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What Is Rss And How Much We Know It In Reality


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For all who might had heard RSS in lots of conversations but don't have a clue of what it is except from some details from wikipedia etc.

The below detailed ground reality is what I have seen -

RSS workers are volunteers (not paid members), their Shakha members/volunteers are educated people working as Professor/HOD of major prominent Universities such as HOD of History and Political Science in Punjab University, Chandigarh; HOD of Computer Science in Thapar University, Patiala; Executive Engineer in Punjab Electricity Board; senior IAS/IPS officers in central/state governments.

All these educated people are volunteers of Rashtriya Swavemsewak Sangh (RSS) which has its shakha classes wearing its traditional dress in morning approx. 06:00 AM. This is the place where they meet together to discuss various issues including political, economic, religious, military etc. along with various other meetings they hold during evenings etc. I would like to confess that the intellectual man-power under one umbrella is one of RSS core strengths which unfortunately is missing in SIKHS. SIKHS on the contrary are divided to such an extent that as small as one family or some group of families owning their own Jathebandi. We have numerous Siromani Akali Dal's and Taksal's and we are not united even for SARBAT KHALSA. Also, Sikhs on the contrary don't volunteer to brainstorm any of these issues under a common umbrella.


The principle and guidance of Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaj instructing KHALSA to remain "Tyaar Bar Tyaar" and become Shashtar Dhari might had been lost by Sikhs but RSS has adopted this teachning from Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaaj very well. Some of the senior RSS spokesperson I met during 1995 in Patiala Punjab had complete knowledge of Dasam Granth Sahib and had also read Chandi Charitar, Bachitar Natak. Recent militant marches by RSS demonstrating guns etc. is evident of above.

RSS is a very well organised group of more than 1 Crore volunteers working under one umbrella working towards a single unified goal for the past 60 years - a single unified HINDU country with boundaries extending and including Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Burma, Pakistan, Afghanistan and even Iran. They call all of this land of mass as one HINDU nation. For the first time in history of India since independence, RSS has been able to create furors by banning BEEF in lots of states in India and sending a terror message by hook or crock to convert India to a Hindu nation. On the contrary, SIKHS are still struggling to get a small land mass as KHALISTAN and add more to this, the number of people in Punjab (India) currently working towards even this small KHALISTAN is near to none (How much proportion we will give to SAD (Mann) group?).

RSS has a dedicated group known as Rashtriya Sikh Sangat (the new Chief Secretary Harcharan Singh of SGPC) is a member of Rashtriya Sikh Sangat. RSS is expert to intrude spy's into Muslim/Sikh world via such techniques.

RSS has dedicated intelligence, writers and working groups (all organised working as departments like in a professional MNC) working on specified daily/monthly/yearly goals as to how to achieve the one HINDU NATION GOAL. Currently RSS goal is to convert current India boundaries single HINDU NATION by 2021, this can be achieved by either a complete massacre of existing minorities of India such as Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and Dalits OR converting these to Hinduism. SIKHS are anyway termed by RSS as KESHDHARI HINDUS and the reason Guru Gobind Singh Jee created KHALSA (according to RSS) is for protection of HINDUS. I am not sure how many of us are aware that the conversion of religion bill has been recently implemented. On the contrary, SIKHS goal of KHALISTAN as we listen or discuss is purely rhetoric and we don't have any clue as to how we achieve it. SFJ is doing good in this space but how many supporters it has?

Conclusion and honest opinion - Currently SIKHS are politically too weak and divided as compared to a well organised group of intellectuals (IAS/IPS/Professors/Doctors/Engineers/Business-man etc.) working towards a single unified goal of a single Hindu country by 2021 under one umbrella organisation (RSS). We all might have came across the name RSS in lots of debates, FB posts but if we are unaware of what it is, this post might be helpful. I will be glad where I can be corrected or more information can be added. It is good to be aware of a group we talk about a lot and know ground realities about it.

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I think veer Ji , they have underestimated our Love for Guru ji and vice versa ,otherwise years old divisions are melting in the light of the Sun of Gurbani...right now . They haven't been smart enough to hide their assets within key positions , their actions betray their words. We do have intellectuals but many are in the wider world not grouped in Punjab alone which is a better strategy for coordination rather than annihilation.

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RSS is far more organised than what we think it is and I think we need to understand it to be able to counter it.

RSS has studied not only all branches of Hinduism but also other religions. Especially what they call Indic religions (Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism). They have also studied foreign ideologies such as fascism, Nazism. They have first studied others, then rewritten history, interpreted religion and society from their Hindutva POV.

