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Alot of people have made the comparison on how the Islamic faith is doing so well in terms of numbers and people keeping to their faith. And other religions are going the opposite way. But that has alot to do with Islam being a compulsory religion in Islamic nations. In muslim countries people have to adhere to the shariah law and their faith in their laws. hence is it any wonder people are practicing Islam more, This is what is keeping Islam going. If it was not for their strict laws and rules in practicing the Islamic faith. Their religion would be under threat also. infact how many muslims would there be if it wasnt for the fact that they take over countries and turn them into Islamic ones and everyone has to follow Islamic ways or the highway? Take for example Pakistan it is a muslim country every part of life is governed by Islam. So is it any wonder these people stick and practice their faith more then other secular countries. the fact is their is nothing special about Islam. Its the fact that they have made it the law to follow Islam. people dont have a natural fondness for Islam in which they practice it. its the fact that its pushed down peoples throats. If there were no Islamic countries would Islam survive? lets not blame our leaders to much. We do not have any Sikh countries as a base to spread the faith. To keep Sikhism going we need to address the Islamic threat of taking over the world. All non muslims need to unite against the Islam fanatics who want to impose their faith on others. They will try to do this wherever they go. be it uk, canada, america india. The real threat is Islam. These people wish to oppress other religions.
islam-sikhism. info
The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050 Why Muslims Are Rising Fastest and the Unaffiliated Are Shrinking as a Share of the World’s Population The religious profile of the world is rapidly changing, driven primarily by differences in fertility rates and the size of youth populations among the world’s major religions, as well as by people switching faiths. Over the next four decades, Christians will remain the largest religious group, but Islam will grow faster than any other major religion. If current trends continue, by 2050 … The number of Muslims will nearly equal the number of Christians around the world. Atheists, agnostics and other people who do not affiliate with any religion – though increasing in countries such as the United States and France – will make up a declining share of the world’s total population. The global Buddhist population will be about the same size it was in 2010, while the Hindu and Jewish populations will be larger than they are today. In Europe, Muslims will make up 10% of the overall population. India will retain a Hindu majority but also will have the largest Muslim population of any country in the world, surpassing Indonesia. In the United States, Christians will decline from more than three-quarters of the population in 2010 to two-thirds in 2050, and Judaism will no longer be the largest non-Christian religion. Muslims will be more numerous in the U.S. than people who identify as Jewish on the basis of religion. Four out of every 10 Christians in the world will live in sub-Saharan Africa. These are among the global religious trends highlighted in new demographic projections by the Pew Research Center. The projections take into account the current size and geographic distribution of the world’s major religions, age differences, fertility and mortality rates, international migration and patterns in conversion. Globally, Islam is the fastest growing religion in terms population growth, including net gains from conversions. Out of all the major religions studied in the research, Islam is projected to gain the most "net" conversions. And all other religions combined – an umbrella category that includes Baha’is, Jains, Sikhs, Taoists and many smaller faiths – are projected to increase 6%, from a total of approximately 58 million to more than 61 million over the same period. Complete Report: =================== From the report, the entire "Other religions" block will increase by only 3 million, which means that for next 35 years, Sikhs will increase by--at best--1 million or so. This is very disheartening. There are lots of stupid, irrelevant threads on Muslims on this forum. But if there's one thing we should talk about when it comes to Muslims--it is this: Islamic discipline. Muslims are a global people and a global civilization (only one of the two global civilizations to have ever established by human race). They have huge resources, massive power, tens of nation-states, their own militaries, nuclear forces, global corporations, and large diasporas etc, with history of staying global superpowers of centuries and centuries. But they act and preserve themselves as if they are a "nascent religion" that can become extinct or something. They always spread their religion, culture, and civilization globally (even in West now!). Muslims, out of all the people existing on planet Earth, preserve and practice their culture/religion with most sincerity, discipline, and pride. Their girls are extremely loyal to their faith. International scientific studies have shown, consistently, that Muslims are least likely to engage in pre-marial sex, reject things like gay marriage most ferociously amongst all peoples, are least consumers of Alcohol, drugs are punishable by death!, and Muslims as a whole stick to their culture and civilization most ardently--and expand it globally when they move/migrate to far corners of Earth! Pew's survey (Portrait of American Muslims) in 2009 showed the 59% of Muslim girls in the United States observe Hijab "Often or all the times." Quite inspiring! And that's in the United States out of all places! Imagine the sincerity and dedicate Muslims (especially Muslim girls) have globally within their Islamic nations! While we Sikhs are a people with no state, no military, extremely small size, very few in numbers and so on--and yet we act as if we are big guns in world and make no effort to preserve (let alone spread) our religion/culture/way of life. Our apnay log are doing intermixing, inter-faith marriages, drugs, alcohol in punjab, just hedonism and fun...and lack of traditional moral code where getting married and having a family is considered a great thing. Lack of discipline has causing our already small community to shrink even further. Its mind boggling. Muslims should be "relaxed" and should enjoy their lives..while Sikhs should be disciplined and work to spread their culture. But its opposite! Our Sangat can learn a thing or two---even from those who aren't a "model" to follow in many other aspects.
With Maharaj's Kirpa I aim to do more such pieces:
- nanded
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I made some observations several times on this forum and facebook regarding the Islamization of our Punjab and some possible consequences. As we all know, unregulated migrant flow to Punjab of UP Muslims and especially Bangladeshi Muslims has had an immense effect on our demographics. Besides that Gujjars have migrated to Punjab in massive numbers, and being from areas such as Jammu and Kashmir they're close to militants. This is evident from the fact that I had mentioned some years ago regarding recorvery of a huge cash of illegal weapons in a Gujjar Dera in Jalandhar area. These Gujjar deras have become dens for terrorists, just see the following excerpt from the news regarding the Gurdaspur terror attack which re-affirms my view: These Gujjars have bhought a lot of land and well settled with houses and mosques in their Deras. The first incidents started happening a few years back when these Muslim immigrants tried to demolish a Gurdwara in Ludhiana. The once virtually empty mosque of Ludhiana is filled with lacs of sul-lay on friday evenings. The rising amount of acid attacks on cows in Malerkotla to provoke the Hindus. Incidents of communal violence have become much more common in recent years if one keeps a close eye on news coming from Punjab, and its mostly always Hindu-Muslim or Sikh-Muslim (barring the dera incidents). The Muslim ex police officers who are also part of the WAQF board have an active role in re-establishing mosques and regaining the land belonging to these mosques (some 480 mosques have been renovated and are active now). Izhar Alam and Mohd Mustapha are spearheading this movement and have even introduced Sharia Panchayats in our beloved Punjab. They have been actively converting poor Sikh children and other Sikhs as shown in the AISSF complaint to Akal Takht Jathedar some time back. We need to wake up before things get worse.
