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Kalki Avatar Is Here....

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You've lost me dude!

I'm not anti-Hindu i'm just not sure that anyone who claims to be a sant/sadh/avtar is true. We live in the age of Kaljug and we have to be careful of any imposters.

I don't know who he is, and i won't insult him!

You made a good point. I didnt believe that this guy was an avtar. But I cant stand when people dont read up on things, before making their minds.

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I get so sick and tried about a worn out debates about Khalistan. When ever something is "Anti-Sikh" some people say "Khalistan Zinda bhat".
Yeh same here.. time to make new ones :TH: lol :@
Just because im not pro-khalstani doesnt make me against the Akal Tat either. The Akal Tat is not Sant Jarnails, its Guru Ji's.

Corection sis: Akaal Takhat

No-one said Akaal Takhat belonged to Sant Ji.. not even he himself said that. End of day, he knew that the army was going to attack and so he went there to protect Guru Ji's Takhat.

Was Guru Ji ever against Hindu's or Muslims?

Nope, neither was Sant Ji. He said in one of the interviews "If you a hindu be a true Hindu, if a Muslim be a true Muslim. The new trend of "khalstanis" (note the quotation marks) starting to bring up hatred for Hindus. Do they forget about Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji's sacrifice?! Khalsa will forever be against INJUSTICE.. but NEVER a whole nation/religion.

Punjab was so peachful in the time of Maharaja Ranji Singh, Sikhs, Hindu's and Muslman got alone nicely, where has it gone?
:) lol @ peachful bless u ji..

It went all wrong after 1947 partition.. GOI is responsible.

I hate what happend in Sri Harminder Sahib all that bloodsheed in the sight of Guru ji. Guru Granth Sahib even taken the shoots too. But if Sant Jarnails Ji put Guru Granth Sahib Ji in such a High status why he didnt take Guru Granth Sahib in a safe place? He even knew they were coming.
So you saying they didnt give high status to Guru Sahib Ji? I dont understand.. If I was carying a shield and I got hit by a sword, should I drop the sheild and say its useless? wacko.gif

See, the thing is No-one expected anyone to fire towards Guru Granth Sahib Ji's saroop! No-one could even dream of it..

Anyways hope I answered your questions penji.. :@ and No im not the usual "hardcore-Khalstani-militant" type of person

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Corection sis: Akaal Takhat No-one said Akaal Takhat belonged to Sant Ji.. not even he himself said that. End of day, he knew that the army was going to attack and so he went there to protect Guru Ji's Takhat.

Thanks for correcting me.

So you saying they didnt give high status to Guru Sahib Ji? I dont understand.. If I was carying a shield and I got hit by a sword, should I drop the sheild and say its useless? wacko.gif

Nah because there were a lot of other cults.

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Guest PunjabSingh


You or people like you can say anything wrong about Sant Bhindrawale but that will get you nowhere because he has already been declared the greatest shaheed of this century by all sikhs.

Moreover he was the 14th head of Damdami Taksal started by Guru Gobind Singh jee and whose first head was Shaheed Baba Deep Singh jee.

And who says the Kharkoo's were anti Hindu ?

The first massacre of Hindus after taking them out of a bus was done by secret service of Indra Gandhi.

Among the shaheeds of Indo Sikh battle in June 1984 were Baba Mohar Singh and his family who became Khalsa from Hindu.Baba Mohar Singh jee was very close to Sant jee.

The story of 2 small amritdhari children and how they wrapped explosives around themselves and jumped on to army tank in the parkarma of Harmandar Sahib is well known.

Another one was Ashok kumar who died in the Indo Sikh battle at Harmandar Sahib.

Later on his nephews "Bhai Bakshish Singh Kalyug" and "Bhai Paramjit Singh Pamma" gave their lifes for the sikh struggle.

There were other Hindus also who became Singhs of Baba Bhindrawale and tried to loot and threaten a Hindu shopkeeper in Amritsar and demanded Rs 3 lakhs from him at gunpoint in the name of Sant jee.

