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Let me tell you this folks...


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We all know that there's huge politics war going on in california ! and probably many californian singhs must be thinking "well, why we care" etc .. But in reality does the current wacko recall war of california matter to us? IT sure does.. We now have a person who knows who are sikhs and he's totally support us..

Current Gov. Davis doesn't know much about Sikhs.. but Lt. Governer Mr. Bustamante Knows everything about sikh and he's always with sikh community since the start of his carrier.. He visited many gurdwaras after 9/11, stood and marched along with sikhs in parades and so many examples... Below are few of his pix..


Ajmer Talks over issues with Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante. Ajmer singh was gunned down in El Sobrante Gurdwara




In September 2001, Bustamante urged tolerance and understanding toward Sikh-Americans in Yuba City, following the terrorist attacks against America.


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According to LA Times :

Cruz Bustamante has : 30% support

Arnold Sch... (blah) : 25% support

Last night i was hearing the debates of Cruz with two other Independant candidate : Greek lady and green party dude Nader..

Arnold ignored to come to that debate panel.. Whole event was organized by minorities of LA area.. I heard the whole program and during the topic of Effects after 9/11, MR. Bustamante mentioned "SIKHS" few times and he even said that he visited our temples to tell us that he is all with minorities.. I think this guy rocks for sikh community !

Why Cruz for sikhs? visit tha below section :


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  • 3 weeks later...

Bustamante still leading with 5 % more vote from arnold.. (Acc. to trustable source)...

Arnold is in news spot, which means it might be a bad for Bustamante..

Lil arnold history:

Has several Million dollar mansions (range 15+ million).

Do $5,500 a day hair style , $4000 suit a day and couple of thousands for shoes.

He got 7 new GM Hummers and countless other SUVS (bad news for EPA guys). plus he has one person on the job of cleaning his vehicles (paying him a 100,000/yr)

He admit that he used to be a Women abuser (from 1975 - 2000).

Let hope californian are not that stupid to vote this spoiled rich brat...

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Guest balwinderkaur
in a way thats good...i wud stab myself in my head before hearing him speak Punjabi as a second language in THAT accent 

hahahah to that . he'll be doing an insult to our language if that was the case. *lol* well i do hope busta wins......i dont think arnie's worthy material for governor...was watching CNBC juz a while back and they dont like him much though..the newscaster was doing pretty much all he could to diss arnie.....and his wife (schneider /shriver /something i think?????) wasnt spared too. *lol*

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