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Sikhs Fed To Dogs 1984


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Who cares what the thread is titled as, the point is Sikhs were massacred in Delhi and dogs were feeding on the corpses, for the sake of argument I could say why didnt anyone move the body hence it was deliberately left there for the dog to feed on, but lets not go that way.

Supporter of humanity and Hindustan supporter should not be used in the same sentence.

I didnt say that no-one in Punjab knows, your twisting what I said to support you weak argument.

As for if your included in the "our people will never forget what happened in 84", only you know the answer to that, can you forget what happened in 84 and forgive those responsible?

who cares what the thread is titled as ?? the title openly sends wrong information. the point that sikhs were massacred is a bold truth and doesn't ask for stupid titles like this topic..does it ?

supporters of humanity and supporters of hindustan can be used together. whats the problem with that?? humans reside in hindustan.

i never said that you said no-one in punjab knows, did you just twist what i stated ??

you were the one who thought i may be a supporter of hindustan and thats the reason i asked you to decide if i might be "our people" or no.

I don't want to get too involved here as I admittedly don't understand the arguments. To the extent I understand, I appreciate the varied opinions and especially appreciate the cooperative tone of Narinder Singh :TH:

Nonetheless, a brief observation:

When a group of men, women and children are selectively targeted by mobs to be brutally raped, burned alive, and massacred in the streets, it is absurd to think that the depravity of the actions could be overstated as propoganda!!

Emotion and the metaphors, literal or otherwise are required of a sane mind!! It can only be an UNDERSTATEMENT, not propoganda to use a title such as "sikhs were fed to dogs"!!

Perhaps you have a valid contributions or bone to pick on some issues, and it sounds like your buttons were pushed. But this is not the way to do it. Those Sikhs were fed to the dogs 1000x over and worse!!

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Guest PunjabSingh
fact is so called sikhs in panjab aint doin jack crap 4 da faith sikhi is more outside in da western world thn it is there evry1 jus as leep there like house 'negros',then u get cats like mr seek sikh or whatver hes called dissing and arguing agianst promotion and propoganda of what happned yes im doing propoganda 2 wake up people 2 shw the youth the truth ,cats like u were seen in central london dis yr wen singhs bruned da indian flag - 1 cat goes why dnt u go burn it in delhi then c what happens - are singhs stupid 2 do tht they knw theyll get shot why get shot 4 burning a flag 4 wen u can get shot tryna kill KPGILL,the same prinicapl applies here cats like sleek sikh chat crap they aint gna do nufin and aint gna let no1 do nufin either ,he denies the fact its a sikh being eaten by a dog,if u got nufink 2 say dnt join da discussion if u dnt believe its relevant why u here 4 ?

Now i am a CAT :lol: .. i dont know where are you getting your facts from, how do you know nothing is happening in Punjab for sikhi ??

rest of what you have written is nothing but a joke to me :@ i wont go down to that level .

I say the same from my exprience with some sikhs in Canada, i have met sikhs in canada who dont know what happened in 1984. Sikhs dedicated to the cause are everywhere, in punjab and in the west. So saying more people in the west are aware is not completely correct.

Yes, certainly i do believe there are problems regarding the sate of SIKHI in punjab and in the west.

Well Canada as your given example doesnt have 20million Sikhs does it?

If number of sikhs was the only problem. You have to accept the fact that the problem is everywhere then just raising eyebrows at punjab. i am not denying that Punjab is in a bad shape.

I dont know why people get mad when something is said about Sikhi in Punjab.Im in Punjab and I know Sikhi is in very bad shape here .We must accept this fact .If we accept this only then can we find some remedy .

I would blame the so called sikh or panthic leaders like prakash badal(By the I personally dont consider badal a panthic leader though Im somewhat related to him) and the media directly responsible for the sorry state of Sikhi in Punjab.

Let me take a small example of today's rallly by Shiromani Akali Dal(Amritsar) rally being held at Barnala .The indian electronic media has totally blacked out the event and not even reported it.Similar was the case of Mansa rally on 27th November,2006 in which a large number of people took place but the event passed of unreported in the electronic media(TV) and even in the Indian national press (Newspapers).

Pictures of Mansa rally can be seen at :


On the other hand a small clash between Mann dal supporters and Shiv sena men over the burning of Sardar Mann's effigy went on to be reorted as a big "Hindu Sikh clash".Im not saying that the burning of Sardar Mann's effigy was a small event but the Mann dal-Shiv sena clash was almost like a street fight(small even) but was blown out of proportion by the Indian media whereas their reporters become blind when any big rally or event is held by Shiromani Akali Dal(Amritsar).

