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Shaheedi Keertan Smagam 07

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fateh jee

this is brilliant that we are organising a program in the rememberance of shaheed singhs. . . .cant wait. . . .ps bhai sahib sukhdev singh jees barsi falls on 9th august i believe and that of bhai daliavar singh jee on 31 august. . .

Hanji khalsa ji, but because singhs were in India we didnt have the chance to do it in August. But we had so much cha to do one, so we just did it and mahraj kirpa here it is. We will be informing the sangat of what keertanis will be coming shortly.

Plus this week Rensbhai at Edward street for Iky, very close to us and hope mahraj does a lot of kirpa on the funny guy.

PLease attend as it is very important to us guys! and the west brom singhs!

Thank you

Waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fateh

ok . . . will try and pop down on saturday.

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The Saint: Bhai Surrinder Singh Sodhi

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Bhai Surinder Singh Sodhi in addition to being an amazing Soldier was also a Saint in every respect. Bhai Sahib had a very spiritual jeevan right from his childhood. He had so much love for the Sikh Kaum and for Guru Sahib. Even in the midst of battle Bhai Sahib would always have the name of Akaal Purakh on his lips. Bhai Sahib always remained in Chardeekala. He would always accept any seva he was given however difficult that seva was, even if it meant certain death. Bhai Sahib would always say, ‘Guru Ji has given us so much, dedicating this one short life to him is not enough, we should all give him millions of lifes only then can the debt be repaid.’

Bhai Sahib joined Guru Sahib’s Taksal from a young age and was a very good student. Through studying at Taksal Bhai Sahib’s knowledge of Bani was of a very high level.

One time Bhai Surinder Singh Sodhi Ji went into Samadhi for three whole months without sleeping while he was at Sach Khand Sri Darbar Sahib Ji. Bhai Sahib was lost in naam simran at the feet of his beloved Guru, Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Sahib Ji.

When Bhai Sahib came out of his Samadhi, Singhs got very worried about him as they hadn’t seen him move in three months. He hadn’t eaten or slept for three whole months. A normal person would surely have died, but Bhai Sahib was the son of Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj, and the only food he needed to live was gurbani.

Bhai Sahib told the Singhs with him that he was fine and that they shouldn’t worry. But Singhs couldn’t believe it and they took him to a doctor just to make sure that nothing was wrong with him.

The Doctor asked Bhai Sahib how he was. Bhai Surinder Singh Ji told the Doctor he was in Chardeekala. The Doctor then did a medical examination of Bhai. Firstly he looked at his eyes, and then his hands etc. Finally the Doctor put his stethoscope against Bhai Sahib’s body. When he did this, he was trying to listen to Bhai Sahib’s heart, but instead of hearing the typical sound he heard the constant resonance of Waheguru which was emitting from Bhai Sahib. The Doctor thought there was something wrong with his stethoscope so he went and got a spare one. When he listened to Bhai Sahib’s chest he heard the same thing.

He then thought that perhaps there was something wrong with his ears. He went and got one of his colleagues to come and listen to Bhai Sahib’s chest. When his colleague did this, he heard the same thing. His colleague then listened to other areas of Bhai Sahib and the same thing was heard everywhere.

The Doctors both were amazed and told the Singhs that Bhai Sahib is perfectly fine and that he there was something special about him, in that everywhere they listened all they could hear was the name of Waheguru.

Such was the avastha of Bhai Sahib.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


One day Sant Jarnail Singh Ji went up to Bhai Surinder Singh and told him that he needed him to deliver a message to a Singh in a far away pind (village). The message was very urgent. Sant Ji said that the military was scattered all over Punjab and that it will be hard to go through them. Bhai Surinder Singh Ji asked if they could do Ardas together in front of the Great Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj.

Sant Ji and Bhai Sahib did Ardaas together, asking for Bhai Sahib to be in Chardi Kala and to safely deliver the message as it was important for the safety of the Panth.

After Ardas, Bhai Sahib left for the village on his motorcycle. In order for Bhai Sahib to enter the village and to deliver the message, he had to go through several other villages because they had no big roads.

As Bhai Sahib was driving, he noticed that the military was already there and they were blocking the road ahead. Then turned around and tried another road, there too the military was blocking the road. He tried going back and trying to go through another village, but there too, the military was blocking the road.

Then Bhai Sahib got an idea, he saw railway tracks. He knew the military wouldn't block the railway. So he went up to the railway tracks. He noticed the wood blocks between the rails were very large and hard and it was not possible to drive with the motorcycle over them. He would surely get a flat tire to say the least.

