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So I'm going to the gym and i've found my body is stiff and sore especially the shoulders. As a Amritdhari, are we allowed to have a massage? If we are, I'm confused on how they will react with the kirpan. Not sure what to do on this.
Brahmgianis are known for eating one meal a day. Simple daal with either one or half roti... thas once in 24 hours! Amazing... Unfortunately for normal folks, especially who work hard or exert unusual energy for work or own choice... u may end up dying from Orthorexia. EVEN if u eat 3 meals a day, FULL STOMACH. My sister was a victim of orthorexia. I would like to touch on her lifestyle. Aged 16 onwards she read books on healthy eating. Aged 18 plus she STOPPED eating things like fry food, chocolate n biscuits. She even stopped Prashad and langar at Gurudwara. Her diet consisted of raw vegetables, baajri roti with steamed broccoli or steamed pulses (daal) ONLY or if not roti then boliled rice. Which she cooked all by herself. And fruit once a day. No drinks, hot drinks only milk (once in a while) and pure tap water. So she was a vegan (milk was almond or oat). Pre 2021 she was incredibly strong and barely got tired. 7 days she would get up at 4 or 5am, ishnaan, paat, usual breakfast of fresh nuts n seeds if not milk or fruit... HOWEVER last year it all came crashing down on her. She lost weight n had almost zero strength to lift anything. She could barely sit!!! Then this year she passed a few months back. Maybe she got egoistic? Maybe she fell in the "Too much of anything is bad for u" category? Maybe she never rested but kept herself busy with work, walk n shopping for food??? Either way her diet backfired on her. Google Orthorexia to learn more symptoms, conditions etc. It's too late for my sis but hopefully you or yer loved ones don't have to go through it.
I was asking this to know what is the best alternate from meat to get sources of Protein? Is it multivitamins, or real food, or some protein shakes and whatnot+
Kodra is natural crop for punjab.
How many of your Singhs and Singhnis out there like to grow your own vegetables. My neighbours on either side both their own vegetables and sometimes I feel I should do the same but I am too lazy. Went to the local supermarket and bought some Spinach and green beans, when I looked at where they were grown one said Kenya and the other one Spain. Unless you are buying something like pineapples and bananas, why does vegetables that can be grown locally have to come from so far away.
Non Stick tawa and fryers do come cheaper than normal iron or sarbloh iron. They can easily be washed from stains compared to normal iron. Unfortunately, they are indeed toxic to the health. Does anyone have anger issues or feel super/ psycho unpredictable? But it's common? First thing, GET RID OF NON STICK APPLIANCES! Replace them with normal iron. From experience, nobody ever told me about this. But my wife got normal tawa and fryer to use. I noticed it's been a month since I did not get my usual internal anger. Now it's two months. But only last week Someone mentioned about the poisonous, toxic of using NON stick appliances. And I thought... Did I ever experience anything as such, having used Non stick for last 8-10 years??? EUREKA! It dawned on me. My anger issues I used to get. DISCLAIMER: External factors too can be cause of anger issues OR other constant health problems. But if it's too much or unhealthy obsession, try replacing Non stick with normal iron.
Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh to all sadh sangat. I'm proud to announce and make a statement to parents globally to teach kids in their early stages of childhood phase of life, the tools of cooking which are desired to be equipped with these sort of skillsets that will come handy when they nurture and evolve. Please go ahead and subscribe to my nieces channel for more video content material that is desired to be posted. Stick around and a have a glorious experience. Just a Small YouTuber who wants to enhance and polish her public speaking attributes. Here is the link: Sat Sri Akaal and stay calm and safe during Covid-19 global recession and outbreak. Dhaanvadh Ji.