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The Episode about Taru Singh- the fearless martyr who refused to retreat from impeding death. Dohra: Oh devout acolyte heed to with firm devotion of heart and mind, This is the episode concerning Taru Singh who had Khan Bahadur damned, By relinquishing his scalp he forced Khan into eternal perdition. (1) In Majha, Punjab, is the village Poolha, In flawless peace and piety did Taru Singh reside there, Famed for his nature, known as Taru Singh Nihung he was. (2) Chaupai: As his demise heeded so did the Lahore Nawab's tether fray, Debauchery abounded and unholiness ran rife, It was in the year of Bikrami Samvat, 1802, that did Taru Singh earn his glory. (3) Dohra: Inquiring of his subjects did the Nawab make his fears plain, The Singhs possessed no business, nor did they till the land, thus from whence did they gain their financial prowess? (4) Chaupai: Royal decrees had forbidden any tithes or donations to be made to the Singhs*, The Nawab's own proclamations had forbidden financial cultivation of the Singhs, Why then did the pangs of hunger not wreck them? (5) All roads to and fro were picketed, Singhs were shot on sight and looted, A village sheltering a Singh was razed to the ground with it's inhabitants, Why then did the Singhs not perish? Were they disguised, now, as nomadic mendicants?**(6) He had laboriously slaughtered even the relations of the Singhs, As diligently as a falcon he had dragged and shredded them from their underground havens, His forces had slaughtered them left and right. (7) How long could humans breathe without food? How did the Singhs survive solely on wild mush? How did they even remain operational against him? (8) Dohra: A serpent's mouth unfurled the entire matter, Nor were the Singhs dying of starvation nor had they deserted the Nawab's domains, They relied upon those Sikhs who first ate themselves and then fed them. (9) Chaupai: The pseudo Guru, Harbhagat Niranjana, a self styled rival to Sri Kalgidhar***, confirmed this, There was no dearth of such Singhs in this nation, who after sustaining themselves, sustained their militant brethren. (10) Poverty, and starvation were accepted by these Singhs, A fellow Singh without comfort however was unbearable to them, Suffering only fires, they collated warm garments for their sword wielding siblings in faith. (11) Whatever they earned through labor, they dispatched to their warring brethren, Those among them who made mats and ropes also followed suite, With such support the Singhs of the wild resided and warred like monarchs. (12) Even those who resided at great distances served their militant brethren with devotion, Even those who breathed the air of foreign lands sent their earnings to these Singhs, These Singhs were very dear to them. (13) Upon hearing this the Nawab was distressed, Indeed the Khalsa panth was very onerous, Only Allah alone could annihilate it, man was but a straw in his efforts. (14) Reiterating his initial policies to efface the Singhs, He ordered his forces to prey upon all Singh sympathizers, With the deaths of them would the militant Singhs be deprived of their sustenance. (15) Chaupai: Niranjana's joy knew no bounds then, He disclosed the identity and whereabouts of Taru Singh Nihung, He also disclosed the Singh's means of concealment (16) Engaged in agriculture nothing demarcated the Nihung from his fellow villagers, Farming was his daily bread, Along with his fellows he paid the state tax (17) What remained after taxation, he sent to the Singhs, His mother and sister who performed menial tasks also emulated him, This was their means of serving the Khalsa Panth and earning merit in it's sights. (18) Surviving on the coarsest fare and minimum victuals, Taru Singh and his family reposed their faith solely in the Guru Panth Khalsa, Offering it their entire earnings. (19) The Azaan was inaudible to them, No Muslim or Sultani Pir was their solace, Salvation to them consisted solely of the Guru's word. Death was of no concern to them. (20) Ganga and Yamuna were not their shrines, Only the pool of the Guru would suffice, Jagganath to them was a deity with maimed limbs, Rama and Krishna did not concern them. (21) Dohra: Remaining inert during the day, all three traveled at night, Upon their heads they carried bundles for the Singhs, Unnoticed by foot patrols they so moved. (22) Chaupai: Mehtab Singh being another fellow Singh also resided in the wild, From Mirankot he had eluded capture since the day he had beheaded Massa the Ranghar, He had deserted his village and vanished in the jungles. Only fellows knew this. (23) Raiding local, and far paced hamlets, He supplied his 50 odd men and the Singhs with provisions, He waylaid the rich and deprived them of their goods. (24) At times requesting and at others demanding Mehtab Singh had begun collecting tax, His rates were fixed and his name was spread far and wide, Those who refused fell prey to loot and arson. (25) Dohra: Addressing Niranjana, the Nawab conferred upon him Imperial favor. Ordering him to take a battery he ordered the arrest of both Singhs, He was to engage and subdue Mehtab's band at all costs. (26) Chaupai: Taru Singh Nihung, devoid of armed support was to receive a warrant from the judiciary, The officer dispatched to arrest him was to be accompanied by a platoon of 20 men, Taru Singh was to be escorted back to Lahore. (27) Saluting the Nawab, both companies left Lahore, One proceeded towards the jungles where Mehtab Singh was said to reside, and another detained Taru Singh Nihung in his own village. (28) Encamping in the neighboring village of Bhardana, Taru Singh was produced in chains, Neighboring farmers and villagers alike rushed to see him for the Nihung was well famed, Offended and nervous, the Mughals lashed out with whips and fists. (29) Offering bribes, the villagers managed to secure the freedom of the Nihung's sister, For the Mughals possessed no courtesy, nor grace towards infidel women, The villagers glimpsed Taru Singh's tranquil complexion and felt