So Bhai Surinder Singh Ji then DROVE his motorcycle ON ONE OF THE RAILS!!!!!

He managed to balance the motorcycle on the rail and he even drove fast cause he had to deliver the message fast. Bhai Sahib safely delivered the message, regardless of all of the obstacles he faced. All of this due to the KIRPA of GURU MAHARAJ.

As Bhai Sahib was driving, it's said that some people were farming in their fields and they saw him on his motorcycle, driving on the rail. They were stunned as this was said to be impossible. It's hard for a person to even walk on the rail and keeping their balance, without falling off. Driving a motorcycle on it is beyond thinking. It's all possible with KIRPA. This shows an example of the kind of Sharda Bhai Sahib had.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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the soldier

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Bhai Surinder Singh Sodhi Ji was one of Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale’s closest Singhs. Bhai Sahib was skilled in using almost every weapon. Bhai Sahib completed many missions which will be written up in due time.

Dusht Bhajan Lal and Sant Ji’s orders

Bhajan Lal had committed so many gross human rights violations on the Sikhs living in Haryana. During the Asian Games of Novemeber 1982 which were being held in New Dehli Bhajan Lal ordered that all Sikhs should be interrogated prior to entering Delhi, to ascertain if they were terrorists or not. They were treated very badly, they were rigorously searched and questioned, to the extent that Ex-Cabinet Minister Swaran Singh, Retd. Air Chief Marshal Arjan Singh, Retd. General Arora were even interrogated. Sikhs were given a strong message that they are 3rd class citizens and that they are unwanted residents of India. This disrespectful, unwarranted treatment was not criticised by state or central government, the press or intellectuals did not question this disgraceful treatment. No Sikh Congress Minister resigned in protest. Only one conclusion could be drawn from these events, Sikhs are an oppressed minority in India.

In addition to this Bhajan Lal also killed many Sikh youth during this time in fake encounters. To humiliate the Sikhs in his state he also ordered police and other officials to catch Sikhs and shave their beards on one side of their face. Dusht Bhajan Lala had a hand in attacking various Gurudwara Sahibs in the state of Haryana.

Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale told Bhai Surinder Singh Sodhi to go and deliver justice to this enemy of the Panth. Sant Ji told Bhai Surinder Singh Sodhi Ji that he was only to kill Dusht Bhajan Lal if he could get away. Bhai Sahib immediately started to prepare for this mission. He dressed up as a naval officer and took a train to Haryana State.

From here Bhai Surinder Singh Sodhi then arranged a meeting with Bhajan Lal. Bhajan Lal at this time had very tight security surrounding him, but Bhai Sahib managed to get past all these obstacles. Bhai Sahib eventually met Dusht Bhajan Lal and both of them were sat down drinking tea. Even in the room Dusht Bhajan Lal was in, there were many security personal.

Bhai Sahib wanted to cut this Dusht’s head off there and then, he didn’t care for the consequences of getting caught or getting shaheed, all he cared about was the Panth. However Bhai Sahib was bound to Sant Ji’s hukam in that he must not kill Dusht Bhajan Lal if he could not get away.

As a result Bhai Sahib wasn’t able to kill this Dusht, such was his disciple as a Saint Soldier and such was his respect for Sant Ji.

Bhai Surinder Singh Sodhi was an amazing gursikh of a very high jeevan. Bhai Sahib was like Bhai Bidhi Chand, the great Sikh of Satguru Sri Guru Har Gobind Sahib Ji Maharaj, who was a master in disguise and who possessed nerves of Steel.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


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Some photos of recent Shaheeds of Guru Sahib's Great Khalsa Panth

Shaheed Singhs from the 1978 Saka

Shaheed Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Manochaal

Shaheed Baba Thara Singh from the 1984 June attack

Shaheed Bhai Amrik Singh from the 1984 June attack

Shaheed Bhai Anok Singh Ji

Shaheed Singhs from 1978 Saka

Harjinder Singh Jinda and Sukhdev Singh Sukha, whos barsi is this week

Harjinder Singh Jinda and Sukhdev Singh Sukha, whos barsi is this week

Bibi Vaheguru Kaur and Bibi Satnam Kaur. Shaheeds of the 1984 June attack. They remind me of the Shote Sahibzade, who gave their lives, but not their Dharam at such a young age

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