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Guest gupt

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my question is, why do i cry during some certain hukamnamay?? i don't cry during all hukamnamay but some just make me ball my eyes out....i get very angry at my self too because it feels like my mind is messing with me...sangat my mind is going crazy, i'm going crazy!!! my heart is honestly too weak to handle worldy things...i do ardas to mahraj, somethings just sitting alone and talk to my self (but actually to god) and then an idea comes to my mind to read the daily hukamnama from darbar sahib or to take a cyber hukamnama and sangat these hukamnamas that i get are all pretty related...i just dont know what to think... this is the cyber hukamanama i took a just a couple minutes ago and can someone tell me what this hukamnama means, to me it means that god is listening and that he'll help me and he knows what i want...what does this mean to you?

kwnVw CMq mhlw 5

kaanarraa shha(n)th mehalaa 5

Kaanraa, Chhant, Fifth Mehla:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sy auDry ijn rwm iDAwey ]

sae oudhharae jin raam dhhiaaeae ||

They alone are saved, who meditate on the Lord.

jqn mwieAw ky kwim n Awey ]

jathan maaeiaa kae kaam n aaeae ||

Working for Maya is useless.

rwm iDAwey siB Pl pwey Din DMin qy bfBwgIAw ]

raam dhhiaaeae sabh fal paaeae dhhan dhha(n)n thae baddabhaageeaa ||

Meditating on the Lord, all fruits and rewards are obtained. They are blessed, blessed and very fortunate.

sqsMig jwgy nwim lwgy eyk isau ilv lwgIAw ]

sathasa(n)g jaagae naam laagae eaek sio liv laageeaa ||

They are awake and aware in the True Congregation; attached to the Naam, they are lovingly attuned to the One.

qij mwn moh ibkwr swDU lig qrau iqn kY pwey ]

thaj maan moh bikaar saadhhoo lag tharo thin kai paaeae ||

I have renounced pride, emotional attachment, wickedness and corruption; attached to the Holy, I am carried across at their feet.

ibnvMiq nwnk srix suAwmI bfBwig drsnu pwey ]1]

binava(n)th naanak saran suaamee baddabhaag dharasan paaeae ||1||

Prays Nanak, I have come to the Sanctuary of my Lord and Master; by great good fortune, I obtain the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||1||

imil swDU inq Bjh nwrwiex ]

mil saadhhoo nith bhajeh naaraaein ||

The Holy meet together, and continually vibrate and meditate on the Lord.

rsik rsik suAwmI gux gwiex ]

rasak rasak suaamee gun gaaein ||

With love and excitement, they sing the Glorious Praises of their Lord and Master.

gux gwie jIvh hir Aimau pIvh jnm mrxw Bwgey ]

gun gaae jeeveh har amio peeveh janam maranaa bhaageae ||

Singing His Praises they live, drinking in the Lord's Nectar; the cycle of birth and death is over for them.

sqsMig pweIAY hir iDAweIAY bhuiV dUKu n lwgey ]

sathasa(n)g paaeeai har dhhiaaeeai bahurr dhookh n laageae ||

Finding the True Congregation and meditating on the Lord, one is never again afflicted with pain.

kir dieAw dwqy purK ibDwqy sMq syv kmwiex ]

kar dhaeiaa dhaathae purakh bidhhaathae sa(n)th saev kamaaein ||

By the Grace of the Great Giver, the Architect of Destiny, we work to serve the Saints.

ibnvMiq nwnk jn DUir bWCih hir dris shij smwiex ]2]

binava(n)th naanak jan dhhoor baa(n)shhehi har dharas sehaj samaaein ||2||

Prays Nanak, I long for the dust of the feet of the humble; I am intuitively absorbed in the Blessed Vision of the Lord. ||2||

sgly jMq Bjhu gopwlY ]

sagalae ja(n)th bhajahu gopaalai ||

All beings vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the World.

jp qp sMjm pUrn GwlY ]

jap thap sa(n)jam pooran ghaalai ||

This brings the merits of chanting and meditation, austere self-discipline and perfect service.

inq Bjhu suAwmI AMqrjwmI sPl jnmu sbwieAw ]

nith bhajahu suaamee a(n)tharajaamee safal janam sabaaeiaa ||

Vibrating and meditating continuously on our Lord and Master, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, one's life becomes totally fruitful.

goibdu gweIAY inq iDAweIAY prvwxu soeI AwieAw ]

gobidh gaaeeai nith dhhiaaeeai paravaan soee aaeiaa ||

Those who sing and meditate continually on the Lord of the Universe - their coming into the world is blessed and approved.