sikh Official YouTube Channel Introduction Trailer Debut - Gurshs World TV
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Sat Sri Akaal. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. This video depicts and portrays the complications and hardships I've witnessed and experienced throughout my life. Moreover, I'm oblivious and wary about how majority of the sangat beholded and contemplated these issues during their schooling years and in a nutshell in life. I'm not solely the only one who underwent these problems and even in a working environment it is these prevalent situations where institutional racism occurs due to 9/11 attack on Twin Towers in a western nation. Therefore, this is just the commencing of my YouTube ventures which I will be willing to share publicly without any fear since I am direct and blunt personality. I would sincerely appreciate it with all gratitude if I can gain more Subscribers, Comments and share it widely to all your family, allies and relatives. For your interpretation to enjoy and view the video content. More videos will come soon. Who wants me to upload a Turban tutorial? As I am tactful and skillful in tying my joora without using the mirror by taking it an advantage or relying upon the mirror. Check out the video below: Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. Sat Sri Akaal to all the sangat. Stay tuned. God Bless. -
A little random, but I'll post it anyway People in older days seemed to be fitter and healthier ; I mean, they generally walked more, and ate less rubbish. They were forced to be more physically healthy by way of life. They likely had better mental health, as they would not have been using technology like phone/PC/TV/audio/whatsapp to fill their minds with rubbish like most of us do, and which has driven materialism to extreme levels They would have had better diet with fresher food, less ready-made foods and less junk snacks and drinks. They would have eaten food in peace with family, not whilst watching TV Apparently (for those who know about acupressure and ayurveda) walking bare-foot is also good for the nervous system and brain; people walk less bare foot nowadays. Squatting to open bowels is known to reduce incidence of gastrointestinal cancer. Some of these things are common sense, some of these things we do not /find it difficult to get away from as they make our lives a lot easier What of these above factors do you actively try to control in your life? Do they discourage us from doing a lot of these things because they have vested interests? Anyone know about any race/tribe of people who follow these older ways as much as possible ? Is meat-eating in history, a myth? Has it been exaggerated by those in the meat industry to brainwash people that eating meat is normal? Were most people in the past vegetarian by choice (I know meat is supposedly food of wealthy and hunters)
Go through this motivational channel for counselling Channel link Some Quick links for your reference Life coaching explainer Mental Health awareness playlist Webinars Playlist For more info visit website
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What is the optimal nutritional regime for health & longevity? (this is not a vegi vs meat topic or anything like that, so dont start) I believe in Gurbani it says to talk little, sleep little and eat little. Is this just from a spiritual perspective so one can concentrate on bhagti or is this also best for optimal health? I know that intermittment fasting is popular these days and caloric restriction studies have shown positive effects on health and longetivity. I've heard in some samparda's they eat only twice a day, is that true? Can anyone shed further light on this that may have stayed with nihang dals or taksal etc or how/when they eat etc? Also why do nihangs call tea tidh fookni lol? Are there any other references in Guru Granth Sahib Ji...or even Dasam Granth or Sarbloh Granth in regards to health & diet? This topic interests me so it would be good to hear whatever knowledge people may have
Hi all, Masturbation is healthy every week or so, I think, and reduces prostate cancer, so how do Sikhs view this, because I was always taught it was wrong, but surely the scientific health benefit is more important? Maybe, similar to sex, which also releases good hormones in the, but also banned by people I know. If it does in moderation and lovingly, then is it alright, with God's kirpa?