distressed. (30) Dohra: The village of Bhardana was a village of Gursikhs, They felt enraged at the treatment of the Nihung, They resolved to slaughter the Mughals there and then, notwithstanding any retaliation. (31) Chaupai: Resolving to join the Singhs in the wild, the villagers conveyed their decision to the captive, The Mughals would cease to exist on the ends of their swords, And any after parties would discover a smoldering village. (32) The release and service of a Gursikh was deemed as a noble task in the Guru's house, It was more fruitful then saving a cow or protecting a Brahmin, Taru Singh however refused to grant his consent to the villagers. (33) He (Taru Singh) was the son of that Guru who had sacrificed his progeny but not his faith, If his Guru had not fled from the Mughals then why should he, the Guru's Sikh? Had not the Guru sacrificed his sons and grandsons for his Sikhs? (34) The glory and extrapolation of the Guru Panth Khalsa hinged on sacrifice and martyrdom, Taru Singh's own Guru had recognised this and exuberantly accepted it as a viable fact, He being a devout Sikh, how could he retreat from performing this sacrifice? (35) Dohra: It was for the Khalsa Panth that the Sikh Gurus had made so many sacrifices, The account in blood solely hinged on the malicious heads of the Mughals, The Guru not only sacrificed his family and followers but also joined them himself! (36) Chaupai: Whatever the Guru pledged, he fulfilled, His sacrifice was supreme and noble. Offering himself to the fourth Babur's wrath, he traded his life for keeping his word. (37) He had ordained that whenever the Sikhs (*) desired to regain sovereignty (**), They should valiantly discard their lives, Whenever the Mughals committed atrocities on the non-Muslims, the Sikhs should face up to them. (38) This message conveyed to Guru Angad Dev Ji, by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Had passed from Guru to Guru until the fifth Nanak, Who with his own blood had put it into play. (39) Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji and Guru Har-Rai Ji were not ordained to make sacrifices, The eighth Nanak upon reaching Delhi solely placed the blood debt on Mughal heads, The very Mughals who reigned above all. (40) Dohra: Upon accepting the Divine crown, the ninth Nanak contemplated this fact, Recognizing the truth in this fact he marched to Delhi, There he offered his blood to sate the thirsty Mughal sword. (41) Chaupai: Then arrived the glorious Guru Gobind Singh! Fulfilling the mandate of the first Nanak, he sacrificed his entire progeny, As a final seal he pledged his own life in this cause. (42) Sacrificing his sons at the altar of war (***), The Guru ordained that faith and progeny cannot be preserved simultaneously, Two swords will never reside in one sheath. (43) The Guru ordained that Kal-Yug now held sway, In it's reign no two powers could co-exist, At this the villagers queried as to the underlying reason beyond the Gurus' sacrifices. (44) Dohra: Bhai Taru Singh answered that the veracity of the Guru can never be effaced, The Guru and the Guru's utterings were not the mere prattling of men, But the voice of the Supreme Divine. (45) The Sikh Gurus had performed Supreme sacrifices which no men could emulate, He being a Sikh was bound to remember that his Guru sacrificed his all for him, How then, could he even entertain the thought to save his own life? (46) Chaupai: Overawed at his will, the congregation wondered as to the unfortunate turn of events, What had possessed Guru Nanak Dev Ji to pledge such a vow? Begging from Taru Singh, they asked him to relate this Divine episode. (47) Why was temporal power made the abode of sacrifice? Did not the Gods and Goddesses of fortune reside at Guru Nanak Dev Ji's glorious feet? Did not sacred muses flock around him? (48) Did not Vishnu bring his own possessions to the Guru's keep? Did not Kuber serve as his treasurer? Did not Ganga and Saraswati answer to his voice? (49) Upon hearing this, the Nihung hushed his brethren, Mere mortals could not comprehend the Divine will, That was only for the Guru himself to know. (50) -End of Part I, continued in Part II. (Sri Gur Panth Prakash, Episode 106). From
- sri gur panth prakash
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Out of interest was Muhammad a good logician? He established his own criterion (apparently from Allah) via which he commanded Muslims to recognize his so called divinity and integrity, but where is the subjectivity in that? What non-Islamic principles can prove his authenticity? Put simply, other then Muhammad's word what else is there to say Islam truly is the veracious path to God? Isn't it a defeatist mentality when da'wah givers penultimately proclaim that for not accepting Islam you will burn in hell?
Here in the UK, there have been cases where British born non practicing Sikhs have taken the shahada and become practicing Muslims i.e. turned from their parent's religion Sikhi, to Islam. I've noted that in this cases, Gursikhs and Amritdharis find out about the person or are approached by the person's family and turn up to the newly converted person's house to make them see sense / see the light. But this response is reactive rather than pro-active. Person's converted now, heart, mind and soul, bit late for the Singhs to be turning up to the person's house to start their parchaar and try to convince them to turn back to Sikhi (when they were never in it in the first place) Shouldn't we be reaching these potentially vulnerable and impressionable people before they even take their first step away from Sikhi so to speak, rather than having no involvement in their lives, until they convert, at which point it's time to turn up lol? Might I suggest GurSikhs step out of their comfort zones and exclusive 'amritdhari-only' social circles, get their hands dirty and reach these people before their targeted, influenced by outside sources, and future generations are lost.
- Why do people just convert so easily? Are they a bit idiotic, do they not read before converting?