That shopkeeper reported this to sant jee and sant jee punished them in front of other singhs and they later told that they were GOI agents who had been sent to infiltrate Sant jees jatha.

The Khalistan movement was very good. Dowry system,mass weddings,eve teasing,social evils and crimes including crimes against women stopped and every one had great respect for the kharkoo singhs.

Later when the cats and dogs of GOI infiltrated the kharkoo ranks ,they indulged in all sorts of heinous crimes including crimes against women which continued even during the time of badal.

These police cats used to go into peoples houses dressed as kharkoos and demand food,the next day these very same police cats used to come raid along with the police and accuse the house people of giving food to kharkoos.

This gave a bad name to the Khalistan movement and this infiltration by police cats resulted in large scale killings of khalistani leaders.

Taking advantage of this police and army started killing amritdharis in each and every village in fake encounters whether they were connected to the movement or not .

Some fascist hindu leaders may have been killed by the kharkoos but at that time we forget how thousands innocent sikhs were massacared after Indra's death.

Any way there are still a number of patit sikhs in puniab who dont care a damn for any number of amritdhari sikhs,they just want their 'kursis'

I dont like to go into lengthy arguments on some point with a single ignorant kid who was perhaps born after Sant jees shahidi and perhaps relies only on reports on the net but I hope I have cleared some doubts of the sangat .

das nimana

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You or people like you can say anything wrong about Sant Bhindrawale but that will get you nowhere because he has already been declared the greatest shaheed of this century by all sikhs.

Moreover he was the 14th head of Damdami Taksal started by Guru Gobind Singh jee and whose first head was Shaheed Baba Deep Singh jee.

And who says the Kharkoo's were anti Hindu ?

The first massacre of Hindus after taking them out of a bus was done by secret service of Indra Gandhi.

Among the shaheeds of Indo Sikh battle in June 1984 were Baba Mohar Singh and his family who became Khalsa from Hindu.Baba Mohar Singh jee was very close to Sant jee.

The story of 2 small amritdhari children and how they wrapped explosives around themselves and jumped on to army tank in the parkarma of Harmandar Sahib is well known.

Another one was Ashok kumar who died in the Indo Sikh battle at Harmandar Sahib.

Later on his nephews "Bhai Bakshish Singh Kalyug" and "Bhai Paramjit Singh Pamma" gave their lifes for the sikh struggle.

There were other Hindus also who became Singhs of Baba Bhindrawale and tried to loot and threaten a Hindu shopkeeper in Amritsar and demanded Rs 3 lakhs from him at gunpoint in the name of Sant jee.

That shopkeeper reported this to sant jee and sant jee punished them in front of other singhs and they later told that they were GOI agents who had been sent to infiltrate Sant jees jatha.

The Khalistan movement was very good. Dowry system,mass weddings,eve teasing,social evils and crimes including crimes against women stopped and every one had great respect for the kharkoo singhs.

Later when the cats and dogs of GOI infiltrated the kharkoo ranks ,they indulged in all sorts of heinous crimes including crimes against women which continued even during the time of badal.

These police cats used to go into peoples houses dressed as kharkoos and demand food,the next day these very same police cats used to come raid along with the police and accuse the house people of giving food to kharkoos.

This gave a bad name to the Khalistan movement and this infiltration by police cats resulted in large scale killings of khalistani leaders.

Taking advantage of this police and army started killing amritdharis in each and every village in fake encounters whether they were connected to the movement or not .

Some fascist hindu leaders may have been killed by the kharkoos but at that time we forget how thousands innocent sikhs were massacared after Indra's death.

Any way there are still a number of patit sikhs in puniab who dont care a damn for any number of amritdhari sikhs,they just want their 'kursis'

I dont like to go into lengthy arguments on some point with a single ignorant kid who was perhaps born after Sant jees shahidi and perhaps relies only on reports on the net but I hope I have cleared some doubts of the sangat .

das nimana

Then why isnt this common knowledge? This should be told then.

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