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Sikh man murdered

Guest mehtab

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Guest mehtab


Murdered shop man killed by mistake

Aug 15 2004

A shopkeeper beaten to death in front of his teenage daughter may have been the mistaken victim of a so-called "honour" killing.

Murder squad detectives are investigating claims that Major Singh Gill, 45, was unwittingly targeted by thugs locked in a family feud with his business partner.

It is understood that the dispute centred around the Sikh business partner's son and his 'taboo' relationship with a Muslim Pakistani girl.

Father-of-three Mr Gill, of Duke Road in Wednesfield, was brutally beaten over the head with baseball bats and hockey sticks after three men walked into his Costcutter store in Pemberton Road, West Bromwich, on August 5.

Terrified shoppers saw them leave the former factory worker lying unconscious in a pool of blood while his frantic daughter called police.

Mr Gill died at Sandwell General Hospital in West Bromwich two days after the horrific attack, which detectives believe had been carefully planned. He had suffered irreversible brain damage as well as a broken jaw and wrist.

Police have yet to release clear details of a motive for the unprovoked assault but have discounted robbery and confirmed that they are treating it as a case of mistaken identity.

A family friend of the Gills, who did not want to be named, said: "The Sikh business partner'

;s son was having a relationship with a Muslim girl, which is seen as taboo by some Sikhs. Mr Gill's murder and the blatant way his attackers went about it certainly bears all the signs of an honour killing."

He added: "We just cannot believe this has happened. He never said a bad word to anyone in his life."

Police are appealing for help to trace a white people carrier-type vehicle which may have been used to carry the attackers to and from the scene of the crime.

Detective Chief Inspector Philip Ball, from the Murder Investigation Unit, said: "This was a horrible attack and it looks as if the offenders intended to kill their victim.

"There must be a substantial number of people out there who know who is responsible and these brutal murderers are in their midst."

He refused to confirm if Mr Gill's business partner's family dispute was being linked but added detectives were "pursuing all avenues of inquiry". Four men have been questioned and released by detectives in connection with the attack. * Anyone with information is urged to contact the incident room at Brierley Hill via 0845 113 5000.

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Guest rsingh

we need to sort out our beothers and sisters if where going to sort out the muslim youth. we need to sort out this prob with the communities. its becommin rediculous. after Nagar kirtan in southall. all these apparent "mona sikhs" come out. most have the glassy or cigi with the nishan sahib stickin out of the car. they moslty muslims claiming to be sikhs. i ma not says some are ment to be "sikhs" but depends how u define Sikh.

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we need to sort out our beothers and sisters if where going to sort out the muslim youth. we need to sort out this prob with the communities. its becommin rediculous. after Nagar kirtan in southall. all these apparent "mona sikhs" come out. most have the glassy or cigi with the nishan sahib stickin out of the car. they moslty muslims claiming to be sikhs. i ma not says some are ment to be "sikhs" but depends how u define Sikh.

" the nishan sahib stickin out of the car. they moslty muslims claiming to be sikhs"

From what i have seen the opposite is true it is so called apne who do this vulgar behaviour. We cannot wash it off us by claiming it is muslims. I have seen apne do this in a few places in England including Birmingham.

I have my views on how these anti social idiots should be handled when they block roads so they can dance to the dhol whilst drinking and smoking and at the same time holding the Nishaan Sahib, but I will not mention them here. The traders at the mele also need to be told to stop selling these Nishaan Sahib as there is no reason for them to sell them . Nishaan Sahib are not meant for idiots to stick out there cars whsilt playing bhangra music.

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