If Prakash badal even goes to a small village in some remote corner of Punjab it is reported even by a not so popular TV like "Jain TV".This shows that the India media has accepted badal as a pagridhari hindu since he's openly supporting BJP/RSS and Shiv sena.During the Taran Taaran event badal dal was openly supporting Shiv sena against the Amritdhari Sikhs.Any sane person(including a non Sikh) can see the open discrimination being done against the Sikhs in the media but all are quite.

We have to accept the fact that something is seriously wrong with most of the Sikhs in Punjab.Like someone in this forum said that their "zameer" is dead and "anakh" is finished and have bowed before the radical hindutva forces.I would say Sikhi is flourishing every where except in Punjab .Even in Delhi Sikhs are more aware of their religion than in Punjab.To save Sikhi here we have to get rid of the badal clan once and for all no matter what the cost is.Im sure the cost will be much less than what we are likely to face if we give power to badal " jundli ".

All right thinking people in Punjab should say " fateh" to badalkay and congress and strengthen the hands of "bedaag" Sikh leaders like Sardar Mann who is gold medalist in history and his given a lot of Qurbani for Sikhi and who will definately do something for the charhdikala of the Sikh panth and Punjab.

Here someone has mentioned about the less number of Sikhs outside India.I feel we should concentrate more on the quality than the quantity.A few good Gursikhs can do much more than thousands of crappy ones .Those people who are masquerading as Sikhs but are indulging in all sorts of anti sikh activities might as well change their religion than calling themselves Sikh .Sikhism would be better off without them.

In the end I would like to say yes there is something seriously wrong with Sikhi in Punjab and we need to recognise this problem.Sikhs living outside India and here in Punjab should collectively work to do something to solve this problem.Sikhs in Punjab should recognise that had it not been for International Sikh organisations in USA,Canada,UK etc the Sikh problem would not have been highlighted in the international fora.

At the same time Sikhs living in foreign countries should increase their involvement in Punjab affairs even more .Foreign residing Sikhs should demand and indulge in active politics in Punjab including participation in the SGPC.It would be really nice if they could come here and do it from within here .

Bhul Chuk Maaf,

Harjot Singh Brar

Vote for Shiromani Akali Dal(Amritsar)

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If number of sikhs was the only problem. You have to accept the fact that the problem is everywhere then just raising eyebrows at punjab. i am not denying that Punjab is in a bad shape.

Critical number for attaining manhood :---

I think being a young boy religion and our militaristic way of life is going to cost us interm of manpower .

It is upto us to us how we stand upto this brutal bullying which has been going on against us for nearly 500 years .I guess it is the warrior spirit which never calls us to quit this game of life. We want to play this game till finals and not bow out like Jains, Buddhist , Parsis or Jews.

I however feel like a new born kid is not bullied once he has grown upto become a man by having added adequate number of cells in his body.

I feel if we achieve a critical number of sikhs by one way or the other no one willl be able to bully us easily .

Now what is this magical number ;

All big religions are 100 crore plus.

I dont think we need to grow to that size to feel secure .

A population of size of USA shall be an ideal goal for us to secure future they could be around 20 crores.

We in Punjab could act as a nursery and take 10 crores in form of super cities which have heights upto 1 km into space being built in Japan.

Rest could be scattered over the rest of different parts of universe such as earth , moon, mars etc

We would then not be subject of massaacres at different points in time.

We could also then easily carry out our fundamental goal of " Nanak Nam chadi Kala tere bana sarvat tha bhalla " :TH:

We were never destined to be L.gif



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Listen lads we are not the enemy the people who want to end OUR reilgon they are the enemy, the enemy is not just in punjab and india its in other countries like england, usa, canada. Plz lets not fight in between our selfs and respect each others views.

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Guest s133k_s1kh
well leeme jus say im anti hindustan supporters 'she e panjab' said it staright 2 all da kats

simple answer to what you said-- sikhi doesn't teach hatred. hindustan, india, bharat call it whatever you want is the land of our ancestors, hate it love it doesn't matter to anyone. i openly support india and the people living there, for me they are humans and should be helped if need be.

