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OK....let's take a look at where we actually are now, where we need to get to and how we're gonna get there. First things first, I think we've all been caught up in a huge wave of emotion and been overwhelmed by the huge level of grassroot support among ordinary Indians. So much support in fact that we have not properly comprehended that we are not even in Delhi. Never mind not in the centre of Delhi but not even it's outer-outer suburbs. We are camped 50 km from Delhi. Now, I wrote a thread a couple of days ago explaining how modern politics work. Strange, but not unusual that one of the Mods here has discarded it and not posted it, but a shame because it gave a bit of an insight into how this battle with Modi can be won. First things first, a march on Washington can not end with a rally in Pleasantville, North Carolina and a sit-in protest in London can not take place in Hitchin, Hertfordshire. You see where I'm getting at here? The enthusiasm and zeal of the above protestors is as real as ever but you begin to understand that the point of these types of demonstrations is to break the will of the powers that be and to do that you absolutely, positively, must strike at the heart of power. This is a must. This is why such action is called 'taking to the streets' because you 'take to the streets' of where power resides. Modi understands this. He understands that if this mass movement is allowed in Delhi itself it will not only topple the Farm Bills but will topple him also. Delhi signifies something, especially to we Sikhs. For farmers now encamped at Singhu, it may feel like being in Delhi given that they'd been on a 14 hour trek to get there but they must understand that Singhu is not physically, politically and psychologically Delhi. It is not the 'streets'. The farmers have not 'taken to the streets' but have instead taken to the muddy dirt tracks of a nothing town in the middle of nowhere far away from anywhere. We all have to understand how psychologically that is so important to Modi. Right now in Delhi, the young - the artists and the academics have come out in support of the farmers. But for the ordinary Delhi citizens, the priority is that the roads are not disrupted, the buses and trains run on time and there is no disruption to their daily routine. Right now, while we're all caught up in the emotion but we have to understand that Modi isn't even slightly startled let alone shaken. To shake someone one must first at least get within touching distance. The farmers MUST, at all costs, change tactics and get inside Delhi - the heart of Delhi.
A mass movement has started by deleting WhatsApp and installing Signal - in solidarity with Indian/Punjabi farmers and more, see video.... WhatsApp_Video_2021-01-09_at_19_27_41.mp4 Install signal WHATSAPP PRIVACY UPDATE: ELON MUSK URGES PEOPLE TO USE SIGNAL APP ‘Just don’t like Facebook,' Tesla boss previously said. 'Gives me the willies’ is a secure%2C free,top privacy and security advocates Signal is a secure, free, and open source messaging application that uses end-to-end encryption to securely send and receive all kinds of communications with other Signal users. Using the Internet for all encrypted communication, Signal comes highly recommended by some of the top privacy and security advocates. Ambani, Zuckerberg Talk Facebook-Jio Partnership, WhatsApp Payments & More Ambani and Zuckerberg acknowledged the importance of digitisation of small businesses and how technology can play a pivotal role in India’s digital growth In April, Facebook had invested $5.7 Bn in Reliance Jio by acquiring a 9.99% stake at a pre-money valuation of $65.95 Bn Ambani said Facebook's investment in Jio "set the ball rolling" for large foreign direct investment into India the same video as above, anyone know how I can delete the duplicate video??? WhatsApp_Video_2021-01-09_at_19_27_41.mp4
This farmers protest has thrown up some curious developments. The most obvious is the way in which different regions and peoples have put aside past animosities and embraced each other. For example I never thought I'd see the day in which Haryanvis describe Punjab as their big brother but I've lost count how many times I have heard them say that over the course of the last few days. And.....then there is the curious case of the Nihangs. After they showed up at the Singhu border a few days ago Indian channels, especially South Indian channels who had never seen or heard of a nihang before, have been doing newscast after newscast about what they describe as fascinating people. The whole of India has become fascinated by nihangs. It's all really quite amazing but really the unity among different people that this thing has brought about is truly a wonderful thing to see. Long may it continue.
Anyone know what this new issue with farmers in India is about?