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh, A lot of modern Sikhs are very quick to extol their opinions that Sikhism equates all the major religions of the world to rivers flowing into a single ocean: In other words all religions, when properly followed, can lead one to God. Aside from this metaphor being nauseating for its sentimentality, the idea that two faiths with completely different and usually contradictory precepts can both yield the same spiritual pay dirt strikes me as being utterly fanciful. It also betrays an ignorance of the religions with which Sikhi is being equated. Take Muhammad, as an instance of a prophet from another religion. Some members of our Panth consider that both the Prophet of Islam and our own Gurus were all sent by the same God in order to enlighten the masses, that both these parties are composed of the messengers of God. However it is made explicitly clear in the Quran, which was supposedly revealed to Muhammad by Allah himself, that he would be the very last prophet in history to the exclusion of all others that came after him. This includes our own Guru Sahibaan: "Muhammad is... the Apostle of God, and the Seal of the Prophets (The Quran, Surah 33:40). As a "seal" closes a letter, so does Muhammad close the line of prophethood. Therefore if we accept Muhammad as a prophet we must by definition accept his revelation (all of which came directly from Allah through the supposed intercession of the Angel Gabriel), and in lending any credence to the idea that he is the last messenger of God, we are in effect denouncing our own Guru Sahibaan as pretenders. We cannot possibly believe in both the Gurus and Muhammad. Either Muhammad was right and our Gurus were liars, or our Gurus are right and Muhammad was a liar. I very much doubt that any of us inclines towards the former. Secondly, how can it be argued that both Islam and Sikhi both lead to salvation when the two of them advocate completely different and antithetical ways of attaining it? In Sikhism, as the members of the Sangat here will well know, one is instructed that rituals such as fasting, pilgrimages, circumcisions are wholly unimportant and of no consequence. One who wishes to attain Mukhta is counselled to avoid these things. But in Islam, fasts, pilgrimages and rituals are of the utmost importance, and are actually said to be necessary if one wishes to go to heaven (two of the so called five pillars of the faith being predicated on ritual). To summarise, is it possible for Muhammad to have been sent by the very same God who sent our own Guru Sahibaan, when the first party's message excludes and contradicts that of the latter?
I recently came across this article, its worth a read and surprisingly brilliant.
Why did the newspaper draw a picture of mohammed? How would us sikhs feel if derogatory pictures of our gurus was drawn? Why did the newspaper target muslims?
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Last Updated: Friday, 5 December, 2003, 13:31 GMT E-mail this to a friend Printable version Reunion heals partition wounds By Zulfiqar Ali BBC correspondent in Muzaffarabad Harbans Kore hugs daughter Zeenat Bibi at the reunion A 77-year-old Indian woman who has had two homelands, two husbands and two religions has finally brought her family together after decades of separation. "My wish was to see my children again once in my lifetime and my wish has come true," said Harbans Kore at the family reunion in Pakistan. Ms Kore, a Sikh, had travelled from the Indian city of Ahmedabad to meet the Muslim son and daughter she had not seen for more than 40 years. Ms Kore's story began at the time of the partition of India and the creation of Pakistan in 1947. She and her husband were Kashmiri Sikhs living in the village of Pataika, 16 kilometres (11 miles) north-east of Muzaffarabad in what is now Pakistan-controlled Kashmir. Tensions between Muslims and those Hindus and Sikhs still living in the area were such that after a few years Ms Kore's husband fled to India. I wish she could stay with us but she cannot because she has to go back. She has a family there also Zeenat Bibi, daughter She was left behind. Assuming the husband had gone forever, Ms Kore converted to Islam, marrying a Muslim man named Hadayatullah. Together they had a son, Manzoor Hussein Awan, and a daughter, Zeenat Bibi. But in the mid-1950s, Ms Kore was forced to leave for India under an agreement between Islamabad and Delhi to reunite women with their original families. That was when her separation from daughter Zeenat and son Manzoor began. In India, Ms Kore re-converted to Sikhism and had another two daughters and a son with her first husband. Telephone contact For many years, the members of the divided family did not know of each other's whereabouts or even if they were alive. Then seven years ago Zeenat, now 53, and her brother, 48, found out through a relative that their mother was still alive. Brothers in arms Dalveer Singh and Manzoor Hussein Awan "It was just two years ago that we were able to locate her telephone number and then we spoke by telephone, wrote letters and exchanged pictures," said Zeenat. The family wanted to meet immediately but heightened tension between the now nuclear rivals India and Pakistan prevented it. It was not until the recent thaw and the resumption of a bus service between the Pakistani city of Lahore and India's capital, Delhi, in July that their dreams were realised. Ms Kore finally crossed back into Pakistan last week, accompanied by her Sikh son, Dalveer Singh, and her daughter-in-law. They were greeted by Zeenat and Manzoor, along with grandchildren and other family members, at the Wagah border crossing. One of Ms Kore's Sikh daughters joined the reunion this week, along with the daughter's husband and own daughter. Ancestral village Ms Kore said: "It is lovely to see my children after all these years. I am lucky to see my son and daughter and my grandchildren again after such a long time and I feel so happy." Until seven years ago the divided family had had no contact Ms Kore and other family members are staying with her family in Muzaffarabad until the middle of December. But one person Ms Kore could not be reunited with was her Muslim husband - he died two years after she left for India. Ms Kore wants to show her ancestral village to her Indian children but is not sure if the authorities in Muzaffarabad will allow her to go there. Zeenat said: "We know how we suffered all these years and how badly we missed our mother. I wish she could stay with us but she cannot because she has to go back. She has a family there also." Her only other regret was that her mother could not attend the wedding of her son last October. She invited the family but they could not get the visas or bus tickets in time. Manzoor said of the reunion: "We have been deprived of our mother's love and affection for more than four decades and now we are so happy to meet our mother and family. "It is the first time in my life I have found this happiness. Everybody is happy - my wife, my children, my sister and every member of our family that we are together again." Have any people here got relatives in pakistan?
