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  1. I think this is well worth watching. Note that the subject of the documentary is an academic and not some pot head.
  2. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-akaali-manjit-kaur-khalsa-beat-cancer
  3. Why cancer strikes more women than men in India Soutik BiswasIndia correspondent 28 March 2018 Share this with Facebook Share this with Twitter Share this with Messenger Share this with Email Share Image copyrightAFP Image captionCancers in women have a higher chance of survival For oncologists worldwide, India can look like a puzzling outlier when it comes to cancer. For one, despite reporting more than 1.5 million new cases every year, India's cancer rate remains lower than, say, the economically advanced US. That's about 100 cases per 100,000 people compared with 300 in the US. This may be easier to explain: Indians are a vastly younger people and as people get older, the chances of getting cancer get higher. But survival rates are poor - barely a third of patients survive beyond five years or more after being diagnosed with the disease. What is more difficult to explain is why more women in India are diagnosed with cancer than men, according to a new study published in The Lancet Oncology. Men report a 25% higher incidence of cancer than women all over the world, but India bucks this trend. Sharp rise Having said that, more men die of cancer in India than women. But that is because breast, cervical, ovarian and uterine cancer, that account for more than 70% of the cancers in women in India, allow higher chances of survival on treatment. Indian men suffer largely from lung or oral cancer - both related to smoking and ingesting tobacco - which are more virulent with lower survival rates. Breast cancer is now the most common cancer among women in India, accounting for 27% of all cancers among women. Oncologists say there has been a sharp uptick in cases in the last six years. At 45-50 years, the peak age of onset of breast - and ovarian cancer - in India appears to be a decade younger than the peak age (above 60 years) in high-income countries. This could be due to genetic and environmental factors. Image copyrightAFP Image captionBreast, cervical, ovarian and uterine cancer account for more than 70% of the cancers in women in India Full article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-43539369
  4. We are taught that breast cancer most commonly occurs in the upper outer quadrant and this is precisely the location closest to which deodorant is applied. This thought came to me many years ago and since then I've looked at the research and delved more closely into the ingredients of underarm cosmetics. You won't be surprised to again find these products full of the same culprits : carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, irritants to name but 3 of their properties. Literally, you can take your pick. Pick up your deodorant and google each ingredient on the label to see what you are putting into your body (skin absorption-->bloodstream/lymph) (You might also like this: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/07/20/dangerous-deodorant-antiperspirant-ingredients.aspx) The solution is simple: Use lemon/limes: I cut a small slice of lime everyday and squeeze its juice into my palm then apply to my armpits. It works in controlling body odour. Deodorants actually worsen body odour so you have to use more and more and buy more and more to mask it, leading to a vicious cycle, at the cost of your pocket and your health . So just quit it. Address your diet too...avoid poor diets containing processed food/refined sugar/carbs . Eat more raw, organic foods, raw dairy (not pasteurised/homogenised) etc Also In summer/hot climates its good to have a bath/shower twice a day. Hope this information is useful and make you more conscious of the products you are using. Remember always read the label, do your research, and if you don't know..avoid it! (P.s. read my other posts too if you are interested in avoiding other disease promoting products)
  5. https://www.nhs.uk/news/cancer/ultra-processed-foods-linked-cancer/ I think most of us would not be surprised by this, but definitely a good reminder to avoid unnatural foods Ultra-processed foods linked to cancer Thursday February 15 2018 Examples include mass-produced breads and cakes, snacks and sweets, fizzy drinks, and ready meals. Researchers in France studied the diets of more than 100,000 people for 7 years. They found small increases in the overall rate of cancer and breast cancer after the menopause in those who had the highest proportion of ultra-processed food in their diet. But because of the wide range of foods included in the ultra-processed category, it's difficult to establish which specific foods might be responsible for the increased cancer risk, and why. The increased risk could be caused by eating more high-sugar, high-fat processed food.