Tensions Rise as Multiple Attacks Launched Against Sikhs Across IndiaBy: Sikh24 Editors GUJARAT, India (October 8, 2013)News reports of Sikhs being attacked in Gujarat and Delhi have created shockwaves in the Sikh community living worldwide. As per media reports, a Sikh family living in Loria village of Bhuj district of Gujarat was attacked by a mob yesterday. Four male members of the Sikh family were left critically injured and were admitted to a local district hospital. In a statement, one of the injured, Amandeep Singh said that at least 30 armed men had attacked him and his family members who were sowing crops during the day. According to him, several shots were even fired in the air. Along with Amandeep Singh, the brutal attack also injured Angrej Singh, Jaswinder Singh and Harpreet Singh. All four were admitted under intensive care. Amandeep Singh alleged that he doesnt know what may have instigated the mobs. He alleged that the attackers wanted them to leave the farms and return to Punjab. Amandeep Singhs family has been living in Gujarat for over five decades and they were allotted the farming land back in 1960. It should be noted that the plight of Sikh farmers came to light recently when they blamed the local Government for refusing to allow them to purchase land. In another incident, a Sikh family in the Rohini area, Sector 3, Delhi, was attacked by a group of 7-8 young men in what seems to be a well-planned attack. The attackers brutally injured an elderly Sikh lady causing jaw injuries. They used a sharp blade to slit her wrist, but luckily she has survived the attack. Her husband was also brutally injured. The elderly Sikh man was held from his beard and his turban was removed. The attackers allegedly kicked him and his turban. They used racial slurs to abuse the elderly Sikh husband and wife. The attackers alleged that they are going to repeat 1984 once again as the Sikhs have forgotten their past carnage in the City. The main attacker, who was named Mukesh, is said to have good relations with the local police SHO and a local judge or Rohini court. He is said to have carried out similar attacks on Sikhs and others in the same neighborhood. Due to his political influence, no case has yet been registered against him.
January 11, 2013 by Jason Burke in Manochahal Source: High land prices are forcing Indians to till the more welcoming soils of the Caucasus Dulwinder Singh, headman of Manochahal, Punjab, does not recommend joining the exodus to Georgia. Photograph: Jason Burke for the Guardian Monday 7 January 2013: The sun dips, the cattle low as they are driven back to the farms and a telephone rings with a Bollywood soundtrack tone. Tujinder Singh is calling the sarpanch – the elected head – of Manochahal, his native village 30 miles from India's western border. The conversation – about crops, prices, weather and mendacious middlemen – is like a million or so similar early-evening calls placed by farmers across south Asia. Except that the land that Singh is now tilling is in Georgia, the small mountain nation in the Caucasus. Singh, 38, is one of a new wave of farmers pioneering one of the world's more unlikely migrations. During a recent spell as a cook in Düsseldorf, Germany, he heard about thousands of acres of fertile land on former collective farms lying fallow in Georgia for want of manpower. The contrast with his native Punjab, with its surging population and high land prices, was striking. So two months ago, he and three friends flew from Amritsar to Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, to seal a deal for the lease of 50 hectares. Back for a short break and some tandoori chicken, Singh said he was very happy with the move, even if he remains slightly vague about the geography of his new home. "We are paying $950 [£580] for each hectare for a 99-year lease. You'd not get much for that in the Punjab. I'm not sure if the farm is in the north or south but it is sort of over by Turkey and Armenia," he said. Singh and his associates are far from alone. A growing number of Punjabi farmers are heading for Georgia. Agents in major towns such as Jalandhar are advertising Georgian land deals and business is brisk. "It started a while back, just a dozen or so. Maybe now it is hundreds. Once words spreads there will be many. They come to me for passports. They are looking for pastures new," said JS Sodhi, the bureaucrat who issues travel documents in Amritsar, the nearest major city to Manochahal. The farmers of the Punjab, known as the grain basket of India, have long searched overseas for new land. An earlier wave of migrants went to Canada, where urbanisation meant thousands of farms were empty. More recently, Punjabi farmers have been buying or renting thousands of hectares in Ukraine, Uzbekistan and across eastern and central Africa. "Punjabi people are always going to different countries. They are very adventurous and enterprising," said Sodhi. The money the farmers make overseas is often sent back to buy land at home, contributing to the rise in prices that forced them to leave in the first place. Georgian officials in India say the new arrivals may be disappointed. "We are not encouraging them. They are going on their own. There are some private people in Georgia selling land. We have no programme for this," said one last week. It is illegal for a foreigner to directly own land in the country and, though it is relatively cheap, it is less abundant than often reported, a second official pointed out. A recent project to attract farmers from overseas, particularly white South Africans, was a failure. But attempts to dampen enthusiasm seem unlikely to have much immediate effect. "There's a huge hunger for land and it's said to be very good land over there, fertile and well irrigated," said Gokul Patnaik, a Delhi-based specialist on global agriculture. "It's mechanised farming but the Punjab is the one area of India where tractors are widely used so that won't be too much of a problem." Nor is the cultural gulf separating the Caucasus and western India an obstacle. "I like the food and the people are very friendly," said Singh, though he admitted that not speaking Georgian in a country where few speak Punjabi was "a challenge". Some in the Punjab fear an exodus from the villages and the end of a centuries-old way of life. Dulwinder Singh, the village head of Manochahal, says he does not think large numbers of young farmers will follow his neighbour to Georgia, however. "Over there you work the land, you invest in it, you sweat over it, but it is yours just for 99 years. Then what?" he asked, as he sipped tea with four neighbours outside his farmhouse. "My land here was worked by my father, my father's father, his father and as far back as anyone can remember. What can replace that?"