has lost the main identity of being a sikh. I have seen a lot of people who are going thru these difficulties and because of these things boys are cutting down there kesh and going out of sikhi. Please let me know your views on this. And again please if I have hurted any ones emotions, knowingly or unknowingly. Please accept my apologies.
  6. https://www.timesnownews.com/india/article/they-were-planning-attacks-in-india-two-isi-linked-khalistan-extremists-remain-on-no-fly-list-in-canada/619217 Khalistani sikhs need to understand not to be pawn in hands of ISI and should not take a black blot on ourselves for Islamist's benefit
  7. Maskeen ji in his speech once said Sikhs are a very bholey qaum. what do you think ?
  8. LOOK AT the comment of this <banned word filter activated>. Someone needs to get off their high horse. Moral of the story : You can die for them , but they won't even acknowledge your existence and identity , forget about expecting something else. I am feeling angry now
  9. As per an article in times of india , https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/amritsar/sikh-group-goes-to-china-against-india/articleshow/76158533.cms This was in news before as well when a khadku singh in sting operation told indian media that if china attacks india our task will be helped I think there's also a sikh prophecy of Russia-China attacking India. For those who dont know , India and China are currently in a face-off on the indo-china disputed border.
  10. According to Wikipedia Congrats brothers and sisters!
  11. I'm trying to understand her motivations of what lead her to the path of such death and destruction not just for so many Sikhs but herself. Early on in her life and political career she seemed to have enjoyed a good relationship with the Sikh community but things seemed to have changed around mid 70s to late 80s. Possible reasons could be below: Former BJP MP sumbarimayan alleges the USSR KGB (who was allied with India during the cold war) advised her to targeting and painting Sikhs as terrorists and get the hindu votebank to win elections She had an estranged Sikh daughter in law manika gandhi (who was from a Sikh family married to indira's son sanjay gandhi). Rajiv gandhi and arun gandhi hated manika so maybe developed an eminity for Sikhs cos of her and wanted to teach her and her community a lesson. Akali Dal used Sikhs in punjab to fill mass jails with peaceful agitations opposing indira gandhi's emergency powers. It is alleged she took this very personally and wanted to teach the akali dal a lesson. Being a daughter of Late Prime minister Nehru perhaps she secretly held the same grudges and beliefs her father held about Sikhs that they were a "criminal tribe" when they violently resisted the partition of their homeland Punjab in 1947 and then after the horrors of partition genocide wanted what was promised to them in 1950s.
  12. It seems to me having read articles and documents that the original operation the British SAS advised was a commando raid operation sundown type of plan but in my analysis when the Dharmi Fauj Singh's defending darbar sahib put up a fierce resistance it lead to most of the Indian special forces commando's getting killed early on in the original alleged British advised SAS plan ......so it went out the window and general brar's and general dyal started to panic clutching at straws what to do next (general brar admits in video interviews he didnt expect such resistance) and therefore ordered more troops and heavy fire power to come in around most probably 3rd June. It is quite clear from correspondence letters the British officials wrote that there was a secret Indian commando team within darbar sahib already around Feb 1984. An article in the Indian suriya magazine in 1985 alleged a high level R&AW source was dismayed at what his agency was doing by creating another special agency that oversaw and allowed in arm shipments into darbar sahib. It seems quite clear a trap was being set to paint an image the Sikhs there were terrorists and that darbar sahib was some kinda base of terrorism with weapons galore but where did the weapons come from? It was your friendly no morals Indian terrorist R&AW agency the very same terrorist agency that conducted the air india 1985 bombing and blamed it on Sikh separatists in canada. The question still arises what exactly did the UK know what was happening to the Sikhs of India before 1984 and after? The very fact that Her Majesty's UK Government actually provided a SAS plan to raid our most holiest shrine no matter what the circumstances were is very disturbing and it seems they knew alot of what went on behind the scenes not just merely observing but actively involving themselves mainly it seems due to trade and other bilateral ties. They have a strong case to answer in our 2% minority populations persecution and genocide in 1984 and we should not forget it.