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- Hope I have scooped this before BJ Singh. I have also purchased a jump rope :) A 73-year-old raising money for the NHS by posting inspiring daily workouts online is gaining a following on social media as the 'Skipping Sikh'. Rajinder Singh, from Slough in Berkshire, says many Sikhs are suffering in isolation following the closure of the Gurdwaras due to the virus outbreak. To help alleviate loneliness and keep the Sikh community connected, Mr Singh is making exercise videos for those missing their daily exercise, food and prayer. At the same time, Mr Singh, originally from Punjab, India, is raising money for the NHS. Skipping at a standard most boxers would envy and sprinting laps of his allotment, his uplifting videos have been shared widely online. Mr Singh said his father, who was in the army, taught him how to skip. © Provided by Evening Standard Mr Singh's daughter has been helping him upload his videos to YouTube (Rajinder Singh) He told the Evening Standard: "I want people to join my lockdown challenge and get their daily exercise in and donate towards this great cause. "Health is wealth and if we stay home and stay healthy, we are actually helping the NHS not just to save lives because of Covid-19 but also from helping ourselves from getting potentially any other illness especially in the Asian community where we suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol. "I want to do my bit to help and as a 73-year-old man, I feel so humbled and blessed from the support people are giving me not just in my community from all over the world." © Provided by Evening Standard The 73-year-old hopes his fitness videos will life people's spirits (Rajinder Singh) Mr Singh is used to getting exercise while working at his allotment, but he's branching out with skipping sessions and weights in the form of watering cans and tyres. He says staying at home is a bit of a "culture shock" for the Sikh community, and hopes his videos will lift people's spirits. See Skipping Sikh's other Tweets He added: "My exercise videos have inspired and motivated everyone, not just elders. "I want us to do everything we can to support the NHS and lets stay safe, stay home and stay healthy." A Message From Prince Charles To Sikhs In The UK On Vaisakhi Mr Singh's daughter Minreet Kaur is helping him upload his daily videos to YouTube, asking everyone to join with his fitness challenges. She said: "My dad started this fundraiser as the NHS are doing such a brilliant job at saving lives, they are our heroes and they work so hard. "Whilst people would walk away from this pandemic, they are at the frontline doing an absolutely fantastic job." © Provided by Evening Standard Mr Singh is fundraising for NHS workers on the frontline of the pandemic (Rajinder Singh) Mr Singh said the reaction to his videos has been "heartwarming" and said people have been getting in touch from around the world. "It has inspired people to start skipping, some are ordering skipping ropes, others are looking for their skipping ropes and some are just joining in to do exercise," he said. "My story has made people smile and this is so nice to hear."
Turmeric Water Turmeric Milk
Wjkk Wjkf Sangat ji this post was better suited for the Health section but since I don't have an account I'm posting in Gupt. I know how Sikhi regards fasting as a waste of effort and of no use. But this is in relation to bhagti. What about the health benefits of fasting? Do Guruji say anything about the health benefits of fasting or intermittent fasting? Second, do Guru Maharaj tell us anything regarding what should be our lifestyle like in order to stay healthy? Other religions like Jainism and Hinduism have some specific suggestions in these regards, but not really Sikhi. (Please enlighten me if I'm wrong.) I want to improve my health because I'm falling ill frequently of late. If I follow things like fasting or satvik diet strictly for body-cleansing purpose, will that be considered anti-Gurmat or unSikh, as this is Hindu/Jain/Buddhist stuff? Apologies for the long post and multiple queries. Thanking in advance for your kind responses as always. Wjkk Wjkf
Is it better to cut out diary and butter and milk as these are extremely high in cholesterol and cause heart disease, in favour of just vegan diet?
Wjkk, Wjkf sangat ji, My siblings and I sat our parents down for a serious conversation about their health. They’re getting older & they need to be eating healthier. My dad said that his body isn’t healthy if his food has ਬੈਅ. My question is.. ** WHAT IS ਬੈਅ? Pronunciation: B with short A sound [ back without the ck ] It would be great if someone could let me know what this translates to in English, please. That way, we can do better when we prepare our parents meal plans. As of right now, my parents & other uncles/aunties have given vague explanations of the word ਬੈਅ. (I’m told Fauja Singh said he doesn’t eat things with ਬੈਅ) Thank you, Wjjk, Wjkf
Hi i was wondering if anyone had information on what people from the wider Punjab (india and Pakistan) originally ate? Has the diet changed much from say great-grandparents? I’m trying to figure out if we in the western world should still primarily and only consume the same food of our ancestors? Given that we have access to so many other cuisines should we not be still only consuming what we need based on our make-up (DNA)? General rule being if your grandparents or great-grandparents wouldn’t recognise it, don’t eat it?
