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SikhKosh last won the day on February 12 2023

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  1. Explain the differing length of his beard over years and why he kept his face hidden. Wasn't it to hide different phases of his beard regrowth ?
  2. Here have darshan of different roops of Sant Jee Living off Sangats money (look up on his so called project of writing gurbani on golden sheets). Doing bodybuilding and engaging in homosexual relationships, during their 'bhagti' period.
  3. Mani Singh was no different. He used to disappear for months in order to meditate (smaadhi launi) but in reality went to his hidden home where he became cleanshaven (beard and hair) and then indulge in all kind of degenerate activities, including homosexual relations. You can notice that he always kept his face hidden with a clothe in his later years, in order to hide the regrowth of his beard when he got back in Sangat to fool them. In every pic he has a different beard size. He is said to have died from a disease contracted during one of these escapades.
  4. We don't have to get involved in this matter, nor dispense langar to both sides during their fighting breaks but... We have to keep a keen eye on these developments because this is a relatively new phenomena. The Hindu diaspora has been largely a docile one in history. There are very few instances of such clashes happening before, Hindus stayed pretty silent even when their women were groomed for decades in the UK. Now we have this happening, the clashes between Hindus and Sikhs in Australia (Vishal Jood case) and so on. The Hindutva goon ideology is spreading and will most likely form a menace for Sikhs in the coming future as well. There might be some Indian Govt interference in such instances as well. We have to be prepared for clashes in the coming years on 1984 or Khalistan related remembrance events.
  5. They're not mentioned in there. There are so many sampardas with 'lineages' going back to the likes of Bhai Mani Singh or Baba Deep Singh and they contradict each other on many things. So not a valid argument.
  6. So the oldest reference to five 'takhts' you could find was from 1880 (172 years after Guru Gobind Singh, touching the 20th century) ? Are these takhts mentioned by name in Suraj Parkash or Gur Bilas, or other older scriptures ?
  7. The real figure of Sikhs in East Punjab (practising or not) today is definitely below 50%. There are many things going behind the scenes, the recent declaration by the Jathedar is a sign that panthic leaders are realizing the grave situation we have landed ourselves into without realizing (once again proving the anecdote with differing approaches to a coming storm by the foresighted Hindu, the adapting scheming Muslim and the dimwitted Sikh). Doaba will be the first region where Sikhs will be reduced to a minority below 30% of the population, this will be a first for a district in Modern Punjab. (Barring the exception of newly formed districts like Fazilka who were earlier part of Sikh majority districts). The lower the numbers in a district, the lesser political power and the more chances of religious repression. The Christian conversion is a problem all over Punjab but specifically the border belt, and more so Amritsar/Tarn Taran region rather than the Gurdaspur region which was mentioned in the earlier posts. The Gurdaspur Christian community is historically older (see older census) and not solely related to the new massive Christian missionary campaign in Punjab. It will be interesting to note if (all) Gujjars and other Muslim migrants who have settled (semi) permanently in Punjab are taken into consideration in these census. The combined percentage of Abrahamics (Christians and Muslims) is definitely 10% today in Punjab - a worrying figure. You are already seeing these religions clash with the others in the past 5 to 10 years - these things were unheard of in the 60s 70s 80s and even 90s. "Though Muslims share in the total population of Punjab still remains very low, the number of Muslims in Punjab has multiplied by six times in the five decades since 1961, while the total population has multiplied by a factor of 2.5. In 1961, the proportion of Muslims in the state population was only 0.80 percent; it has grown to 1.93 percent in 2011." Another thing you'll note is how the bottom 5 districts literacy wise are in the top 10 districts with the highest Sikh percentage. Sikhs need to focus on religious and worldly education to combat all obstacles the nation is facing. Akaal Sahai.
  8. WJKK WJKF One of my relatives is getting married and is looking to buy a kirpan that looks like this. Anyone knows where you could get one in London or nearby? https://www.etsy.com/listing/953557841/damascus-steel-blade-silver-work?ref=cart
  9. Does anyone know where I can buy the Maharaja Ranjit Singh piece?
  10. Over 10k likes with lots of Muslims rejoicing. ... only for the Sikh to 'leave' Islam 5 minutes after Shows how genuine their 'street dawah conversion' videos are. They only like to intimidate non Muslims by giving an illusion that their numbers are rising, praying in public places and so on.
  11. Show me historical source which says 'Akaal Takht'. It was higher than Delhi Takht but was not known with the Takht terminology as such. Nor were there four other Takhts during the times of the Gurus or shortly afterwards.
  12. Historically the nomenclature 'Takht' was probably not there in early Sikh history. Even the Akaal Takht was known as the Akaal Bunga until recently. If you believe otherwise, name me the earliest sources that mention the 'Akaal Takht' or the '5' Takhts ? (So to answer your question: Buddha Dal is no takht.)
  13. Few Jathas of Singhs have been camping in the village and feeding the cows. They've openly challenged the Gujjars and said they will kick out Gujjars even if this issue gets settled. Luckily this incident woke up some in our nation. See the Muslims chickening and using taqiyaa to ease the tensions and safeguard their future in Punjab... And foolish Sikhs are falling for it (nearly 7k likes). Also shame on the commie farm leaders who 'regret' the killing of the 2 attacker Muslim Gujjars and are being cucks to these gujjars. 5:21... there you have the magical word coming from the 'Sikh' farmer unionist. Bhaichara.............
  14. Watch bhaicharak saanjh (interfaith brotherhood) Live from Ludhiana, Punjab https://www.ronakmela.com/archives/1396?fbclid=IwAR2qQRIHIvFgo4MEFAsBBdRlGb40TLCX6M6ldLHHZmFTOWr4aYCOkOYZ4KA
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