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Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Hukumnammae

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Gurfateh !

Here are The 34 Hukumnamas of Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji from Ganda Singh's 'Hukumnamey'

* Taken from :

Singh, Ganda. HUKUMNAME Guru Sahibaan, Mata Sahibaan, Banda Singh Ate Khalsa Ji De (Punjabi)

.Patiala.Punjabi University,1999. pp 124 - 191

1. Nisan from "Bare Babey" Sri Guru Granth Sahib Patna Sahib.


2. Hukumnama sent to Bhai Mehar Chand Roope Ke


3. a note sent to Bhai Roope Ke


4. Dhaka Sangat


5. Sent to Bhai Gurdas CE 1692


6. Dhaka Sangat


7. Ramdas Ugar Sen


8. Bhai Ram Rai & Dai Laado


9. Dhaka Sangat CE 1691


10. Bhai Gurdas CE 1692


11. Bhai Sangateea CE 1694


12. Patiala Hukumnama CE 1696


13. Sangat Roope Ke CE 1696


14. Sangat Shahzaade Azeemuddin CE 1698


15. Sangat Macchiwaare CE 1699


16. Bhai Des Raj CE 1699


17. Sangat NaoShehre CE 1699


18. Sangat SaranDeo CE 1699


19. Sangat Pattan Fareed CE 1700


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20. Sangat Pattan Sheikh Fareed CE 1700


21. Sangat Naoshehra CE 1700


22. Sangat Dasooha CE 1700


23. Bhai Mehar Chand CE 1702


24. Bhai Mehar Chand CE 1702


25. Sangat Piraag CE 1702


26. Bhai Bindraban CE 1702


27. Sangat Naoshehra CE 1702


28. Sangat Roope Aane CE 1702


29. Bhai Sukhia CE 1704


30. Sangat Chole CE 1706


31. The Brars & Bhai Roope CE 1706


32. Sangat Dhaual CE 1707


33. Sangat Khaara CE 1707


34. Sangat Banaras CE 1708


Gurfateh !

Ranjit Singh 'Freed'

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I noticed they don't seem to give explicit orders regarding conduct. They are more like orders for requisitions. Trying to read them made me realise how poor my Panjabi really is......

Is there no surviving Hukum requesting Sikh presence at Anandpur in 1699 with kesh and weapons?

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Gurfateh !

I don't believe a specific 'Vaisakhi' hukumnama is available - but from those available it is clear that the Sangat was requested to come bearing arms ;

Line 7 of hukumnama 25 states : 'Hathiaar bann ke darshan aa vanna' - Seek 'darshan' bearing arms

In the famous Patiala hukumnama (hukumnama 12) line 3 states ; 'Tudh jamiat le ke asade hajoor aavana' - 'Come into my presence with all your 'men' (personal army)'

Line 9 states ; 'Tussan assvaar le ke aavana jaroor' - a request to come with horsemen (mounted cavalry).

The Patiala Hukumnama is dated CE 1696 and the request for cavalry was to help in the battle with the Hill Rajas. It is said that because of this help Guru Sahib bestowed his special blessing on the House of Patiala. It is said that it is because of this special blessing that much later during the Missal Period, the 11 missals did not attack the Phulkian states.

Here are some more images - in colour ;

The Hukumnama sent by Guru Tegh Bahadar Sahib - a 'Hukum Khas Furman' - to the sangat of Patna at the time of the Prakash , birth of Guru Gobind Singh - expressing their Joy and hope the sangat will contine to assist and help Guru Sahib's family at this special time.

This Hukumnama is Kept at Takht Patna Sahib.


The 'Nisan' of Guru Gobind Singh - in a puratan Saroop of Guru Granth Sahib - Takht Patna Sahib


The Nisan of Guru Gobind Singh Ji


The Patiala Hukumnama






The 'Patiala Motto' the words of Guru Sahib - "Your house is my refuge" - 'Tera Ghar Mera Asey'


Gurfateh !


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Thanks for the info Freed. You truly are a repository of wisdom dude! I noticed that in most of Dasmesh Pita's hukums Sikhs are instructed "Guru Guru Japna", is this the precursor of using Waheguru for simran?

I also noticed that Guri Gobind Singh's nishaan has a cross and a dot, do we know anything about this? Is it a degh and tegh?

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