The Dasam Granth states: 'Humanity is one, although in appearance it differs.' This is in direct contrast to the notion that humanity is one, but some portions of it is more superior than others due to certain beliefs and principles which it holds. Here is an example, the Koran states: 'the only religion acceptable to Allah is Islam...' We see a similar case with other religions as well. The basic crux of such ideologues are based on the notion that it is entirely feasible, and pragmatically possible to achieve an Utopia, which we now know is nothing more than sheer imbecility. What are some counter arguments which can be used against this jaundiced view of selected nation/faith etc?
- Hindu girl tells Supreme Court she would rather die than convert to Islam by Jibran Khan Seized by an influential Muslim, with the "political cover" of an elected official, 19 year old Rinkel Kumari launches a desperate appeal to the courts. “Justice is denied Hindus in Pakistan” and therefore asks to" kill me here "in the courtroom. The family, after reporting to police, forced to leave the village in Sindh. Each year there are 300 forced marriages and conversions Islamabad (AsiaNews) - "In Pakistan there is justice only for Muslims, justice is denied Hindus. Kill me here, now, in court. But do not send me back to the Darul-Aman [Koranic school] ... kill me". This is the desperate, heartbreaking outburst of Rinkel Kumari, a Hindu girl aged 19, who has entrusted her heartfelt appeal to the judges of the Supreme Court in Islamabad. Her story is similar to that of many other young women and girls belonging to religious minorities - Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Ahmadis - kidnapped by extremist groups or individuals, most of the time lords or local mafia, which convert them by force and then marry them . And that is what the girl said on 26 March, before the judges of the capital's court. The drama of Rinkel Kumari, a student of Mirpur Mathelo, a small village in the province of Sindh, began the evening of February 24: A handful of men seized her and delivered her a few hours later into the hands of a wealthy Muslim scholar, the man then called her parents, warning them that their daughter "wants to convert to Islam." Nand Lal, the girl's father, a teacher of an elementary school, accused Naveed Shah, an influential Muslim, of kidnapping his daughter. The man has the "political cover" provided by Mian Mittho, an elected National Assembly Member, suspected of aiding and abetting. After identifying the perpetrators of the kidnapping of his daughter, he was forced to leave the area of origin to escape the threats of people affiliated with the local mafia. The father found refuge and welcome in Gurdwara in Lahore, in Punjab province, with the rest of his family. As often happens in these cases, even the judiciary is complicit: a local judge ordered that the girl should be given to the Muslims, because her conversion is "the result of a spontaneous decision" and also stated the marriage was above board. A claim that was repeated on February 27, at the hearing before the court, after which the girl was "renamed" Faryal Shah. However, the story of Rinkel is not an isolated case: every month between 25 and 30 young people suffer similar abuses, for a yearly total of about 300 conversions and forced marriages. Hindu girls - but also Christian - who are torn from their family and delivered into the hands of their husbands / torturers. On March 26, she appeared before the judges of the Supreme Court in Islamabad, while the Hindu community waited with bated breath for the girl's statements in court. To avoid pressure, the presiding judge ordered the courtroom cleared and - later - the dramatic testimony was relayed: in Pakistan, "there is no" justice, "kill me here but do not send me back" to the kidnappers. Speaking to AsiaNews Fr. Anwar Patras, the Diocese of Rawalpindi, condemned "with force" the kidnapping and forced conversion. "The Hindus in Sindh - adds the priest - live a hard life. The reality is getting harder for them, they are forced to migrate because the state is unable to protect them and their property.
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Hello everyone. I recently came across a question posted by someone on Quora. The question had a verse from Bhai Bala's Janam Sakhi ( I have'nt verified if the verse exists there), which supposedly was said by Guru Nanak Dev Jee ( does not seem true to me though). The verse was ": “Pakh Padho Kalma Rab da Muhammad nal Milay. “Ho Ya Mashuk-e-Khuda yeda ho ya Yallah” (Bhai Bhala’s Janam Sakhi p.14) Recite the Kalma of the Creator adding to it the name of Muhammad. Who is the beloved of God by dedication of his very self to Allah. (I strongly doubt that Guru Jee must have said this :-( ) The person who posted the question was asking, if Guru Jee said this then why do we not consider Their Prophet as a messenger from God??? Obviously this cannot be true. If Guru Jee wanted us to read the kalma, then why would he have composed the Mool mantra, the Japji??? Well, maybe if at all, it was uttered by Him, which I doubt, then it must have been an advice to the muslims...maybe. What do you all think about this? I want to answer this question,but I am doubtful about where this verse comes from.
