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Over 100 Sikhs Protest-respect For Guruji


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Respect for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Campaign

Press Release

Over 100 Sikhs protest at the Lakeside Country Club, Camberely, Surrey.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

With Guru Ji's kirpa members of the Campaign resolved 2 separate issues this weekend where Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji was to be taken banqueting halls in Wembley and Docklands to perform 'Sikh' wedding ceremonies. We would like to thank the families who fully co-operated with the Campaign and re-arranged the weddings at local Gurdwara Sahibs.

There remained 1 unresolved issue where Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji was to be taken to the LAKESIDE COUNTRY CLUB in Camberley, Surrey to perform a 'Sikh' wedding ceremony on Sunday (31 July 2005). Regardless of the discussions and meetings that the local Sangat had with the family, who live in Southall, they were still willing to go against the Akaal Takht Hukumnama. This was despite being able to have the wedding ceremony re-arranged at a local Southall Gurdwara at short notice.

On 31 July 2005 over 100 Sikhs from around the UK gathered together to peacefully protest at the Lakeside Country Club and prevent the Saroop of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji from being taken into the complex where meat, alcohol and cigarettes are served. A Saroop of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji was brought from Guru Granth Gurdwara - Mangat Hall, Southall by Tarlochan Singh Grewal. This individual, who is in a responsible position of running the Gurdwara, transported the Saroop of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in a suitcase placed on the front seat of his van. Due to the large presence of Sikhs, Tarlochan Singh Grewal fled the scene and was unable to take Guru Ji's saroop into the premises. The large presence of Sangat hindered any attempt to bring Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji onto the premises. The family eventually re-arranged the Sikh wedding ceremony to a Gurdwara Sahib in Southampton.

The Sangat then moved on to Guru Granth Gurdwara-Mangat Hall to confront Tarlochan Singh Grewal. Five chosen Sikhs tried to peacefully discuss the issue with Tarlochan Singh Grewal, who has persistently gone against the Akaal Takht Hukumnama and taken Guru Ji's Saroop to bars, clubs, pubs, hotels etc on numerous occasions. However, he was insistent that he had not done anything wrong by denying the act and stating that he does not follow any Akaal Takht Hukumnama. A further confrontational statement was made by Tarlochan Singh Grewal's son-in-law who said that they do not acknowledge any Hukumnama or Sangat request about being responsible for taking Sir Guru Granth Sahib Ji's saroop to places where meat, alcohol and cigarettes are served. He further stated that they would continue to take Guru Ji's saroop to these kinds of venues and no one would be able to stop them. Guru ji's Saroop was then taken by the Sikhs from Guru Granth Gurdwara-Mangat Hall to a Sachkhand of another Gurdwara Sahib.

It is with great shame to know that Gurdwaras have better links with Banqueting Halls and Hotels than it has with its own Sangat. People like Tarlochan Singh Grewal are not ignorant to the disrespect they cause to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. They have sold their conscious and make a living out of deceit, lying to families and taking Guru Ji wherever anyone wants. Their charges range from £500 upwards depending of level of service. When did Guru Ji and Sikh Maryada become a commodity for sale or a service to be provided to suit us?

On these grounds, we thus implore the Sikh community in general, whether they are involved in the offending marriage ceremonies or not, to take a step backwards and reconsider where Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji stands in their life. Is the respect we display to Guru Sahib hollow and ritualistic, or does Guru Sahib really stand at the centre of our lives? Are we truly Sikhs of the Guru? By showing the appropriate respect to Guru Sahib and giving as much love and respect as possible, there can be no doubt that Guru Ji himself will bless us in our every day living and make our life more worthwhile.


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I would like to thank all those brothers and sisters who helped prevent this beadbi.

This Tarlochan Su Grewal needs to be dealt with by the Akal Takht but going by the record of those working in the Akal Takht offices this is not going to happen. Jathedar Vedanti should be approached and asked to summon Grewal with emphasis placed on the past cases of such beadbi which are lying unanswered in the Akal Takht offices, if Vedanti does not have the backbone to do anything then he can resign for failing to implement Akal Takht Hukumnama and being a party to such beadbi by failing to take any action.

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This tarlochan and his family should all be stopped. the son-in-law actaully called Guru Maharaj a 'book'.

This man is in charge of a Gurdwara. How can this be?

His exact words were "you have taken your book now ..........." I dont think i am allowed to include swear words, even if i am quoting someone.



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vgjkk vgjkfateh

Everybody needs to attend...its not about saying im going to come and not bothering to! make arrangements this is our GURU JI! were talking about.

Also a lot of the older generation need to come to as the youth need to be supported...because a lot of ppl think the youth are bad and are always fighting etc!


so everybody come together...and SAVE GURU JI FROM BEADBI


vgjkk vgjkfateh

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man this is reali bad... i wish i was there and give dat fella a slap on his face for disrespecting our guru maharaj.. how dare em for bringing guru maharaj in a suitcase... this people does not deserve to be in any gurd committee and they shud be not dealt in peaceful manner anymore.. a few singhs shud just teach this people a lesson of their lifetime.. at least no1 else will have the guts to do dis kinda beadbhi...

what has the world turn into.. :)

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