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh. I've come across many videos on youtube, that its not a good thing to take stress. And well it does make sense even outside as well as inside Gurmat preaching, to not stress about anything. Stress comes and goes in life, and what's more important is to live in the present and jap naam, to purify yourself from the inside and live a life full of pure actions. And if someone has ever seen videos of the channel Nanak Naam (on youtube), they do great parchaar of Gurmat, and I've even had them say (preach according to Gurmat) that there is no good and there is no bad. Also, dukh (sorrow) and happiness are just things made by mind. Good and bad is just labels that our mind puts on things/events in life. But in reality (according to Gurbani), seeing things as good and bad (happening to you) is what keeps us feeling separated from God, and basically it is all just hukam. If we look at life events as good or bad (in dukh or happiness), we are basically saying "Why is this happening to me?" and speaking against the hukam (will) of the Oneness. And all that makes perfect sense (agree to it) when I listen to their parchaar and it is something quite extraordinary (though hard to wrap your mind around at first go). But my question is, What does one do when he has physical discomfort (or a disease not big enough to kill him, but keep him in stress always, hindering his very ability to focus on his day to day life chores). And even doctors and medicines can't do anything about it, and he prays, but his prayers (bentiyan) are not strong (or effective) enough. What do we do when all our tries go in vain? And it's not like I don't trust what our Gurus said. Of course I do. But if honest bentiyan(requests in the form of prayers or the like) are just not working, what do we do then? Do we just keep on trying/do the same? Or do we accept it as hukam and that the disease is never gonna leave my body? How do we know when our prayers would get fulfilled? Please help, I'm kind of in the dark here. And I'm sorry if I said anything wrong. WJKK WJKF
- I think most of us would not be surprised by this, but definitely a good reminder to avoid unnatural foods Ultra-processed foods linked to cancer Thursday February 15 2018 Examples include mass-produced breads and cakes, snacks and sweets, fizzy drinks, and ready meals. Researchers in France studied the diets of more than 100,000 people for 7 years. They found small increases in the overall rate of cancer and breast cancer after the menopause in those who had the highest proportion of ultra-processed food in their diet. But because of the wide range of foods included in the ultra-processed category, it's difficult to establish which specific foods might be responsible for the increased cancer risk, and why. The increased risk could be caused by eating more high-sugar, high-fat processed food.
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DESCRIPTION SOCH is a grass roots mental initiative aimed at starting the conversation about mental health to first break the stigma surrounding the subject matter and second to empower our community with the knowledge and skills to better manage their own mental health. This event is our first gurdwara workshop where we will be having an open discussion with the Sikh community to break the stigma surrounding mental health, while discussing warning signs and available resources. We encourage you to attend this event with your parents, grandparents, relatives, and friends. DATE AND TIME Sat, August 12, 2017 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT LOCATION Sikh Spiritual Centre Toronto 9 Carrier Drive Toronto, ON M9V 4B2 Canada Source -
It's a well known fact that a correct diet ensures longevity, long life and resolves health issues. Youtube "Okinawa long life" and "Japan long life" for evidence. Over there since no pollution and junk food exists people aged 80 to 105 live lives like they're no more than 40. Even Gurbaani states "My appetite is simple daana paani" (simple cooked food like rice, steamed saabjia and water) or nature grown food. However, it's interesting to note that education fails to teach us of healthy living and benefits of it like after aged 80 the effects.The consumption rate of unhealthy food is high. It's also interesting to note that Swami Ramdev's yoga's been ongoing for 10 plus years, cure cancer yet cancer's STILL out there attacking people. Now there will be plenty of arguments on reasons for it; Governments see profit so will not stop selling junk, education/ parent's to blame, doctors to blame, Scientists do not do enough research... LOADS of arguments (Mind you, maybe people like me who buy such food meself now and then is added to the reason). Now, there's a Saakhi where Guru Nanak Dev Ji cures a leprosy man by placing a sheet over him. Guru Nanak Ji could have said "Eat simple you shall be cured within a