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  1. Hi Sangat Ji What is the Sikh view of a anand Karaj of a second marriage where the previous partner is still alive? If these can be booked and go through then are we to assume they are in hukam and the first was a karmic relationship which was always going to end? Are the second couple ever really married if the promises were made with the first spouse?
  2. This was discussed a few months back, cant remember the topic but if anyone is looking to get married but does not want to use a typical dating site here you go. This was sent to via LinkedIn in so this a matrimony site for working professionals. http://www.kismetintroductions.com
  3. Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh Thank you all for reading this post. I am currently planning on proposing to my girlfriend. I am a Punjabi staying in the UK and my girlfriend is ethnically Chinese staying in the UK as well. She is very interested in Sikhi and we have discussed it many times. We have even decided that the kids will keep joora and learn bani as well. She is humble and compassionate, and reminds me of the qualities of being a good Sikh by her very nature. She does not keep her kesh, and she is learning Punjabi as well in her spare time. Essentially, she is learning slowly how to be a good Sikh, and I do not want to pressure her. However, we have been getting alot of judgement and hate from the community, especially with all the chugli and gossiping thats been going around. I do not understand their problem - if anything, my girlfriend is a better Sikh than half of them. Anyone has any advice on how I can look past all this hate and negativity? We are not doing anything wrong
  4. Guest

    Unhappily married

    I am so unhappily married. My husband is very rude, selfish, lacks any compassion and his he has a lot of hankar. He comes from a broken family his parents are divorced and it shows, his communication and respect for anything I do or go through is so low- basically he isn’t appreciative or supportive even if I give birth or lose a loved one, he’s not there emotionally. He was shown no love as a child and he isn’t capable of showing love. I don’t want to divorce because it’s going to be tough on my kids and I do not want them ending up twisted like him and his siblings which are a product of divorce. I just feel like I am stuck. I am trying to keep up my sikhi, do Amrit vela, he does nothing so I feel even if I try to better myself and beat my krodh or ego he doesn’t do nothing changes. Am I meant to just accept this is my hukam based on my own karma and keep quiet and deal with it? It’s hard to even have a good mind myself when I am with someone who jus always provoking me.
  5. Guest

    Any gursikh girls?

    Iam born in the uk, 32 years old, self employed living with parents. i am looking to get married, with a gursikh singhni whos first priority is sikhi and gurbani. But will happily live with my parents also and do their seva too. Send me a message if you or know anyone who is looking too
  6. Guest


    Saw an advert for matrimonial website "Lavaan" on instagram. Is any one using it? First time I'd heard of it.
  7. Its been couple of years since my marriage. In this few years I have blessed by guru sahib with a cute lil son . With my not-so-much salary , and my mom a housewife , and an old weakened father on the brink of retirement , I am seriously beginning to wonder what to do ahead. My wife has completed her B.A (bachelor in arts), a degree traditionally believed to be of little value lol. It doesn't seem she's interested in pursuing higher education. She used to work in a shop before marriage as she hails from a rural , poor family. But she's passionate about one thing . Hairstyling and cosmetics . Infact, before she turned pregnant, she had a short training at local parlor , and from what I heard from her, even the owner lady of the parlor was very happy with her work, and often asking her to do more . However my concern is Is hair-styling/salon a respectable job. I have my reservations against it, because it kind of intermingles or on boundaries with other lesser respectable and shady areas like SPA (heard sex rackets happening there with 'special massage' lol ?) or bollywood celebrity make ups. yes the rotten t's into illicit sex and drugs. I being a closeted guy , and my wife not knowing about my sexuality, am deeply concerned about her spoiling if she started going out. I don't know how justified my fears are, but considering I live in mumbai which is like london of UK (my approx analogy). Its like right now I feel I want my wife to earn and be my support or atleast be independent woman on her own. I asked her don't give me your salary, keep it to yourself ,just want her to be independent, but at the same time I fear her being spoiled or someone locally who thinks I am gay spoiling her intentionally. you never know. Please advice
  8. Hi, Is anyone able to recommend sikhi matrimonial sites/apps as i'm struggling currently. Looking for Sehajdhari/Amritdhari women. I know Shaadi.com is taken the mick out of but has anyone used or would recommend? Thanks for any replies in advance.
  9. There doesn't appear to be any decent platforms for meeting people these days and no one seems willing to suggest people. Where are we supposed to begin?
  10. Guest

