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Babli doing drugs angers Sikhs!

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If the charachters in the film looked like this then we should be concerned. If not get on with your lives and stop worrying about bunty and babli.


we are not worried about buny and babli, but about the kids that watch this and think that its ok....

if u r not worried about it then good for you. live and let live right.. let the people that worry about it worry about it then... dont worry about the people that are worrying

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tell me one thing sony-

can u do something to ban the sale of liqour in panjab-the land of khalsa?

what can u do abt the fact that panjab has one of the highest figures of consumption of liqour in the world?this appeared in the tribune -punjab edition.

taking this fact into account u'll soon be saying that ppl of panjab are not khalsa's anymore.

laughable isn't it? LOL.gif

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If the charachters in the film looked like this then we should be concerned. If not get on with your lives and stop worrying about bunty and babli.


we are not worried about buny and babli, but about the kids that watch this and think that its ok....

if u r not worried about it then good for you. live and let live right.. let the people that worry about it worry about it then... dont worry about the people that are worrying


im worries abt uny and babli...with names like that i think the person who made/wrote the film deserves to be shot...anyhoo

as for u Moahack Chowdairy...i dont think its a good idea to come on this forum when ur drunk..sober up first please...ur just making a complete and utter fool of yourself...

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who says khalsa is just in punjab? Khalsa is all around the world.. and like u said, the Sikh faith isnt that strict.. u wanna drink.. by all means do. The khalsa is strong enough to have it sitting in front of them and not drink. the true Khalsa. they dont need to get it banned.

why do u make assumptions like that? why would i say they are not khalsa? i know a lot of people in punjab that are khalsa. Please dont pass judgement on people or on what u think they will say. Thank you

bhul chuk maaf


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why r the ppl here so concerned abt babli?

she has a sirname singh and tht proves tht she is not shown as a sikh girl.

when sikh girls were shown in bad light wht were u doing abt it then?

films in which sikhs were shown in bad light:-

1.hollywood bollywood(lisa ray daughter of a sikh shown as a prostitute)

2.dhai akshar prem de(aishwarya raye praying to statues)

3.earth 1947(showing sikhs as the aggressors in 1947)

4.gadar(sunny deol being reffered to as a jat and a hindu and showing him clean shaven and to top it all showing him willing to convert to islam)

5.kabhi khushi kabhi gam(showing sikh man kissin sharukh as if he's a homosexual)

6.kujh kujh hota hai(showing a sikh child counting stars at 12o clock)

7.shaadi de laddo(the hero asks the sikh taxi driver the time in which the driver replies 12o clock and the hero starts making funny faces)

8mission kashmir(showing a sikh army officer pissing in his pants while having to cross a physical obstacle and a hindu then sorting him out)

8.out of control(amrish puri as the mad sikh old man,heroine praying to hindu idols)

these are just a few examples.there are hundresds of other hindi films in which the sikhs are thoroughly shown as a bunch of jokers.wht did u do abt it then???

pray.gif satnam waheguru

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well some ppl on this site are like crabs,lazing in their shell,oblivious to the happenings outside,in their own dreamy world.

wake up ppl

no use arguing over here so now i wld not post anything over this topic.

time will only tell who will really stands up for the panth and who will keep on slogging on the net.


may waheguru give us all the wisdom to rise above personal clashes and stand up for the panth.

sat sri akal

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why r the ppl here so concerned abt babli?

she has a sirname singh and tht proves tht she is not shown as a sikh girl.

when sikh girls were shown in bad light wht were u doing abt it then?

films in which sikhs were shown in bad light:-

1.hollywood bollywood(lisa ray daughter of a sikh shown as a prostitute)

2.dhai akshar prem de(aishwarya raye praying to statues)

3.earth 1947(showing sikhs as the aggressors in 1947)

4.gadar(sunny deol being reffered to as a jat and a hindu and showing him clean shaven and to top it all showing him willing to convert to islam)

5.kabhi khushi kabhi gam(showing sikh man kissin sharukh as if he's a homosexual)

6.kujh kujh hota hai(showing a sikh child counting stars at 12o clock)

7.shaadi de laddo(the hero asks the sikh taxi driver the time in which the driver replies 12o clock and the hero starts making funny faces)

8mission kashmir(showing a sikh army officer pissing in his pants while having to cross a physical obstacle and a hindu then sorting him out)

8.out of control(amrish puri as the mad sikh old man,heroine praying to hindu idols)

these are just a few examples.there are hundresds of other hindi films in which the sikhs are thoroughly shown as a bunch of jokers.wht did u do abt it then???

pray.gif satnam waheguru


Waheguru ji

well.... do u know how i am? how can u sit there and ask me where i was when this stuff was happening? how do u know that i did not argue then? please again i ask u not to pass judgement. Thank You.

