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all martial arts stem fromt hat

thas the oirginal and unspolied version


Err.. Jiu-Jitsu (or known as the "gentle art") is one of the oldest forms of martial arts and it originated in India like 2000 years before Christ. It was for when the monks who could not use any weapons to defend their lives agains the barbarians. Then it spread through China and then was modified in Japan where it became the first martial arts style. The samurai clans adopted Jiu-Jitsu as their traditional style to defeat an opponent regardless of what technique (striking, grappling, throwing) then they split this technique which developed into judo, akido, karate, et cetera.

Yes, i live in MIchigan (next to the big lakes on the map), but i don't think my parents will fly me to England any time soon to learn some l33t skillz.

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The old shastar vidiya from satyug times is different to the way shastarvidiya was implemented by the Guru and the Khalsa, the Khalsa shastarvidiya is different to how the muslims and the hindus used it too, thats what made them win so many battles, the Guru improved it!!

There are probably a handful of masters of real shastarvidya left in the world, Baba Ram Singh knew it but he passed away 2 years ago, Baba Santa Singh knows it but hes too old to teach it, and theres Niddar Singh who is currently teaching it.

N lets not turn this thread into "evolution" wacko.gif

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I got copies of Snake in the Eagles Shadow and Drunken Master (both starring Jackie Chan) and just followed how he learns. You should be able to master complex kung fu in 2 hours using this method.

Seriously try wrestling and boxing. Guru Hargobind Sahib promoted wrestling.

This shin kin and uk nang stuff is useless when it comes to defending yourself when attacked.  Boxing teaches you how to punch properly and wrestling teaches you all the ground moves you will ever need. Plus the training for these two arts keeps you very fit.


Martial arts isnt something which can be picked up over a video and mastered in 2 hours, set techniques are easy to follow and in your own home infront of a TV you may feel like a Grand Master, however when it comes to real fighting there are much more varialbles involved depending on how skilled your opponent is.

I would suggest that you dont comment on what Nihang Niddar Singh teaches unless you have come to the akhara and witnessed it yourself, what you see on the videos on the website is nothing compared to what the true art is. Its funny how you say boxing is good, and wrestling, when we have semi pro boxers and wrestlers, wing chun, okinowa karate, kickboxers, praying mantis, lau gar practitioners who are regular students at the akhara and they still cannot beat Niddar Singh. Surely if the art was useless they would have been able to see through it with all their years of training and still beat him, eh? :)

You say its useless, most attacks in the streets involve knives, baseball bats, bottles, sticks, in the akhara kids learn how to defend themselves against all these, which boxing or wrestling class teaches you real street self defence? If boxing teaches you how to punch properly, why do most boxers end up with knuckle and hand injuries? Ask any of the girls or guys who have defended themselves from attacks and potential rapes if they thought the self defence at the akhara was "useless"

Anyway thats a totally diff topic altogether


Actually Home Office statistics paint a different picture. Most attacks do not involve arms.

Boxing if learnt correctly is a great art just as you learn how to counter when someone tries to punch you, you can actually counter when someone tries to hit you with a bottle, good head and body movement should allow you to see to most attackers. As for wrestling Guru Hargobind Sahib recognised and promoted it, as it is a supreme art and the fitness/training in no other art comes close to it.

As for the nang you are talking about, was there not talk of him being beaten by a guy who had 2 years wrestling experience ? Also if he is so good why dont he join K1 and prove it ?

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Im not stating that wrestling shouldnt be done, your martial arts should combine aspects of distance striking, close combat, wrestling, grappling, counters, locks and weapons, wrestling alone will not make you a complete fighter.

The story of the wrestler is exactly that, a story, it never happened. K1, pride, and UFC are entertainment martial arts,that is not what shastarvidiya is for, and the fact that it is a weapons art automatically disqualifies it from those competitions. Why dont samurais, serat silat and kali eskrima practitioners enter K1? cos they are weapons based battlefield arts, not exhibition arts.

what bit of SHASTAR vidiya dont you understand?

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Im not stating that wrestling shouldnt be done, your martial arts should combine aspects of distance striking, close combat, wrestling, grappling, counters, locks and weapons, wrestling alone will not make you a complete fighter.

The story of the wrestler is exactly that, a story, it never happened.  K1, pride, and UFC are entertainment martial arts,that is not what shastarvidiya is for, and the fact that it is a weapons art automatically disqualifies it from those competitions.  Why dont samurais, serat silat and kali eskrima practitioners enter K1? cos they are weapons based battlefield arts, not exhibition arts.

what bit of SHASTAR vidiya dont you understand?


So you saying Nihang cannot fight without shastar. I am pretty much certain that Nihang I have seen in Punjab are taught hand to hand close quarter fighting without weapons. Is this not the case ? I know a few amateur wrestlers and I am 100% certain that Niddar would not stand a chance against them without arms.

On a side note. Have any UK nangs or nihangs ever ridden a horse ? I bet closest most have got is donkeys at the seaside. One key thing for Nihang is to be able to fight whilst riding. I bet the UK nihang/nangs could not tell difference between a Marwari, Arabian or Thoroughbred let alone ride one.

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