  13. FIR has been reported against singer Ranjeet bawa for apparently using denigrating words for hinduism in his song. His newly launched song "mera ki kasoor" had lyrics questioning why milk is wasted on stone idol instead of feeding it to poor. Why cowshhitt is holy but shadow of a low caste person is impure. And so on. Hindus in punjab protested against the song . And bawa had to take it back I guess and apologize for it. Even in YouTube comment section one could see Sikhs supporting bawa and Hindus making attacking remarks against Sikhs in general
  14. Why we are called Sikhs? Sikh name to Sikh religion which Guru Ji gave. I am Sikh since generations. I am proud of being a Sikh. Sikhism is the best modern and progressive religion. Non Sikhs ask me and I want answers for the following questions. 1. Which Guru Ji started Sikh religion? 2. In which year Guru Ji started Sikh religion? 3. At which place Guru Ji started Sikh religion? 4. In which place and year Guru Ji declared that my religion name is “Sikh” 5. In which place and year which Guru Ji declared that my religion is a separate from others, and it is a separate Kaum also. If any Guru Ji made Sikhs a separate Kaum (nation) he must have written in SGGS. 6. Is our Sikh religion a religion or Kaum (nation) While answering please mention name of book and page, edition year etc. I tried very hard to find answers to these questions from old Janam Sakhis, Panth Prakash, Gur bilas, Suraj Prakash, Guru Granth Sahib, Bhai Gurdas Ji and Dasam Granth also. But no where it is written about my questions. Please do not quote from Modern history books. Please help me.
  15. For those who don't know who Allama Muhammad Iqbal was, he is widely known as Allama Iqbal, was a poet, philosopher and politician, as well as an academic, barrister and scholar in British India who is widely regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movement. He is called the "Spiritual Father of Pakistan." and to this day islamist supremacist extremists in pakistan often quote his poetry when talking of muslim separatism. Seeing how influential allama iqbal's poetry was and still is to the consciences of punjabi muslims back before partition and desire for separate nationhood. Do we have such a figure a poet in our history or present times who captures the mood and struggles of the Sikh nation?
  16. Is this how we want our bretheren to live ? https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/fruit-pickers-fight-back-at-italian-mafia-slave-farms-pznnhrfzq?fbclid=IwAR2PTrOQhMmEFpwOiWppvZ4hbQkq16zKKr0Gl2k8kJGkbRuMPwOle5y2E38
  17. Guest

    Our sikh youth

    WGJKK WGJKF Whilst going through college and university, I have noticed a huge divide in our Sikh youth. I've seen many young Sikh men either go full cultural or full Sikhi. Women on the other hand, I rarely see any that truly follow Sikhi. I know one woman, 21 now who is dating an amrit shuk man in his 20s. She got personal and told me that they've had intimate relations and that it only took 4 days of them speaking for her to give him that intimacy (intercourse.. ). And she really shows interest in Sikhi but didn't truly see how wrong this was. And for the man, he said he was forced to shuk amrit, so that's pretty bad in itself as he has had various gfs and other stuff whilst amritdhari. Now if this woman is someone who goes gurdwara every weekend and shows genuine interest in Sikhi but still does panga like this, I am losing faith in humanity. The rest of the sikh women that i have met in my life, 95% of them are fully cultural with a drinking, clubbing and sexual lifestyle. Smoking, getting many tattoo's etc. Why aren't women going towards sikhi? Many men that I've met, although there's a lot of messed ones out there, I've met quite a few that took deep steps towards guruji and sikhi. Can't say the same about women. What can be done as a Panth? A lot of women don't even care or have any respect if you point things out like them posting stuff like smoking weed but having a khanda in their bio. Etc.