were they converted to islam by the sword cause islam spread in Punjab an kashmire after arabs conquered the region then the turks invaded an conquered an islam spread an when the afghans invaded islam spread when turks established Mughal empire islam spread so was it by the sword if not for arab afghan turk would Pakistanis bangledeshis indian muslims be hindus today
Dear All, Not many of you might be aware that there exists a gurdwara in Dubai. This gurdwara was inaugurated in January 2012 and the person who has been driving this project is called Surinder Kandhari, a prominent local businessman belonging to the Sikh diaspora. Initially, we were happy to finally have our place of worship in this country but lately a lot of heretical and anti-gurmat practices have openly started happening in the Gurdwara. The gurdwara is being run like a family owned business and in an ideal world, Mr Kandhari and his cohorts would have been summoned before Akal Takht on grounds of sacrilege but since Akal Takht is under the control of criminals and impostors, there is no point in harboring any hopes from them. I would like to draw the attention of the global sangat towards some practices which are tantamount to making a mockery of our religion: 1) Separate chairs and tables have been placed in thee langar hall and darbar hall. Whilst the idea is to provide comfortable seating for the elderly, these seats are usually occupied by the members of Hindu community who visit the gurdwara. Furthermore, these Hindus act as if they are in a restaurant while having langar. The matter has been repeatedly brought to the attention of the management who refuse to act since they do not want to upset the affluent members of Hindu community. 2) Members of Hindu community regularly show lack of respect to our religious sentiments by showing up to gurdwara in inappropriate clothing (mostly their girls) or letting their children run amok during kirtan. 3) Untrained and non Amrtidharis people are being allowed to do kirtan. It is not uncommon to see kids from influential families being allowed to perform the seva of doing kirtan on Fridays. While it is a good idea, it is definitely not good to see non-Amritdhari children without any knowledge of gurbani unable to pronounce bani correctly. Would you allow somebody to distort shabad of bani? No. But it happens here because these kids belong to affluent "donors" and management would not want to "upset" them. 4) Members of Hindu community routinely throw half-eaten food from langar in garbage bins. When the matter was brought to the attention of sevadars, they expressed their helplessness. 5)Langar hall is used as banquet hall to host wedding and engagement parties. aIt is common to see wedding and engagement ceremonies, including some ceremonies involving mixed Hindu-Sikh couples in gurdwara. During such ceremonies, the langar hall is cleared of sangat and is used as a banquet hall. Non-Sikh waiters and caterers are allowed to serve non-langar food to people. This part of guurdwara is used as a party venue and it is not uncommon to see people including non-Sikhs indulging in gluttony and gossip in gurdwara. It may be noted, that on such days the management asks the snagat to leave early since the langar hall has been "booked". 6) Known heretic, Darshan Singh Ragi was invited to perform kirtan in the gurdwara in January. I am sure everybody in the West is familiar with Darshan Ragi and his heretical rants. Furthermore, one Pakistani who claims to have the "gangasagar" of Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj was also invited and he had a field day collecting "donations" from gullible Sikhs who were openly bowing to and rubbing their foreheads against the utensil. 7) Now comes the biggest blasphemy of them all. About two weeks ago, the gurdwara played host to a delegation from local Islamic centre who were invited by Mr. Kandhari to "break Ramadan fast" in gurdwara. The visiting delegation were seated on chairs and tables in the langar hall and the gurdwara management actually played adhan the mohammedan call foor prayer in the Gurdwara! Would you believe this?? All this is happening in Gurdwara in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj. It is a sacrilege of the highest order to chant words of any other religion in Guru's presence and to play the Mohameddan prayer in a gurdwara extolling their god allah is the crime worth harshest punishment. Would you expect mohammedans to invite Sikhs to do nitnem in a mosque??? Furthermore, a few days before this event, Mr. Kandhari and a few of his cronies were invited to Al Manar Islamic centre where they listened to a lecture on greatness of Mohammedan religion and virtues of fasting during Ramadan. In return, Mr. Kandhari made a speech extolling the virtues of Mohammedan religion and made grovellling attempts to the audience of mohammedans that Sikhi was similar to Islamic religion and "our book" Guru Granth Sahib is similar to Koran in teachings. He also made a groveling speech thanking the local authorities for letting the langar run during Ramadhan. Lastly he committed the ultimate sacrilege by presenting a plaque to Muslims which showed the Islamic shahada and mool mantar inscribed together. How could anybody in their right minds even think of juxtaposing the bani of Akalpurkh with the writings of Moahmmedan book? Mr Kandhari committed the cardinal sin of distorting bani by trying to explain to the audience of muslims that mool mantar and sura al fateh were essentially of same essence. Of course, nothing could be further from truth than this.For all the gross sacrilege, Mr Kandhari got his five seconds of fame when one of the local newspapers published an article with his picture on its backpage. The management of the gurdwara have even boasted about this openly on their facebook page. I have posted few links to this story, so please check it out. Mr. Kandhari wants to gain cheap publicity and wants to be seen in the good books of the authorities so as to preserve his families business interests but to use a gurdwara for nefarious personal objectives is an utterly reprehensible act worthy of strictest condemnation. ( Kandhari's speech in Al Manar Centre, please copy and paste the link)§ion=ramadannews Whilst most of you are busy quibbling amongst each other discussing mundane things on this forum, there are much more sinister things happening in the background.
I was recently researching the history of Nanded (there is not much on it except in the 'Master's Presence') and decided to make a post about it. Here is the result: Hazoor Sahib and the Khalsa. 'Many people became martyrs there; and many houses for fakírs were erected in that place. Amidst them all, they erected a shrine over the Gurú[’s ashes], and, near his burying place, they made many other mausoleums and dharamsálas, and deposited Granth sáhibs in them. The name of that city, which was called Nader, was changed to Abchalnagar. In the present day, many Sikhs go there, and offer their oblations with much devotion. In that tomb, thousands of swords, shields, spears, and quoits, are to be found at all times; moreover the Sikhs, who go there, all worship those arms. The Sikhs believe this, that all those arms were formerly the property of Guru Govind Singh himself.' (1) One might enquire, where does the Khalsa reside in it's pristine form? The answer would inevitably be Hazoor Sahib, Nanded. One of the five sacrosanct religio-political medians, of the Khalsa, Hazoor Sahib possess a magnetic pull for the Khalsa. Devoid of the anglophonic reformism, which plagued it's North Indian counterparts, the shrine still boosts an extensive populace of Nihungs, Udasis and Nirmalas who otherwise have been effaced from their Punjabi strongholds. Despite it's prominence in the contemporary Khalsa's psyche, many adherents are still ignorant of it's multifarious historicity and often mistakenly categorise it as being the melting point between the Khalsa and other anachronistic traditions. The Akali-Nihungs believe it to be the prototypical locus of Akali-Nihung Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The esteemed Nihung pedagogue, Mahant Trliochan Singh Ji holds Nanded to be the original birthplace of the Guru before he manifested the Khalsa. Going by him, one understands that the Guru originally meditated on the divine Akal-Purakh, here, before migrating to the lofty peaks of Hemkunt. Subsequently he merged himself into the supreme consciousness before being dispatched to creation in the form of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. After exhausting Aurangzeb's nefarious crusade against him, the Guru was approached by the latter's son, Bahadur Shah, for assistance. Realizing that the latter was weaker than his incendiary predecessor, the Guru agreed to aid him knowing that Shah's victory would grant the Khalsa a temporary relieve. Thus he set about mediating between the Shah and his foes and/or engaging them in the spirit of an ubiquitous peace. Penultimately he journeyed with his newfound ally to Nanded, where the latter decided to subdue his rebellious sibling Kam Baksh. 