year." However, I also think how a man got leprosy during that time? Fizzy and bad food did not exist anywhere let alone a place like India. That man was going through bad karma! What does this mean? "I am going through health problems because of my karma?" It may sound like I am going in that direction BUT, if by eating the correct food I believe health issues (like cancer too) can be cured. OF COURSE it's news under the carpet/ Scientists will not mention this fact... How else will they make a living? (100% answer means no researchers and scientists required so they get made redundant) AND on top, everyone's body's are different so what works on one individual will not on another. Doctors can pinpoint what will work and not by going through tests. HOWEVER! Everyone has their own doctor within them. Ever consumed sugar or ghee and thought "I get itching or inflammation problem?" Or rash by fizzy drinks? This is a sign to give up/ extremely limit such foods. By giving it up means you can move on to simple daana paani which will immensely improve on your jeevans. Also, you will automatically wake before dawn and the body will feel good. So good that waking up b4 dawn comes with ease and tiredness is not there. The energy it brings is awesome! But there is another problem. Imagine the whole world giving up on all junk foods. What will become of fizzy drink and crisps, mithaai manufactures? They will close then where will the people go? How about McD's workers who must provide for their family? One solution is they open up where they sell organic food and veggies/ fruits for customers. Then ALL restaurants will be 100% the same across the world. Second solution, if not first solution then to minimise our purchase of junk immensely like once in a while. When was the last time you purchased a sofa? Do you go every week to buy a sofa? Once a month/ year? NO!? But Businesses like DFS are still open as they get DIFFERENT customers everyday. If they can do it, so can McD's (Different customers that come in 100's to the branches) but it's up to us to make a change. NOW all this I wrote can be contradicted by adding Karma! Why does one suffer of ill health? Even if they eat the correct food their illness never went away? They went to doctors, 100's of treatments? yet they still suffer? This is clearly to do with Karma. Does this mean we should give up and eat all the junk? NO! It means we should first give a change of food a go before we come to a decision. Was it karma? Or just a change of diet was needed?
If you or you know loved ones ill on health it may be ideal to try Swami Ramdev, a well renowned Yoga master (yeah yeah we all know him) in India. The Vilaum nirom (think it's called) is a form of breathing exercise where you close one side of nose, inhale deeply, then press other side of nose and exhale. Then inhale again before exhaling by pressing other side of nose. This should be done for 20 mins before breakfast and again in the evening after 2 - 3 hours gap if eaten anything. Also, food is important! Giving up fizzy drinks and only drink water, fresh home made fruit juices and milk. Instead of crisps/ biscuits go for dried fruits, almonds and kacchi sholay (Dariaa) all can be brought from cash n carry/ Indian shops. Speaking of fruit try consuming at least one different fruit everyday not just apple, banana and all the fruits we tend to find sweet n juicy. IN TWO WEEKS TIME of doing this there will be a massive improvement in health, whatever the ill health may be. (Include depression)! Food affects the brain and how we think, feel all is caused by chemicals signalled from the brain. How are the chemicals created? mainly by food MORE than life situations. NOW am sure some Sikhs may think "But isn't it against Sikhi to do such Yogas?" Simple answer, no. What will an obese person, who must lose weight, do? Meditate on Naam or exercise? which of the 2 will suit them the most? They're ill health, need help am afraid Naam will be shakti for the mind not the body here. So being open minded and taking an advantage of Swami Ji's yoga plus changing the diet should be used.
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VJKK VJKF, just quick question. I am a semi professionall athlete for my local running club. Im a amritdhari who regualary suffers from joint pain during long distance races and training. Recently, I started using a new external cream for my skin and joints which contains glucosamine, aloe vera, coconut oil and other healthy ingredients. . However after using it I found out that another ingredient within the cream called MSM contains a certain amount of shelfish amongst other normal ingredients. I am coming to the end of this small tub and want to ask sangat if theres any suggestions for any different types of knee pain creams? I prefer the creams instead of the tablets incase I internally consume anything which may have meat or gelatine type ingredients. VJKK VJKF