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Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

a couple of weeks back I think it was Jarnail Singh on Tapoban forum that used sick language to describe Ragmaala, IF Ragmaala is Gurbani AND regardless some ppl believe it is, then how ADMIN can let thse posts through is beyond my understanding.

Hope they are reading this.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

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I have gone on the site, and I am wondering what is this jatha bashing every one is talking about? Ok, I see that they have a few raagmalaa posts on it, but if the people that believe in raagmala have the right to do parchaar of that, then why dont anti raagmaalaa people have a right to do thier parchaar as well? Just wondering? I don't see where the Tapoban people themselves have bashed any specifc jatha? Maybe I am missing something?

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Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

yes anti-Ragmaala ppl can post against Ragmala but I found the language used to be offensive.

Try posting criticising Tapoban, doesn't get through, bash someone else and it'll be through (bias BIG time).

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh ji

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I dont think that is true. I just went on the site right now, and I read a post saying that all people who do not believe in raagmaalaa are not Sikhs, I think is bashing Tapoban sangat, but it was let through. Even before, i have read many posts where the moderators have been called fanatics, extremists, biased etc let on the post, so i do not agree with you that they will not let posts through.

As for the bashing of other jathas, have you seen the Tapoban admins themselves bashing anyone? i cannot recall any time I have seen this, so can you please show when they have done so if I missed those posts?

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I have not seen Jathas being bashed on the tapoban site, nor have I ever seen the admin of that site bashing other Jathas. If you have, then please let us all see. But I suspect that this accusation is just as false as the one made by Japman about Kulbir Singh having double ID's. When ignorance gets started it knows no bounds.

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why don't you check out the disgusting and vile things they have allowed to be posted about dodra sangat....

and you'll notice some of the posts are made by the likes of Jarnail singh and kulbir singh (admin)....and much of waht they've said is totally untrue....

so there is proof about their jatha bashing

also...jarnail singh makes fun of sants in EVERY single post...he complains about the nanaksar gursikhs a lot too...

they've made fun of taksalis....they are the ones who started telling everyone that taksal wasn't created by guru ji....

so...lets count that...dodra, nanaksar, taksal...that's 3 panthic jathas (yes....panthic...doesn't matter your personal opinion...according to akal takt...all these jathas are to be respected)...

oh i forgot to mention...how at last july's rehnsabaiee...when the tapoban gursikhs went to the renhsabaiee in july and started causing trouble...yes...that's right....they don't even get along with the regular AKJ...they think they're better than everyone...

as a philosophy and way of life...i have a lot of respect for these tapoban singhs as they do adhere to their assools with a high level of commitment...

i just don't appreciate them saying stuff about gursikhs whom they don't even know that don't follow the same path as them...especially when half the rehit that tapoban talks about isn't even followed at akal takt....i'm not saying tapoban rehit isn't proper... i have a lot of respect for their rehit and stuff...but they should be more loving and respectful of others...

note; this isn't a jatha vs jatha thread....

noone is putting tapoban gurdwara down or the sangat....we are pointing out the bias on the public forum...

so if anyone has replies or wants to argue anything...lets stick to the topic that is tapoban website....and not start attacking various jathas....

just cuz one site (tapoban) does, we shouldn't go down to that level...

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I know I should not be posting on this site since I am NO longer a YOUTH, according to some of the "younger" members of this forum, but I could not resist this thread of Tapoban forum bashing.

Bhai Kulbir Singh Ji has clearly explained the situation in a post on Tapoban.org , see : Kulbir Singh - Double IDs. Hopefully it subdues some of the paranoia about

the Tapoban site, or maybe not.

Last month was Waheguroo Network !

This month is Tapoban.org,

What's it going to be next month ?

Where are all the promises of balance and neutrality some of you were harping about ?

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As far as I have seen, they have only exposed anti gurmat stuff that happens in the panth, no matter what jathebandi it is happening in, and I do not see anything wrong with that, I mean, wouldnt you want your own family setting you on the right path instead of an outsider? As for the July smagaam, I suggest you find out all the facts as to what actually happened, and who caused what before you start making accusations, as it is very easy to point fingers if you only have one side of the story. As for Jarnail Singh Arshi, he bashes fake sants, the ones that take advantage of sangat and try profiting from it. From the posts I have read, I understand that the site shows a lot of respect for sant Bhindrawaley and the like, the ones that actually followed gurmat. This is what I have gotten from that site.

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Guest Akaal108

Here is history of tapoban. These people are bunch of about 10-15 family max got together and start doing their parchar. Their main source of their parchar is through internet aka tapoban.org.

They have hijacked akj name. They don't consider akj.org as real akj.. they laugh at them.. they cuss them..they fight with them (yes yes i m talking about last year samagam tapoban sevadar came out of nowhere and start cussing one of Akj gurmukh banda at the samagam and grab dhara of that gurmukh. It was awful...

Few years ago akj with help of sanj savera published an article boycotting them and their kurtuta...

if they want to fight at least don't do in gurdwara where amrit dharis suppose to reflection of satguroo gobind singh ji to sehajdhari sikhs.....if they have soo much hatred towards other jathedbandis ..including their own..they should create "Sikh Fight Club" in their own basement... and fight all they want...

after all that's what sikhi has became anyway...full of talibans/wahabis and kataparnthis :<Edited>:

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they've made fun of taksalis....they are the ones who started telling everyone that taksal wasn't created by guru ji....

Tapoban was not the one which started telling people that Taksal was not created by Guru Jee, I was the one who started telling people that, and I did that on Sikhsangat during it's early days. Just use to search engine to search for that topic and you will find it.

You talk about Jatha bashing on other forums, but all I have seen ever since this forum was split recently that all these Dodria people(you included) have taken over this forum and it's you guys who are the ones doing all the Jatha bashing. First it was against AKJ in the Naam Drirh thread, and now it's tapoban and Bhai Kulbir Singh on this thread, and not to mention the bashing of Waheguroo network done last month. Now that's a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

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