'After seeking the Guru’s advice on what to do next in the face of the challenge from his brother, Kam Baksh, Bahadur Shah arranged to take his army towards Hyderabad. The route took them through Nanded on the banks of the River Godavari where they halted for several days. While the emperor moved off to continue his campaign, the Guru remained at Nanded to consider his plans.' (2) Subsequently the Guru decided to reside in Nanded, diverting from Shah who by now claimed the title of undisputed emperor of India. 'Guru Gobind Singh arrived at Nanded with all the majesty of a regional Rajput court. In his entourage were 300 heavily armed Akali-Nihang warriors and a stately retinue bustling with mendicants, poets, scholars, musicians, cooks and scribes. He camped, as he always did while travelling from place to place, about a mile outside the town.' (3) Here, he set about finalising the Sri Sarbloh Granth and preparing Akali-Nihung Binod Singh, and Banda Singh Bahadur, for a political and socially oriented conflict in the Punjab. In 1708 A.D. the Guru consecrated the Adi Guru Granth Sahib Ji as his perpetual successor and journeyed to his final abode. Subsequently a mass portion of his companions left to join Banda, in the Punjab, or seek residence in other sub-continental regions. A handful however elected to stay behind, under the aegis of Akali-Nihung Santokh Singh Ji who, 'raised an unadorned stone platform (‘chabootra’) over the mound' (4) where the Guru had been cremated. In time his fledgling band was swelled by erudite scholars (the Nirmalas), passionate advocates (the Udasis) and other Nihungs. Acknowledging the need of a Pater familias, Santokh Singh in due time commenced with electing a singular heir, to succeed him, a tradition which continues even contemporarily. The deleterious inclinations of the regional Muslim populace was soon answered via a new strategy, construed by the Nihungs. Their counterparts in the Punjab would often elect a battalion, which would then for a specified period camp in the grounds of Hazoor Sahib and safeguard both the shrine and the local Khalsa populace. (5) By 1770 A.D. a weakening Afghani influence, and military under the command of Ahmad Shah Abdali, boosted several new powers onto the sub-continent's political scene. The Sikhs were plausibly the most deviant amongst them, owing to the fact that their political system boosted several varied nation states knit in a loose confederacy. Amandeep Madra, digresses from the popular doxa that this was an advantageous system, instead citing, 'in spite of the Khalsa’s initially successful revolution to overthrow the Mughal government in Punjab, their mission faced a major setback following a split in their ranks.' (6) The Khalsa, in Nanded, had managed to escape the worst of the Islamic offensive against their Punjabi brethren but faced a dire osmosis themselves. It was during the latter period that a new champion emerged. In an era where Sikhs such as Kaura Mal (a Nanakpanthi) rose to great prominence, another unsung hero Chandu Lal himself was beginning to enjoy ascending stardom. The latter was an accountant for the Nizams of Hyderabad, whose territory incorporated Nanded, and became the elect representative of his people. Lal's political strategy was based on a model of evolution, emulation and adoption; thus ensuring his perpetual prominence in state affairs. This was to serve him well in the coming era. Penultimately Sikander Jhah ascended the Hyderabadi throne amongst much strife in 1803 A.D.. With both the British and Marathas vying for dominance in the greater part of India, he faced internal factionalism and rebellion. Realizing that Hyderabad's respite, from Maratha dominance, would swiftly end in the face of his inaction Jhah summoned Lal. Acknowledging his own parochialism, Jhah requested Lal to summon aid from Ranjit Singh. The Sikh emperor of the Punjab. Prior to 1803, two Sikh diplomats had already established an alliance of goodwill with Hyderabad and Jhah wanted to expand upon it. Thus, with his agreement, Chandu Lal deputed an emissary to the Punjab and ask Singh for assistance. The latter however proved more obfuscating than initially thought. He demanded that Jhah grant him expressive permission to build a Sikh centre in Nanded, incorporating Hazoor Sahib, and the monarchy ensure the paramount safety of all Sikh pilgrims. Jhah readily acquiesced fearing the looming rebel threat and Ranjit Singh dispatched a 12,000 strong brigade to assist his forces. Amongst the latter, the Akali-Nihungs rapidly became famed as an effective policing force. Their stern mindedness, and radical loyalty ensured a swift quelling of any mutineers. The consequence of these Nihungs can be garnered from the fact that they were paid 10 Rupees in wage, whereas their Arab and Rulhia counterparts were paid only five and six Rupees respectively. (7) Meanwhile another decisive episode was playing out in Hyderabad. The British eradication of the Marathas, in 1817 A.D., allowed them the opportunity to form coalitions with many newly independent fiefdoms. Dispatching envoys to the Nizam they were delighted to learn that Lal would readily acquiesce to their presence. But the Governor-General's agent, Metcalfe, was not so readily brought to the notion. 'Governor-General Lord Hastings pointed out his pivotal role to Metcalfe: "I feared that, in your dissatisfaction at not finding in ChundooLal so perfect an instrument as you wished, you had overlooked the deep engagement of the Government to uphold him." Metcalfe was not impressed with his government’s compromising position.' (8) Metcalfe's disdain, it seems, stemmed from several facts amongst them being Ranjit Singh's blockading of British expansion in the Punjab. Simultaneously Chandu Lal's employment of the Akali-Nihungs, in the state militia, did not curry him favour in the agent's eyes. Reports from Punjab perpetually reiterated the inflammatory nature of these men and cautioned Europeans from approaching them. Lal employed 2,000 of them in his cavalry, and a further 2,310 as infantry. (9) Metcalfe was plausibly one of the initial individuals to acknowledge Hazoor Sahib as a threat, especially if the British were to engage Ranjit Singh to the north. The Nihungs, despite being alien from Singh, nonetheless possessed a patriotic undercurrent and could effortlessly engage British forces in a costly war which could potentially alienate Hyderabad from the ubiquitous colonial spectrum. The regional British resident, Colonel James Fraser, also identified the Nihungs and the mainstream Sikh populace as a threat although his brief was diluted by his close relations with local Sikh leaders. Whilst Nanded continued to flourish as an ambivalent British bastion, events to the North-West of the sub-continent manifested new and grim realities. On 27th June, 1839 A.D., an ailing Ranjit Singh finally died ending a four decade inhibition on British expansionism. His chosen successor, Kharak Singh proved to be acutely maladroit and several different Princes and factions laid claim to the throne. Overnight, Punjab had become an unrestrained space. An element which the British could not tolerate. Conquered territories, under Sikh rule, commenced expressing malcontent but the British elected to play a waiting game. A strong-willed successor could easily restore the Sikh empire's prominence and prowess but would the latter be cordial to the British? Would he/she allow British penetration towards the North-Western frontier? Whilst these dubieties plagued the British, Fraser concluded his brief and submitted it to the Nizam the following year. Initially landing on Chandu Lal's desk, the latter processed it through the bureaucratic framework. The result? 'Fraser's Sikh report was kept pending for several years.' (10) Lal was fast becoming a British antagonist, but would this new course serve him well in the coming era? Only time would tell. (Continued in the 'Nihungs of Nanded, Hazoor Sahib and the Khalsa Part II'). Sources: (1) Accessed from: (2) ibid. (3) Accessed from: (4) ibid. (5) Accessed from: (6) Accessed from: (7) Accessed from: http://www.<banned site filter activated>/htmls/article_samparda_hazoori2.html (8) Accessed from: (9) Accessed from: (10) Accessed from: Original article: Please like Tisarpanth on facebook for more content.