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You know all this debating and arguing sometimes makes me laugh. Here we are sitting on a forum talking about the continued struggles of Sikhi, and on the other hand calling each other names for having a different point of view. This is what I think. ------

Sikhi is in a state of questioning. We all know Sikhi anywhere is not really the way it is supposed to be. If in Punjab, Sikhi is in a bad state it is more so because the Hind Sarkar and Media is doing every bit it can do destroy it. Let's take a look at other minorities in "Bahmanstan" they are nearly extinct now because of the government regulations and what not. They are literally extinct. There are barely are "real" jains, buddhists, or parsi's left in India, the same thing is happening with Sikhs WHY? because we are a minoritiy as well. But, can they get rid of us NO! why? firstly, because not any power on Akal Purakh's earth can eliminate the Sikhs, second the TRUE MAHAPURAKHS that are left in India are going to continue to fight for the rights of Sikhs intill their last breath, even intil this day and age there will always be people like Bhindranwale, and its' followers in Punjab, and more specifically "bahmanstan" just think about it there are continue problems in the two states that carry the most Sikhs: Punjab and Delhi. Punjab is becoming a deathbed, and Delhi is becoming a pollution hotspot. There are people dying, but is SIKHI totoally finished from those two states NO, never because it can't happen!!

As for Sikhi in the west, the ones that are Sikh they keep full rehat becasue there is nothing stopping them, if there is it is minor things such as discrimination which eventually they overcome. But in the WEST if sikhi is not flourishing it is nobody's fault but OUR own only. Sikhs here aren't real sikhs because they are too chicken ######, they are afraid of looks, or 656458454 other EXCUSES yes they are nothing but excuses.

However, when it comes to Sikhi anywhere one thing we have is power, and that power is that we never give up, even in the Guru's time nearly 70% of the Sikh population was wiped out by s u l l e h, but we still continued to fight because that's what our religion is people. It will continue to happen, we will continue to fight and fight, even if its' only a few people left, but remember we have to become KHALAS ourselves first in order to fight for Khalsa.

Guru Gobind Singh will only take care of us if we remember his identity and his values. If doesn't take long for Sikhi to flourish, I can guarantee you that.

If massive parchaars were done everywhere, if people weren't attracted to maya, it doesn't matter where people are trying to destroy Sikhi no one can stop it from flourishing.

Bhindranwale's one speech made 100 of people take Amrit, if he can bring back soo many people by himself into Sikhi, IMAGINE what Gurdwaras, our facilities, our resources can do.

That's the power of Sikhi, the more you learn about it the more you understand it, the more you come closer and closer to it, it draws people towards it, the only thing lacking in kalyug is people, SAD nobody wants to be a LION anymore, everyone wants to be a gidar/hijra/coward!!

If it isn't other people trying to kill sikhi, its' our own so called "sikhs" who dont want to be sikhs!! no.gif which breaks my heartt!!

i am starting to think that we may have lost, sikhs may have lost the legacy that is supposed to be on going forever!!!

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Seekh Sikh You are supporting the very nation which i decalre we are not part of You are supporting the very nation that the sarbat khalsa decarled as an enemy of the Sikhs a jathedar onc esaid' if a sikh is not khalistani then he aint a sikh' India is not da land of our history BUT PANJAB IS -PANJAB WAS NEVER PART OF INDIA B4 AND WEAS INCORPORATED IN 2 BRITSIH INDIA SO CAN GO DO UR JAI HIND BAHART GANDH MANDH MAHAN CRAP AND VANDEH MATRAM- WHILE I SING DA PRASIES OF PANJAB -KHALISTAN AND OUR GREAT HERITAGE WE ARE NOT INDIANS!

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Guest s133k_s1kh
Seekh Sikh You are supporting the very nation which i decalre we are not part of You are supporting the very nation that the sarbat khalsa decarled as an enemy of the Sikhs a jathedar onc esaid' if a sikh is not khalistani then he aint a sikh' India is not da land of our history BUT PANJAB IS -PANJAB WAS NEVER PART OF INDIA B4 AND WEAS INCORPORATED IN 2 BRITSIH INDIA SO CAN GO DO UR JAI HIND BAHART GANDH MANDH MAHAN CRAP AND VANDEH MATRAM- WHILE I SING DA PRASIES OF PANJAB -KHALISTAN AND OUR GREAT HERITAGE WE ARE NOT INDIANS!

Your post is full of discrepancies and i need not bother to respond to whatever you have written. For me there are humans living in india and i support them and will always do.

Jathedars say a lot of stuff :lol: . i would rather stick to what Baba Nanak said then listen to jathedars.

are you saying Punjab was a seprate state to start with ?? if you could please give some references that would be of great help.

The National Anthem and "Vande Matram" are songs that talk about a single nation and it has got nothing to do with the crooked motives of the politicians responsible for 1984. we have to learn the diffrence between national agenda and political agenda.

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