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Separated And Lonely

Guest LonerSikh

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Wow @ Free Advicer i do not agree at all with your statement.

The first thing you did that was totally wrong was hitting a woman/(our sister) if that has a part to play in her leaving then you will have to wait to see if she mellows.

I dont believe that you should play the "bad mother" card as its vindicative and cruel and if she genuinely has fallen out of love with you then you should let her live her life. You should however maintain as much contact with your kids as possible. Research has shown that living unhappily doesnt help kids and divorce is not the end of the world.

Until you are happy within yourself how can anyone be happy with you.Balait_da_sher provided a beautiful quote for you earlier you admonish your wife for not being happy with someone who rents or doesnt have much money in the bank. But i say you are an amrtidhari sikh you are in good health i presume and have 2 wonderful children time to see how good your life really is.

whenever im feeling sad i stop and start feeling awesome instead

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I just don't know what to do with myself now. I don't want material things. I have no care for money, wealth, property anymore. My bank is empty and I only work enough to survive. I was wondering if gursikh girls are interested in houses, etc, or are they happy with whatever waheguru gives them? I have seen that although girls are gursikh, they still have demands of houses, etc. Doesnt seem right somehow.

The wife you are looking for is 1 in a billion chance. No disrespect to Singhni's as finding a Singh that doesn't care about houses, etc is also 1 in a billion. Being in sangat we all figure out very quickly that majority of the youth are caught up in worldly ways and the Gursikh youth are not even in these sangats or come on very rare occasions. They bless us with their presence on special occasions. Speaking to one of these youth, they tell us to progress on the path of Sikhi, we all have to get up and do it ourselves with Maharaj Kirpa. What your going through can only be fixed if you tell yourself that only Maharaj can solve the deep feeling of loneliness. No wife, parent, brother, sister can get you out, unless they do Shabad veechar with you. Satguru can only take us out of the deepest pit of hell and into Sachkhand. Satguru can make sinking rocks float and cross over.

In this temporal world we all look for circumstance to fill the emptiness in our life. With all due respect, your wife was looking for a temporary thing to fill the emptiness in her life. And she found you for a short period time. Then once she got bored of you and the emptiness came back, she found something else. Now she's living on another temporary filler, which we refer to as children and the potential next spouse to come. This is a vicious cycle and we see people doing this all the time, including ourselves. Buy a car talk about it all day and feel really proud of it and when it gets a bit old then it's worth nothing to you and then we look for another car that will fill the emptiness. This is all circumstantial and a really crappy way to live.

You have two children, so now get the motivation through Gurbani to keep providing for them and say to yourself that your working for them. The fact your in a sad state shows your wife that you need her. She wants you to change to her conditions and then maybe she'll take you back. Again she wants to make you into a circumstance that she loved. Only Gursikhs notice the atma in a person. Everyone esle doesn't love the atma, they love what the person has become to favor their way of thinking. Love is such a strong word that circumstantial people don't understand it. Don't give in and keep providing for your kids. As it's hard to do, but always stay in Chardikala.

Start listening to Sri Sukhmani Sahib da paat. This paat will remove the sad state your in.

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Guest LonerSikh

The wife you are looking for is 1 in a billion chance. No disrespect to Singhni's as finding a Singh that doesn't care about houses, etc is also 1 in a billion. Being in sangat we all figure out very quickly that majority of the youth are caught up in worldly ways and the Gursikh youth are not even in these sangats or come on very rare occasions. They bless us with their presence on special occasions. Speaking to one of these youth, they tell us to progress on the path of Sikhi, we all have to get up and do it ourselves with Maharaj Kirpa. What your going through can only be fixed if you tell yourself that only Maharaj can solve the deep feeling of loneliness. No wife, parent, brother, sister can get you out, unless they do Shabad veechar with you. Satguru can only take us out of the deepest pit of hell and into Sachkhand. Satguru can make sinking rocks float and cross over.

In this temporal world we all look for circumstance to fill the emptiness in our life. With all due respect, your wife was looking for a temporary thing to fill the emptiness in her life. And she found you for a short period time. Then once she got bored of you and the emptiness came back, she found something else. Now she's living on another temporary filler, which we refer to as children and the potential next spouse to come. This is a vicious cycle and we see people doing this all the time, including ourselves. Buy a car talk about it all day and feel really proud of it and when it gets a bit old then it's worth nothing to you and then we look for another car that will fill the emptiness. This is all circumstantial and a really crappy way to live.

You have two children, so now get the motivation through Gurbani to keep providing for them and say to yourself that your working for them. The fact your in a sad state shows your wife that you need her. She wants you to change to her conditions and then maybe she'll take you back. Again she wants to make you into a circumstance that she loved. Only Gursikhs notice the atma in a person. Everyone esle doesn't love the atma, they love what the person has become to favor their way of thinking. Love is such a strong word that circumstantial people don't understand it. Don't give in and keep providing for your kids. As it's hard to do, but always stay in Chardikala.

Start listening to Sri Sukhmani Sahib da paat. This paat will remove the sad state your in.

Thank you for a measured response. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji says that money/material wealth is not important, so with Guru's grace I stand by that. If he wants me to be with someone I will, otherwise I have my kids to provide for. A lot of todays Sikh youth are that way for sure...they are looking to have the material wealth thats is associated with this false world we are in. I trust in Waheguru to do what is best.


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