    Obtaining grist jeevan

    Wjkk wjkf Need some advice, I am NRI female in my 30s. After years of looking for Gursikh matches without success, my family and I decided to get ardaas done with keshdari Sikh. I didn’t know much bout him but figured him keeping his Kesh in Mona household reflected some level of respect and courage of sikhi. Planning our marriage, I have come to know more about him and how different our Sikh values really are (including knowing the fundamentals of basic Gurmukhi and gurbani). Question is how can couples grow together if they have differences in appetite to attain Gursikh jeevan? Is there a way to create a respectful harmony or am I dreaming? This is not a new issue I know, but would appreciate tips and learning from the couples on how they can bridge the gap to build a healthy relationship and hopefully align and merge on a Gursikh path? wjkk wjkf
  11. I wanted to ask what if someone is in love with their love of their life. Then she gets married to someone else and cheats after the marriage many times with the affair. Does Waheguru forgive such a sin? Can it be forgiven when the human is in deep regret and suffers from their mistake daily (she gets depression) and prays daily, visits the gurdwara, and also wants to take amrit. Will this sin vanish then? Will Waheguru love this human still? Or should she forget to be a sikh and prepare herself to go to hell?
  12. Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh I am an amritdhari singh and I got married to an amritdhari dumala tying girl just 6 months ago. I consider myself a beginner in terms of sikhism and I got baptised just a year ago and still trying to adapt. However, I am always trying to be better sikh. Anyways, coming back to my marriage, first couple of months were great. However, after that, I got to know about my wife's previous relationship which ended few years ago as she said the guy was abusive and did not trust her. At that time, she was not baptised and the guy was a hindu. But the fact that she did not talked about this before our marriage has really left an impact on me. Even after she getting baptised, she used to talk <banned word filter activated> with some guys, although she says she was never with anyone physically after that relationship. This whole incident has affected me badly and now I am going through anxiety and depression. Every few days, I find a reason or go back in past and have arguments. It gets so bad that I keep thinking about ending my life. The fact that I married an amritdhari girl and then I learn about all this really makes me wonder what god has planned for me and what should I believe in anymore. Just yesterday, she was listening to some punjabi song that had alcohol reference and I told her to not listen to such songs but she said she can't change herself because of me and that if I wanted to control, I should have married someone else. Having said that, we both love each other very much, at least when I am not having anxiety attacks. But I don't know what to do now. It seems like we have different ideologies when it comes to sikhism even though we are both amritdhari. I can't get out of depression and keep going back in past and this is ruining my life and my marriage. No matter how much I try to live in present, somehow I end up in same painful spot. I don't want to be bad sikh, but I am really struggling and don't know what to do. I don't want to disclose her past to anyone in the family, so can't even talk to anyone. That's why I am here. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you so much.
  13. Guest

    Marrying nihang singhni

    Sat sri akal ji I am a sikh boy from punjab and now studying in germany. I have haircut. My only question is can I marry a nihang singhni ji. Please forgive me if I asked anything wrong. I really love our religion and want to marry a complete sikh girl and in future I will also become complete sikh but not now as I am a student rite now and can’t follow sikhism fully. Please advice me
  14. I am married to a man who takes all his emotions out on me, he is always hostile and angry. When I met him he told me his family were the problem, but now I have realised it is him, he treats me how he treated them, just always being rude, not a supportive bone in his body. He doesn’t want to change and never feels guilty for me always crying. He loves to drink again doesn’t want to stop even if that makes him more moody too. I wish I never married him, I feel so alone and stuck as I also have children. Everyone thinks he is really nice because I’m the emotional punchbag but no one sees this outside. I met him on a birthday party at a bar and dated him and I think to myself did I bring this upon myself and was I meant to go down a different path and marry someone else who would have lived a more Gursikh lifestyle. Marrying him has been the biggest regret, he has brought my sikhi down, now I am trying to not let him get in the way of it again even though he will complain when I get up for Amrit vela etc. If I didnt have kids I would have divorced him a long time. I just feel so stuck. It’s either stick with it or be a single parent.
  15. I a hindu (sindhi) man want to marry my fiance who is a sikh,in a Gurudwara is it possible?
  16. Guest

    Getting Rishta from India

    Hi, So there's a possibility of marrying a girl from India but i'm not sure entirely. Has anyone been through this recently? How much savings do you need? How long would it take for the girl to come over etc.. If anyone has any info it would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
  17. I am 23 and i want to get married but the problem is that I can't find the type women I am looking for here. I want a girl who dresses modestly isn't into partying one who enjoys books helping her mother etc the girls in my area are not like this and are all into parties and functions and being all show offy. Does anybody here have similar problwms?
  18. Nri Punjabi marries a dalit slum dweller.
  19. Has there been any marriages between the two? I think afghan sikh girls are good looking :excited:
  20. Guest


    Hi, I am a 27-year-old guy from Delhi. I am Hindu by birth. I have been following and practising Sikhism since long. I love going to Kirtan Samagams and very much into AKJ Kirtans. I love baani. I have this wish to marry a Sikh girl someday so that we can go to Kirtan Smagams together, practise Sewa and Simran and so on. I don't think that will be possible if I marry someone who does not know what baani is. Is this fine? Can I marry a Sikh girl being a Hindu?
  21. I am a sikh girl from punjab. My age is 25. I fallen in love with a hindu guy originally from UP but now settled in punjaab. He is really handsom and I love him a lot. But my family is sikh sardar. My boyfriends mother is saying the child will be raised as hindu and all hindu ceremonies will be performed on future son like mundan, ear peircing, janeu. I told my parents. Their parents met my parents and my parents are ok with it. my father and mother is amritdhari still they are allowing me to marry a hindu boy and future son will be hindu without turban. I am ok with it. But my local gurudwara granthi telling me its not good. and some aunties also telling same. I am confused . Please tell what I should do. My other 2 sikh friends have also married good looking hindu boys but I dont know if I am doing right thing although i like him.
  22. Guest


    I am from a Sikh family and he is from a Punjabi Hindu family. We are both doctors working in New Zealand and have been together for 4 years. His family is supportive whereas my dad is extremely angry and wants us to break up. He says he will never approve. Me and my partner are both very open minded, easy going, believe in god and have immense respect for our faiths. I have no idea what to do. The stress is taking a toll. Any help would be appreciated
  23. Guest

    Professional matchmaker

    SSA everyone, I am looking for a company/professional matchmaker. Looking for someone either in Canada or India. I work about 6 months a year and do travel on and off within those 6 months., hence the choice of 2 locations.
  24. Would you marry someone who has already had s3x with other people ? I wouldn't because I have never had sex before and will wait for marriage. It's also gurus hukkam to only have physical relations within marriage MODS don't delete this thread.
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