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Kacheh Raag


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vjkk vjkf,

Something thats been on my mind for a while.

Why are some if not most shabads not sung in the raag they are written in?

Is all or most of akhand style kirtan in tunes/kacheh raag?

Why are some shabads sang in kacheh raag at darbar sahib?

If the shabad is written the raag it was orginally wrote then by the Gurus, then by not singing it in that raag, do we not acheive the maximum benefit from it?

Extract from akhand kirtani jatha-

19. Why do you do Kirtan in the way that you do?

Kirtan during AKJ programs is traditionally done with very simple tunes, as opposed to being done with the complex Raags. The Sangat finds that Kirtan done in such a style is very spiritually uplifting. The emphasis in AKJ programmes is most definately placed with the Gurbani that is being sung, rather than the sound of the music.

Are all raags complex?

'The Sangat finds that Kirtan done in such a style is very spiritually uplifting.'

But cant raag do that? :) @

' The emphasis in AKJ programmes is most definately placed with the Gurbani that is being sung, rather than the sound of the music. '

Ive head loads of funky tunes with akhand style kirtan/simran!

p.s please dont think im opposing any jatha or downgrading or anything like that. its something thats been playing up in my mind.

sorry if this has been discussed before, I couldnt find any topics relating to this!

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to master raag it takes many years.

ravi shankar stayed in an ashram for 20 years before he went onto be a professional sitarist.

but that has nothing to do with the topic.

i have come across some singhs whose parents mastered raag, taking them years...6-7 years.

as parchaar began to lack during the british period, singhs became very desperate to do parchaar, hence raag fell because it took too long, and many singhs wanted to go out there to do parchaar, hence the raag format gave way and singhs tried to do keertan (another form of parchaar), as they became so desperate they had to make their own tunes up. hence items such as vajaa all of a sudden became a must have, unlike the taus the vajaa did not need tuning.

many of the singhs seeing this thought it was ok to do this kind of stuff, as a result went on to become very famous keertaniye, but without learning how to master raag.

even in darbar sahib, some people got to a stage where they would say "satnaam sri waheguru" and sing a shabad in a funky tune.

thats until Jathedar Vedanti made it compulsory for every jatha to sing in raag in at least one shabad (back in 2003).

even the raag keertan we hear at darbar sahib is not pure raag, its a very watered down format which the indian government has something to do with.

its also worth mentioning that during this time, alot of what the Gurus had made (such as schools) were converted to christian missionary buildings which still stand today (cant remember the name, but theres one on amritsar i know that).

the british also stopped the supply of materials to make instruments such as Taus, hence from the praatan group of over 30+ doing keertan together, this was eventually reduced to 3 people in a jatha.

hence parchaar had to be done fast...and in doing so raag had to be sidelined as during the british raaj, alot of the singhs were subjected to conversion to christianity, hinduism and other cults.

but now there are gurmat sangeet acadmies that teach students raag.

bhul chukke muaff

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Keertan should be done in Raag...Guroo Saahib recited Baanee in Raag for a reason...we should all take up the effort in learning Raag and not leave the vidiya Guroo Saahib bestowed us with behind and take to "hindi" tunes which are becoming more and more apparent, in many progs. by various jathay...




whos heard the remix to "ho vaari ho vaarnai kurbaan tere naavno" rolleyes.gif


i agree we all gota try and do raag kirtan

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