jp qwp sMjm hir hir inrMjn goibMd Dnu sMig cwlY ]

jap thaap sa(n)jam har har nira(n)jan gobi(n)dh dhhan sa(n)g chaalai ||

The Immaculate Lord, Har, Har, is meditation and chanting, and austere self-discipline; only the Wealth of the Lord of the Universe shall go along with you in the end.

ibnvMiq nwnk kir dieAw dIjY hir rqnu bwDau pwlY ]3]

binava(n)th naanak kar dhaeiaa dheejai har rathan baadhho paalai ||3||

Prays Nanak, please grant Your Grace, O Lord, and bless me with the Jewel, that I may carry it in my pocket. ||3||

mMglcwr coj Awnµdw ]

ma(n)galachaar choj aana(n)dhaa ||

His Wondrous and Amazing Plays are blissful

kir ikrpw imly prmwnµdw ]

kar kirapaa milae paramaana(n)dhaa ||

granting His Grace, He bestows supreme ecstasy.

pRB imly suAwmI suKhgwmI ieC mn kI puMnIAw ]

prabh milae suaamee sukhehagaamee eishh man kee pu(n)neeaa ||

God, my Lord and Master, the Bringer of peace, has met me, and the desires of my mind are fulfilled.

bjI bDweI shjy smweI bhuiV dUiK n ruMnIAw ]

bajee badhhaaee sehajae samaaee bahurr dhookh n ru(n)neeaa ||

Congratulations pour in; I am intuitively absorbed in the Lord. I shall never again cry out in pain.

ly kMiT lwey suK idKwey ibkwr ibnsy mMdw ]

lae ka(n)t(h) laaeae sukh dhikhaaeae bikaar binasae ma(n)dhaa ||

He hugs me close in His Embrace, and blesses me with peace; the evil of sin and corruption is gone.

ibnvMiq nwnk imly suAwmI purK prmwnµdw ]4]1]

binava(n)th naanak milae suaamee purakh paramaana(n)dhaa ||4||1||

Prays Nanak, I have met my Lord and Master, the Primal Lord, the Embodiment of Bliss. ||4||1||

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He is what we all really want, maya is just an illusion. Most people live in ignorance- This is what guruji was saying when he said the whole world is deluded- every single moment without god is painful, the people of earth run around living their daily 'lives', becoming darker and darker and more involved with each other in the darkness of attachment.

Then comes the anger, the lust and desire for others, the jealousy(every jealous thought feeds this theif weather it be envy of comeones house, clothes, looks, relationship etc) and the greed which is apparent in every moment lived without contemplating the lord. These theives all work in relation to each other, in self indulgence(greed), the lust arises as does the anger and ego and attachment. This is what the people assume as Normality. To the gurmukh, we are a bunch of depressed nutjobs.

So of course you cry when you read the words of gurbani, you want freedom from this bulls**t and mental illness that the world is suffering. Can you imagine a life never having to feel angry, greedy, jealous, lustful or attached to any dark being of earth? And not pretending to be happy when really you are living in slavery to these dark feelings(thieves.)

We have in reality, never felt happiness- we have been in incredible pain since the day of our birth......

Happiness is the state of the self realied Gurmukh- and bhagti is the way to get there....

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Fateh Jio

In response to your question about hukamnamma...it is a commnad from mahraaj. When a hukamnamma is taken at Sri Darnaar Sahib everyday, many sikhs take it as their daily command across the world. Now the same hukamnamma goes out to us all..as the interpretation is very individual to us all. I have issues going on in my life, you have things going on in yours, but dhur ki baani alone is the answer and guide for all of us including you and me....

Im not sure that anyone else caninterpret this hukam for you for your individual situation, but I think if you go to guru ji, do ardaas, and ask guru ji to let you find the answers to your questions, that mahraaj will grant you the ability to interpret and understand it to answer your questions.

Just so you know...you;re not the only one who feels like this....many of us do....including me :(

But only baani and your Guru can help you, so only turn to Guru ji and you will never go wrong, and dont rely on others to interpret hukam for you, as we as gursikhs, do not need a middle man as our way to waheguru is via Sri Guru Granth sahib Ji alone. If your heart desires answers, and you turn to guru ji with unconditional faith and love...he will answer.

He is ang sang..always...so your tears are just a way for your emotions to be expressed.....dont see it as a bad thing, but its all a gift..you are not going crazy...maybe ur just realising something?