  18. Hi Just a list of ways that Hindus have shown active hatred towards Sikhs in recent history (with proof). The point of this thread is not to promote hatred of Hindus. Hatred is against religious all tenets (God is Nirvair, so sikhs should strive to be too), and also obviously not all Hindus are bad/hate Sikhs. A lot of Hindus have spoke up for Sikhs, both in the past and now, even at risk to themselves and their careers. Also, alot of Hindus have interest in Sikhi and Gurbani and go to Gurdwara, I would not like those Hindus to feel bad or put off at all. In fact they may also find this enlightening. 1. Santa Banta / Sardarji Jokes throughout the 80s, 90s and early 2000 it was common for hindu media and popular culture to promote vicious 'jokes' trying to ridicule Singhs and always frame them as stupid. the whole tenor of these jokes was nasty. i wish some one would compile them to show the world what kind of 'humour' was being promoted. the whole aim was to belittle sikhs and insult them in the public imagination. this compares to how Nazis targeted Jews in their media. 3. Bollywood depiction of Sikhs again, I wish someone would compile the blatant nastiness shown against sikhs in cinema from 80s up until present, and put it on youtube to show the real nature of 'bollywood'. I have been quite disgusted by the amount of times my aunt has been watching some bollywood film and i have randomly sat down and seen some sort of ridicule or put down of sikhs (always with a turbaned character to make it clear). 4. Sunny Leone- Bollywood had to go all the way to Canada to get Sunny Leone. Why? Aren't there Hindu girls in India who work as pornstars? Of course there are, but Hindu audiences don't want to see that... 5. Dharendra and Dara Singh had to convert to Hinduism (Arya Samaj) in order to have film careers. (though not sure why Dara kept 'Singh' in his name?) 6. Hindi Dramas- in Hindi tv dramas Hindu woman are always depicted as ideal wives, doing religious ceremonies and running around after their Hindu husbands. Where as Sikh women are shown as devious, running around with their 'bf' behind their parents backs etc. again, why the double standard? 7. Subramanium Swami- theres footage on Youtube some where of him addressing some Hindus in USA I think, where he says Manmohan Singh "was only good at taking orders" and the audience start laughing exaggeratedly and hysterically (diss at Manmohan SIngh). He also admits working with some other 'Singh' in his speech but lowers the tone when he mentions his name. basically trying to take credit for Singhs work. i can't find this anymore i suspect he had it taken down because it was at a small function in USA (he didn't want anyone to see it). 8. Amrita Pritam vs Kamala Das Indian media loves to hype up Amrita Pritam. Pritam got famous for one (!) poem. After she won a literary prize (which gave her money) she dumped her husband and started running after the most famous male poet at the time (a muslim). he slept with her once then dumped her without telling her and got a hindu girlfriend instead. she spent the rest of her life running after him. now is a man acted like this after a woman people would say he was a loser and a creep, but Pritam is some how praised as some romance figure and great poet (for one poem?) meanwhile, there was Hindu lady poet - Kamala Das, at the same time. Das was very famous for a number of books (not just one poem). After her husband died, she fell in love with a muslimsand converted to Islam. And guess what? She was blacklisted. No one even bothers to mention her name anymore. Again, double standard? 9. Master Madan- child prodigy at music. Natural gift for singing. was murdered by poising at age of 15. funny, no one ever tied to poison any hindu or muslim singers? 10. Ishmeet Singh- winner of Indias first national TV singing competition. Found drowned in a swimming pool with signs of violence of his body (basically murdered) whilst on tour with other Hindu singers and crew. Again, nothing like this has happened to any Hindu winners? Btw, Ishmeet couldn't swim, so would not have gone into the pool by his own accord. 11. Joyce Pettigrew- anthropologist working in India in the 80s. When she suggested the situation with the Sikhs would be suitable for study, she was beaten and raped. 12. Chandigarh- Panjab has to 'share' Chandigarh with Haryana. No other state in India has to do this. guys add more points if you think of any.
  19. Again sneaky destruction of itihaasic asthaans happening in India we have already lost Gurdwara Gyan Godri in Haridwar , Gurdwara Dongmar in sikkim even Gudwara Pathar sahib in Leh Ladakh unless we wake up and get active so many more could become under attack , this is a dangerous precedent.
  20. https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/sikh-girl-abducted-and-forcefully-converted-to-islam-in-pakistan/article29307577.ece Her family say she was abducted and forced to convert, she apparently said it was her choice
  21. Just posting this in case people aren’t aware of it. It was on BBC News channel a few days ago. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0005y6f/our-world-the-last-sikhs-of-afghanistan
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