To add on to that. Just because no one spoke up against injustice then does that mean that we should not speak up now? When Guru Nanak Dev Ji came into this world he came for a purpose.. there was so much going on and he came to stop it, lol he didnt say, well guys, this has been going on for a while, no one stood up before, so maybe i'll just leave it.... thats not how things work....we need to follow his example.

Next, u've just proved that there are many movies in which Sikhs are shown down, looking at ur list I feel that there is an even greater need to fix what is happening in Bollywood and we've left it for too long.

Would u be able to provide me with a list of movies that has ever shown the Khalsa in its true light?

bhul chuk maaf

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well some ppl on this site are like crabs,lazing in their shell,oblivious to the happenings outside,in their own dreamy world.

wake up ppl

no use arguing over here so now i wld not post anything over this topic.

time will only tell who will really stands up for the panth and who will keep on slogging on the net.


may waheguru give us all the wisdom to rise above personal clashes and stand up for the panth.

sat sri akal


Who are you to come to this site and post all this stuff about people. I was not gonna say anything about this, but ur new to this site. u do not know the people here. The way u replied to Gurpreet Singh and Daasn Daas and I believe it was you who replied to Khalsa aswell... is just plain rude.

If you come here to put ur ideas down, ur more then welcome to but in a civilized way. u were fine when u were arguing with them but why leave now? cus no one is arguing rudely at ur level?

I ask u to stay and share ur views... tell us why u think we are wrong here.. but in a civilized way. U do not know these people that u have spoken to so rudely and when i read ur posts, i have to tell u that they got me very angry... this is not a live session... people judge u by what u post.. and from the way u started... what did u expect their view of u would be? why do u think they are picking on u? if u are civilized people will speak with u like that... if u come here and speak so rudely to others that is not acceptable.

bhul chuk maaf

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well sony there has to be some difference in protesting against genuine offence and just making a hue and cry abt everything.

we sikhs do have this habit of making issues out of non-issues.

u have said tht i don't know ppl over here,do the ppl over here know who iam?what right do they have to make comments on me as dassan did?i never take any insult,this has proved sometimes costly too but iam like tht only.

ne ways i don't wanna prolong this fight over here so my apologies to those whom i have been rude to.

hey sony there's one film in which the sikhs were shown in a good light,tht was the burning train.

remember the scene in which the khalsa gave his turban to the school teacher to tie the children inspite of the objection from his wife.tht was a true khalsa being shown.

fateh khalsa dee hove

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I'm sure I and many others here have made the point clear about alcohol and other intoxicants being expressley forbidden in Sikhi. There does not seem to be any point going over this again since it is not really up for a discussion. If you consider youself a Sikh then know that intoxicants are forbidden and you are breaking a major rule laid down by your Guru.

I also then have to wonder how your reactions would differ if the consumption of alcohol wasn't so widespread and accepted and it was classed as an illegal intoxicant?

Does abstaining from anything intoxicating and addictive make you a better person...i'd have to say a resounding YES. And I have SGGS to back me up on this too!

Although you have some valid arguments, you still seem to be confusing panjabi culture with a Gursikh jeevan. Though the two have become inexorably intertwined due to the Panjab being the birth land of Sikhi. The two do not necessarily go together and being one does not automatically make you the other.

You can be Panjabi without being a Sikh and easily vice versa. The issue here is that the values of both conflict. Thus once a person starts placing their cultural "Panjabi" interests above that of living a Sikhi way of life you enter this black hole where people break the rules but then still declare themselves to be Sikhs.

There have been various threads before discussing this issue, I encourage you to go take a look.

Then..you're "tounge in cheek" statement of some of the people of Punjab not being Khalsa anymore is unfortunatly much closer to the truth than many care to admit.

No, we cannot ban to consumption of alcohol in the Panjab, but can we do something about it's consumption? YES. The answer...education.

Rather than fostering the current state of affairs, or just as bad, ignoring it, what must be done is to educate them into what it means to be and live as a Sikh, because many seem to have forgotten.

Just because we have bad leadership and guidance, doesn't mean this is an acceptable state of affairs...

Your definition of Rigidity, seems to just encompass your own want's and needs. You drink alcohol so say the rule for no intoxicants is too ridgid. Another may not drink but cut his hair and say the requirement to keep our Kesh is too ridgid. It's only when we let go of our wants, needs, pleasures and place our lives in the hands of the Guru that we can truly understand what it means to flexible and accepting of everyone and everything around us. It's not the easiest thing to achieve or even aspire to, but the best things never are...

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