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KCF -khalistan commando force


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was reading wiki about kcf....

The Khalistan Commando Force or KCF is an armed Sikh organization operating in the Indian state of Punjab. According to the US State Department,[2] and the Assistant Inspector General of the Punjab Police Intelligence Division,[3] the KCF was responsible for the deaths in India, including the 1995 assassination of Chief Minister Beant Singh.[2]


The KCF is not designated as a terrorist organization by United States Department of State.[2][4][5]

Some see killed members of the Khalistan movement as terrorists,[6] while few others identify them as freedom fighters.[7][8]

[edit]Formation and leadership

The Khalistan Commando Force was founded by Manbir Singh Chaheru in 1986.[9][10][11]

On 8 August 1986, Punjab Police arrested Manbir Singh Chaheru ("Hari Singh"), and he was eventually killed[12][13] or disappeared[14] while in police custody. After Chaheru was arrested, former police officer Sukhdev Singh, also known as Sukha Sipahi, took command of the KCF.

Sukhdev Singh changed his name to Labh Singh and assumed the title of "General".

After his death the KCF was headed by Kanwarjit Singh Sultanwind[15][16] On 18 October 1989, Kanwarjit Singh Sultanwind,[17] and another KCF member were arrested by police nearJalandhar. Kanwarjit Singh Sultanwind, then 23 years old, was killed brutally in jail.[17]


Police killed Labh Singh on 12 July 1988.[18] His loss damaged the organisation. After his death, the Khalistan Commando Force split into factions including those led by Wassan Singh Zaffarwal, Paramjit Singh Panjwar and Gurjant Singh Rajasthani.[19]

Another result of Labh Singh's death was the failure of the Khalistan Commando Force - Babbar Khalsa alliance, as the relationship established by Labh Singh and Sukhdev Singh Babbarwas lost.[20]

Police and other Indian security forces caught or killed Lieutenant Generals and Area Commanders, and eventually crushed many of the factions.[21]

[edit]Activities [edit]1980s

The organisation battled Indian military forces, especially in revenge for Operation Blue Star, the government's 1984 military operation in the Harimandir Sahib (Golden Temple) inAmritsar.[citation needed]

It assassinated General Arun Vaidya, who led the Indian forces in Operation Blue Star.[22]

It also attacked sellers of alcohol, cigarettes, and other items prohibited by conservative Sikhism.[23]

It was also suspected of involvement in the 1987 Punjab killings.


After the major defeats of the KCF in the late 1980s, the group continued its struggle into the 1990s, sometimes working together with other terrorist group.[citation needed]

A June 1991 attack on a passenger train in northwestern Punjab killed about fifty, mostly Hindu, passengers.[24] A September 1993 bombing in New Delhi targeting Indian Youth Congresspresident Maninderjeet Singh Bitta that killed eight people.[25]

On 9 October 1992, Harjinder Singh Jinda and Sukhdev Singh Sukha, alleged assassins of General Arun Vaidya, were hanged until death in Pune jail.[26][27]

Gurdev Singh Debu was reportedly boiled alive by Indian security forces.[28]

Police also killed thousands of suspects in staged shootouts and burned thousands of dead bodies to cover up the murders.[29][30]

The KCF was listed in 1995 one of the 4 "major militant groups" in the Khalistan movement.[31]


In June 2006 a member of the Panjwar faction of the KCF, Kulbir Singh Barapind was extradited from USA to India. He was deported to India for belonging to a terrorist organisation and for entering the United States with a false passport. He was wanted in India for thirty-two cases, but was arrested for three murders in the early 1990s.[32] After his arrest, he stated that he would renew the Khalistan movement through peaceful means.[33]

The investigation began in 2003, when Khalid Awan http://www.facebook.com/pages/Khalid-Quyyum-Awan/63615441262 , jailed at the time for credit card fraud, bragged of his relationship with Paramjeet Singh Panjwar, leader of the KCF.[2]

In 2008, Punjab Police announced they had foiled a KCF effort to kill Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, head of Dera Sacha Sauda.


Paramjeet Singh Panjwar, remained the head of the remaining faction of the KCF as of 2008, and was listed at that time as one of the top 10 most wanted criminals in India.[34]

The University of Maryland beta version of the "Global Terrorism Database" has recorded 2 attacks on military targets, 9 attacks on police or other government targets, and 9 attacks against civilian, religious, transportation or educational entities, in both India and Pakistan, as of June 2009.[35]

The KCF remains banned in India.[citation needed]

A 2011 NPR report claimed a person associated with this group were imprisoned in a highly restrictive Communication Management Unit in the US.[36]

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You really can't justify it like that

So its ok when the us is attacked and the retaliate, killing innocent women and children from the skies, saying they are after extremists ans hey if a few civilians get killed in the process thats war!, but when sikhs are being killed in the punjab by butchers and sikhs retaliate and kill those responsible we are terrorists!!, one rule for the usa and another rule for us. is this ok then!!

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So its ok when the us is attacked and the retaliate, killing innocent women and children from the skies, saying they are after extremists ans hey if a few civilians get killed in the process thats war!, but when sikhs are being killed in the punjab by butchers and sikhs retaliate and kill those responsible we are terrorists!!, one rule for the usa and another rule for us. is this ok then!!

The world, my child, is blind. U have to guide the blind not instruct them.

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veerji ....wat i tried to say is.......

USA di sari duniya te akh hai.........they know wats happening in every country......they have one of the best intelligence

and if they not designate a sikh groups as terrorist.......... and they what this group has done......

it clarifies something

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