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Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

4th Annual Barsi Of Sant Baba Thakur Singh Ji

From: Monday 22nd to Wednesday 24th December

Monday :

Arambh of Sri Akand Paat Sahib 5pm

Followed by kirtan and katha by various students of Damdami Taksal.

English Katha - Bhai Kuljeet Singh - Sant ka marag dharam kee pauree


Amrit Velah Divaan -

Simran: 4.30am

Nitnem: 5.00am

Asa Dee Vaar 5.45am

Katha 7am

Midday Schedule

Q & A and Gurmat Veechar - Bhai Harjinder Singh & Bhai Sukhraaj Singh @ 1.30pm - 4.00pm

Evening Divaan

Bhog Sri Dasm Granth Sahib Ji Sehaj Paat 5.00pm

Madh Bhog

Rehraas Sahib

Kirtan and Katha Smagam till 11.00pm


Ustaad Gyani Bhupinder Singh Ji (Damdami Taksal U.S.A)

Gyani Pritam Singh (Damdami Taksal)

Singh Sahib Charan Singh (Damdami Taksal)

Gyani Satnaam Singh Ji (Damdami Taksal)

Gyani Ranjeet Singh (Damdami Taksal)

Gyani Balbir Singh (Damdami Taksal)

Gyani Jangbeer Singh (Damdami Taksal U.S.A)

Gyani Bickramjeet Singh (Damdami Taksal)


Raagi Santokh Singh Ji (Damdami Taksal)

Raagi Gurmej Singh Ji (Damdami Taksal)

Raagi Gursharan Singh Ji (Damdami Taksal)

Bhai Sukjinder Singh Ji (UK)

Bhai Sukhwinder Singh Ji (UK)

Bhai Hari Singh Ji (UK)

and Youth Kirtanees


Amrit Velah Divaan

Simran: 4.30am

Nitnem: 5.00am

Asa Dee Vaar 5.45am

Katha 7am


**Main Divaan**

Bhog of Sri Akand Path Sahib Ji 5.30 pm followed by


Raagi Santokh Singh Ji (Damdami Taksal)

Raagi Gurmej Singh Ji (Damdami Taksal)

Raagi Gursharan Singh Ji (Damdami Taksal)

Bhai Sukhjinder Singh Ji (UK)

Bhai Sukhwinder Singh Ji (UK)

Bhai Hari Singh Ji (UK)


Ustaad Gyani Bhupinder Singh Ji (Damdami Taksal U.S.A)

Gyani Pritam Singh (Damdami Taksal)

Singh Sahib Charan Singh (Damdami Taksal)

Gyani Satnaam Singh Ji (Damdami Taksal)

Gyani Ranjeet Singh (Damdami Taksal)

Gyani Balbir Singh (Damdami Taksal)

Gyani Jangbeer Singh (Damdami Taksal U.S.A)

Gyani Bickramjeet Singh (Damdami Taksal)


Jagowale Jatha (uk)

Bhai Sulakhan Singh Jatha




An Open invite to all Sangat, Sampardas and Panthic Jathebandia

Accomodation will be provided

In Loving Memory Of Brahm Gyani Sant Baba Thakur Singh Ji

****Special appearances and international kirtanees will be confirmed closer to the date****



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    • It doesn't matter. What the nihangs did 100 years ago has no relevance today. Because people fight differently now. As a karate black belt, 90% of what we learn is useless, cos it revolves around how people fought 100 years ago. Today, most teenage boys likely to cause fights (at least in the uk) do boxing. But when boxing was really popular, people used to throw punches, hence why the "man to man fist fight" image was there. But now that UFC is popular, people do all sorts like grappling, knees and all (even with no training).  And also, I highly doubt anyone ever attacked a nihang Singh unarmed back then, just by seeing their saroop with shastaraan. What they did do, however, was Loh Mushti but that was more of a sport than a combat system. They definitely would have trained in basic fighting like wrestling and strikes but not a system. Because any good fighter knows that trying to find a "code" to fight by is stupid. But in terms of unarmed fighting, it was rare and probably revolved around disarming an armed attacker (do NOT even attemp to learn that, you will get killed and there's no point even trying to learn).   If you're interested for historical/ preservation purposed then great, but if you want to learn it for self defense or fighting tactics then pls don't, because what worked then won't work now and Nihangs were probably quite limited in hand to hand combat training cos they're armed to the teeth, deterring any unarmed attacker and killing one if they tried to fight
    • i tie punjabi but u gotta iron it unless its starched
    • how does he starch it? and how long does it work b4 he needs to tie it again
    • ik i'm late by 5 years lol but u need starch. That'll keep the larrs thick and u won't even have to tie it each time (you still can if u want to bro, but it'll keep the fold shut which is good). They look crisper aswell
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