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Alright. I am going to start a potentially controversial thread here so all those who feel offended by it please accept my apologies in advance. Obviously, the intent is not to offend anybody here. Over the years,I have been reading about all the reports and articles about the muzzies targeting Sikh girls for conversion and sexual assault. This is not something new and has been happening for nearly twenty years now. You can find these dirty camel jockeys bragging openly about how many Sikh girls they have "scored with". You would be surprised to know that this has started in Punjab too while our people sit ideally with their heads buried in sand. I was recently on a flight from Amritsar to Dubai when a dirty musla swine from Malerkotla from sitting in the seat behind me started having a conversation with his Hindi speaking co-religionist, He bragged how beautiful the women in Punjab are and how easy it is to get a Sikh girl. He kept on before I turned around said to him " B****C**** tun vapas mur ke Punja hi aona, kehra tera katte hoye bharawan ne tainu pakka rakh laina Dubai vich? Mera naam yaad rakh la te main Patiale ton te tera Malerkotla mere shahron 70 km hi door a. A ke tainu te tere tabbar nu hala kar deyange, vekhda tera allah kiddan bachaonda tainu" Dirty malecch could not utter a word. His name is Tausif Iqbal and he is working as a labourer in Sharjah UAE and I am keeping tabs on him. Sacche patshah di kirpa nal ehda vi soda la dena ikk na ikk din. Now back to the point- what is stopping Sikh guys from responding to these camel jockeys in the UK? Why cant you lost just hit them back? They are bunch of wimps and retreat easily when dealt with force. Hit them back. Attack them. Chop a few of them down and they will see the light. Of course,, blood will be shed but then sometimes it is necessary to shed blood when your survival is at stake. Now here is the can of worms- just like mulleh target our girls, we should target theirs too. Yes, I am advocating this and yes I am a Sikh. Now before the liberals, apologists for secularism, pseudo-Sikhs, supporters of universal brotherhood etc get on their high horses and start condemning me from a moral high ground, I would like to say that I am sorry that I offended your sensibilities but I stand by what I say. Unlike you lost, I am not going to hide behind the curtain of morality, equality etc and start quoting bani to hide my unwillingness to take action. We are in the middle of a war. Yes these onslaughts are a part of a war against declared by these camel jockeys. In war everything is ethical- nothing is immoral or wrong. Surely they see it this way and so should we. It is time to pay these b******* back in the same coin. This is where our monay brother can help the community. They should start targeting their girls and start dating them and slowly introducing them to the pleasures of material world. Once you sow seeds of doubts in the minds of their women, it is easy to break them away. Use them just like they use our girls. Let our boys give them a new generation of kids. Don't worry about morality friends because you committed the biggest sin the day you shed your hair but you can still do the community a great service by using your current appearance to target the women of the enemy. Now I don care if the moralist/apologists for secularism delete my thread or ban me. It wont change anything in my life but it would definitely convince me that members of community have now become self serving hypocrites who like to conceal their cowardice behind a veil of morality.
Waheguru Ji ka khalsa, waheguru Ji ki fateh! I recently came across this website: and was quite taken back at what was written, please could I have a balanced response to these claims pyaare sangat ji? Thank you
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How do we combat the Islamic threat? We see it happening on a daily basis in the news. Muslims form majority in an area of a country and then demand that it becomes a Muslim country. Its happening in just about every country on the planet. Muslims know this is one way to make their religion more powerful and make other religions less powerful. In these Islamic countries they make it difficult for non Muslims to practice their own religion by making laws that prohibit building places of other religions places of worship ect.,, while promoting their own religion with sharia law. And they don't do this through peaceful means. They are doing it through bombings and killings of innocent people. to topple governments and create Islamic countries. Why should a country be only for one religion? the earth does not belong to one faith. yet Muslims want every country to become islamic. this way they keep their religion going. ie they make it compulsory to foll islam with government legislation ie sharia law. Christians dont do this even though they form the majority in many countries ie all of Europe. plus other countries like south america. in britian 1000's of white people convert to Islam every year. how are muslims converting whites? I dont see them knocking on doors like jehovahs witnesses. if there were not islamic countries in existence would islam survive? i doubt it, the only reaon islam is doing so well in terms of practicing muslims is the fact they make it compuslary to follow islam through their governments policies. they ban education and other religions hence poeple are just brainwashed into following islam