  6. 1 in 3 of us will have to face cancer in our lives. None of us should face cancer alone, and with your support no one will. Drug and Alcohol abuse in Punjab has also reached epidemic proportions. Lions MMA are looking to address the Cancer, Drugs and Alcohol issues both here in the UK and in Punjab. How can you get involved? Why not join Lions MMA on 24th Oct 2015 and participate in a 5k fun run or 2.5k walk to raise funds. The run/walk is designed for all ages to take part, no matter how old or young. For further information please contact info@lionsmma.net or register at www.lionsmma.net To donate please follow: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fund/lionsmma5k
  7. As per the India religious census data of 2011, released by the Registrar General and Census Commissioner on Tuesday, the total population of India back in 2011 was 1.21 billion people. Currently in 2015 the population of India is estimated to be just under 1.3 billion people. In 2011, the Hindu population was 966.3 million (79.8 per cent); Muslim 172.2 million (14.2 per cent); Christian 27.8 million (2.3 per cent); Sikh 20.8 million (1.7 per cent); Buddhist 8.4 million (0.7 per cent); Jain 4.5 million (0.4 per cent), Other religions & persuasions (ORP) 7.9 million (0.7 per cent), religion not stated 2.9 million (0.2 per cent). The proportion of Muslim population to total population has increased by 6% by 2011 from 2001, the census data said. The proportion of Hindu population to total population in 2011 has marginally declined by 1% between 2001 to 2011. Falling most of all the Sikh population proportion declined by over 10% in the period between 2001 to 2011. There was no significant change in the proportion of Christians in India between 2001 to 2011. As per the 2001 census, India's total population was 1.029 billion of which the Hindu population comprised 827.5 million (80.45 per cent) and Muslims were 138 million (13.4 per cent). Christians in 2001 stood at 24 million (2.3%) of the total population and with Sikhs being 19.2 million (1.9%) back in 2001. The growth rate of population in the decade 2001-2011 was 17.7 per cent. The growth rate of population of the different religious communities between 2001-2011 was as: Hindus: 16.8 per cent; Muslim: 24.6 per cent; Christian: 15.5 per cent; Sikh: 8.4 per cent; The distribution is total population by six major religious communities namely, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain besides 'Other Religions and Persuasions' and 'Religion not stated'. Is it now about time that we focus on the basics of where our Panth stands in relation to social indices and the problems of female infanticide, drugs, biraderi apartheid, cancer, illiteracy, alcohol and poverty affecting us. With the Sikh population projected to decline to below 50% of the Punjab as a result of state-sponsored Balmiki and Dera Ballan apartheid mandirs re-classifying current day Sikhs into tomorrow's Hindutva slave votebank is it not about time that we focus everything upon uplifting the Panth rather than focussing on the same tired old sloganeering that has not achieved anything meaningful against the apparatus of a terrorist state which is backed and supported by the USA, Russia, China, UK, France, Canada, Australia, Japan, Italy etc. Hindu's in 1984 numbered around 600million whilst Sikhs numbered around 15million back then. Hindu's in India now number over one billion people and Sikhs in India are just over 20 million as a result of the systematic exlusion of sehajdhari non-Punjabi Sikhs from the Sikh Panth's population figures following on from the 1950 Maryada definition of a Sikh that was welcomed deliriously by Nehru, Congress(Indira) and Hindutva forces. Because at a stroke exluding tens of millions of Ravidassia's, Kabirpanthi's, Satnami's, Sindhi's, Balmiki's, Banjara's, Hindu Punjabi's (who had all previously been accepted as Sikhs on account of attending Gurdwara's and respecting Gurbani) prevented, from our opponent's point of view, a Sikh population in excess of 100 million back in 1984 (that Indira Gandhi would never even have dared to provoke) let alone how many Sikhs there could have been today in 2015. We can still get to the stage one day if instead of sending sincere Gursikhs to voluntarily rot out their lives in jail when our opponents get their goons to do Beadbi, we instead make sure to distribute 100 Gutke in non-Punjabi languages to disseminate the truth of Sikhi further and wider among the poor of India, Asia and Africa primarily. It's about time we look for reasons to welcome and include people within the Sikh Panth rather than looking for every possible reason to exclude people from being included as fellow members of the Sikh Panth. If our opponents succeed (due to our lack of action and urgency in tackling the issues that affect us by concentrating on the wrong priorities) in reducing the Sikh percentage of the Punjab population to below 50% by 2021, then it is almost inevitable that the following assault on the Sikh population will be to re-classify all sehajdhari Punjabi Sikhs as falsely being non-Sikhs. So that the opponents of Sikhi can permanently define Sikhs as a permanent demographic minority even within Punjab and as always they will use our own frontmen to inflict this damage on our Panth.
  8. In observational studies both across countries and within single populations, higher dairy intake has been linked to increased risk of prostate cancer (cited in [2]). Observational cohort studies have shown higher diary intake is linked to higher ovarian cancer risk (cited in [2]). Cow’s milk protein may play a role in triggering type 1 diabetes through a process called molecular mimicry[3]. Across countries, populations that consume more dairy have higher rates of multiple sclerosis[4]. In interventional animal experiments and human studies, dairy protein has been shown to increase IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-1) levels. Increased levels of IGF-1 has now been implicated in several cancers[5]. In interventional animal experiments[6] and human experiments[7], dairy protein has been shown to promote increased cholesterol levels (in the human studies and animal studies) and atherosclerosis (in the animal studies). The primary milk protein (casein) promotes cancer initiated by a carcinogen in experimental animal studies[8]. D-galactose has been found to be pro-inflammatory and actually is given to create animal models of aging[1]. Higher milk intake is linked to acne[9]. Milk intake has been implicated in constipation[10] and ear infections (cited in [2]). Milk is perhaps the most common self-reported food allergen in the world[11]. Much of the world’s population cannot adequately digest milk due to lactose intolerance. source: http://nutritionstudies.org/12-frightening-facts-milk/
  9. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/why-indias-punjab-state-has-countrys-highest-cancer-rates-n158691
  10. What do you know about how the milk we drink is produced? All I knew was that cows are milked by a machine and they clean it up making it bug free... I thought nothing more of it. Cows raised for the dairy industry are intensively confined, leaving them unable to fulfil their most basic desires, such as nursing their calves. They are treated like milk-producing machines and are genetically manipulated and pumped full of antibiotics and hormones that cause them to produce more milk. While cows suffer on factory farms, humans who drink their milk increase their chances of developing heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and many other ailments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZcUrWAK-8Q
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