Just read baani, and turn to the have sangat of the true saints, try and fight the 5 evils that are in us all with baani and simran, praise mahraaj, and do as much seva as you can :)

Fateh ji

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Fateh Jio

In response to your question about hukamnamma...it is a commnad from mahraaj. When a hukamnamma is taken at Sri Darnaar Sahib everyday, many sikhs take it as their daily command across the world. Now the same hukamnamma goes out to us all..as the interpretation is very individual to us all. I have issues going on in my life, you have things going on in yours, but dhur ki baani alone is the answer and guide for all of us including you and me....

Im not sure that anyone else caninterpret this hukam for you for your individual situation, but I think if you go to guru ji, do ardaas, and ask guru ji to let you find the answers to your questions, that mahraaj will grant you the ability to interpret and understand it to answer your questions.

Just so you know...you;re not the only one who feels like this....many of us do....including me :(

But only baani and your Guru can help you, so only turn to Guru ji and you will never go wrong, and dont rely on others to interpret hukam for you, as we as gursikhs, do not need a middle man as our way to waheguru is via Sri Guru Granth sahib Ji alone. If your heart desires answers, and you turn to guru ji with unconditional faith and love...he will answer.

He is ang sang..always...so your tears are just a way for your emotions to be expressed.....dont see it as a bad thing, but its all a gift..you are not going crazy...maybe ur just realising something?

Just read baani, and turn to the have sangat of the true saints, try and fight the 5 evils that are in us all with baani and simran, praise mahraaj, and do as much seva as you can :)

Fateh ji

when i read this hukamnama, i honestly have a feeling that it means what i feel on the inside...not only with this hukamnama but i've had this experience (mahraj di kirpa) with other hukamnamas too! it really does feel like it's from guru ji but i get really worried in thinking its just my dumb mind messing with me

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Fateh jio..be confident with your gut feeling ji.Im no Gianni but if you listen to Katha about experiences and brahmgiannis experiences of realising wahegurus presence,u will know what I mean..

There was a gursikh who had started doing a lot of Simran n continuously reciting gurbaani and something happened to his eyes.,he started suffering with flashing lights and was being investigated for all sorts of eye disorders...nothing was working to resolve his symptoms...

This gursikh then spoke to a giani gursikh who told him that he was realising the light of waheguru due to all the bhagati he'd been doing and that nothing was wrong with him!

Be confident in ur gut instinct and keep on the true path n read as much baani and do as much Simran as you can and you will find peace..:)

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Guest taljun

Fateh jio..be confident with your gut feeling ji.Im no Gianni but if you listen to Katha about experiences and brahmgiannis experiences of realising wahegurus presence,u will know what I mean..

There was a gursikh who had started doing a lot of Simran n continuously reciting gurbaani and something happened to his eyes.,he started suffering with flashing lights and was being investigated for all sorts of eye disorders...nothing was working to resolve his symptoms...

This gursikh then spoke to a giani gursikh who told him that he was realising the light of waheguru due to all the bhagati he'd been doing and that nothing was wrong with him!

Be confident in ur gut instinct and keep on the true path n read as much baani and do as much Simran as you can and you will find peace..:)

^^The jivan Mukt does not need symbolic reflection to aid with their discoveries, God lives in the darkness of nothingness, he has no image, no form...

The answer lies in the darkness of nothingness- take to long hours of naam simran, 2-3 hrs at amrit vela(12:30-1am onwards) and discover it, Samadhi(deep state of meditation- silencing the thoughts to such a stage where we can just feel within our being- happens through comitted naam simran(naam is truth/Him, the frequency of a balanced gyan that applies throughout the universe that lives to discover while remaining detached from the nasha of the discovery be it high or low- only the balance/truth is felt))

When one begins this bhagti path it is easy to get caught up in the many lights and darshans of gurus and sants and the many siddhis that are acquired through opeing of the 3rd eye etc...

These are tests(esp the siddhi's) that god puts us through to see how much we actually want the Truth. And the truth is as above, god lives in the nothingness in his True state of nothingness(God calls it the primal void from which everything was created) hence the True fact that everything we can see, feel, taste etc is false and temporary, all a maya illusion to distract us from the Truth.

If we are attached to ay type of image, we stagnate in our progression of bhagti as God's state is true humbleness(lowest of the low/ nothing(literally)) and therefore simplicity....all else is complication.

Hence do not worry about images etc, blind faith is what the Lord calls for, don't be distracted by the khel and the images it brings(everything and anything and anyone) for it just all Him trying to distract and test you to see how much you want to Find Him....

God bless you

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