Whereas we Sikhs often keep arguing with each other or reject other histories, ideologies and insist on our old time methods.

I think there is nothing wrong in studying others and using their successful formula to help own purpose.

RSS has many many wings and sister organisations. Kisan manch, bhaasha manch types for farmers, Indian languages, Sikh sangat for Sikhs, Muslim Rashtriya Manch for Muslims (who they have convinced of their Hindu ancestry), women's organisation like Durga Vahini etc. The think tank groups are different. The on-ground and violent type groups such as Bajrang Dal are different. They all have divided their duties.

One of the main features of RSS is that they have been at their work for a long time. They have a history of over 90 years or so. I think we need to learn from their patience. They are sometimes reckless, sometimes slow, sometimes in your face and sometimes totally off the radar.

The massive chadhawa at temples and religious events goes into their funding. They have links to many deras and ashrams as well. Both in India and abroad.

They have support of Indian govt and intelligence agencies. This is an open secret. They have worked with Congress too. This is why Congress practises soft Hindutva while BJP is more brazen and direct in Hindutva.

They have academics, historians, scientists, film, TV, theatre artists and filmmakers, sociologists, writers, journalists, editors, TV/radio channel owners, retired police, army, air force, navy, intelligence officers, retired IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS officers, doctors, engineers, lawyers, retired judges, top notch businessmen, bankers, economists, spiritual leaders etc, all sorts of people in their organisation.

I doubt if any other community organisations or think tanks can match that diverse intellectual pool. One really needs to step up their game if they have to counter RSS.

RSS has even engaged kids, housewives. They have trained young girls as fiery preachers who give aggressive speeches on Hindutva and spew venom against other communities. Sadhvi Balika Saraswati or something is one such girl whose speeches went viral sometime back.

They have lot of print material in form of books, magazines or their monthly publications like Organiser, Panchjanya etc.

They are all over the internet too with a whole gang of Facebook and Twitter trolls who they call HDL - Hindu Defense League who trend pro RSS, pro BJP hashtags all the time and troll everyone be it celebs, journos or commoners. They have their Youtubers, Instagrammers, online commenters on media websites also.

They have done a lot, from rewriting world history to writing even books on science and agriculture based on Hindutva and create a so called Hindu worldview or prove Hindu civilisation was mother of world civilisation.

One thing is that they do everything with conviction even if it sounds ridiculous.

They try to find common links with Hinduism in practices, monuments and cultures of other countries too even if they do not fall in their Hindu rashtra map.

Their swamis and sadhvis travel to even remote areas of places like Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar islands to preach Hinduism among natives. They, like Christian missionaries, try to cover everyone from tribals to prisoners in jails.

They do give military training to boys and girls and even teach how to make bombs. Sanatan Sanstha was exposed for this. So was role of RSS in recent Jhabua blasts.

They have many websites like archives of rss, hindu jagruti, hindu human rights, hindu rashtra etc where they have not only current news but also step by step plans for Hindu rashtra.

Their IT team also edits Wikipedia and either creates pages of their version of history or puts their version on existing pages.

Zee News, India News, DNA newspaper, Sudarshan news etc are all owned by RSS men for example. And report all news, do analysis of national and international politics according to own POV.

They have people of their ideology including students and academics in top institutions like IITs, IIMs, DU, DRDO, ISRO and also foreign universities including Ivy league types.

They have subtle ways of reaching people. Pretend to do social work, help them, hold seminars for them, or lure them saying the classes are for fitness, meditation, skill development etc but it turns out something else.

They are sly. Sometimes they even pretend to support who they oppose. For eg, they supported Sarbat Khalsa being held. Or in 2005 they sort of came close to supporting Sikhs on demand of amendment in Art 25 wherein we are dubbed under Hindus. Or earlier they supported release of Sikh prisoners. Fundamentally they remain what they are but keep changing colours, play games slowly according to changing political climate.

Like this time an RSS guy condemned Nathuram Godse in public but in reality they honour him.

Volunteers are there but RSS is also known to give money to attract followers. It is luring Sikh youth in villages through monetary enticement only.

RSS has branches and agents in other countries too. The riots in Nepal and Madhesi conflict is stoked by them. Again an open secret.

Sangh Parivaar is sly, secretive and discreet in its work. Often even backtracks or contradicts itself to ward off allegations against them. I think we sort of lack such foxy tricks.

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