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Is My Mate Right Or Wrong?


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Your friend has disgraced her parents!. running off with a muslim boy. she ran off with him because she is a lustful girl that craves for sex from her muslim boyfriend.

no.gif i'm sure that wasnt the reason......dont jump to conclusions.

exceptance and coming back to family

if she wud come back to her family.... why shud they except her back? girls like that use their family and sponge off them. she wud only come back if her money ran out or cuz there was no roti on the table. does a girl like this deserve exceptance? i think every1 should be forgiven but we must also be aware of "sponging" when we forgive.

no, forgiveness does not have a condition. if guruji started doing what you suggesting then all i gotta say is good luck with our sikhi.

sikhi being abused

ive seen countless so called "sikh" girls that are weak in belied and they run off with muslim or non-sikh boys.... they also convert sometimes into islam (hinduism isnt a missionary religion). then they get pregnant and their "man" leaves them. they the girls come crawling back to their family...

this is becase they want to use their family. then they apparently convert back to sikhi lmaooo

this is a joke. they abuse sikhi like its a toy. they count themselves as sikh only wen it suits them.

they are quick to abandon sikhi wen it suits them, but are even quicker to claim it back when they are in peril and desperation.

who doesnt make mistakes........also, you are not a sikh when you say that 'they only sikh when it suits them'


we must raise our daughters (and sons for that matter) in the right way. teach them the principles of sikhi from a young age and drown them in the scriptures when they are young. this makes their beliefs strong.

if the foundations are strong then the building will stand strong in the wind.


i didnt know

she came back with a child on the doorstep claiming "he was paid to hav a child with me". well how many times have sikh girls been told of the "dirty campaign" launched by some fanatic muslims. how many times have we told them that they are paid thousands of £ for each sikh girl they deliver? i wonder sometimes, does it fall on deaf ears? she played the "dumb" card.

ok but she came back and she was excepted back.....but she was so quick to leave them , why crawl back?

the asnwer is cuz she cudnt support herself and the child so she came back for money and a house and food.

again, you are not in the persons shoes so dont jump to conclusions. god forbid if something like this happen in your life then you will realize what i mean.

i think some1 should make a topic on the muslim boys that are hell bent on converting sikh girls.

but u can tell your mate from me.....YOUR A DAMN DISGRACE!!!! and u have no real love for your family.

no.gif again, we all make mistakes.

kvxu su AKru kvxu guxu kvxu su mxIAw mMqu ]

kavan s akhar kavan gun kavan s maneeaa ma(n)th ||

What is that word, what is that virtue, and what is that magic mantra?

kvxu su vyso hau krI ijqu vis AwvY kMqu ]126]

kavan s vaeso ho karee jith vas aavai ka(n)th ||126||

What are those clothes, which I can wear to captivate my Husband Lord? ||126||

invxu su AKru Kvxu guxu ijhbw mxIAw mMqu ]

nivan s akhar khavan gun jihabaa maneeaa ma(n)th ||

Humility is the word, forgiveness is the virtue, and sweet speech is the magic mantra.

ey qRY BYxy vys kir qW vis AwvI kMqu ]127]

eae thrai bhainae vaes kar thaa(n) vas aavee ka(n)th ||127||

Wear these three robes, O sister, and you will captivate your Husband Lord. ||127||

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I just hope she is the very last case like this ever again and Sikh girls learn to not be so wreckless. pray.gif
:wub: howcome no one is concerned when sikh guys marry outside of sikhi :wub: it happens more than you think
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I just hope she is the very last case like this ever again and Sikh girls learn to not be so wreckless. pray.gif
:D howcome no one is concerned when sikh guys marry outside of sikhi :wub: it happens more than you think

Women have the ability to be more balanced {because they bear children} :TH:

Men are mostly retarded and would trip over there own tongue looking at women. :wub: Most men are idiots. wacko.gif

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Women have the ability to be more balanced {because they bear children} :TH:

Men are mostly retarded and would trip over there own tongue looking at women. :wub: Most men are idiots. wacko.gif

couldn't agree with you more :TH: n i'm in that boat :wub: blush.gif
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i agree with it but sounding hardcore is not a good thing u know.

ok your talking about her getting married to a muslim, what when it happens when a sikh gets married n do this. things are much deeper to understrand. what when a sikh boy leaves a sikh gal just to get a stamp on there passport? how would you treat that

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waherguru Ji Ki Fateh,

I wanted to ask others that have better knowledge about sikhi than I do about apneh that convert.

The thing is my mates sister left home around 5-6 years ago cause she was supposedly 'in love'

with this muslim guy.My friend and his family tried reali hard to keep her away from him but one

morning when they woke up she was gone.

Well anyway, may mate always said that he was a onli child and lived his life with just him and his mom

his dad became shaheed in 84. So like he's the onli person in his household that takes responsibilty.

Well anyway, his sister turned up on ther doorstep a couple of months ago with a child. And she said that she wanted to come home because she found out that the muslim guy got paid to corvert and have a child.

He wanted to kick her out of the house and not allow her back in cause of all the pain that she put ther mom through. But me and one of my other mate convinced him to let her stay, cause no matter wat at the end of the day she's still his sister and she should look after her.

Well they all living very happily at the moment, with guru ji's kirpa.

But what reali confuses me is that he wont let her come back to sikhi, hes telling her to stay muslim. He says that if she can turn her back sikhi once then she can to it again. But my argument with him is that she wasnt in the correct frame of mind at the time and that she was brain wahsed.

So my question is, if something like this happens to one of our brothers or sisters is it wrong to accept them back into sikhi?

Bhul chuk maaf karna

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

well if shes realised her mistake then theres no problem coming back to sikhi, but as long as they realise converting into different religions is not a game

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