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Bibia And Singhs-relationships

Tarrandeep Kaur

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This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Raamkalee on Pannaa 888

rwmklI mhlw 5 ]

raamakalee mehalaa 5 ||

Raamkalee, Fifth Mehla:

dosu n dIjY kwhU log ]

dhos n dheejai kaahoo log ||

Don't blame others, O people;

jo kmwvnu soeI Bog ]

jo kamaavan soee bhog ||

as you plant, so shall you harvest.

Awpn krm Awpy hI bMD ]

aapan karam aapae hee ba(n)dhh ||

By your actions, you have bound yourself.

Awvnu jwvnu mwieAw DMD ]1]

aavan jaavan maaeiaa dhha(n)dhh ||1||

You come and go, entangled in Maya. ||1||

AYsI jwnI sMq jnI ]

aisee jaanee sa(n)th janee ||

Such is the understanding of the Saintly people.

prgwsu BieAw pUry gur bcnI ]1] rhwau ]

paragaas bhaeiaa poorae gur bachanee ||1|| rehaao ||

You shall be enlightened, through the Word of the Perfect Guru. ||1||Pause||

qnu Dnu klqu imiQAw ibsQwr ]

than dhhan kalath mithhiaa bisathhaar ||

Body, wealth, spouse and ostentatious displays are false.

hYvr gYvr cwlnhwr ]

haivar gaivar chaalanehaar ||

Horses and elephants will pass away.

rwj rMg rUp siB kUr ]

raaj ra(n)g roop sabh koor ||

Power, pleasures and beauty are all false.

nwm ibnw hoie jwsI DUr ]2]

naam binaa hoe jaasee dhhoor ||2||

Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, everything is reduced to dust. ||2||

Brim BUly bwid AhMkwrI ]

bharam bhoolae baadh aha(n)kaaree ||

The egotistical people are deluded by useless doubt.

sMig nwhI ry sgl pswrI ]

sa(n)g naahee rae sagal pasaaree ||

Of all this expanse, nothing shall go along with you.

sog hrK mih dyh ibrDwnI ]

sog harakh mehi dhaeh biradhhaanee ||

Through pleasure and pain, the body is growing old.

swkq iev hI krq ibhwnI ]3]

saakath eiv hee karath bihaanee ||3||

Doing these things, the faithless cynics are passing their lives. ||3||

hir kw nwmu AMimRqu kil mwih ]

har kaa naam a(n)mrith kal maahi ||

The Name of the Lord is Ambrosial Nectar in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga.

eyhu inDwnw swDU pwih ]

eaehu nidhhaanaa saadhhoo paahi ||

This treasure is obtained from the Holy.

nwnk guru goivdu ijsu qUTw ]

naanak gur govidh jis thoot(h)aa ||

O Nanak, whoever pleases the Guru,

Git Git rmeIAw iqn hI fITw ]4]8]19]

ghatt ghatt rameeaa thin hee ddeet(h)aa ||4||8||19||

the Lord of the Universe, beholds the Lord in each and every heart. ||4||8||19||

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pray.gif waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh pyaari sad sangat ji its real gud2 see that the youth of 2day is in sikhi waheguru d_oh.gif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bt i think that it should be big deal coz as along as whn we talk2 each other & hve the same feeling as 1would hve4 her/his sister&brother then yes we cn talk2 each other sad sangat ji thats why look at our sikh bibiyiah lke Shaheed bibi dalear kaur in the 17 century she was married2 bhai bahadur singh ji bt whn a singh used2 talk2 her she used2 hve love4 him lke a sister as4 her brother and the same with bhai bahadur singh ji. :TH: that wt guru ji as said par naria ki nehria na jana d_oh.gif the man or woman u r married2 stay theirs bt treat every woman as u would treat ur sister, mother or daugther!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! d_oh.gif waheguruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

ahkare bul chuk maaf karna sad sangat ji

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

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can you people not read????

where did anyone say tht we shudnt talk to opposite gneder bcos it will giv is kaam??!?!?!?!?!


"talkin to opposite sex arouses kaam"


stop making up rubbish

what was said tht talking to opposite gender freely has the potential to build up a relationship between those two people and this is dangerous as it could lead to further feelings.

is this SO HARD for you to understand??????


from BABA amarjeet singh

i think the guy who started the thread is right and has a good point. alot of people start of with just talking, then it goes one step further n then theyr friends n then the next step is when they planning on getting married lolllllll

sometimes it starts of when groups of friend go to each others houses , which has been very common.

i think we should keep our distance and keep alet our minds, because from what i have seen most of the youth have alot of weakness inside and give in to the mind. its partly our human nature but the more you talk to a bibi the more chance someone will get dragged into something, or vice versa.

however this isnt the case for everyone!! and sometimes we need to educate people who come to us for help, so we cant ignore everyone, if its a bibi then help them but tell refer em to another sister , we dont need to stop talking to each other or ignore each other , lets just respect everyone and not argue.............

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